Mother beheaded in front of daughters

Look, maybe this, or something like this happened. Barbarous acts have taken place in barbaric places since the dawn of time.
I'd lend a bit of credence to this specific story if it had been covered by AP, BBC, the German or French media outlets. Hell even RT or Al Jazeera.

Still, the question is begged, Just what the hell do you want done?
Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab militia last week publicly beheaded a mother of two girls and her cousin in southeastern Somalia after discovering they were Christians, sources said.

In the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle Region, the extremists on March 4 called residents to the town center to witness the executions of the 41-year-old mother, Sadia Ali Omar, and her 35-year-old cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, the sources said.

Before killing them, an Al Shabaab militant announced, “We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area,” according to an area resident whose name is undisclosed for security reasons.

Omar’s daughters, ages 8 and 15, were witness to the slaughter, sources said, with the younger girl screaming and shouting for someone to save her mother. A friend helped the girls, whose names are withheld, to relocate to another area.

“We are afraid that the Al Shabaab might continue monitoring these two children and eventually kill them just like their mother,” the area resident said.

Obama was born in Hawaii.

Prufrock's Lair: A House of Cards: the Case Against the Birther Movement
^^^So it's just another lie to get people angry at Islam. Absolutely shameful. Beyond the lowest of the low.

Yes, it is.
Extremist sites are reporting this but no real news sites will touch it.
Not a word from anyone, except extremist hate groups.
The burden of proof is yours Gummo, not mine.

The burden of proof must be with the person who makes the claim.
None of the claims in this thread have been proven or even attempted to be proven.

No reliable news source will touch this crap because they don't want to look like idiots.
The burden of proof is yours Gummo, not mine.

The burden of proof must be with the person who makes the claim.
None of the claims in this thread have been proven or even attempted to be proven.

No reliable news source will touch this crap because they don't want to look like idiots.

Which is why this thread is awarded its rightful place here.
This thread is best placed in the tin foil hat or total bullshit sections of the forum.
If these sections not exist, they should.
Alright, Fred. I wasn't going to do this but you want another news source so I am going to give you a few. Because I already looked up over half dozen reports on this story. It happened. Let's start with the news source in Nairobi, Kenya.

Islamic Extremists in Somalia Behead Two Christians

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab militia last week publicly beheaded a mother of two girls and her cousin in southeastern Somalia after discovering they were Christians, sources said.

In the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle Region, the extremists on March 4 called residents to the town center to witness the executions of the 41-year-old mother, Sadia Ali Omar, and her 35-year-old cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, the sources said.

Before killing them, an Al Shabaab militant announced, “We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area,” according to an area resident whose name is undisclosed for security reasons.

Omar’s daughters, ages 8 and 15, were witness to the slaughter, sources said, with the younger girl screaming and shouting for someone to save her mother. A friend helped the girls, whose names are withheld, to relocate to another area.

continue reading on link......

clip from story:
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Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab militia last week publicly beheaded a mother of two girls and her cousin in southeastern Somalia after discovering they were Christians, sources said.

In the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle Region, the extremists on March 4 called residents to the town center to witness the executions of the 41-year-old mother, Sadia Ali Omar, and her 35-year-old cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, the sources said.

Before killing them, an Al Shabaab militant announced, “We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area,” according to an area resident whose name is undisclosed for security reasons.

Omar’s daughters, ages 8 and 15, were witness to the slaughter, sources said, with the younger girl screaming and shouting for someone to save her mother. A friend helped the girls, whose names are withheld, to relocate to another area.

“We are afraid that the Al Shabaab might continue monitoring these two children and eventually kill them just like their mother,” the area resident said.

I read the headline and got all excited.

I thought it referred to Manchelle losing her head in front of her two daughters.
Good start, the Lucifer, sorry, morning star.
A moderate, unbiased, professional news outlet - not.

Any real news organisations?
Christian Mother in Somalia Beheaded in Front of Her DaughtersCoastal town of Barawa, in southeastern Somalia. (Wikimedia Commons)

A Christian mother of two and her cousin were beheaded by al-Shabab Islamic extremists once their faith was discovered. The extremists beheaded them publicly, in front of the woman's daughters and many of the villagers in the town square.

Morning Star News reports that Sadia Ali Omar, the mother of the two girls, and her cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, were beheaded in the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle region on March 4.

Before the two were martyred in front of many witnesses, sources report that the Islamic extremists said, "We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya—we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists'] area."

Al-Shabab is a rebel militia group that has vowed to rid Somalia of all Christians, as converting from Islam in Somalia is punishable by death. The militants who slaughtered the two believers "became suspicious of Omar and Moge due to their irregular attendance at Friday mosque prayers," sources say.

"It is an injustice that a mother can be murdered in front of her children merely for being a devout follower of her chosen faith," says Corey Bailey, regional manager for International Christian Concern. "Al-Shabab is an Islamic extremist group that has vowed to make Somalia 'purely Islamic.' The group adheres to an extremely harsh interpretation of Shariah that includes the beheading of converts from Islam and the removal of hands from thieves. The practice of torturing and killing converts from Islam must be addressed by the international community and should have no place in modern society."

NOTE*** I'll be asking someone at VOM ( I'm a paying member for over a decade now ) to contact Corey Bailey who is the regional manager for ICC and request he get some concrete documentation from her so we can settle this matter once and for all. See you on Monday God willing.

- Jeremiah
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It's an international news source - Morning Star. Nice try on the Lucifer spin....

This one is checkmate for you, Indo. Walid Shoebat wouldn't run this story unless he had confirmation. He would be in the middle of a major lawsuit. In a New York second. This one settles it without the phone call. - Jeremiah in Somalia seized two Christians, a mother of two daughters and her cousin, and after calling the entire village to gather together, they beheaded them in cold blood. The Muslims were so absent of shame, that they even had the woman’s two daughters, ages 8 and 15, watch their own mother get beheaded. The mother’s name was Sadia Ali Omar, and the cousin who was also beheaded was Osman Mohamoud Moge.

The 8 year old daughter weeped and begged for someone to save their mother, but nobody came, and the two innocent girls had no choice but to endure the sight of their beloved being savagely decapitated by these heathens. Before they beheaded them, the Muslims proclaimed:

We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area

One resident said that they were captured after suspicions were raised because the two Christians were not attending Friday prayers as frequently as is expected in Muslim lands.

The two people who were killed on many occasions did not take Friday prayers seriously, especially Omar, who claimed that she was praying in her house

The two daughters were taken in to an undisclosed location for protection, and still there is fear that the Muslims will try to track them down to slaughter them just as they did to their mother. One resident said:

We are afraid that the Al Shabaab might continue monitoring these two children and eventually kill them just like their mother

This is just one of the stories that escaped the indifference of the media toward the suffering of Christians. There are countless others that have gone unreported. Imagine how many martyrs there are, which have not even been grasped by our knowledge. Idleness in the face of evil is just another form of idolatry. We can no longer be careless, there is no excuse. We either help the persecuted, or join the world.

The Muslims who killed the mother and her cousin were members of Al-Shabaab, a Somali based jihadist group, and “They have some spy everywhere in Somalia.

Story cont on news link...

This discussion is now over, Fred. Have a nice weekend and lets everyone head over to the USMB Lounge for some R & R. It's the weekend and its time for a break! Thank you for reading. - Jeri
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We either help the persecuted or help the world. That is the statement for the 21st century.

Good note to close on.

thanks for reading.

Shoebat, wow, so professional.
Muslims in Somalia seized two Christians, a mother of two daughters and her cousin, and after calling the entire village to gather together, they beheaded them in cold blood.

I bet posters can't guess where the link goes. :D

Come on, link to the BBC or someone.
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$560,000 in a year, for bullshit.

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Basically, Shoebat is making a mint from "exposing" terrorists.
The more he exposes, the more cash he makes for after dinner speaking.

However, according to an investigative piece in the Jerusalem Post, there is no record of the terrorist attacks in which Shoebat claims to have participated. Members of his family expressed surprise when told of Shoebat's claims of growing up in a culture of violence and religious fundamentalism....

...Shoebat claims to have returned from imprisonment as a "terrorist" to his "life of violence." Then after emigrating to the United States, he became a Christian and a darling of the most extreme right wing political factions associated with Israel and evangelical Christianity.

Oh dear, you're really backing the wrong horse here.
Morning Star is not a news site Jeri. It self-admits it's a martyr complex site. The thing is, if this were a real story, there would be more than one source reporting it, rather than every single site referring back to Morning Star. That is a giant red flag right there, when everything bounces back to a single source. That's why journalistic ethics require a corroborating independent source.

"Shoebat" (appropriate name) is a blog site, not a news site, and once again it refers straight back to Morning Star, which indicates they made it up. Notice too Shoebat's objective: he's soliciting donations. He's using a fake emotional story to bilk the gullible. He's certainly not the first to make up fake Christian martyr stories, but the fact that he's using the emotional hook of a fake story that has no credible source to pick the pockets of the gullible is a great big SCREAMING red flag.

If this were an actual event we'd be able to hear a version of this story from CNN, ABC, ABC (Australia), NBC, CBS, PBS, NPR, Fox News, Reuters, BBC, CBC, AP, the NY Times, LeMonde, WaPo, HuffPo, NHK, Al Jazeera, Sky News, VOA, CRI, Deutsche Welle, the Pittsbugh Post-Gazette or somebody. None of them seem to know a thing about it.

Now that's what I call fiction.

Sadly there are still unscrupulous exploiters who are not above making stuff up for the gullible for the sole selfish purpose of advancing their own agenda. That's why we need to view all information with a cynical eye. Today more than ever. Because as we all know, everything we read on the internet is true.

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