Mother beheaded in front of daughters

Here's another story on a Muslim mob attacking a Christian church in Indonesia..

Same link. The Voice of the Martyrs

INDONESIA: Church Attacked, Pastor
Charged with Violating Shariah
On the morning of June 17, shouts of anger and shattering glass
interrupted songs of praise at the newly relocated Indonesia Bethel
Church (GBI) in Penayongan . About 100 protesters had gathered

Terrible - please show a map of Penayongan so I can visit and offer help in rebuilding.

What, can't find it?
No, you won't, there's no such place.
No mention of the text in his own youtube link.

she spilled a kerosene lamp that ignited and burned her face.

No good trying to lie - she did it to herself, not the bullshit version you're trying to push.
Again, you totally neglect Christian attacks against Muslims at the same time, in the same place.
You have to in order to push your version of the truth.

Again, no proof of the claim in the Op and no links to mass beheadings in Indonesia.


Her Christian village was not attacking Muslims. They were the victims in this story. Not the aggressors. They are trying to walk in Christlike love while dealing with great opposition.

Do you actually believe the lies that you tell in the face of news reports telling a completely different story from the ones made up in your head? Are you alright? Just checking.
More about persecution in Indonesia. Pastor arrested:

The Voice of the Martyrs

Indonesia: Pastor Arrested

After closing the Indonesia Pentecost Church (Gpdi) in Sumedang, Indonesia, for using an illegal building permit, authorities arrested the church’s pastor for forcing others to attend church. The church was built more than 24 years ago, and it has experienced threats only within the last few months.

Another corruption case.
They lose the paperwork until a bribe is paid - then it's found.
Not really religious anything, more a cash thing.

Perhaps I can link to the hundreds of churches around here that have no problems at all, including the one 50 yards away from my house, the one another 20 yards from that and so on. The four Christian schools in this estate are up and running without so much as a shout of abuse from anyone.
One of the Christian schools is next door to a Muslims school and they share teachers when they're stuck because of illness or whatever.
None burnt down, attacked or even cared about by the hundreds of Muslims who live on this estate.
Yesterday, we had Christian visitors, today the Buddhist lad from over the road came to play with my daughter.
The Muslims next door didn't burn us out of house and home for entertaining infidels.

Basically, it's a small number of idiots trying to cause as much trouble as possible, just as you're trying to stir up shit with your lies.

Now, are you going to post links to prove the bullshit story in the OP and the bullshit videos of beheading in Indonesia?
No mention of the text in his own youtube link.

she spilled a kerosene lamp that ignited and burned her face.

No good trying to lie - she did it to herself, not the bullshit version you're trying to push.
Again, you totally neglect Christian attacks against Muslims at the same time, in the same place.
You have to in order to push your version of the truth.

Again, no proof of the claim in the Op and no links to mass beheadings in Indonesia.


Her Christian village was not attacking Muslims. They were the victims in this story. Not the aggressors. They are trying to walk in Christlike love while dealing with great opposition.

Do you actually believe the lies that you tell in the face of news reports telling a completely different story from the ones made up in your head? Are you alright? Just checking.

Funny, the history books disagree with you.
How about that map I asked you to post?
The map is on the map link inside Voice of the Martyrs. Click a country and read about Christian persecution. I do not want to argue with you, Indo. I wish Gods best for you. We just disagree on what God's best is.

Anyhow, I was thinking maybe this Muslim Doctor could help you understand things from his point of view. He is so honest and transparent. I think after listening to him you will agree this is the way to peace, love and understanding in the Muslim world.

I have been into [Christian] churches and [Jewish] synagogues where they were praying for Muslims. While all the time, we curse them, and teach our generations to call them “infidels”, and to hate them. We immediately jump in a ‘knee jerk reflex’ to defend Prophet Mohammad when someone accuses him of being a pedophile while, at the same time, we are proud with the story in our Islamic books that he married a young girl seven years old [Aisha] when he was above 50 years old. I am sad to say that many, if not most of us, rejoiced in happiness after September 11th and after many other terror attacks. Muslims denounce these attacks to look good in front of the media, but we condone the Islamic terrorists and sympathise with their cause. Until now our ‘reputable’ top religious authorities have never issued a fatwa or religious statement to proclaim Bin Laden as an apostate, while an author, like Rushdie, was declared an apostate who should be killed according to Islamic Shari’a law just for writing a book criticizing Islam.

Muslims demonstrated to get more religious rights as we did in France to stop the ban on the hijab (head scarf), while we did not demonstrate with such passion and in such numbers against the terrorist murders. It is our absolute silence against the terrorists that gives the energy to these terrorists to continue doing their evil acts. We Muslims need to stop blaming our problems on others or on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. As a matter of honesty, Israel is the only light of democracy, civilization, and human rights in the whole Middle East. We kicked out the Jews with no compensation or mercy from most of the Arab countries to make them “Jews-free countries” while Israel accepted more than a million Arabs to live there, have their own nationality, and enjoy their rights as human beings. In Israel, women cannot be beaten legally by men, and any person can change his/her belief system with no fear of being killed by the Islamic law of ‘apostasy,’ while in our Islamic world people do not enjoy any of these rights.
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I believe this concludes my presentation on Christian persecution in Muslim nations such as Indonesia. I leave it to the readers to decide who is speaking the truth concerning publications such as Sellers, VOM,, & other media sources. These are the true heroes of our day commited to covering stories of Christian persecution around the globe. Special thanks to the Honest Muslim Doctor for sharing his heart & sending his message to the Muslim World. I could not have said it better myself.

Thank you for reading and viewing the video presentations.

- Jeremiah
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Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab militia last week publicly beheaded a mother of two girls and her cousin in southeastern Somalia after discovering they were Christians, sources said.

In the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle Region, the extremists on March 4 called residents to the town center to witness the executions of the 41-year-old mother, Sadia Ali Omar, and her 35-year-old cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, the sources said.

Before killing them, an Al Shabaab militant announced, “We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area,” according to an area resident whose name is undisclosed for security reasons.

Omar’s daughters, ages 8 and 15, were witness to the slaughter, sources said, with the younger girl screaming and shouting for someone to save her mother. A friend helped the girls, whose names are withheld, to relocate to another area.

“We are afraid that the Al Shabaab might continue monitoring these two children and eventually kill them just like their mother,” the area resident said.

Is there any legitimate actual news source reporting this?

I saw it mentioned elsewhere (unlinked) and did my own search. Couldn't find one.
The map is on the map link inside Voice of the Martyrs.

Translation from bullshit to English:

fredtranslate said:
Shit, it's a lie and I've been found out so I'll post some for crap and hope people believe it without checking.

Come on, post a map showing this non existent town.

Whilst you're at it, I'm still waiting for proof of the OP and links to videos of people having their heads chopped off in Indonesia.

Hang on, what's that smell, ah - your bullshit stories.
Is there any legitimate actual news source reporting this?

I saw it mentioned elsewhere (unlinked) and did my own search. Couldn't find one.

That'll be something to do with there being a total lack of truth in the OP.
It was made up by a nutter.
Pity really as the group in question are total bastards and shit like this just helps them out because they can say, "if one story is bullshit, how about the rest?".

This explains a little about them but fails to tell the whole truth about their nasty habits.

BBC News - Q&A: Who are Somalia's al-Shabab?

When you research, ignoring the bullshit such as we see in the OP, you soon realise they're a bunch of bastards.
Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab militia last week publicly beheaded a mother of two girls and her cousin in southeastern Somalia after discovering they were Christians, sources said.

In the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle Region, the extremists on March 4 called residents to the town center to witness the executions of the 41-year-old mother, Sadia Ali Omar, and her 35-year-old cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, the sources said.

Before killing them, an Al Shabaab militant announced, “We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area,” according to an area resident whose name is undisclosed for security reasons.

Omar’s daughters, ages 8 and 15, were witness to the slaughter, sources said, with the younger girl screaming and shouting for someone to save her mother. A friend helped the girls, whose names are withheld, to relocate to another area.

“We are afraid that the Al Shabaab might continue monitoring these two children and eventually kill them just like their mother,” the area resident said.

Is there any legitimate actual news source reporting this?

I saw it mentioned elsewhere (unlinked) and did my own search. Couldn't find one.

Nice post, ouch, you got me.

Now how about helping me a little. Give me the "Legitimate" news source you accept.
Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

Is there any legitimate actual news source reporting this?

I saw it mentioned elsewhere (unlinked) and did my own search. Couldn't find one.

Nice post, ouch, you got me.

Now how about helping me a little. Give me the "Legitimate" news source you accept.

Uh - that's what I'm asking for. A news source. I see this story floating around on Christian agenda sites and as in your post Islamophobe sites, but nobody seems to know where it came from, nobody quotes a source, nobody corroborates. It's just .... "going around". That's not good enough.

Call me crazy but I have to know a thing is real before I go any further.
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Is there any legitimate actual news source reporting this?

I saw it mentioned elsewhere (unlinked) and did my own search. Couldn't find one.

Nice post, ouch, you got me.

Now how about helping me a little. Give me the "Legitimate" news source you accept.

Uh - that's what I'm asking for. A news source. I see this story floating around on Christian agenda sites and as in your post Islamophobe sites, but nobody seems to know where it came from, nobody quotes a source, nobody corroborates. It's just .... "going around". That's not good enough.

Call me crazy but I have to know a thing is real before I go any further.

I asked a honest question, what is a news source that you accept as Legitimate. It does not have to relate to this this woman who got beheaded. So, if you have an answer give it.

There is really no way to know if anything is real, is there? So what source do you consider legitimate. Maybe you can make a list and from now on to please your sensibilities I will only use those sources.
Nice post, ouch, you got me.

Now how about helping me a little. Give me the "Legitimate" news source you accept.

Uh - that's what I'm asking for. A news source. I see this story floating around on Christian agenda sites and as in your post Islamophobe sites, but nobody seems to know where it came from, nobody quotes a source, nobody corroborates. It's just .... "going around". That's not good enough.

Call me crazy but I have to know a thing is real before I go any further.

I asked a honest question, what is a news source that you accept as Legitimate. It does not have to relate to this this woman who got beheaded. So, if you have an answer give it.

There is really no way to know if anything is real, is there? So what source do you consider legitimate. Maybe you can make a list and from now on to please your sensibilities I will only use those sources.
Seriously, I believe if something like this did actually happen, it would have elicited world wide attention, and there would be no question about a news source: many news agencies would have picked it up and blasted it around the world. The entire world is not in a conspiracy to keep such a thing a secret and to protect the possibility of a group of Muslims having done this. So the fact there is no credible news source is very telling, telling us this is probably made up. Manufacturing hatred, as if there isn't enough in the world already.
Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

Why do we allow in this country, the right for the mother to kill her innocent baby?

We don't. Killing a baby is murder in this country. You're just dying to call a non viable and unwanted fetus a baby though aren't you?
Let me guess, it's a hamster!
Nice post, ouch, you got me.

Now how about helping me a little. Give me the "Legitimate" news source you accept.

Uh - that's what I'm asking for. A news source. I see this story floating around on Christian agenda sites and as in your post Islamophobe sites, but nobody seems to know where it came from, nobody quotes a source, nobody corroborates. It's just .... "going around". That's not good enough.

Call me crazy but I have to know a thing is real before I go any further.

I asked a honest question, what is a news source that you accept as Legitimate. It does not have to relate to this this woman who got beheaded. So, if you have an answer give it.

There is really no way to know if anything is real, is there? So what source do you consider legitimate. Maybe you can make a list and from now on to please your sensibilities I will only use those sources.

Are you the envoy from special ed class? This is not my claim. I'm asking for a legitimate source that says it IS a story at all. You're the guy saying this is an actual event -- not me. The burden of proof is yours Gummo, not mine.

If your answer is you don't have one, then just admit that, we'll close this thread and move on to something that actually does exist.
Why do we allow in this country, the right for the mother to kill her innocent baby?

We don't. Killing a baby is murder in this country. You're just dying to call a non viable and unwanted fetus a baby though aren't you?
Let me guess, it's a hamster!

No. The pro abort crowd would do all it could to save the life of a hamster...not so much with a human fetus.

To the pro baby killer, the fetus is akin to the clippings you get when clipping your toe nails. It is a non viable tissue mass worthy of disposal at any time you chose. To them, it is not HUMAN.

This belief is of course, sick and demented. But we must be understanding, since most pro aborts are merely ignorant. They have been trained like a puppy dog.
Uh - that's what I'm asking for. A news source. I see this story floating around on Christian agenda sites and as in your post Islamophobe sites, but nobody seems to know where it came from, nobody quotes a source, nobody corroborates. It's just .... "going around". That's not good enough.

Call me crazy but I have to know a thing is real before I go any further.

I asked a honest question, what is a news source that you accept as Legitimate. It does not have to relate to this this woman who got beheaded. So, if you have an answer give it.

There is really no way to know if anything is real, is there? So what source do you consider legitimate. Maybe you can make a list and from now on to please your sensibilities I will only use those sources.
Seriously, I believe if something like this did actually happen, it would have elicited world wide attention, and there would be no question about a news source: many news agencies would have picked it up and blasted it around the world. The entire world is not in a conspiracy to keep such a thing a secret and to protect the possibility of a group of Muslims having done this. So the fact there is no credible news source is very telling, telling us this is probably made up. Manufacturing hatred, as if there isn't enough in the world already.

Guaranteed they would. This would be an advertising gold mine. "Coming up, two women beheaded for being Christian! We'll have that story for you coming up, right after we sell you this movie, these new iPhones, a set of tires and four other pieces of crap you don't need. Stay right there!". You could milk that for the full proverbial week window.

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