Mother beheaded in front of daughters

America is not the biggest terrorist nation by far. Indonesia has over 200 million Muslims and many are radicalized. Heidi Baker's Ministry was told to leave Indonesia or die. Tolerance? I think your country has a long way to go there, Fred.

Want to focus on terrorism? Take care of your own back yard. You've got a 777 plane missing over there by you and Malaysia cannot even get their story straight about last time of contact.

Indonesia has a lot more people than America but has started far fewer wars and has killed a hell of a lot less people.
Indofred insists! :eusa_angel:

So prove it - link to reliable, unbiased news outlets that are running this story.
I checked an hour ago - there were none them, not even Fox.

Give it a blast.

I already posted the links for you. It doesn't get any better than Christianity Today giving you a 5 star credibility rating. Not that Sellers needs it. Voice of the Martyrs is of the same integrity and standards of factual reporting. I suppose you'll want to take a shot at Tom White now because he is the head of Voice of the Martyrs currently? It will have about as much effect as your attempt to libel the name of Sellers because you don't like his exposing what is happening to Christians around the world.

Fox News is an unbiast news source now, Indo? Why? Because they aren't reporting the story? Yes.

In your world not reporting the story is being unbiast and reporting the story to get it out there makes them biast. Got it.

Voice of the Martyrs, yes, clearly a middle of the road sort of thing - not.

Fox are known for slapping out any old rubbish as news but even they didn't bother with this crap.
One has to ask why that might be - oh, because it's made up shit.

I challenge you again - post a mainstream news service link to this story - if you can.
What would Israel want to attack the United States of America for? :

I'm guessing it was a false flag gone wrong but you'd have to ask Israel why they did it.

You said, very soon. That is not past tense. That is future tense. You are predicting the plane that was stolen will be used very soon in a terror attack against America. How do you know that?

(in Indonesia they might not knock on your door but if you had written that in the USA you would definitely be paid a visit )

As for US Navy ships......

If you are referring to the USS Liberty that dog won't hunt. It was an accident. Israelis were our allies back then as well which is why we knew they didn't do it purposely. No motive. If you don't have motive you don't have a case.

Do you have a motive for claiming the Israelis are planning a false flag attack on US? ( rhetorical question - no need to answer ) Thanks.

Starting with the Israeli false flag attacks, Israel does have a track record of false flag operations. They get nabbed now and again.
Perhaps you'd like to retract that in case someone posts.....

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Lavon Affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, code named Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence for plans to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents" or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone.[2] The operation caused no casualties, except for those members of the cell who committed suicide after being captured.

Oh, look, Israeli false flags against American targets.

The motive with the Liberty was to side America with Israel against Egypt and other Arab states.
How quickly you forget - or try to lie in the hope no one will remember.

Perhaps you'd better alter your post as it smells of bullshit.:badgrin:
What would Israel want to attack the United States of America for? :

I'm guessing it was a false flag gone wrong but you'd have to ask Israel why they did it.

You said, very soon. That is not past tense. That is future tense. You are predicting the plane that was stolen will be used very soon in a terror attack against America. How do you know that?

(in Indonesia they might not knock on your door but if you had written that in the USA you would definitely be paid a visit )

Mentioning Israeli attacks against America is a crime in the United states? WOW! you lot really are Israel's bitches.
Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab militia last week publicly beheaded a mother of two girls and her cousin in southeastern Somalia after discovering they were Christians, sources said.

In the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle Region, the extremists on March 4 called residents to the town center to witness the executions of the 41-year-old mother, Sadia Ali Omar, and her 35-year-old cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, the sources said.

Before killing them, an Al Shabaab militant announced, “We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area,” according to an area resident whose name is undisclosed for security reasons.

Omar’s daughters, ages 8 and 15, were witness to the slaughter, sources said, with the younger girl screaming and shouting for someone to save her mother. A friend helped the girls, whose names are withheld, to relocate to another area.

“We are afraid that the Al Shabaab might continue monitoring these two children and eventually kill them just like their mother,” the area resident said.

I did not blame Obama nor try to pin this on Obama but the facts remains that he is the most powerful man in the World as the President of the United States. Obama as our leader is our voice.

If we as people do not speak and act against this then we are on the side of the murderers.

Shameful cowards you are. Freedom you deserve not.

Ignorant as fuck you are.

Not every terrorist attack call out did George W. Bush, Jr.

So, you according, coward he is, right little yodissa?
I did not blame Obama nor try to pin this on Obama but the facts remains that he is the most powerful man in the World as the President of the United States. Obama as our leader is our voice.

If we as people do not speak and act against this then we are on the side of the murderers.

Shameful cowards you are. Freedom you deserve not.

You're assuming the story is true - it probably isn't.

As yet, no one has managed to post a reliable news source for this story, just an extremist website and an extremist editor.
Until someone manages to post actual news, not tabloid rubbish, I really can't believe it.
That's probably why Obama has yet to comment - he's unlikely to be stupid enough to comment on a fake story.

It isn't a fake story, Indo. We already established it was your dishonesty and hatred for Christians who expose the evil agendas of that cult your covering for. Truly even if 10 billion people followed Islam it would still not negate the truth that it is a spawn of hell. It is what it is. Class is over. You're dismissed. - Jeri
I'm guessing it was a false flag gone wrong but you'd have to ask Israel why they did it.

You said, very soon. That is not past tense. That is future tense. You are predicting the plane that was stolen will be used very soon in a terror attack against America. How do you know that?

(in Indonesia they might not knock on your door but if you had written that in the USA you would definitely be paid a visit )

Mentioning Israeli attacks against America is a crime in the United states? WOW! you lot really are Israel's bitches.

Try again. Mentioning an accident and "attempting to twist the truth and call it an attack" is a crime in my book. Because it is a bold faced lie and you, Indo, are a bold faced liar trying to spread propaganda about Israel.

Here's a suggestion for you, Indo. Knock off the lies and personal attacks on this girl Electra and go pray and repent for slandering Sellers who happens to be a Christian exposing the evil your cult is doing all over the world. Redeem the time. Its short enough as it is.. - Jeri
I'm guessing it was a false flag gone wrong but you'd have to ask Israel why they did it.

You said, very soon. That is not past tense. That is future tense. You are predicting the plane that was stolen will be used very soon in a terror attack against America. How do you know that?

(in Indonesia they might not knock on your door but if you had written that in the USA you would definitely be paid a visit )

As for US Navy ships......

If you are referring to the USS Liberty that dog won't hunt. It was an accident. Israelis were our allies back then as well which is why we knew they didn't do it purposely. No motive. If you don't have motive you don't have a case.

Do you have a motive for claiming the Israelis are planning a false flag attack on US? ( rhetorical question - no need to answer ) Thanks.

Starting with the Israeli false flag attacks, Israel does have a track record of false flag operations. They get nabbed now and again.
Perhaps you'd like to retract that in case someone posts.....

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Lavon Affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, code named Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence for plans to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents" or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone.[2] The operation caused no casualties, except for those members of the cell who committed suicide after being captured.

Oh, look, Israeli false flags against American targets.

The motive with the Liberty was to side America with Israel against Egypt and other Arab states.
How quickly you forget - or try to lie in the hope no one will remember.

Perhaps you'd better alter your post as it smells of bullshit.:badgrin:

I'm amazed! It took you all this time to reply to my posts? Seriously? What did you do, Indo? Walk to Mecca to ask an Imam? Use google the next time! It's alot faster! ROFL!

N O T E ! ! ! Indo doesn't even know about the USS Liberty so he had to wait until he could ask an Imam for propaganda to diffuse it. Did someone else do your homework for you in the Madrassa? They need to send you back for re-education. Otherwise your parents should demand a refund. - Jeri
Last edited:
I did not blame Obama nor try to pin this on Obama but the facts remains that he is the most powerful man in the World as the President of the United States. Obama as our leader is our voice.

If we as people do not speak and act against this then we are on the side of the murderers.

Shameful cowards you are. Freedom you deserve not.

You're assuming the story is true - it probably isn't.

As yet, no one has managed to post a reliable news source for this story, just an extremist website and an extremist editor.
Until someone manages to post actual news, not tabloid rubbish, I really can't believe it.
That's probably why Obama has yet to comment - he's unlikely to be stupid enough to comment on a fake story.

It isn't a fake story, Indo.

So prove it.
Link to any government, mainstream church or mainstream press that has commented on this story.
I know you can't because no one has - except extremists.
Your rant against Muslims just proves what dodgy ground you're on with this story.
Tell you what, I'll help you out.

BARE NAKED ISLAM | It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
The New American
Latest Articles

There goes every link on the first search page - shit all from any reliable outlet.
Still, if the British national party and Shoebat. com say it's true, it must be.

My challenge remains - post a reliable source to back up this story or admit it's a lie.
You said, very soon. That is not past tense. That is future tense. You are predicting the plane that was stolen will be used very soon in a terror attack against America. How do you know that?

(in Indonesia they might not knock on your door but if you had written that in the USA you would definitely be paid a visit )

As for US Navy ships......

If you are referring to the USS Liberty that dog won't hunt. It was an accident. Israelis were our allies back then as well which is why we knew they didn't do it purposely. No motive. If you don't have motive you don't have a case.

Do you have a motive for claiming the Israelis are planning a false flag attack on US? ( rhetorical question - no need to answer ) Thanks.

Starting with the Israeli false flag attacks, Israel does have a track record of false flag operations. They get nabbed now and again.
Perhaps you'd like to retract that in case someone posts.....

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Lavon Affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, code named Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence for plans to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents" or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone.[2] The operation caused no casualties, except for those members of the cell who committed suicide after being captured.

Oh, look, Israeli false flags against American targets.

The motive with the Liberty was to side America with Israel against Egypt and other Arab states.
How quickly you forget - or try to lie in the hope no one will remember.

Perhaps you'd better alter your post as it smells of bullshit.:badgrin:

I'm amazed! It took you all this time to reply to my posts? Seriously? What did you do, Indo? Walk to Mecca to ask an Imam? Use google the next time! It's alot faster! ROFL!

N O T E ! ! ! Indo doesn't even know about the USS Liberty so he had to wait until he could ask an Imam for propaganda to diffuse it. Did someone else do your homework for you in the Madrassa? They need to send you back for re-education. Otherwise your parents should demand a refund. - Jeri

I see you've totally failed to condemn Israeli false flag attacks against America.
Why is that?
Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab militia last week publicly beheaded a mother of two girls and her cousin in southeastern Somalia after discovering they were Christians, sources said.

In the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle Region, the extremists on March 4 called residents to the town center to witness the executions of the 41-year-old mother, Sadia Ali Omar, and her 35-year-old cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, the sources said.

Before killing them, an Al Shabaab militant announced, “We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area,” according to an area resident whose name is undisclosed for security reasons.

Omar’s daughters, ages 8 and 15, were witness to the slaughter, sources said, with the younger girl screaming and shouting for someone to save her mother. A friend helped the girls, whose names are withheld, to relocate to another area.

“We are afraid that the Al Shabaab might continue monitoring these two children and eventually kill them just like their mother,” the area resident said.

I did not blame Obama nor try to pin this on Obama but the facts remains that he is the most powerful man in the World as the President of the United States. Obama as our leader is our voice.

If we as people do not speak and act against this then we are on the side of the murderers.
Alright, Elecktra. I am a pro Israel blogger and can show you where they latched onto that idea..........

You wrote:

Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

Had you left out the second line you would have had a home run. You will learn by trial and error how to post a thread where people are FORCED to either address the subject or walk. The story is very important. Too important to lose over a statement that isn't hinging on the story. You see? I wouldn't try to put this story back on the rails. I'd get another and keep going. You should be able to do 3 or 4 stories like this a day. Islam is always on the rampage slaughtering people in some part of the world, Elektra. ( plenty of material ) It's great that you have the backbone to confront the evil of Islam because not all people do. Which brings me to the subject of cowards. Cowards are usually bullies. I know. It's a mystery to me too. They don't mind beating their wives,raping their kids, killing their kids if the news gets out through a pregnancy, terrorizing neighborhoods, complaining to a moderator everytime they feel "offended"...

On the other hand, some people cannot handle the graphic nature of Islam. It literally makes them sick. I wouldn't call them a coward I'd just say that people are different and our level of tolerance for such horror is depending on the individual.

It reminds me of the time back a decade ago I was upstairs. I was watching a coded video that someone had sent me of a beheading in Indonesia. ( back then you had to have an access code you didn't find these videos on youtube ) They took the professor out to a secluded area. He was an american professor teaching there. Just an ordinary guy. There to teach students and enjoy the experience of Indonesia! Well, five muslims walk him out there, his hands are tied behind his back, the one guy puts his foot in the middle of the professors back and pushed his face to the ground.

They videotaped everything including the sound. The one guy lifts the professors head up by his hair. The professor now looks like he is in shock. There is little color in his face. He isn't pleading, talking or crying. He's gone blank although he is on his knees so he isn't unconscious. So they take the knife and it has a serated edge. The one muslim starts sawing off his head and as he does this the blood drains out of the man and you can see his face go milk white right before your eyes. The gurgling sound of the blood leaving his body was quite horrific and I thought they must train these kids in the Madrassas at a young age to get used to this. It has to be more than videos. I wonder if they actually behead the christians in front of these kids to get them to take part in it. That is how satanists do it and as Islam is just another form of satanism imo really so I'd say its likely they do.

Where was I. Oh yes.... So then they finish cutting off his head and the Muslim who cut it off holds it up in the air and shouts, Allah Akbar! yeah. So then they are all celebrating and the video ends. Now some folks can look at that and analyse it and not fall apart. Others are going to be in therapy. It is what it is. Have a nice day, Electra. - Jeri p.s. Many Jews are democrats and that second line is the equivalent of cutting off their ear. We can't afford that. Get back in the ring and go get em', tiger! I've got a feeling you've the Chutzpah for this.
Last edited:
Starting with the Israeli false flag attacks, Israel does have a track record of false flag operations. They get nabbed now and again.
Perhaps you'd like to retract that in case someone posts.....

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, look, Israeli false flags against American targets.

The motive with the Liberty was to side America with Israel against Egypt and other Arab states.
How quickly you forget - or try to lie in the hope no one will remember.

Perhaps you'd better alter your post as it smells of bullshit.:badgrin:

I'm amazed! It took you all this time to reply to my posts? Seriously? What did you do, Indo? Walk to Mecca to ask an Imam? Use google the next time! It's alot faster! ROFL!

N O T E ! ! ! Indo doesn't even know about the USS Liberty so he had to wait until he could ask an Imam for propaganda to diffuse it. Did someone else do your homework for you in the Madrassa? They need to send you back for re-education. Otherwise your parents should demand a refund. - Jeri

I see you've totally failed to condemn Israeli false flag attacks against America.
Why is that?

WHAT FALSE FLAGS?!! What color is your sky, Indo? Are you all there or what???! - Jeri
It reminds me of the time back a decade ago I was upstairs. I was watching a coded video that someone had sent me of a beheading in Indonesia. ( back then you had to have an access code you didn't find these videos on youtube ) They took the professor out to a secluded area. He was an american professor teaching there. Just an ordinary guy. There to teach students and enjoy the experience of Indonesia! Well, five muslims walk him out there, his hands are tied behind his back, the one guy puts his foot in the middle of the professors back and pushed his face to the ground. .

How terrible is that - please post a link to the video so we know you aren't a liar and sack of shit.

Oh, you lost it. Sorry to be horrible, I'm sure you aren't a turd that makes up stupid lies.
I'm amazed! It took you all this time to reply to my posts? Seriously? What did you do, Indo? Walk to Mecca to ask an Imam? Use google the next time! It's alot faster! ROFL!

N O T E ! ! ! Indo doesn't even know about the USS Liberty so he had to wait until he could ask an Imam for propaganda to diffuse it. Did someone else do your homework for you in the Madrassa? They need to send you back for re-education. Otherwise your parents should demand a refund. - Jeri

I see you've totally failed to condemn Israeli false flag attacks against America.
Why is that?

WHAT FALSE FLAGS?!! What color is your sky, Indo? Are you all there or what???! - Jeri

Start with the Lavon affair - well documented history.
Israel attempted to attack American targets and blame Muslims.
I'm sorry if you dislike history that makes Israel look bad.
Starting with the Israeli false flag attacks, Israel does have a track record of false flag operations. They get nabbed now and again.
Perhaps you'd like to retract that in case someone posts.....

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, look, Israeli false flags against American targets.

The motive with the Liberty was to side America with Israel against Egypt and other Arab states.
How quickly you forget - or try to lie in the hope no one will remember.

Perhaps you'd better alter your post as it smells of bullshit.:badgrin:

I'm amazed! It took you all this time to reply to my posts? Seriously? What did you do, Indo? Walk to Mecca to ask an Imam? Use google the next time! It's alot faster! ROFL!

N O T E ! ! ! Indo doesn't even know about the USS Liberty so he had to wait until he could ask an Imam for propaganda to diffuse it. Did someone else do your homework for you in the Madrassa? They need to send you back for re-education. Otherwise your parents should demand a refund. - Jeri

I see you've totally failed to condemn Israeli false flag attacks against America.
Why is that?

There has never been a false flag attack on America by Israel. Nothing to condemn! :eusa_angel:
I see you've totally failed to condemn Israeli false flag attacks against America.
Why is that?

WHAT FALSE FLAGS?!! What color is your sky, Indo? Are you all there or what???! - Jeri

Start with the Lavon affair - well documented history.
Israel attempted to attack American targets and blame Muslims.
I'm sorry if you dislike history that makes Israel look bad.

Look, Fred. This isn't my first rodeo. Okay? Save this for the facebook crowd that are gullible enough to buy your Islamic Propaganda against Israel. I know very well how you people have revised history in order to blame Israel for what you yourselves were responsible for! 9/11 ring a bell for ya? Bye now!
It reminds me of the time back a decade ago I was upstairs. I was watching a coded video that someone had sent me of a beheading in Indonesia. ( back then you had to have an access code you didn't find these videos on youtube ) They took the professor out to a secluded area. He was an american professor teaching there. Just an ordinary guy. There to teach students and enjoy the experience of Indonesia! Well, five muslims walk him out there, his hands are tied behind his back, the one guy puts his foot in the middle of the professors back and pushed his face to the ground. .

How terrible is that - please post a link to the video so we know you aren't a liar and sack of shit.

Oh, you lost it. Sorry to be horrible, I'm sure you aren't a turd that makes up stupid lies.

There are many beheading videos, Fred. Ministries like Heidi Baker who said the Indonesian govt told her point blank to leave or die. Why did they give her the option? She was very well known. I've seen more beheading videos done on Christians & non Muslims out of Indonesia than anywhere else on earth! True story. :cool:
I must be mistaken, yes, there is no such thing as a Muslim Extremist, anywhere in the world.

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