Most Successful People Invest In Israel


Israel’s Economy Is Booming – Sorry, Boycotters & John Kerry
Anti-Israel elements threatening boycott are encouraged by the pressure of American Secretary of State John Kerry, who says, “For Israel there is an increasing de-legitimization campaign that has been building up. People are very sensitive to it, there is talk of boycott and other kinds of things. Are we all going to be better with all of that?” Yet, boycott supporters should be better aware of how vibrant Israel’s economy is, and that the days of the Jewish State wiltering because of threats is not viable in the year 2014.

Israel has continued economy growth – even during a worldwide economic meltdown – along with a conservative, well-regulated banking system. Israel has approximately the same number of companies listed on NASDAQ as the next three countries combined, and, as one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, is rightfully known as the “start-up nation.” Israel is no banana republic, and remains one of the most thriving economies in the Middle East.

The Israeli economy is booming, as can be seen from the comments of a very wide variety of sources and experts (which John Kerry and many others should read and recognize):

• “Technology companies and global investors are beating a path to Israel and finding unique combinations of audacity, creativity, and drive everywhere they look. Which may explain why, in addition to boasting the highest density of start-ups in the world (a total of more than 3,850 start-ups one for every 1,844 Israelis) more Israeli companies are listed on the NASDAQ exchange than all companies from the entire European continent.” — Dan Senor and Saul Singer

• “Israel, the land of milk and honey, is now also the home of business success, opportunity and major growth.” Hedge Fund Billionaire Henry Swieca

• “If you’re going to the Middle East to look for oil, you can skip Israel. However, if you’re looking for brains, look no further. [Israel] has a disproportionate amount of brains and energy.” Warren Buffet

• “[Israel is] the most important high-tech center in the world after the US.” – Eric Schmidt

• “Tel Aviv has been named the second best place in the world in which to launch a high-tech startup company.” – Viva Sarah Press

• “Israel has an enormous cash reserve of some $80 billion.” – Hezi Sternlicht

• “Science and technology in Israel is one of the country’s most highly developed and industrialized sectors. The percentage of Israelis engaged in scientific and technological inquiry, and the amount spent on research and development (R&D) in relation to gross domestic product (GDP), is amongst the highest in the world.” –

• “So why Tel Aviv? The city is overflowing with software developers and venture capital. Larger companies, including Google, have set up offices there. Facebook is now there, too, after acquiring facial-recognition developer in June.” –

• “The Israeli startup scene needs little introduction. Tel Aviv is rapidly becoming one of the most innovative tech hubs on the planet, vying with London, New York and Berlin as Silicon Valley’s second.” – Monty Munford

• “Israel has a highly educated entrepreneurial community (40% with Masters/PhD vs. 42% in Silicon Valley).” – Zack Miller

• “From VC funds to conglomerates, foreign government partners to a smart international workforce, Israel has it all.” Ron Hershco, Brooklyn & Israel financier

• “Swiss research institute IMD releases World Competitiveness Yearbook, ranks Bank of Israel first among world’s central banks.” — Olga Viniar

• “It should be noted that Israel’s ranking first in terms of the market’s durability in the face of crises is the direct result of the Treasury and the Bank of Israel’s actions, which withstood the pressures and did not pump funds into failing organizations and financial systems as the US and Europe did.” – Uriel Linn

• “Israel is good at creating international cooperation for funding in the R&D programs they establish. And they provide a great ROI when done correctly.” – Ann Liebschutz

• “Israel has one of the world’s fastest growing developed economies.” –

• “Israel’s output growth remains relatively strong, unemployment is at historically low levels, its high-tech sector continues to attract international admiration, and new off-shore gas fields have come on stream.” – 2013 Israel Economic Survey

• “We find ourselves in an age when both data is bursting forth via the Internet, and the economy continues to become more globalized than ever. For us it is a challenge, but even more, it is an opportunity.” – Benjamin Netanyahu

• “Steve Ballmer [Microsoft’s CEO] calls Microsoft as much an Israeli company as an American company, because of the importance of its Israeli technologies. Google, Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, eBay…live and die by the work of [their] Israeli teams…. Israel, a tiny nation of immigrants torn by war, has managed to become the first technology nation….” – Wall Street Journal

No matter what detractors of the Jewish people there have been throughout history, the Jewish people have survived. The economy of Israel will continue to thrive and grow – and when there is a will, there is a way. Indeed, as my mother used to say: “This too shall pass.”
You will note in the pic.,there is a Jewish and Palestinian lady,saying that "ISRAEL BOOMING" well you may think so Roudy but an average Monthly wage of $1175(approx. $272 per week) or $6.8 per hour for a 40 hour week... is no great shakes.

As you know,I/we employ quite a few people and even employees just starting are on $28 dollars per hour.......our average wage is $7,800 per month or $1800 per week or $45 per hour.just saying steve........

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer
Bullshit. Article does not address wages. You high again?
Lets face it WAGES and Standard of living in Israel are poor and average respectively...........the standard of living depends on the amount folk can earn and in Israel it's not that high for the AVERAGE FAMILY...........All this talk of IT Companies and Buffet and all sounds good but more often that not these people pay little tax to the host nation they are in.(maybe you could let me know Roudy what their Tax-Threshold actually is).....these companies trawl the globe to minimize their Tax responsibilities......THEY ARE NOT GOOD CORPORATE Australia we are about to change the loopholes in the Law for these TAX EVADERS..........steve.......and stop this habit of slight aggression when responding to a sensible accurate post of mine.Roudy
Why do so many successful people invest in Israel? To insure financial security for their loved ones. Do you have loved ones you want to be financially successful? Israel can help you despite what Israel has for neighbors to deal with.

Why Invest in Israel BlueStar Indexes
Well I personally would think THRICE about the Blue Star piece it mentions that Israel is getting a growth factor of 7.6% and above all other western nations,which is probably true but MJB you should realize that its starting base is probably close to ZERO and 7.6% is still basically ZERO,Israel I don't think can sustain such growth in the future due to many factors,lets see what happens next year or the next 10 years...just sayin...steve.........and as you would know a high % of start-up company's's too premature to be extolling "financial security for loved ones" at this stage M.

But Thanks for your interesting Post
Last edited:

Israel’s Economy Is Booming – Sorry, Boycotters & John Kerry
Anti-Israel elements threatening boycott are encouraged by the pressure of American Secretary of State John Kerry, who says, “For Israel there is an increasing de-legitimization campaign that has been building up. People are very sensitive to it, there is talk of boycott and other kinds of things. Are we all going to be better with all of that?” Yet, boycott supporters should be better aware of how vibrant Israel’s economy is, and that the days of the Jewish State wiltering because of threats is not viable in the year 2014.

Israel has continued economy growth – even during a worldwide economic meltdown – along with a conservative, well-regulated banking system. Israel has approximately the same number of companies listed on NASDAQ as the next three countries combined, and, as one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, is rightfully known as the “start-up nation.” Israel is no banana republic, and remains one of the most thriving economies in the Middle East.

The Israeli economy is booming, as can be seen from the comments of a very wide variety of sources and experts (which John Kerry and many others should read and recognize):

• “Technology companies and global investors are beating a path to Israel and finding unique combinations of audacity, creativity, and drive everywhere they look. Which may explain why, in addition to boasting the highest density of start-ups in the world (a total of more than 3,850 start-ups one for every 1,844 Israelis) more Israeli companies are listed on the NASDAQ exchange than all companies from the entire European continent.” — Dan Senor and Saul Singer

• “Israel, the land of milk and honey, is now also the home of business success, opportunity and major growth.” Hedge Fund Billionaire Henry Swieca

• “If you’re going to the Middle East to look for oil, you can skip Israel. However, if you’re looking for brains, look no further. [Israel] has a disproportionate amount of brains and energy.” Warren Buffet

• “[Israel is] the most important high-tech center in the world after the US.” – Eric Schmidt

• “Tel Aviv has been named the second best place in the world in which to launch a high-tech startup company.” – Viva Sarah Press

• “Israel has an enormous cash reserve of some $80 billion.” – Hezi Sternlicht

• “Science and technology in Israel is one of the country’s most highly developed and industrialized sectors. The percentage of Israelis engaged in scientific and technological inquiry, and the amount spent on research and development (R&D) in relation to gross domestic product (GDP), is amongst the highest in the world.” –

• “So why Tel Aviv? The city is overflowing with software developers and venture capital. Larger companies, including Google, have set up offices there. Facebook is now there, too, after acquiring facial-recognition developer in June.” –

• “The Israeli startup scene needs little introduction. Tel Aviv is rapidly becoming one of the most innovative tech hubs on the planet, vying with London, New York and Berlin as Silicon Valley’s second.” – Monty Munford

• “Israel has a highly educated entrepreneurial community (40% with Masters/PhD vs. 42% in Silicon Valley).” – Zack Miller

• “From VC funds to conglomerates, foreign government partners to a smart international workforce, Israel has it all.” Ron Hershco, Brooklyn & Israel financier

• “Swiss research institute IMD releases World Competitiveness Yearbook, ranks Bank of Israel first among world’s central banks.” — Olga Viniar

• “It should be noted that Israel’s ranking first in terms of the market’s durability in the face of crises is the direct result of the Treasury and the Bank of Israel’s actions, which withstood the pressures and did not pump funds into failing organizations and financial systems as the US and Europe did.” – Uriel Linn

• “Israel is good at creating international cooperation for funding in the R&D programs they establish. And they provide a great ROI when done correctly.” – Ann Liebschutz

• “Israel has one of the world’s fastest growing developed economies.” –

• “Israel’s output growth remains relatively strong, unemployment is at historically low levels, its high-tech sector continues to attract international admiration, and new off-shore gas fields have come on stream.” – 2013 Israel Economic Survey

• “We find ourselves in an age when both data is bursting forth via the Internet, and the economy continues to become more globalized than ever. For us it is a challenge, but even more, it is an opportunity.” – Benjamin Netanyahu

• “Steve Ballmer [Microsoft’s CEO] calls Microsoft as much an Israeli company as an American company, because of the importance of its Israeli technologies. Google, Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, eBay…live and die by the work of [their] Israeli teams…. Israel, a tiny nation of immigrants torn by war, has managed to become the first technology nation….” – Wall Street Journal

No matter what detractors of the Jewish people there have been throughout history, the Jewish people have survived. The economy of Israel will continue to thrive and grow – and when there is a will, there is a way. Indeed, as my mother used to say: “This too shall pass.”
You will note in the pic.,there is a Jewish and Palestinian lady,saying that "ISRAEL BOOMING" well you may think so Roudy but an average Monthly wage of $1175(approx. $272 per week) or $6.8 per hour for a 40 hour week... is no great shakes.

As you know,I/we employ quite a few people and even employees just starting are on $28 dollars per hour.......our average wage is $7,800 per month or $1800 per week or $45 per hour.just saying steve........

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer
Bullshit. Article does not address wages. You high again?
Lets face it WAGES and Standard of living in Israel are poor and average respectively...........the standard of living depends on the amount folk can earn and in Israel it's not that high for the AVERAGE FAMILY...........All this talk of IT Companies and Buffet and all sounds good but more often that not these people pay little tax to the host nation they are in.(maybe you could let me know Roudy what their Tax-Threshold actually is).....these companies trawl the globe to minimize their Tax responsibilities......THEY ARE NOT GOOD CORPORATE Australia we are about to change the loopholes in the Law for these TAX EVADERS..........steve.......and stop this habit of slight aggression when responding to a sensible accurate post of mine.Roudy

Wrong again. The reason these companies are moving their R & D to Israel is because of an intangible resource that the Israelis provide: The brains and innovation of its people. If it was taxes they were trying to avoid there's plenty of places like China, Philippines, Bietnam, Indonesia, etc. they can move to. Israel is a semi socialist state and very tough of taxes. You seem seriously lacking in basic business knowledge.
Why do so many successful people invest in Israel? To insure financial security for their loved ones. Do you have loved ones you want to be financially successful? Israel can help you despite what Israel has for neighbors to deal with.

Why Invest in Israel BlueStar Indexes
Well I personally would think THRICE about the Blue Star piece it mentions that Israel is getting a growth factor of 7.6% and above all other western nations,which is probably true but MJB you should realize that its starting base is probably close to ZERO and 7.6% is still basically ZERO,Israel I don't think can sustain such growth in the future due to many factors,lets see what happens next year or the next 10 years...just sayin...steve.........

Who cares! Do you really think Israel gives shit about a Moooslem living in Australia? Ha ha ha.
"Innovation going on in Israel is critical to the future of the technology business." -- Bill Gates, 2008

Amazing how Israel keeps on making endless contributions for the betterment of all mankind. Especially when we consider what Israel has for neighbors to deal with.

Just imagine, despite the fact that it's been in a constant state of war, it still thrives and achieves above and beyond. Even when there's a global recession, Israel shows one of the best economies.

Trolling, off topic garbage that should be reported.

Israel’s Economy Is Booming – Sorry, Boycotters & John Kerry
Anti-Israel elements threatening boycott are encouraged by the pressure of American Secretary of State John Kerry, who says, “For Israel there is an increasing de-legitimization campaign that has been building up. People are very sensitive to it, there is talk of boycott and other kinds of things. Are we all going to be better with all of that?” Yet, boycott supporters should be better aware of how vibrant Israel’s economy is, and that the days of the Jewish State wiltering because of threats is not viable in the year 2014.

Israel has continued economy growth – even during a worldwide economic meltdown – along with a conservative, well-regulated banking system. Israel has approximately the same number of companies listed on NASDAQ as the next three countries combined, and, as one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, is rightfully known as the “start-up nation.” Israel is no banana republic, and remains one of the most thriving economies in the Middle East.

The Israeli economy is booming, as can be seen from the comments of a very wide variety of sources and experts (which John Kerry and many others should read and recognize):

• “Technology companies and global investors are beating a path to Israel and finding unique combinations of audacity, creativity, and drive everywhere they look. Which may explain why, in addition to boasting the highest density of start-ups in the world (a total of more than 3,850 start-ups one for every 1,844 Israelis) more Israeli companies are listed on the NASDAQ exchange than all companies from the entire European continent.” — Dan Senor and Saul Singer

• “Israel, the land of milk and honey, is now also the home of business success, opportunity and major growth.” Hedge Fund Billionaire Henry Swieca

• “If you’re going to the Middle East to look for oil, you can skip Israel. However, if you’re looking for brains, look no further. [Israel] has a disproportionate amount of brains and energy.” Warren Buffet

• “[Israel is] the most important high-tech center in the world after the US.” – Eric Schmidt

• “Tel Aviv has been named the second best place in the world in which to launch a high-tech startup company.” – Viva Sarah Press

• “Israel has an enormous cash reserve of some $80 billion.” – Hezi Sternlicht

• “Science and technology in Israel is one of the country’s most highly developed and industrialized sectors. The percentage of Israelis engaged in scientific and technological inquiry, and the amount spent on research and development (R&D) in relation to gross domestic product (GDP), is amongst the highest in the world.” –

• “So why Tel Aviv? The city is overflowing with software developers and venture capital. Larger companies, including Google, have set up offices there. Facebook is now there, too, after acquiring facial-recognition developer in June.” –

• “The Israeli startup scene needs little introduction. Tel Aviv is rapidly becoming one of the most innovative tech hubs on the planet, vying with London, New York and Berlin as Silicon Valley’s second.” – Monty Munford

• “Israel has a highly educated entrepreneurial community (40% with Masters/PhD vs. 42% in Silicon Valley).” – Zack Miller

• “From VC funds to conglomerates, foreign government partners to a smart international workforce, Israel has it all.” Ron Hershco, Brooklyn & Israel financier

• “Swiss research institute IMD releases World Competitiveness Yearbook, ranks Bank of Israel first among world’s central banks.” — Olga Viniar

• “It should be noted that Israel’s ranking first in terms of the market’s durability in the face of crises is the direct result of the Treasury and the Bank of Israel’s actions, which withstood the pressures and did not pump funds into failing organizations and financial systems as the US and Europe did.” – Uriel Linn

• “Israel is good at creating international cooperation for funding in the R&D programs they establish. And they provide a great ROI when done correctly.” – Ann Liebschutz

• “Israel has one of the world’s fastest growing developed economies.” –

• “Israel’s output growth remains relatively strong, unemployment is at historically low levels, its high-tech sector continues to attract international admiration, and new off-shore gas fields have come on stream.” – 2013 Israel Economic Survey

• “We find ourselves in an age when both data is bursting forth via the Internet, and the economy continues to become more globalized than ever. For us it is a challenge, but even more, it is an opportunity.” – Benjamin Netanyahu

• “Steve Ballmer [Microsoft’s CEO] calls Microsoft as much an Israeli company as an American company, because of the importance of its Israeli technologies. Google, Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, eBay…live and die by the work of [their] Israeli teams…. Israel, a tiny nation of immigrants torn by war, has managed to become the first technology nation….” – Wall Street Journal

No matter what detractors of the Jewish people there have been throughout history, the Jewish people have survived. The economy of Israel will continue to thrive and grow – and when there is a will, there is a way. Indeed, as my mother used to say: “This too shall pass.”
You will note in the pic.,there is a Jewish and Palestinian lady,saying that "ISRAEL BOOMING" well you may think so Roudy but an average Monthly wage of $1175(approx. $272 per week) or $6.8 per hour for a 40 hour week... is no great shakes.

As you know,I/we employ quite a few people and even employees just starting are on $28 dollars per hour.......our average wage is $7,800 per month or $1800 per week or $45 per hour.just saying steve........

And what is your cost of living there. I had the chance to emigrate and work in a Steel mill on similar wages back in the early 1980's. The cost of living then was ten times the cost of living in the UK so I would have been taking a cut in wages doing a Job that should have in theory been a promotion. The cheapest home was in a rural area 50 miles from the plant and was valued at $1,200,000 ( about £500,000 ) Food costs were extremely high and meant more processed food than is good for you.
These comments about Australia are completely to be ridiculous......why is it that 100,000's of Brits and Irish are leaving in Droves each year....SIMPLE >>>>>>>>>>>FOR A BETTER LIFE..........steve
don't worry Steve, we won't judge all Australians based on you. That wouldn't be fair to them.
My participation in helping the aboriginies in the Australian outback near Hermansville was a most pleasant & rewarding experience. Have many photos to remember them by.

And did you know that among the very first groups in all the world to publicly protest Hitler in defence of the persecuted Jews were the Australian aboriginies led by a native aboriginie who converted to Christianity. Read it, learn & enjoy.

Half a world away sound of breaking glass found an echo

Israel’s Economy Is Booming – Sorry, Boycotters & John Kerry
Anti-Israel elements threatening boycott are encouraged by the pressure of American Secretary of State John Kerry, who says, “For Israel there is an increasing de-legitimization campaign that has been building up. People are very sensitive to it, there is talk of boycott and other kinds of things. Are we all going to be better with all of that?” Yet, boycott supporters should be better aware of how vibrant Israel’s economy is, and that the days of the Jewish State wiltering because of threats is not viable in the year 2014.

Israel has continued economy growth – even during a worldwide economic meltdown – along with a conservative, well-regulated banking system. Israel has approximately the same number of companies listed on NASDAQ as the next three countries combined, and, as one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, is rightfully known as the “start-up nation.” Israel is no banana republic, and remains one of the most thriving economies in the Middle East.

The Israeli economy is booming, as can be seen from the comments of a very wide variety of sources and experts (which John Kerry and many others should read and recognize):

• “Technology companies and global investors are beating a path to Israel and finding unique combinations of audacity, creativity, and drive everywhere they look. Which may explain why, in addition to boasting the highest density of start-ups in the world (a total of more than 3,850 start-ups one for every 1,844 Israelis) more Israeli companies are listed on the NASDAQ exchange than all companies from the entire European continent.” — Dan Senor and Saul Singer

• “Israel, the land of milk and honey, is now also the home of business success, opportunity and major growth.” Hedge Fund Billionaire Henry Swieca

• “If you’re going to the Middle East to look for oil, you can skip Israel. However, if you’re looking for brains, look no further. [Israel] has a disproportionate amount of brains and energy.” Warren Buffet

• “[Israel is] the most important high-tech center in the world after the US.” – Eric Schmidt

• “Tel Aviv has been named the second best place in the world in which to launch a high-tech startup company.” – Viva Sarah Press

• “Israel has an enormous cash reserve of some $80 billion.” – Hezi Sternlicht

• “Science and technology in Israel is one of the country’s most highly developed and industrialized sectors. The percentage of Israelis engaged in scientific and technological inquiry, and the amount spent on research and development (R&D) in relation to gross domestic product (GDP), is amongst the highest in the world.” –

• “So why Tel Aviv? The city is overflowing with software developers and venture capital. Larger companies, including Google, have set up offices there. Facebook is now there, too, after acquiring facial-recognition developer in June.” –

• “The Israeli startup scene needs little introduction. Tel Aviv is rapidly becoming one of the most innovative tech hubs on the planet, vying with London, New York and Berlin as Silicon Valley’s second.” – Monty Munford

• “Israel has a highly educated entrepreneurial community (40% with Masters/PhD vs. 42% in Silicon Valley).” – Zack Miller

• “From VC funds to conglomerates, foreign government partners to a smart international workforce, Israel has it all.” Ron Hershco, Brooklyn & Israel financier

• “Swiss research institute IMD releases World Competitiveness Yearbook, ranks Bank of Israel first among world’s central banks.” — Olga Viniar

• “It should be noted that Israel’s ranking first in terms of the market’s durability in the face of crises is the direct result of the Treasury and the Bank of Israel’s actions, which withstood the pressures and did not pump funds into failing organizations and financial systems as the US and Europe did.” – Uriel Linn

• “Israel is good at creating international cooperation for funding in the R&D programs they establish. And they provide a great ROI when done correctly.” – Ann Liebschutz

• “Israel has one of the world’s fastest growing developed economies.” –

• “Israel’s output growth remains relatively strong, unemployment is at historically low levels, its high-tech sector continues to attract international admiration, and new off-shore gas fields have come on stream.” – 2013 Israel Economic Survey

• “We find ourselves in an age when both data is bursting forth via the Internet, and the economy continues to become more globalized than ever. For us it is a challenge, but even more, it is an opportunity.” – Benjamin Netanyahu

• “Steve Ballmer [Microsoft’s CEO] calls Microsoft as much an Israeli company as an American company, because of the importance of its Israeli technologies. Google, Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, eBay…live and die by the work of [their] Israeli teams…. Israel, a tiny nation of immigrants torn by war, has managed to become the first technology nation….” – Wall Street Journal

No matter what detractors of the Jewish people there have been throughout history, the Jewish people have survived. The economy of Israel will continue to thrive and grow – and when there is a will, there is a way. Indeed, as my mother used to say: “This too shall pass.”
You will note in the pic.,there is a Jewish and Palestinian lady,saying that "ISRAEL BOOMING" well you may think so Roudy but an average Monthly wage of $1175(approx. $272 per week) or $6.8 per hour for a 40 hour week... is no great shakes.

As you know,I/we employ quite a few people and even employees just starting are on $28 dollars per hour.......our average wage is $7,800 per month or $1800 per week or $45 per hour.just saying steve........

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer
Bullshit. Article does not address wages. You high again?
Lets face it WAGES and Standard of living in Israel are poor and average respectively...........the standard of living depends on the amount folk can earn and in Israel it's not that high for the AVERAGE FAMILY...........All this talk of IT Companies and Buffet and all sounds good but more often that not these people pay little tax to the host nation they are in.(maybe you could let me know Roudy what their Tax-Threshold actually is).....these companies trawl the globe to minimize their Tax responsibilities......THEY ARE NOT GOOD CORPORATE Australia we are about to change the loopholes in the Law for these TAX EVADERS..........steve.......and stop this habit of slight aggression when responding to a sensible accurate post of mine.Roudy

Wrong again. The reason these companies are moving their R & D to Israel is because of an intangible resource that the Israelis provide: The brains and innovation of its people. If it was taxes they were trying to avoid there's plenty of places like China, Philippines, Bietnam, Indonesia, etc. they can move to. Israel is a semi socialist state and very tough of taxes. You seem seriously lacking in basic business knowledge.
It's Vietnam,but alas your prose answered nothing,again what is the TAX threshold for these companies.........please steve...try to concentrate instead of sledging all the time....get with programme.....
My participation in helping the aboriginies in the Australian outback near Hermansville was a most pleasant & rewarding experience. Have many photos to remember them by.

And did you know that among the very first groups in all the world to publicly protest Hitler in defence of the persecuted Jews were the Australian aboriginies led by a native aboriginie who converted to Christianity. Read it, learn & enjoy.

Half a world away sound of breaking glass found an echo
shame the Zionists didn't have the same perception
You will note in the pic.,there is a Jewish and Palestinian lady,saying that "ISRAEL BOOMING" well you may think so Roudy but an average Monthly wage of $1175(approx. $272 per week) or $6.8 per hour for a 40 hour week... is no great shakes.

As you know,I/we employ quite a few people and even employees just starting are on $28 dollars per hour.......our average wage is $7,800 per month or $1800 per week or $45 per hour.just saying steve........

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer
Bullshit. Article does not address wages. You high again?
Lets face it WAGES and Standard of living in Israel are poor and average respectively...........the standard of living depends on the amount folk can earn and in Israel it's not that high for the AVERAGE FAMILY...........All this talk of IT Companies and Buffet and all sounds good but more often that not these people pay little tax to the host nation they are in.(maybe you could let me know Roudy what their Tax-Threshold actually is).....these companies trawl the globe to minimize their Tax responsibilities......THEY ARE NOT GOOD CORPORATE Australia we are about to change the loopholes in the Law for these TAX EVADERS..........steve.......and stop this habit of slight aggression when responding to a sensible accurate post of mine.Roudy

Wrong again. The reason these companies are moving their R & D to Israel is because of an intangible resource that the Israelis provide: The brains and innovation of its people. If it was taxes they were trying to avoid there's plenty of places like China, Philippines, Bietnam, Indonesia, etc. they can move to. Israel is a semi socialist state and very tough of taxes. You seem seriously lacking in basic business knowledge.
It's Vietnam,but alas your prose answered nothing,again what is the TAX threshold for these companies.........please steve...try to concentrate instead of sledging all the time....get with programme.....

pfffft...Israel is in no way an avenue for companies to avoid paying taxes. Try again.

These are all excuses and futile attempts at discrediting the Israelis for what they have achieved in the face of such harsh adversity.
You will note in the pic.,there is a Jewish and Palestinian lady,saying that "ISRAEL BOOMING" well you may think so Roudy but an average Monthly wage of $1175(approx. $272 per week) or $6.8 per hour for a 40 hour week... is no great shakes.

As you know,I/we employ quite a few people and even employees just starting are on $28 dollars per hour.......our average wage is $7,800 per month or $1800 per week or $45 per hour.just saying steve........

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer
Bullshit. Article does not address wages. You high again?
Lets face it WAGES and Standard of living in Israel are poor and average respectively...........the standard of living depends on the amount folk can earn and in Israel it's not that high for the AVERAGE FAMILY...........All this talk of IT Companies and Buffet and all sounds good but more often that not these people pay little tax to the host nation they are in.(maybe you could let me know Roudy what their Tax-Threshold actually is).....these companies trawl the globe to minimize their Tax responsibilities......THEY ARE NOT GOOD CORPORATE Australia we are about to change the loopholes in the Law for these TAX EVADERS..........steve.......and stop this habit of slight aggression when responding to a sensible accurate post of mine.Roudy

Wrong again. The reason these companies are moving their R & D to Israel is because of an intangible resource that the Israelis provide: The brains and innovation of its people. If it was taxes they were trying to avoid there's plenty of places like China, Philippines, Bietnam, Indonesia, etc. they can move to. Israel is a semi socialist state and very tough of taxes. You seem seriously lacking in basic business knowledge.
It's Vietnam,but alas your prose answered nothing,again what is the TAX threshold for these companies.........please steve...try to concentrate instead of sledging all the time....get with programme.....

About the Tax(and VAT)
Taxation in Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Unemployment Rate goes between 5.2-5.7%
CPI however indicates that trafficking commodities for manufacturing is pretty much unprofitable unless it is a global manufacturing.
You can find further statistics here as well.

Here you'll find start-up individuals mapped...
Israel Startup Map

Bang goes your theory.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer
Bullshit. Article does not address wages. You high again?
Lets face it WAGES and Standard of living in Israel are poor and average respectively...........the standard of living depends on the amount folk can earn and in Israel it's not that high for the AVERAGE FAMILY...........All this talk of IT Companies and Buffet and all sounds good but more often that not these people pay little tax to the host nation they are in.(maybe you could let me know Roudy what their Tax-Threshold actually is).....these companies trawl the globe to minimize their Tax responsibilities......THEY ARE NOT GOOD CORPORATE Australia we are about to change the loopholes in the Law for these TAX EVADERS..........steve.......and stop this habit of slight aggression when responding to a sensible accurate post of mine.Roudy

Wrong again. The reason these companies are moving their R & D to Israel is because of an intangible resource that the Israelis provide: The brains and innovation of its people. If it was taxes they were trying to avoid there's plenty of places like China, Philippines, Bietnam, Indonesia, etc. they can move to. Israel is a semi socialist state and very tough of taxes. You seem seriously lacking in basic business knowledge.
It's Vietnam,but alas your prose answered nothing,again what is the TAX threshold for these companies.........please steve...try to concentrate instead of sledging all the time....get with programme.....

pfffft...Israel is in no way an avenue for companies to avoid paying taxes. Try again.

These are all excuses and futile attempts at discrediting the Israelis for what they have achieved in the face of such harsh adversity.
Don't be silly Roudy,Israel have done a Great job(be it on Palestinian Land,or not)........cut the crap and tell me the Tax to be paid by these Super Rich Global is a simple question...why is it so hard to tell me............there is NO DISCREDIT TO ISRAEL AT ALL.steve
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer
Bullshit. Article does not address wages. You high again?
Lets face it WAGES and Standard of living in Israel are poor and average respectively...........the standard of living depends on the amount folk can earn and in Israel it's not that high for the AVERAGE FAMILY...........All this talk of IT Companies and Buffet and all sounds good but more often that not these people pay little tax to the host nation they are in.(maybe you could let me know Roudy what their Tax-Threshold actually is).....these companies trawl the globe to minimize their Tax responsibilities......THEY ARE NOT GOOD CORPORATE Australia we are about to change the loopholes in the Law for these TAX EVADERS..........steve.......and stop this habit of slight aggression when responding to a sensible accurate post of mine.Roudy

Wrong again. The reason these companies are moving their R & D to Israel is because of an intangible resource that the Israelis provide: The brains and innovation of its people. If it was taxes they were trying to avoid there's plenty of places like China, Philippines, Bietnam, Indonesia, etc. they can move to. Israel is a semi socialist state and very tough of taxes. You seem seriously lacking in basic business knowledge.
It's Vietnam,but alas your prose answered nothing,again what is the TAX threshold for these companies.........please steve...try to concentrate instead of sledging all the time....get with programme.....

About the Tax(and VAT)
Taxation in Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Unemployment Rate goes between 5.2-5.7%
CPI however indicates that trafficking commodities for manufacturing is pretty much unprofitable unless it is a global manufacturing.
You can find further statistics here as well.

Here you'll find start-up individuals mapped...
Israel Startup Map

Bang goes your theory.
Thanks Danny,I know Israelis are finding it tough at the moment..steve

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