Mother beheaded in front of daughters

It reminds me of the time back a decade ago I was upstairs. I was watching a coded video that someone had sent me of a beheading in Indonesia. ( back then you had to have an access code you didn't find these videos on youtube ) They took the professor out to a secluded area. He was an american professor teaching there. Just an ordinary guy. There to teach students and enjoy the experience of Indonesia! Well, five muslims walk him out there, his hands are tied behind his back, the one guy puts his foot in the middle of the professors back and pushed his face to the ground. .

How terrible is that - please post a link to the video so we know you aren't a liar and sack of shit.

Oh, you lost it. Sorry to be horrible, I'm sure you aren't a turd that makes up stupid lies.

What is truly astonishing is how well you feign indignation and shock, Fred. You deserve an academy award! lol!!

You're living in the most radicalized Islamic nation on earth, with the largest Muslim population on earth ( 200 million plus ) not to mention 38,000 Madrassas that is more than all the schools in the usa combined - and these Madrassas do not teach Science, Math, they only teach jihad against the infidels living Europe, America and Israel. These young boys are told they will get 70 virgins and will finally be able to release their inhibitions which have been held tighly in place in order to convince them to die for the moon rock god. Its beyond desipicable. So with 38,000 Madrassas teaching this nonsense it is no wonder your nation of Indonesia is listed by Christian watchgroups as the most likely place to lose your head. LITERALLY.

What a thing to be known for. Tell me. Is that mentioned in the 2014 travel advisory or no?
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To be fair to Indonesia they are actually one of the few Islamic Nations that employ doctors to surgically remove the heads. Before it was just a serated knife. Now they have surgeons, doctors, nurses to assist in removing all the heads. It is actually done in a sterile environment. The doctors and nurses wear masks while removing the heads. I've seen it, Fred. Your nation is big on taking videos and photos of their beheadings. I like staying informed on how things are going in Indonesia.

*** MEMO

The Muslims in Indonesia surgically remove the heads off of Christians who have died by other methods as well. The Christians I witnessed on film having their heads surgically removed were already dead. Tell the people about why they do that, Fred. Don't hold back now ! ! !
Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab militia last week publicly beheaded a mother of two girls and her cousin in southeastern Somalia after discovering they were Christians, sources said.

In the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle Region, the extremists on March 4 called residents to the town center to witness the executions of the 41-year-old mother, Sadia Ali Omar, and her 35-year-old cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, the sources said.

Before killing them, an Al Shabaab militant announced, “We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area,” according to an area resident whose name is undisclosed for security reasons.

Omar’s daughters, ages 8 and 15, were witness to the slaughter, sources said, with the younger girl screaming and shouting for someone to save her mother. A friend helped the girls, whose names are withheld, to relocate to another area.

“We are afraid that the Al Shabaab might continue monitoring these two children and eventually kill them just like their mother,” the area resident said.

The world is a shitty place to a very large extent and you are a shitty American blaming Obama for the bad things that happen that are out of our control.
No she isn't. She asked a question. She got a response. She's still standing. Back off.

Another thing, HUGGY! Why are you here instead of Fred? Where is he? Under your armpit? Bring him back and let him answer these facts about Indonesia. Stop running interference for him. You're not his daddy.

- Jeri
In answer to Freds question pertaining to why I refuse to post beheading videos on this board. These videos are used as weapons of intimidation upon non muslim viewers. They are meant to instill fear. That actually works on some folks. Amazing with the knowledge we've had about Islam since 9/11 but some people still don't get it.
No she isn't. She asked a question. She got a response. She's still standing. Back off.

Another thing, HUGGY! Why are you here instead of Fred? Where is he? Under your armpit? Bring him back and let him answer these facts about Indonesia. Stop running interference for him. You're not his daddy.

- Jeri

Who is "Fred"?

I'm not "here". I'm everywhere. Every morning while I basically log on and scan my sports interests and other things pertanant to my business interests then usually I cruise through some of the "active" threads on USMB.

I have no collaberations with anyone on any subject.

You can tell from my reps/how long I have been a member ... that I don't play the mutual admiration daisy chain game.

I am not a democrat nor do I spend any time on demorcrat issues. What I do find interesting in how disgusting it is ... is the internal anti American blathering by those that never accepted the will of the people and constantly find stupid ways to rag on Obama.

I didn't vote for Obama. That said he is the president. I think you people are vile pieces of shit. You just can't wait your fucking turn at a new election. You have a scortched earth political policy and I hate you for it. Go fuck yourselves and the elephant you rode in on. I hope you have a bad accident today on some stretch of highway or bridge you stupid fucks refuse to repair just to make Obama look bad.

You willfully ignorant assholes have probably killed more Americans than all the terrorist activities put together, including 9/11, from all the traffic fatalities directly atributable to dissrepair in our roadways.

You are pond scum. Your addiction to hating Obama is more senseless and dangerous to our nation than all of the drug addled junkies in our country put together.

Piss on you.
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If you think I've been playing mutual admiration daisy chain you haven't been paying attention, Huggy. I didn't vote for Obama either and you won't find a post by me about him here on this thread because the discussion is not about Obama. It's about Islam. Thanks for your reply. Have a nice rest of the day. - Jeri
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If you think I've been playing mutual admiration daisy chain you haven't been paying attention, Huggy. I didn't vote for Obama either and you won't find a post by me about him here on this thread because the discussion is not about Obama. It's about Islam. Thanks for your reply. Have a nice rest of the day. - Jeri

I don't give a stinking rat shit about Islam. I buy my cigarettes at the Speedy mart across the street from a Muslim owned establishment and they have never short changed me or said anything nearly as ignorant as many here on USMB talking about the president of our country.

I have talked briefly about politics on occasion with the store operators and found them to be highly patriotic concerning our country.

These and many like these "Muslims" in our country are the only Muslims I give a rats ass about.

What Muslims do against Americans outside this country is of no concern to me. That is a concern for our FBI, ICE, Military to deal with as they will. Send drones..blow them to red mist. Send the Seals...50 cal sniper bullits through the brain bucket... all good news.

In the mean time if the dumb ass Muslims in Puke a stan wnat to kill each other...cut of each other's heads.. whatever.. I say GOOD! No such thing as an innocent foreign Muslim. Just like there is no innocent Tea Bagger here. They can kill each other till the streets run a foot deep in blood and I will cheer them on. "If you are not with are against us" to quote some recent president.

Islam is a stupid religion that got WAY out of hand. It started out as a means to control butchery in the Spice Trade routes than meandered through the Mid East. It was more of a mutual truce than anything. Then as stupid humans are it spread to places that had no relevance in it's origin. Stupid people just like being led by loudmouths that shame them and promise them nonsense...kinda like our Tea Party.
Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab militia last week publicly beheaded a mother of two girls and her cousin in southeastern Somalia after discovering they were Christians, sources said.

In the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle Region, the extremists on March 4 called residents to the town center to witness the executions of the 41-year-old mother, Sadia Ali Omar, and her 35-year-old cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, the sources said.

Before killing them, an Al Shabaab militant announced, “We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area,” according to an area resident whose name is undisclosed for security reasons.

Omar’s daughters, ages 8 and 15, were witness to the slaughter, sources said, with the younger girl screaming and shouting for someone to save her mother. A friend helped the girls, whose names are withheld, to relocate to another area.

“We are afraid that the Al Shabaab might continue monitoring these two children and eventually kill them just like their mother,” the area resident said.

This happens every day in Somalia, what would you have us do?
Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab militia last week publicly beheaded a mother of two girls and her cousin in southeastern Somalia after discovering they were Christians, sources said.

In the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle Region, the extremists on March 4 called residents to the town center to witness the executions of the 41-year-old mother, Sadia Ali Omar, and her 35-year-old cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, the sources said.

Before killing them, an Al Shabaab militant announced, “We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area,” according to an area resident whose name is undisclosed for security reasons.

Omar’s daughters, ages 8 and 15, were witness to the slaughter, sources said, with the younger girl screaming and shouting for someone to save her mother. A friend helped the girls, whose names are withheld, to relocate to another area.

“We are afraid that the Al Shabaab might continue monitoring these two children and eventually kill them just like their mother,” the area resident said.

This happens every day in Somalia, what would you have us do?

Yes, exactly. What can the American government do about this?
Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab militia last week publicly beheaded a mother of two girls and her cousin in southeastern Somalia after discovering they were Christians, sources said.

In the port town of Barawa in the Lower Shebelle Region, the extremists on March 4 called residents to the town center to witness the executions of the 41-year-old mother, Sadia Ali Omar, and her 35-year-old cousin, Osman Mohamoud Moge, the sources said.

Before killing them, an Al Shabaab militant announced, “We know these two people are Christians who recently came back from Kenya – we want to wipe out any underground Christian living inside of mujahidin [jihadists’] area,” according to an area resident whose name is undisclosed for security reasons.

Omar’s daughters, ages 8 and 15, were witness to the slaughter, sources said, with the younger girl screaming and shouting for someone to save her mother. A friend helped the girls, whose names are withheld, to relocate to another area.

“We are afraid that the Al Shabaab might continue monitoring these two children and eventually kill them just like their mother,” the area resident said.

The world is a shitty place to a very large extent and you are a shitty American blaming Obama for the bad things that happen that are out of our control.

Take off the blinders and learn to comprehend.

I stated that the White House is Silent, that is very different than saying Obama is to Blame.

As far as blame goes, you as an individual unwilling to discuss this, that puts blame at your feet.
Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

The world is a shitty place to a very large extent and you are a shitty American blaming Obama for the bad things that happen that are out of our control.

Take off the blinders and learn to comprehend.

I stated that the White House is Silent, that is very different than saying Obama is to Blame.

As far as blame goes, you as an individual unwilling to discuss this, that puts blame at your feet.

Your intent is obvious.
In answer to Freds question pertaining to why I refuse to post beheading videos on this board.

That and they don't exist.
Bootless claims and weak excuses don't constitute evidence .. save to prove you lie a lot.
Why does the USA simply remain silent while Mothers are brutally murdered in front of their children.

Its the 21st Century, we have a President from Africa, and the White House is silent.

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians : Jihad Watch

The world is a shitty place to a very large extent and you are a shitty American blaming Obama for the bad things that happen that are out of our control.

Take off the blinders and learn to comprehend.

I stated that the White House is Silent, that is very different than saying Obama is to Blame.

As far as blame goes, you as an individual unwilling to discuss this, that puts blame at your feet.

How many wrongfull deaths occur at the hands of bad people every day on this planet? Only a complete imbecile would expect Obama to react to them all...that is all he would ever have time for and still not make the slightest dent in the daily list.

If you want the blame laid at my feet ..fine I'm OK with that. I hope the Muslims kill off each other any way they find available. It's all good news to me.

Muslim women are stupid to let ignorant Muslim men tell them what to do. If they want change then they know EXACTLY how to get it. With this day and age of the internet it should be no problem for all the Muslim Ho's to withold the pussy all at the same time till their dumb ass counterparts get the message.
I stated that the White House is Silent, that is very different than saying Obama is to Blame.

The white house is silent because it probably didn't happen.
Why would they comment on a bullshit story, made up by an idiot?

The group mentioned in this fake story are probably one of the biggest bunches of bastards on planet earth but making up stories like this helps them.
Once this is proven to be the bollocks it is, their supporters can question all the other stories.

In fact, they are evil beyond what anyone on this board knows so making up shit is hardly required and very unhelpful.
I've done quite a lot of research on this group and can assure posters, lies are unnecessary; there is plenty of truth to have a go at them with.
There has never been a false flag attack on America by Israel. Nothing to condemn! :eusa_angel:

I've posted a link to historical fact.
Please comment on the Lavon affair.

I used a Jewish link so you can't claim it to be Muslim propaganda.

Of course, I fully expect you to either ignore it or make up some crazy claim of a Muslim plot to rewrite history - that's why I used a Jewish link.

I await your comments on this Israeli false flag against America.
There are many beheading videos, Fred. Ministries like Heidi Baker who said the Indonesian govt told her point blank to leave or die. Why did they give her the option? She was very well known. I've seen more beheading videos done on Christians & non Muslims out of Indonesia than anywhere else on earth! True story. :cool:

Iris Global was founded as a dedicated Christian missions organization in 1980 by Rolland and Heidi Baker. At first based in the United States, it encompassed short-term evangelism trips to the Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Hong Kong, until in 1985 Rolland and Heidi moved to Indonesia. Eventually denied permanent missionary visas in Bali, Rolland and Heidi then moved to Hong Kong.

Yes, she's very clear about death threats in Indonesia.

You lied again.
The world is a shitty place to a very large extent and you are a shitty American blaming Obama for the bad things that happen that are out of our control.

Take off the blinders and learn to comprehend.

I stated that the White House is Silent, that is very different than saying Obama is to Blame.

As far as blame goes, you as an individual unwilling to discuss this, that puts blame at your feet.

How many wrongfull deaths occur at the hands of bad people every day on this planet? Only a complete imbecile would expect Obama to react to them all...that is all he would ever have time for and still not make the slightest dent in the daily list.

If you want the blame laid at my feet ..fine I'm OK with that. I hope the Muslims kill off each other any way they find available. It's all good news to me.

Muslim women are stupid to let ignorant Muslim men tell them what to do. If they want change then they know EXACTLY how to get it. With this day and age of the internet it should be no problem for all the Muslim Ho's to withold the pussy all at the same time till their dumb ass counterparts get the message.

Of all politicians living or dead that have ever been, I esteem only two or three lower than I do Obummer. That said, I agree with Huggy, it is beyond nonsensical to lay blame on the boiking for all the evils in the world. Want something to be pissed off about? Think about how fubar it would be if he tried.

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