Most Say Tea Party Has Better Understanding of Issues than Congress

The only 'fringe' is you and the other shiteaters boy.

You are going the way of the DoDo.

Live it.

Learn it.

Accept it.

Because its happening right in front of those child eyes of yours.

So you think that the people who say Obama was born in Kenya aren't fringe? Or any of the other racist whackjobs part of the TPM are fringe?


I'll tell you when I'll take all this crap about 'racism' etc seriously, boy. On the day that the left can prove that it behaves with nothing but good grace and manners. Then, and only then, can anyone whine about the behavior of a group of people like the TPs.

Honestly, it is laughable that anyone criticizes and whines about the TPs like it's unheard of for a substantial group of people to have any bad behavior.

Didn't Sarah Palin have a few problems with 'lefties' on her book tour. Or is that different?
I'll tell you when I'll take all this crap about 'racism' etc seriously, boy. On the day that the left can prove that it behaves with nothing but good grace and manners. Then, and only then, can anyone whine about the behavior of a group of people like the TPs.

Honestly, it is laughable that anyone criticizes and whines about the TPs like it's unheard of for a substantial group of people to have any bad behavior.

Didn't Sarah Palin have a few problems with 'lefties' on her book tour. Or is that different?

All I see is massive deflection in this post CG, sorry to tell you the truth on that one.

I have no qualms about admitting that the left side of the political spectrum has fringe. Usually they are racists and or truthers. Usually they are both.

However, for people to act like their group's shit don't stink so to speak is both ignorant and laughable. So now can you post a response to this and answer my question without reflection?

I just did.
How many reasons can there be? He was either born in the US or not.

Sheesh you are so limited.
How many reasons can there be? He was either born in the US or not.

Sheesh you are so limited.

There are several reasons why someone may believe that Obama wasn't born in the U.S. However, they would all be wrong.
Tsk tsk,you said there were many reasons why it's wrong to think he's born abroad.

There would only be one reason, and that would be that he was born in the us.

Oh we can go back and debate just how hateful the left was and throwing racist things around. While I remember this little gem which I never once heard any lefty denouncing but rather making excuses for it.

Wonder who came up with those classy things?

Oh yeah, the party who says WE'RE the racists.
You really are fucking stupid, its not just an act.

Ok shit for brains, find ONE post where I say Obama was born in Kenya, and I'll leave righty now and never return.

If you can't do it, you will leave and never return.

Ready to put your account where your mouth is shit for brains?

You already lied about what i say and where I stand a number of times in this thread, now's your big chance asshole.

Time for the long pants little boy, go for it.

Or prove to everyone what a little girl you truely are.

:lol: What the fuck are you talking about? I never called you a birther you idiot. I said why are you not accepting the fact that the tea party has a fringe part of the movement.
Pussy, i knew you didn't have the balls to attempt to back up your lying.

Once again you show us that you are a child, who has to lie to get attention.

Nice going boy, you proved you ain't shit, yet again. :lol:
Find it, Luissa.

Because my first hunch tells me you were probably watching the video of the tea partier getting attacked.

Actually it was of the congressman being escorted into the capital and clearly see the guy yellng at him and then spit on him. They have not posted it on State of the Union yet, but will get it. Until then here is some others.

[ame=]YouTube - Tea Party Protesters Yell ****** To Black Congressmen![/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - "Save White America" Guy at San Antonio Tea Party[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism[/ame]

I like how they call Barney a faggot about 37 seconds into it.

[ame=]YouTube - Tell the Republican Party to Stop Supporting Tea Party Racism![/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Tea Party Organizer: "Why Should I" Ask Racists To Leave My Protest[/ame]
Did you actually watch them?


The same third party accusations, no proof, no film, just people calling us racists because they don't like taht we protest their out of control spending.
Yeah, congress does live in their own little bubble.



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If you asked people whether a tree had more knowledge and higher ethics than your typical Congressman, my guess is that the majority would say "yes."
but but how can that beeeeeeeeeeee? we be told we is stupid, extremist, scary terrorist types.
Let's roll Tea Party patriots.:clap2:

Sunday, March 28, 2010 Email to a Friend ShareThisAdvertisement

In official Washington, some consider the Tea Party movement a fringe element in society, but voters across the nation feel closer to the Tea Party movement than they do to Congress.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 52% of U.S. voters believe the average member of the Tea Party movement has a better understanding of the issues facing America today than the average member of Congress. Only 30% believe that those in Congress have a better understanding of the key issues facing the nation.

And this is why the Left is so desperate to smear the Tea Party movement.

thanks for the laugh.

It is a good laugh!!!

Curious about the factual knowledge that these people have regarding the issues they are protesting, my friend David Frum enlisted some interns to interview as many tea partiers as possible on a couple of basic questions. They got 57 responses--a pretty good sized sample from a crowd that numbered between 300 and 500 people. (Survey results are here.)

The first question that was asked concerned the size of government. Tea partiers were asked how much the federal government gets in taxes as a percentage of the gross domestic product. According to Congressional Budget Office data, acceptable answers would be 6.4%, which is the percentage for federal income taxes; 12.7%, which would be for both income taxes and Social Security payroll taxes; or 14.8%, which would represent all federal taxes as a share of GDP in 2009.

Not everyone follows these numbers closely and tea partiers may have been thinking of figures from a few years ago, before the recession when taxes were higher. According to the CBO, the highest figure for all federal taxes since 1970 came in the year 2000, when they reached 20.6% of GDP. As we know, after that George W. Bush and Republicans in Congress cut federal taxes and they fell to 18.5% of GDP in 2007, before the recession hit, and 17.5% in 2008.

Tuesday's tea party crowd, however, thought that federal taxes were almost three times higher than they actually are. The average response was 42% of GDP and the median was 40%. The highest figure recorded in all of American history was half those figures: 20.9% at the peak of World War II in 1944.

To follow up, tea partiers were asked how much they think a typical family making $50,000 per year pays in federal income taxes. The average response was $12,710 and the median was $10,000. In percentage terms, this means a tax burden of between 20% and 25% of income.

Of course, it's hard to know what any particular individual or family pays in taxes, but according to the IRS tax tables, a single person with $50,000 in taxable income last year would owe $8,694 in federal income taxes, and a married couple filing jointly would owe $6,669.

But these numbers are high because to have a taxable income of $50,000, one's gross income would be higher by at least the personal exemption, which is $3,650, and the standard deduction, which is $5,700 for single people and $11,400 for married couples. Owning a home or having children would reduce one's tax burden further.
Ignorance Is Bliss for the Tea Party Crowd | Capital Gains and Games

According to the JCT, last year's $787 billion stimulus bill, enacted with no Republican support, reduced federal taxes by almost $100 billion in 2009 and another $222 billion this year. The Tax Policy Center, a private research group, estimates that close to 90% of all taxpayers got a tax cut last year and almost 100% of those in the $50,000 income range. For those making between $40,000 and $50,000, the average tax cut was $472; for those making between $50,000 and $75,000, the tax cut averaged $522. No taxpayer anywhere in the country had his or her taxes increased as a consequence of Obama's policies.

It's hard to explain this divergence between perception and reality. Perhaps these people haven't calculated their tax returns for 2009 yet and simply don't know what they owe. Or perhaps they just assume that because a Democrat is president that taxes must have gone up, because that's what Republicans say that Democrats always do. In fact, there hasn't been a federal tax increase of any significance in this country since 1993.

Your survey leaves out the facts that federal mandates cause states to tax sales, personal property, real estate, earnings, utilities, gas, inventories, business, oil, mineral, & water leases. You name it & it has a tax imposed by the feds, weather it is collected by them or not. There is also a global tax using the world reserve currency US dollar imposed on the planet by the feds printing press, debt, & non repayment of loans. The real federal tax is likely 3 times higher. The TEA Party is right & you spin artist are wrong.

Take the health care law. Over half of the federal mandated revenue will be collected by printing press, debt, & non repayment of loans, state & local taxes.

thanks for the laugh.

It is a good laugh!!!

Curious about the factual knowledge that these people have regarding the issues they are protesting, my friend David Frum enlisted some interns to interview as many tea partiers as possible on a couple of basic questions. They got 57 responses--a pretty good sized sample from a crowd that numbered between 300 and 500 people. (Survey results are here.)

The first question that was asked concerned the size of government. Tea partiers were asked how much the federal government gets in taxes as a percentage of the gross domestic product. According to Congressional Budget Office data, acceptable answers would be 6.4%, which is the percentage for federal income taxes; 12.7%, which would be for both income taxes and Social Security payroll taxes; or 14.8%, which would represent all federal taxes as a share of GDP in 2009.

Not everyone follows these numbers closely and tea partiers may have been thinking of figures from a few years ago, before the recession when taxes were higher. According to the CBO, the highest figure for all federal taxes since 1970 came in the year 2000, when they reached 20.6% of GDP. As we know, after that George W. Bush and Republicans in Congress cut federal taxes and they fell to 18.5% of GDP in 2007, before the recession hit, and 17.5% in 2008.

Tuesday's tea party crowd, however, thought that federal taxes were almost three times higher than they actually are. The average response was 42% of GDP and the median was 40%. The highest figure recorded in all of American history was half those figures: 20.9% at the peak of World War II in 1944.

To follow up, tea partiers were asked how much they think a typical family making $50,000 per year pays in federal income taxes. The average response was $12,710 and the median was $10,000. In percentage terms, this means a tax burden of between 20% and 25% of income.

Of course, it's hard to know what any particular individual or family pays in taxes, but according to the IRS tax tables, a single person with $50,000 in taxable income last year would owe $8,694 in federal income taxes, and a married couple filing jointly would owe $6,669.

But these numbers are high because to have a taxable income of $50,000, one's gross income would be higher by at least the personal exemption, which is $3,650, and the standard deduction, which is $5,700 for single people and $11,400 for married couples. Owning a home or having children would reduce one's tax burden further.
Ignorance Is Bliss for the Tea Party Crowd | Capital Gains and Games

According to the JCT, last year's $787 billion stimulus bill, enacted with no Republican support, reduced federal taxes by almost $100 billion in 2009 and another $222 billion this year. The Tax Policy Center, a private research group, estimates that close to 90% of all taxpayers got a tax cut last year and almost 100% of those in the $50,000 income range. For those making between $40,000 and $50,000, the average tax cut was $472; for those making between $50,000 and $75,000, the tax cut averaged $522. No taxpayer anywhere in the country had his or her taxes increased as a consequence of Obama's policies.

It's hard to explain this divergence between perception and reality. Perhaps these people haven't calculated their tax returns for 2009 yet and simply don't know what they owe. Or perhaps they just assume that because a Democrat is president that taxes must have gone up, because that's what Republicans say that Democrats always do. In fact, there hasn't been a federal tax increase of any significance in this country since 1993.

Your survey leaves out the facts that federal mandates cause states to tax sales, personal property, real estate, earnings, utilities, gas, inventories, business, oil, mineral, & water leases. You name it & it has a tax imposed by the feds, weather it is collected by them or not. There is also a global tax using the world reserve currency US dollar imposed on the planet by the feds printing press, debt, & non repayment of loans. The real federal tax is likely 3 times higher. The TEA Party is right & you spin artist are wrong.

Take the health care law. Over half of the federal mandated revenue will be collected by printing press, debt, & non repayment of loans, state & local taxes.
Exactly and they seem to think the majority of people are to stupid to see that!
Find it, Luissa.

Because my first hunch tells me you were probably watching the video of the tea partier getting attacked.

Actually it was of the congressman being escorted into the capital and clearly see the guy yellng at him and then spit on him. They have not posted it on State of the Union yet, but will get it. Until then here is some others.

[ame=]YouTube - Tea Party Protesters Yell ****** To Black Congressmen![/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - "Save White America" Guy at San Antonio Tea Party[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism[/ame]

I like how they call Barney a faggot about 37 seconds into it.

[ame=]YouTube - Tell the Republican Party to Stop Supporting Tea Party Racism![/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Tea Party Organizer: "Why Should I" Ask Racists To Leave My Protest[/ame]
Did you actually watch them?


The same third party accusations, no proof, no film, just people calling us racists because they don't like taht we protest their out of control spending.
You obviously didn't watch them either.
Saying Obama is a muslim is being racist, so is calling Obama monkey, calling Frank a faggot is a being a bigot. And waving sign saying we need to save white america is also being a racist. But keep trying to deny it.

thanks for the laugh.

It is a good laugh!!!

Curious about the factual knowledge that these people have regarding the issues they are protesting, my friend David Frum enlisted some interns to interview as many tea partiers as possible on a couple of basic questions. They got 57 responses--a pretty good sized sample from a crowd that numbered between 300 and 500 people. (Survey results are here.)

The first question that was asked concerned the size of government. Tea partiers were asked how much the federal government gets in taxes as a percentage of the gross domestic product. According to Congressional Budget Office data, acceptable answers would be 6.4%, which is the percentage for federal income taxes; 12.7%, which would be for both income taxes and Social Security payroll taxes; or 14.8%, which would represent all federal taxes as a share of GDP in 2009.

Not everyone follows these numbers closely and tea partiers may have been thinking of figures from a few years ago, before the recession when taxes were higher. According to the CBO, the highest figure for all federal taxes since 1970 came in the year 2000, when they reached 20.6% of GDP. As we know, after that George W. Bush and Republicans in Congress cut federal taxes and they fell to 18.5% of GDP in 2007, before the recession hit, and 17.5% in 2008.

Tuesday's tea party crowd, however, thought that federal taxes were almost three times higher than they actually are. The average response was 42% of GDP and the median was 40%. The highest figure recorded in all of American history was half those figures: 20.9% at the peak of World War II in 1944.

To follow up, tea partiers were asked how much they think a typical family making $50,000 per year pays in federal income taxes. The average response was $12,710 and the median was $10,000. In percentage terms, this means a tax burden of between 20% and 25% of income.

Of course, it's hard to know what any particular individual or family pays in taxes, but according to the IRS tax tables, a single person with $50,000 in taxable income last year would owe $8,694 in federal income taxes, and a married couple filing jointly would owe $6,669.

But these numbers are high because to have a taxable income of $50,000, one's gross income would be higher by at least the personal exemption, which is $3,650, and the standard deduction, which is $5,700 for single people and $11,400 for married couples. Owning a home or having children would reduce one's tax burden further.
Ignorance Is Bliss for the Tea Party Crowd | Capital Gains and Games

According to the JCT, last year's $787 billion stimulus bill, enacted with no Republican support, reduced federal taxes by almost $100 billion in 2009 and another $222 billion this year. The Tax Policy Center, a private research group, estimates that close to 90% of all taxpayers got a tax cut last year and almost 100% of those in the $50,000 income range. For those making between $40,000 and $50,000, the average tax cut was $472; for those making between $50,000 and $75,000, the tax cut averaged $522. No taxpayer anywhere in the country had his or her taxes increased as a consequence of Obama's policies.

It's hard to explain this divergence between perception and reality. Perhaps these people haven't calculated their tax returns for 2009 yet and simply don't know what they owe. Or perhaps they just assume that because a Democrat is president that taxes must have gone up, because that's what Republicans say that Democrats always do. In fact, there hasn't been a federal tax increase of any significance in this country since 1993.

Your survey leaves out the facts that federal mandates cause states to tax sales, personal property, real estate, earnings, utilities, gas, inventories, business, oil, mineral, & water leases. You name it & it has a tax imposed by the feds, weather it is collected by them or not. There is also a global tax using the world reserve currency US dollar imposed on the planet by the feds printing press, debt, & non repayment of loans. The real federal tax is likely 3 times higher. The TEA Party is right & you spin artist are wrong.

Take the health care law. Over half of the federal mandated revenue will be collected by printing press, debt, & non repayment of loans, state & local taxes.


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