Most Say Tea Party Has Better Understanding of Issues than Congress

Then you must have condemned calling Bush A Chimp?
In official Washington, some consider the Tea Party movement a fringe element in society, but voters across the nation feel closer to the Tea Party movement than they do to Congress.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 52% of U.S. voters believe the average member of the Tea Party movement has a better understanding of the issues facing America today than the average member of Congress. Only 30% believe that those in Congress have a better understanding of the key issues facing the nation.

When it comes to those issues, 47% think that their own political views are closer to those of the average Tea Party member than to the views of the average member of Congress. On this point, 26% feel closer to Congress.

Finally, 46% of voters say that the average Tea Party member is more ethical than the average member of Congress. Twenty-seven percent (27%) say that the average member of Congress is more ethical.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

As you would expect, there is a wide divide between the Political Class and Mainstream Americans on these questions. Seventy-five percent (75%) of those in the Political Class say that members of Congress are better informed on the issues. Among Mainstream Americans, 68% have the opposite view, and only 16% believe Congress is better informed.

By a 62% to 12% margin, Mainstream Americans say the Tea Party is closer to their views. By a 90% to one percent (1%) margin, the Political Class feels closer to Congress.

Democrats, perhaps not surprisingly since their party currently controls both the House and Senate, are more evenly divided. Forty-five percent (45%) of those in Nancy Pelosi’s party say that their views are closer to the average member of Congress. However, 28% of Democrats say their views are closer to the average member of the Tea Party.

Men are more likely to align with the Tea Party than women, but a plurality of women prefer the Tea Party over Congress on every question in the survey.

Most Say Tea Party Has Better Understanding of Issues than Congress - Rasmussen Reports
Liberal friends, I really don't think it serves any of us to find the lowest or worst example of one side or the other. Yes , they exist. Using them to paint an entire group is wrong. Suggesting that it somehow justifies your sides reply is wrong. Perhaps you can just up your game and disscuss how the Contitution no longer serves the liberals, how falling back on seldom used rules on major sweeping policy is good for the country or that the minority gave up all their rignts when 0bama won office.
Then you must have condemned calling Bush A Chimp?

no she cheered it, and she cheered throwing shoes at him too, that's what I love about the left,, they can pretzel themselves into the damndest contortions to maintain their double standards, and they absolutely excell at the long drawn out whine.. R E S P E C T..
Don't you love how this New Era of Post-Partisanship is working out?
Actually it was of the congressman being escorted into the capital and clearly see the guy yellng at him and then spit on him. They have not posted it on State of the Union yet, but will get it. Until then here is some others.

YouTube - Tea Party Protesters Yell ****** To Black Congressmen!

YouTube - "Save White America" Guy at San Antonio Tea Party

YouTube - TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism

I like how they call Barney a faggot about 37 seconds into it.

YouTube - Tell the Republican Party to Stop Supporting Tea Party Racism!

YouTube - Tea Party Organizer: "Why Should I" Ask Racists To Leave My Protest
Did you actually watch them?


The same third party accusations, no proof, no film, just people calling us racists because they don't like taht we protest their out of control spending.
You obviously didn't watch them either.
Saying Obama is a muslim is being racist, so is calling Obama monkey, calling Frank a faggot is a being a bigot. And waving sign saying we need to save white america is also being a racist. But keep trying to deny it.

Islam is not a race.
The Dems called Bush a chimp and worse all the time.
Barney Frank is a faggot.
The White America thing is over the top. So you get one.
Did you actually watch them?


The same third party accusations, no proof, no film, just people calling us racists because they don't like taht we protest their out of control spending.
You obviously didn't watch them either.
Saying Obama is a muslim is being racist, so is calling Obama monkey, calling Frank a faggot is a being a bigot. And waving sign saying we need to save white america is also being a racist. But keep trying to deny it.

Islam is not a race.
The Dems called Bush a chimp and worse all the time.
Barney Frank is a faggot.
The White America thing is over the top. So you get one.

I was reading about 'faggots' last night while roaming through some old medical text. It's a bunch of sticks.
Pragmatism trumps ideology for real people with real jobs. That's something Congress will never get.
I'd have a lot more respect for the Tea Parties if they stopped paying Sarah Palin so much to speak.
I'd have a lot more respect for the Tea Parties if they stopped paying Sarah Palin so much to speak.

No one really gives a rats ass whether your type respects her or not. I have never heard anyone bitch so much in my life when a man makes this kind of money speaking. Piss on you and every person like you that hates women like Sarah Palin that are willing to stand up and speak regardless of the hatred slung at them.
I'd have a lot more respect for the Tea Parties if they stopped paying Sarah Palin so much to speak.

No one really gives a rats ass whether your type respects her or not. I have never heard anyone bitch so much in my life when a man makes this kind of money speaking. Piss on you and every person like you that hates women like Sarah Palin that are willing to stand up and speak regardless of the hatred slung at them.

I am amazed at how far out on a limb Palin's fans will go to defend her.

Playing the "sexism" card. Good job - I'm sure you're one of the people who yell "race card" when anyone mentions racism, right?

I didn't even say anything bad about Palin. I said that I'd respect the supposedly "small government" "grassroots" "ordinary people" tea party when they stop paying 500 grand to hear Big Government Machine Insider Sarah Palin.
Actually it was of the congressman being escorted into the capital and clearly see the guy yellng at him and then spit on him. They have not posted it on State of the Union yet, but will get it. Until then here is some others.

YouTube - Tea Party Protesters Yell ****** To Black Congressmen!

YouTube - "Save White America" Guy at San Antonio Tea Party

YouTube - TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism

I like how they call Barney a faggot about 37 seconds into it.

YouTube - Tell the Republican Party to Stop Supporting Tea Party Racism!

YouTube - Tea Party Organizer: "Why Should I" Ask Racists To Leave My Protest
Did you actually watch them?


The same third party accusations, no proof, no film, just people calling us racists because they don't like taht we protest their out of control spending.
You obviously didn't watch them either.
Saying Obama is a muslim is being racist, so is calling Obama monkey, calling Frank a faggot is a being a bigot. And waving sign saying we need to save white america is also being a racist. But keep trying to deny it.
You obviously don't know how to read, because I stated I did watch all of them.

And what they are filled with is the same old fakers and assholes many the same old accusations that have already been proven to be not true, but of course they all feature one person with a sign to prove that thousands of people agree with the sign.

You posting this and insisting it proves your point makes you a useful idiot Luissa, you should know better.

This nonsense of calling everyone that protests that useless idiot in the white house and his clown posse in congress will not help you, we, the people are sick of it, and it no longer holds water.

Get a new gig, 'racism' ain't workin for you no more toots.
I'd have a lot more respect for the Tea Parties if they stopped paying Sarah Palin so much to speak.

No one really gives a rats ass whether your type respects her or not. I have never heard anyone bitch so much in my life when a man makes this kind of money speaking. Piss on you and every person like you that hates women like Sarah Palin that are willing to stand up and speak regardless of the hatred slung at them.

I am amazed at how far out on a limb Palin's fans will go to defend her.

Playing the "sexism" card. Good job - I'm sure you're one of the people who yell "race card" when anyone mentions racism, right?

I didn't even say anything bad about Palin. I said that I'd respect the supposedly "small government" "grassroots" "ordinary people" tea party when they stop paying 500 grand to hear Big Government Machine Insider Sarah Palin.

Except that Palin got out of the 'machine'.

I am no fan of Palin but I see no reason why she should not earn whatever fee is deemed appropriate.
Not that a certain pastor saying we deserved 9/11 because of Hiroshima is on the fringe or anything.
The only thing you ever do is guess, you moronic child.

You really have no business here, go back to romper room, its more your speed.

Going after my age? :lol:

The last refuge of a man who has no real arguments, no real points, just pointless bullshit.

I'm not going in a circle with you Xeno because we've done this dance too many times for it to be even entertaining anymore.

However, don't say there were no warning signs when the fringe part of the tea party movement takes over the entire movement and you're apart of a movement that is considered fringe.
The only 'fringe' is you and the other shiteaters boy.

You are going the way of the DoDo.

Live it.

Learn it.

Accept it.

Because its happening right in front of those child eyes of yours.


a meltdown, hahahaha. thin-skinned delusional whiner.
No one really gives a rats ass whether your type respects her or not. I have never heard anyone bitch so much in my life when a man makes this kind of money speaking. Piss on you and every person like you that hates women like Sarah Palin that are willing to stand up and speak regardless of the hatred slung at them.

I am amazed at how far out on a limb Palin's fans will go to defend her.

Playing the "sexism" card. Good job - I'm sure you're one of the people who yell "race card" when anyone mentions racism, right?

I didn't even say anything bad about Palin. I said that I'd respect the supposedly "small government" "grassroots" "ordinary people" tea party when they stop paying 500 grand to hear Big Government Machine Insider Sarah Palin.

Except that Palin got out of the 'machine'.

I am no fan of Palin but I see no reason why she should not earn whatever fee is deemed appropriate.

Oh, no - I think you misunderstood me. I don't fault Sarah Palin for making money. Good for her.

I fault the tea party organizers for paying her that much.
Actually it was of the congressman being escorted into the capital and clearly see the guy yellng at him and then spit on him. They have not posted it on State of the Union yet, but will get it. Until then here is some others.

YouTube - Tea Party Protesters Yell ****** To Black Congressmen!

YouTube - "Save White America" Guy at San Antonio Tea Party

YouTube - TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism

I like how they call Barney a faggot about 37 seconds into it.

YouTube - Tell the Republican Party to Stop Supporting Tea Party Racism!

YouTube - Tea Party Organizer: "Why Should I" Ask Racists To Leave My Protest
Did you actually watch them?


The same third party accusations, no proof, no film, just people calling us racists because they don't like taht we protest their out of control spending.
You obviously didn't watch them either.
Saying Obama is a muslim is being racist, so is calling Obama monkey, calling Frank a faggot is a being a bigot. And waving sign saying we need to save white america is also being a racist. But keep trying to deny it.

Wow, that's quite a dense statement,
Saying anyone is a muslim is not racist, because muslim is not a race it is an ethnicity.
Waving a sign saying that we need to save white America is no different then saying we need to save black America. However, calling anybody a faggot or a monkey is pretty rude, but is it bigotry? I've heard gay people use, what I would consider derogatory terms, for themselves. The sign with the "monkey see monkey spend" is a spin off of "monkey see monkey do", which then would depend on the people in question's intention of the phrase, but then you're getting into the area of a thought crime.
I support the tea party movement myself, but I fear that the Republican Party is going to try to absorb it. I don't know for sure, but I'd be leery about buying into established Republican mainstream candidates. Just my thoughts.

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