Mother beheaded in front of daughters

I wonder if Jeremiah has thread fled.
He's posted many lies and refuses to attempt to prove any of them.

No videos of Indonesian beheading, not a word about Israeli false flag ops and still not a single link to the OP story, save extremist websites.

It's all lies, designed to create hate.
The world is a shitty place to a very large extent and you are a shitty American blaming Obama for the bad things that happen that are out of our control.

Take off the blinders and learn to comprehend.

I stated that the White House is Silent, that is very different than saying Obama is to Blame.

As far as blame goes, you as an individual unwilling to discuss this, that puts blame at your feet.

How many wrongfull deaths occur at the hands of bad people every day on this planet? Only a complete imbecile would expect Obama to react to them all...that is all he would ever have time for and still not make the slightest dent in the daily list.

If you want the blame laid at my feet ..fine I'm OK with that. I hope the Muslims kill off each other any way they find available. It's all good news to me.

Muslim women are stupid to let ignorant Muslim men tell them what to do. If they want change then they know EXACTLY how to get it. With this day and age of the internet it should be no problem for all the Muslim Ho's to withold the pussy all at the same time till their dumb ass counterparts get the message.

I wonder if Jeremiah has thread fled.
He's posted many lies and refuses to attempt to prove any of them.

No videos of Indonesian beheading, not a word about Israeli false flag ops and still not a single link to the OP story, save extremist websites.

It's all lies, designed to create hate.

Wrong. I've stated the facts. Anyone can google and research from an independent source. Feel free. Try googling Voice of the Martyrs and then look up the stories of Christian persecution in Indonesia.

I would consider the credibility of Voice of the Martyrs and such other organizations as Sellers affiliates with before I would take the word of a man who has by his avatar extremist Muslim. ( from Indonesia ) No thanks. Taking your word for anything would be a serious mistake, in my opinion. - Jeremiah

NOTE* You had your opportunity to answer me yesterday and you ran, Fred. It's too late now.
Here is a video documentary of an Indonesian church who refuses to stop worshiping. I can share this. This is from Voice of the Martyrs ministry whose outreach is to nations where persecuted Christians live.

[ame=]Indonesian Church Won't Stop Worshiping - YouTube[/ame]
The Christian refugees in this video are survivors of the 1999 Maluku sectarian conflict and are still strong in their love for the LORD. The persecution against Christians in Indonesia is very severe. Note the serious faces - no carefree smiles - laughing, etc as is the norm in Western churches? There is a reason for that. They are living under persecution. The joy of the LORD is their strength but it is a different type of joy then what we see in the West. This video also comes from Voice of the Martyrs. Please pray for pray for the persecuted churches in Indonesia - in one report I read from VOM there were over 50 churches burned to the ground in Indonesia. This should not be happening. Pray for Muslims of Indonesia that God will touch their hearts through these persecuted Christians showing Christlike love and forgiveness.

[ame=]Refugee Church Service - YouTube[/ame]
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Not our country.

What do you expect the US to do?

President from Africa??? WTF?
So apparently only in Africa can a black child be born.
As for the topic - what can he do? Start a Christian crusade with a few heavily armed battalions?
This is sick shit. But nothing compared to North Korea.

About Morning Star News

The editor concerned, Jeff M. Sellers, is hardly an unbiased professional, more an extremist Christian with a notable agenda.

An extremist anti Islam website is quoting a very biased publication that fails to give any actual details about this event.

The group who are claimed as the criminals, are exactly that, evil little bastards of the first order but, even though the earth would be a far better place if all the Al Shabaab twats died of cancer next week (one lives in hope), that doesn't mean we have to believe every story about them.
There are loads of verifiable stories about these evil sods without having to rely on crap extremist websites to make up more.

So anyone who reports on a muslim killing his family because they are Christians is an extremist! Who knew? Good thing we have CNN.

No, Sunshine, that is not the issue. At issue is using a terrible event, a murder on another continent, and yet, the writer of the OP somehow wants to try to blame our President - who was neither born there and does not rule in Kenya, for it.

That's the point that has so many upset about such a fucked-up OP. Not because the story is bad, but because the tilt is terrible. It's just another sideswipe that shows that yet another Rightie can't think straight. If you ever take your blinders off, you may just be able to see that.

This thread belongs under something like islamic terrorism.

Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab militia last week publicly beheaded a mother of two girls and her cousin in southeastern Somalia after discovering they were Christians, sources said.

In the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle Region, the extremists on March 4 called residents to the town center to witness the executions of the 41-year-old mother, Sadia Ali Omar, and her 35-year-old cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, the sources said.

Before killing them, an Al Shabaab militant announced, “We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area,” according to an area resident whose name is undisclosed for security reasons.

Omar’s daughters, ages 8 and 15, were witness to the slaughter, sources said, with the younger girl screaming and shouting for someone to save her mother. A friend helped the girls, whose names are withheld, to relocate to another area.

“We are afraid that the Al Shabaab might continue monitoring these two children and eventually kill them just like their mother,” the area resident said.

Are you stupid or what? Our President isn't from Africa, and since when does the President make a statement about every single heinous crime in the United States, much less in another country?

Your sick notion to blame every single damn thing on the President just shows how ignorant you and those who applaud your crap are.

I will also point out that the Jihad Watch article does not really confirm that the family that was killed was Christian. Instead, it wrote the following:

From their names, they seem to have been converts from Islam to Christianity.

However, it is very likely that indeed, the murdered mother was a Christian. And I would hope that the murderers be found and punished. It is a horrific crime, a heartbreaking crime.

What a shame that yet another asshole in USMB decided to use story like this to bludgeon our President, when he has absolutely nothing to do with what happened.

Some people are sick, others are even sicker. And a lot of them can be found right here in USMB.

I've got an idea for Sunshine, since she knows everything anyway. Hey, Sunshine, go fly to Kenya and find the murderers, since you are so big and brave. Have at it. If you catch them, we will all applaud you. Otherwise, it's probably better for you slink back under your slimy rock.

Give it a rest already. This has nothing to do with Obama.



Obama definitely should have denounced this.


Google Stinky. Bonncrudo is in Germany. Not the US.

Obama has more important things to worry about now than to comment on every single crime that happens somewhere in the world. Anyone thinking that he should is really ignorant and just trying to find fault.

And, I don't know what "stinky bonncrudo" has anything to do with the topic.....must be another of your butt hurts that should be relegated to the FZ with the rest of your whines.

Give it a rest already. This has nothing to do with Obama.



It is so childish and ignorant to expect Obama to comment on every single crime....he doesn't even have time to do so with just the crimes in the US....much less those that happen in other countries, but to start a thread and blame him for not commenting and then have others add their two cents saying the same thing goes beyond is downright foolish and demonic.

Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab militia last week publicly beheaded a mother of two girls and her cousin in southeastern Somalia after discovering they were Christians, sources said.

In the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle Region, the extremists on March 4 called residents to the town center to witness the executions of the 41-year-old mother, Sadia Ali Omar, and her 35-year-old cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, the sources said.

Before killing them, an Al Shabaab militant announced, “We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area,” according to an area resident whose name is undisclosed for security reasons.

Omar’s daughters, ages 8 and 15, were witness to the slaughter, sources said, with the younger girl screaming and shouting for someone to save her mother. A friend helped the girls, whose names are withheld, to relocate to another area.

“We are afraid that the Al Shabaab might continue monitoring these two children and eventually kill them just like their mother,” the area resident said.

Is your upset at a woman being executed in front of her children, or a Christian woman being executed in front of her children? Ok, what would you like to do. You're commander-in-chief, what are your orders? Want us to go kick their ass? If so when do we stop? Make Africa safe for Christians? Might have to kill rather a lot of Muslims, but by your command. When we finish with Africa, where to next? Middle east? India? Asia? Wipe out the entire anti-Christian world? Guess that job security, but might take a while.

Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab militia last week publicly beheaded a mother of two girls and her cousin in southeastern Somalia after discovering they were Christians, sources said.

In the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle Region, the extremists on March 4 called residents to the town center to witness the executions of the 41-year-old mother, Sadia Ali Omar, and her 35-year-old cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, the sources said.

Before killing them, an Al Shabaab militant announced, “We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area,” according to an area resident whose name is undisclosed for security reasons.

Omar’s daughters, ages 8 and 15, were witness to the slaughter, sources said, with the younger girl screaming and shouting for someone to save her mother. A friend helped the girls, whose names are withheld, to relocate to another area.

“We are afraid that the Al Shabaab might continue monitoring these two children and eventually kill them just like their mother,” the area resident said.

Not our country. What strategic interest of the United States was injured? This crap of prancing around the globe to right all wrongs is just that, crap. REGARDLESS of which party's empty suit occupies the big chair.

Silence from the White House is not laying blame at Obama's feet, but those who I quote, the blame is at your feet, for being lying apologists for Obama. So quick to defend the Dictator in Chief.

So lets hear voices now, Obama is sending a delegation through the State Department because a "wrong" was done to Gays in Uganda.

So lets see if your hypocrites. Denounce the White House for being the World's Police. Obama is silent when there is murder of Christians yet when a slight is done to a GAY he sends out the State Department, with news releases, and even Scientists?

I am sure all you Leftist/Liberal/Democrats will now express outrage, not.

You will ignore the post or attack me. We will see you as cowards who blindly protect your dictator in chief.

Kerry To Send Scientific Delegation To Uganda To End Anti-LGBT LawTalk Radio News Service

During a University Town Hall meeting at the US State department on Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry said he will be sending American scientists to speak with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to encourage him to change his mind about the Anti-Homosexuality Act signed into law last month.

“I talked personally to President Museveni just a few weeks ago, and he committed to meet with some of our experts so that we could engage him in a dialogue as to why what he did could not be based on any kind of science or fact, which is what he was alleging,” Kerry said. “He welcomed that and said that he was happy to receive them and we can engage in that kind of conversation… maybe we can reach a point of reconsideration.”

The controversial law would impose a lifetime prison sentence for anyone who identifies as gay or engages in homosexual acts.

Speaking with reporters in February, Kerry compared the anti-gay legislation to anti-Semitism and apartheid policies.

“You could change the focus of this legislation to black or Jewish and you could be in 1930s Germany or you could be in 1950s-1960s apartheid South Africa,” Kerry said, adding “it was wrong there egregiously in both places and it is wrong here.

You all ask what the president can do, plenty, as we can see when a gay is slighted the full force of the State Department will be brought down upon the offending country.
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If you think I've been playing mutual admiration daisy chain you haven't been paying attention, Huggy. I didn't vote for Obama either and you won't find a post by me about him here on this thread because the discussion is not about Obama. It's about Islam. Thanks for your reply. Have a nice rest of the day. - Jeri

I don't give a stinking rat shit about Islam. I buy my cigarettes at the Speedy mart across the street from a Muslim owned establishment and they have never short changed me or said anything nearly as ignorant as many here on USMB talking about the president of our country.

I have talked briefly about politics on occasion with the store operators and found them to be highly patriotic concerning our country.

These and many like these "Muslims" in our country are the only Muslims I give a rats ass about.

What Muslims do against Americans outside this country is of no concern to me. That is a concern for our FBI, ICE, Military to deal with as they will. Send drones..blow them to red mist. Send the Seals...50 cal sniper bullits through the brain bucket... all good news.

In the mean time if the dumb ass Muslims in Puke a stan wnat to kill each other...cut of each other's heads.. whatever.. I say GOOD! No such thing as an innocent foreign Muslim. Just like there is no innocent Tea Bagger here. They can kill each other till the streets run a foot deep in blood and I will cheer them on. "If you are not with are against us" to quote some recent president.

Islam is a stupid religion that got WAY out of hand. It started out as a means to control butchery in the Spice Trade routes than meandered through the Mid East. It was more of a mutual truce than anything. Then as stupid humans are it spread to places that had no relevance in it's origin. Stupid people just like being led by loudmouths that shame them and promise them nonsense...kinda like our Tea Party.

:clap2: :clap2:
This is a wonderful story of a survival and courage. This Indonesian girl was on the cover of Time Magazine. What a beautiful soul she is. God bless this woman!

[ame=]Yubelina Thanks You for Your Letters - YouTube[/ame]
Yubelina is truly radiating beauty in that video. She never once mentions the Muslims who did this to her and her Christian village. She never once mentions anything about her attackers. She only exudes gratitude, joy and love all people. Isn't she beautiful? This is a nice story about her too.

Indonesia: Beauty in Ashes? | Ain't ComplicatedI receive a monthly newsletter from The Voice of the Martyrs [....] This month, the cover is a picture of a woman, Yubelina, from Indonesia. She was burned in an attack by Muslims on her Christian village.

Her skin is splotchy & ranges in color from light brown to red to white. Much of it is leathery. Her nose is disfigured. She has a purplish-colored patch of skin in between her bottom lip & the bottom of her chin. Her upper lip is peeling. Her left eye is white & red; her pupil is clearly no longer able to see.

But she is smiling. A huge smile. Joy radiates from her. Why?? She must receive stares. Children are probably afraid of her. The world would call her damaged. Ugly.

Yubelina has figured out where her identity lies. She is a treasured child of the King. She has traded “a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning” (Isa. 61:3). Her smile reveals Jesus.

Yubelina is beautiful. I guarantee she has a joy, a contentment, that no name-brand, trendy clothing; no perfect haircut & makeup; no flawless skin or toned body can bring.
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The Voice of the MartyrsIndonesia: Churches Forced to Close
print story

At least 22 churches have been forced to close in Indonesia this year due to mounting pressure on local governments. Eighteen of the closed churches are located in the Singkil regency of Aceh province, where Muslims held a “peace rally” on April 30 urging the local government to tear down all churches lacking legal permits.

At least 300 Muslims, including religious leaders, gathered at the April 30 rally to demand that local authorities enforce the Agreement of 1979, which dictates that only one church building can operate in the district. At the suggestion of the head of district police, Muslim leaders agreed to give the Christians three days to tear down their own church buildings. The Muslims formed a group to monitor the Christians, with the understanding that police would tear down the unregistered churches if they were still standing in three days.

continue reading on Link....
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I wonder if Jeremiah has thread fled.
He's posted many lies and refuses to attempt to prove any of them.

No videos of Indonesian beheading, not a word about Israeli false flag ops and still not a single link to the OP story, save extremist websites.

It's all lies, designed to create hate.

Wrong. I've stated the facts. Anyone can google and research from an independent source. Feel free.

I believe correct forum etiquette is to prove your own bullshit, not make weak excuses and ask others to find what isn't there.

I challenge you to post it or admit you lied.
How do you know what Obama believes? I don't like the man, but laying this at his feet is way off base.

You have to understand, the anti Obama lot are a bit pathetic.
They have very little real stuff to work on so they have to make shit up.

No blacks in the white house, and all that bullshit.
They hate a democracy that allows a "******" to be commander in chief and will attack your democracy for allowing it, some as far as inciting a revolution.
We've seen idiots here propose that one.

Obama is a socialist so I'm naturally a bit anti, but the U.S. right are more than a bit corrupt so he's a better bet for the rest of the world.
Wow, talk about making shit up....^^^
I wonder if Jeremiah has thread fled.
He's posted many lies and refuses to attempt to prove any of them.

No videos of Indonesian beheading, not a word about Israeli false flag ops and still not a single link to the OP story, save extremist websites.

It's all lies, designed to create hate.

Wrong. I've stated the facts. Anyone can google and research from an independent source. Feel free.

I believe correct forum etiquette is to prove your own bullshit, not make weak excuses and ask others to find what isn't there.

I challenge you to post it or admit you lied.

I just did. Did you see the links and video clips of persecuted churches / christians in Indonesia? Open your eyes, Indo. There is a link provided for VOM as well. Your welcome. - Jeri
This is a wonderful story of a survival and courage. This Indonesian girl was on the cover of Time Magazine. What a beautiful soul she is. God bless this woman!

Yubelina Thanks You for Your Letters - YouTube

It's nice when you don't read and understand the links in your own post.
The notes explain a little of what happened and where it happened.

The rest is available from a variety of pages but I'm using this wiki one as it provides all the background and is accurate.

Maluku sectarian conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

inter-communal fighting broke out between Christian and Muslim communities in January 1999, cascading into what could be described as all out warfare and atrocities against the civilian population committed by both sides

Yes, a Muslim gang attacked but she was burned by her own lamp, not the attackers and Christians were attacking Muslims as well.
Why didn't you mention that little detail?

Oh, it doesn't fit your story so you didn't want to.
I believe correct forum etiquette is to prove your own bullshit, not make weak excuses and ask others to find what isn't there.

I challenge you to post it or admit you lied.

I just did. Did you see the links and video clips of persecuted churches / christians in Indonesia? Open your eyes, Indo. There is a link provided for VOM as well. Your welcome. - Jeri[/QUOTE]

See, not a link to the OP story at all, nothing to prove mass beheading of Indonesian Christian videos and half a story about this woman burned by Muslims, except she burned herself, as is laid out in the text of the youtube video.

Prove the story in the OP with reliable links.
Link to the beheading videos you claim from Indonesia

You can't because you lied.
By the way, I've been here for some years now and fully realise there is a problem with extremists having a go at Christians and churches.
Unlike you, I know the real story behind this, one of bribery, corruption and intimidation for cash.

A while ago, The FPI tried to stop a church being built.
They shut up and fucked off when a bribe was paid.

You see, unlike your bullshit version, the FPI aren't really religious extremists, more criminals in it for the cash.

FPI diversifies business to land conflicts | The Jakarta Post

I can post links to my claims but you can't because yours are lies.
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Nice try, Indo. Won't work. She was the cover story of Voice of the Martyrs. Read up. This was due to a Muslim attack. The Muslims attacked her village. Your wikipedia page has been edited severely and is full of disinformation. I've seen this numerous times before.

Persecution Blog: True Beauty

Clip from article. Anyone who would like to fact check Voice of the Martyrs credibility should feel free to do so. Their reputation is spotless.

I receive a monthly newsletter from The Voice of the Martyrs (if you don't receive it, I recommend you contact them to do so - it's free - This month, the cover is a picture of a woman, Yubelina, from Indonesia. She was burned in an attack by Muslims on her Christian village.
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Here's another story on a Muslim mob attacking a Christian church in Indonesia..

Same link. The Voice of the Martyrs

INDONESIA: Church Attacked, Pastor
Charged with Violating Shariah
On the morning of June 17, shouts of anger and shattering glass
interrupted songs of praise at the newly relocated Indonesia Bethel
Church (GBI) in Penayongan . About 100 protesters had gathered
outside, and believers were forced to flee out the back door when
some of the protesters stormed the church. The mob vandalized the
church, destroying musical instruments and sound equipment.

Police arrived and dispersed the protesters, but they took the church's
piano and sound system as evidence. They also detained 13 believers,
including the pastor, and interrogated them until late evening. The
pastor was charged with violating Shariah law by holding church
services without permission.

Police closed the church and denied the pastor entry to the building,
which also served as his residence. As a result, the pastor was forced
to move back to his hometown of Medan.
Source: VOM contacts
Please Pray!

Please pray that believers at this Indonesia Bethel Church will be
neither deterred nor discouraged from gathering for worship. Pray that
they will find a new location and that the pastor will be released from
the charges and reunited with his congregation. Pray that the shroud of
darkness will be lifted from the hearts and minds of the protesters and
that the light of Jesus will be revealed to them.

Does that sound like peace, love and understanding in action to you? Me neither!!
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No mention of the text in his own youtube link.

she spilled a kerosene lamp that ignited and burned her face.

No good trying to lie - she did it to herself, not the bullshit version you're trying to push.
Again, you totally neglect Christian attacks against Muslims at the same time, in the same place.
You have to in order to push your version of the truth.

Again, no proof of the claim in the Op and no links to mass beheadings in Indonesia.

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More about persecution in Indonesia. Pastor arrested:

The Voice of the Martyrs

Indonesia: Pastor Arrested

After closing the Indonesia Pentecost Church (Gpdi) in Sumedang, Indonesia, for using an illegal building permit, authorities arrested the church’s pastor for forcing others to attend church. The church was built more than 24 years ago, and it has experienced threats only within the last few months.

“This church building is a permanent building, and it has been there for more than 24 years,” said Theophilus Belo, director of Jakarta Christian Communication Forum (FKKJ). “During that time, everything was going well. But on July this year, this congregation got a problem. Their church has been closed by local administration.”

On Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011, a local administrative group threatened to close the church. The church had previously received a letter urging them to stop Christian activities, and the district head of Jatinangor in Sumedang, Nandang Suparman, said the church building had no legal building permit.

“Until today we have not yet received their building permit documentation application,” Suparman said. “We have checked if they are already submitting it from a district administrative level. On May this year, if I’m not mistaken, we sent them a letter to urge them to start applying for their building permit. We are already giving them a chance to start applying, but they don’t do it.”
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