Most Say Tea Party Has Better Understanding of Issues than Congress


Can anyone say what the tea party even represents? What do they want exactly? Abstractions such as less government have little meaning. More freedom is even more abstract and rather meaningless in a free society. Reduced taxes sounds nice, but with any living wage job and financial responsibility it has no relevance either. If they protested for working people, wages and jobs I could at least see something in them that simply wasn't anti. I remain totally cynical as their appearance is too coincidental with the outcome of democracy.


The only thing consistent about the tea party is democracy is not to their liking. They didn't protest a billion dollars a week on an unnecessary invasion, but healthcare for Americans is just awful. I watched a bit of their Nevada protest yesterday and as always it was always their opponents fault. It wasn't quite clear who the opponent even was?

Sarah Palin is the Anna Nicole Smith of politics, empty headed, but for some bizarre reason appealing. Attach attractiveness to a person, have them say freedom over and over again, and voila, instant conservative hero. While she may be so empty headed she thinks she is serious, you gotta give her credit she is making a boatload of money and money is America's number one gawd.

PS And Rasmussen is the Fox unbalanced opinion taker of today's America.
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Can anyone say what the tea party even represents? What do they want exactly? Abstractions such as less government have little meaning. More freedom is even more abstract and rather meaningless in a free society. Reduced taxes sounds nice, but with any living wage job and financial responsibility it has no relevance either. If they protested for working people, wages and jobs I could at least see something in them that simply wasn't anti. I remain totally cynical as their appearance is too coincidental with the outcome of democracy.


The only thing consistent about the tea party is democracy is not to their liking. They didn't protest a billion dollars a week on an unnecessary invasion, but healthcare for Americans is just awful. I watched a bit of their Nevada protest yesterday and as always it was always their opponents fault. It wasn't quite clear who the opponent even was?

Sarah Palin is the Anna Nicole Smith of politics, empty headed, but for some bizarre reason appealing. Attach attractiveness to a person, have them say freedom over and over again, and voila, instant conservative hero. While she may be so empty headed she thinks she is serious, you gotta give her credit she is making a boatload of money and money is America's number one gawd.

PS And Rasmussen is the Fox unbalanced opinion taker of today's America.

You have not taken the time evidently to look at the core beliefs of the Tea Party on their website.

The opponent are every legislator that rides over the will of the people with corrupt intent regardless of their political affiliation.

It appears you have this opinion of Sarah Palin yet you have only stated your opinion with nothing to back it up. That is as hypocritical as the denial you seem to have about the Tea Party protesting the corrupt policies of the current legislators without any substance to back it up.

Can anyone say what the tea party even represents? What do they want exactly? Abstractions such as less government have little meaning. More freedom is even more abstract and rather meaningless in a free society. Reduced taxes sounds nice, but with any living wage job and financial responsibility it has no relevance either. If they protested for working people, wages and jobs I could at least see something in them that simply wasn't anti. I remain totally cynical as their appearance is too coincidental with the outcome of democracy.


The only thing consistent about the tea party is democracy is not to their liking. They didn't protest a billion dollars a week on an unnecessary invasion, but healthcare for Americans is just awful. I watched a bit of their Nevada protest yesterday and as always it was always their opponents fault. It wasn't quite clear who the opponent even was?

Sarah Palin is the Anna Nicole Smith of politics, empty headed, but for some bizarre reason appealing. Attach attractiveness to a person, have them say freedom over and over again, and voila, instant conservative hero. While she may be so empty headed she thinks she is serious, you gotta give her credit she is making a boatload of money and money is America's number one gawd.

PS And Rasmussen is the Fox unbalanced opinion taker of today's America.
Your repost of a mischaracterization is quite a waste.

It appears YOU don't like democracy, protests are a part of it.

In fact, you sound just like the Bushbots during the war protests.

BTW, i wouldn't be so quick to start throwing dirt on palin, Obama is the Pee wee herman of politics, a whiney and nasty little shit that thrives on divsion and loves to gloat.
I'd have a lot more respect for the Tea Parties if they stopped paying Sarah Palin so much to speak.

No one really gives a rats ass whether your type respects her or not. I have never heard anyone bitch so much in my life when a man makes this kind of money speaking. Piss on you and every person like you that hates women like Sarah Palin that are willing to stand up and speak regardless of the hatred slung at them.

I am amazed at how far out on a limb Palin's fans will go to defend her.

Playing the "sexism" card. Good job - I'm sure you're one of the people who yell "race card" when anyone mentions racism, right?

I didn't even say anything bad about Palin. I said that I'd respect the supposedly "small government" "grassroots" "ordinary people" tea party when they stop paying 500 grand to hear Big Government Machine Insider Sarah Palin.
Keep on being "amazed" since you really have nothing to do but bitch and whine as people gather up around the country to stomp your "shove it up your ass politics" clean out.

You can be "sure" about whatever you like and still be clueless. You obviously do not know when shit's nasty with your blind assumptions.

theDoctorisin said:
Oh, no - I think you misunderstood me. I don't fault Sarah Palin for making money. Good for her.

I fault the tea party organizers for paying her that much.
How clueless you are. You think you have the right to fault private citizens for spending their own money how they see fit. Xeno has it right on when he calls you "shiteater" it fits to a tee as you really do not have a clue.

The University of California paid Al Gore $100,000 for a 75-minute speaking engagement. This has been his regular fee around the world.

Bill Clinton often speaks before businesses and charities for over $100,000 a speech.

Do you bitch and whine about Al and Billy getting paid by entities such as The University Of California for speaking? My guess would be you don't but you sure do want to whine and moan about what Sarah is being paid and she is being paid with private funds not at some University that is subsidized with TAXPAYER DOLLARS.
I only call shiteater those that use the term 'teabagger', let me make that 100% clear.
Yes this is true despite the Democrats & Corrupt Liberal MSM spending $Millions smearing them 24/7. Yea they're all just stupid racists. I know i trust them far more than i do this Dem-led worst U.S. Congress in History. Tea Partiers just have to continue fighting against the smears and keep up the good fight. Their cause is righteous. Make 2010 count people.
Posted: March 29th, 2010 12:51 PM ET

Most Americans disapprove of the health care reform law, a new CNN poll says.
Washington (CNN) - Most Americans disapprove of the health care reform law, but that does not translate into majority support for the "repeal and replace" strategy backed by most GOP leaders, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday indicates that 56 percent of the public disapproves of the new legislation, with 42 percent approving of the bill that President Obama signed into law last week. Tuesday the president signs into law fixes to the original legislation that were approved by Congress last week.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll: Americans divided on repealing health care law - Blogs from
Whoa! If CNN (Communist News Network) is showing these dismal numbers then you know the numbers really are much worse. Yikes!
No one really gives a rats ass whether your type respects her or not. I have never heard anyone bitch so much in my life when a man makes this kind of money speaking. Piss on you and every person like you that hates women like Sarah Palin that are willing to stand up and speak regardless of the hatred slung at them.

I am amazed at how far out on a limb Palin's fans will go to defend her.

Playing the "sexism" card. Good job - I'm sure you're one of the people who yell "race card" when anyone mentions racism, right?

I didn't even say anything bad about Palin. I said that I'd respect the supposedly "small government" "grassroots" "ordinary people" tea party when they stop paying 500 grand to hear Big Government Machine Insider Sarah Palin.
Keep on being "amazed" since you really have nothing to do but bitch and whine as people gather up around the country to stomp your "shove it up your ass politics" clean out.

You can be "sure" about whatever you like and still be clueless. You obviously do not know when shit's nasty with your blind assumptions.

theDoctorisin said:
Oh, no - I think you misunderstood me. I don't fault Sarah Palin for making money. Good for her.

I fault the tea party organizers for paying her that much.
How clueless you are. You think you have the right to fault private citizens for spending their own money how they see fit. Xeno has it right on when he calls you "shiteater" it fits to a tee as you really do not have a clue.

The University of California paid Al Gore $100,000 for a 75-minute speaking engagement. This has been his regular fee around the world.

Bill Clinton often speaks before businesses and charities for over $100,000 a speech.

Do you bitch and whine about Al and Billy getting paid by entities such as The University Of California for speaking? My guess would be you don't but you sure do want to whine and moan about what Sarah is being paid and she is being paid with private funds not at some University that is subsidized with TAXPAYER DOLLARS.

Now, I get the feeling you're confusing me for someone else here. Since I'm not sure where your overblown hostility is coming from - as I already stated, I don't care how much Sarah Palin makes for speaking. Good for her, she wants to get paid.

But that doesn't mean I have to respect the people who pay her that much.

In fact, I have just as much a right to not respect them as you do to fawn and adore them, as you've been doing in this thread.

Also, I'd go checck the rest of the thread - as far as I can see, Xeno never called me anything.
Uh Duh! I give far more credibility to the Tea Partiers than i do this Dem-led Worst U.S. Congress in History. This one's easy.
Hmmm....if you ask a hhundred people is the earth flat and 99 said yes and one said no. The 99 would win the argument, but the one guy would be the one who is correct.
This is exactly why they have tried to besmirch the Tea Party by such names as astro turf, nazi, terrorist, and teabagger. They know that this organization is a major threat. In the past they were successful in using Alinksy rules to shut down any opposition, but little do they know that this tactic has failed so much so that it has increased the movement members.

You will notice this by how posters will come in and try to make personal hateful, funny comments about the Tea Party Members. They do not know what to do so they fall back on what was taught to them.

The Teabaggers are the ones using Saul Alinsky...

Tea Partiers have adopted the tactics of the New Left. They go in for street theater, mass rallies, marches and extreme statements that are designed to shock polite society out of its stupor. This mimicry is no accident. Dick Armey, one of the spokesmen for the Tea Party movement, recently praised the methods of Saul Alinsky, the leading tactician of the New Left.

These days the same people who are buying Alinsky’s book “Rules for Radicals” on are, according to the company’s software, also buying books like “Liberal Fascism,” “Rules for Conservative Radicals,” “Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left,” and “The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party.”

David Brooks
This is exactly why they have tried to besmirch the Tea Party by such names as astro turf, nazi, terrorist, and teabagger. They know that this organization is a major threat. In the past they were successful in using Alinksy rules to shut down any opposition, but little do they know that this tactic has failed so much so that it has increased the movement members.

You will notice this by how posters will come in and try to make personal hateful, funny comments about the Tea Party Members. They do not know what to do so they fall back on what was taught to them.

The Teabaggers are the ones using Saul Alinsky...

Tea Partiers have adopted the tactics of the New Left. They go in for street theater, mass rallies, marches and extreme statements that are designed to shock polite society out of its stupor. This mimicry is no accident. Dick Armey, one of the spokesmen for the Tea Party movement, recently praised the methods of Saul Alinsky, the leading tactician of the New Left.

These days the same people who are buying Alinsky’s book “Rules for Radicals” on are, according to the company’s software, also buying books like “Liberal Fascism,” “Rules for Conservative Radicals,” “Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left,” and “The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party.”

David Brooks

The 60's radicals never did seize control of the democratic party. If they had, life in the US would be very different than what it is today. All they were able to do is to become major components of the Democratic party. As the party stands today, no single train of thought is in control of the democratic party.
Rasmussen? "Rasmussen?"



Too funny.
The poll is proof of what I keep saying, the more you attack us, the stronger we get.

you mean the more propaganda gets spewed, the more 'the base' likes it?


By the way. I'm glad you dropped by. How do you feel about the shabby treatment of the Israeli prime minister as was doled out by obama..

Why would an American president show him more respect than he received? Are you sure youre up on the issues concerning Israel?
I am amazed at how far out on a limb Palin's fans will go to defend her.

Playing the "sexism" card. Good job - I'm sure you're one of the people who yell "race card" when anyone mentions racism, right?

I didn't even say anything bad about Palin. I said that I'd respect the supposedly "small government" "grassroots" "ordinary people" tea party when they stop paying 500 grand to hear Big Government Machine Insider Sarah Palin.
Keep on being "amazed" since you really have nothing to do but bitch and whine as people gather up around the country to stomp your "shove it up your ass politics" clean out.

You can be "sure" about whatever you like and still be clueless. You obviously do not know when shit's nasty with your blind assumptions.

theDoctorisin said:
Oh, no - I think you misunderstood me. I don't fault Sarah Palin for making money. Good for her.

I fault the tea party organizers for paying her that much.
How clueless you are. You think you have the right to fault private citizens for spending their own money how they see fit. Xeno has it right on when he calls you "shiteater" it fits to a tee as you really do not have a clue.

The University of California paid Al Gore $100,000 for a 75-minute speaking engagement. This has been his regular fee around the world.

Bill Clinton often speaks before businesses and charities for over $100,000 a speech.

Do you bitch and whine about Al and Billy getting paid by entities such as The University Of California for speaking? My guess would be you don't but you sure do want to whine and moan about what Sarah is being paid and she is being paid with private funds not at some University that is subsidized with TAXPAYER DOLLARS.

Now, I get the feeling you're confusing me for someone else here. Since I'm not sure where your overblown hostility is coming from - as I already stated, I don't care how much Sarah Palin makes for speaking. Good for her, she wants to get paid.

But that doesn't mean I have to respect the people who pay her that much.

In fact, I have just as much a right to not respect them as you do to fawn and adore them, as you've been doing in this thread.

Also, I'd go checck the rest of the thread - as far as I can see, Xeno never called me anything.

"Overblown hostility" is what you are showing towards the people who are organizing plus joining the Tea Party and Sarah Palin for making their own choices. You just don't get that FREEDOM OF CHOICE that people are supposed to have in this country. The ability to assemble peacefully and the ability to choose where to spend what they earn. Like I said, no one really gives a rats ass about who you respect. That is not fawning over anyone yet your to dense to see that.

No Xeno did not call you a "shiteater" in this thread, you do fit the role to a tee IMO in your blind ignorance towards people making free will choices about whom and what they will support.
Keep on being "amazed" since you really have nothing to do but bitch and whine as people gather up around the country to stomp your "shove it up your ass politics" clean out.

You can be "sure" about whatever you like and still be clueless. You obviously do not know when shit's nasty with your blind assumptions.

How clueless you are. You think you have the right to fault private citizens for spending their own money how they see fit. Xeno has it right on when he calls you "shiteater" it fits to a tee as you really do not have a clue.

The University of California paid Al Gore $100,000 for a 75-minute speaking engagement. This has been his regular fee around the world.

Bill Clinton often speaks before businesses and charities for over $100,000 a speech.

Do you bitch and whine about Al and Billy getting paid by entities such as The University Of California for speaking? My guess would be you don't but you sure do want to whine and moan about what Sarah is being paid and she is being paid with private funds not at some University that is subsidized with TAXPAYER DOLLARS.

Now, I get the feeling you're confusing me for someone else here. Since I'm not sure where your overblown hostility is coming from - as I already stated, I don't care how much Sarah Palin makes for speaking. Good for her, she wants to get paid.

But that doesn't mean I have to respect the people who pay her that much.

In fact, I have just as much a right to not respect them as you do to fawn and adore them, as you've been doing in this thread.

Also, I'd go checck the rest of the thread - as far as I can see, Xeno never called me anything.

"Overblown hostility" is what you are showing towards the people who are organizing plus joining the Tea Party and Sarah Palin for making their own choices. You just don't get that FREEDOM OF CHOICE that people are supposed to have in this country. The ability to assemble peacefully and the ability to choose where to spend what they earn. Like I said, no one really gives a rats ass about who you respect. That is not fawning over anyone yet your to dense to see that.

No Xeno did not call you a "shiteater" in this thread, you do fit the role to a tee IMO in your blind ignorance towards people making free will choices about whom and what they will support.

Do you not understand that FREEDOM OF CHOICE includes the freedom to think Sarah Palin's a retard? I'm not denying anyone their freedom of speech, or their freedom of assembly, I just think that the tea partiers lose credibility everytime Sarah Palin speaks "for" them. Just because you think Sarah Palin is god's gift to America doesn't mean that everyone's going to agree with you. And because I've managed to get you all hot and bothered simply because I disagree with you, it seems that YOU have more of a problem with FREEDOM OF CHOICE than me.

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