'Mother Earth Is Angry'

The trouble with blaming natural disasters on an angry God is that eventually a tornado takes out a church full of people or a school bus full of kids washes away in a flood. We then ask why God would do such a thing and people like you have no answer.
The trouble with blaming natural disasters on an angry God is that eventually a tornado takes out a church full of people or a school bus full of kids washes away in a flood. We then ask why God would do such a thing and people like you have no answer.
There is an answer, but it would require you to read the Gospel...
I don't think God is destroying His own creation.... He loves His creation.... we were given dominion over it....

“You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet.” The idea of “dominion” (Hebrew moshel) and having all things “under our feet” is that we are called to exercise a role of leadership among all the living things that God has created.

Leadership is not subjugation and it is not exploitation. Jesus taught that leaders should be servants, who seek the highest good of all that is placed under their care.

Revelation 11:18 says that God comes to reward those who have honored his name, and to
“destroy those who have destroyed the earth.”
I don't think God is destroying His own creation.... He loves His creation.... we were given dominion over it....

“You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet.” The idea of “dominion” (Hebrew moshel) and having all things “under our feet” is that we are called to exercise a role of leadership among all the living things that God has created.

Leadership is not subjugation and it is not exploitation. Jesus taught that leaders should be servants, who seek the highest good of all that is placed under their care.

Revelation 11:18 says that God comes to reward those who have honored his name, and to “destroy those who have destroyed the earth.”
You do know in the Scriptures that Lucifer was allowed to walk the Earth and tempt man to do EVIL things?

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
And those in Californication turned to Lucifer and is doing wanton acts and now is facing their own demise...
The thought never hit me before but perhaps this is a new way to rate presidents. We'll have a "Mother Earth" rating based on the number of declared major disasters that were based on acts of God. The lower the declarations the better.

Enthused by the prospect naturally I did a quick googled search in hopes of presentation of an initial Moher Earth rating. I didn't have all that much luck in terms of the number of returned items, this one was the closest:

How about we point to the last 120 years of left wing fools that have stopped us taking care of our forests and allowed so much fuel to build up on the ground that once it got going it killed EVERYTHING in its path? More human caused stupidity...
The trouble with blaming natural disasters on an angry God is that eventually a tornado takes out a church full of people or a school bus full of kids washes away in a flood. We then ask why God would do such a thing and people like you have no answer.

People who have worldly knowledge and feeble minds ask such questions. We don't know why certain things do or do not happen but they do happen to the just and unjust.
I don't think God is destroying His own creation.... He loves His creation.... we were given dominion over it....

“You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet.” The idea of “dominion” (Hebrew moshel) and having all things “under our feet” is that we are called to exercise a role of leadership among all the living things that God has created.

Leadership is not subjugation and it is not exploitation. Jesus taught that leaders should be servants, who seek the highest good of all that is placed under their care.

Revelation 11:18 says that God comes to reward those who have honored his name, and to “destroy those who have destroyed the earth.”
How many times did God punish the sinful wicked Israelites who turned their back on Him...as Democrats have done?

I am pretty sure God isn't too happy about the way Democrats have and are persecuting and oppressing Christians....
It's not 'Mother Earth' that is punishing California, Nancy - It's GOD!

Is that the same god that is punishing Mississippi, North Carolina and Louisiana?
No that is a different God, Zeus.
I don't think God is destroying His own creation.... He loves His creation.... we were given dominion over it....

“You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet.” The idea of “dominion” (Hebrew moshel) and having all things “under our feet” is that we are called to exercise a role of leadership among all the living things that God has created.

Leadership is not subjugation and it is not exploitation. Jesus taught that leaders should be servants, who seek the highest good of all that is placed under their care.

Revelation 11:18 says that God comes to reward those who have honored his name, and to “destroy those who have destroyed the earth.”
How many times did God punish the sinful wicked Israelites who turned their back on Him...as Democrats have done?
Hey man! My people keep getting punished.
I don't think God is destroying His own creation.... He loves His creation.... we were given dominion over it....

“You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet.” The idea of “dominion” (Hebrew moshel) and having all things “under our feet” is that we are called to exercise a role of leadership among all the living things that God has created.

Leadership is not subjugation and it is not exploitation. Jesus taught that leaders should be servants, who seek the highest good of all that is placed under their care.

Revelation 11:18 says that God comes to reward those who have honored his name, and to “destroy those who have destroyed the earth.”
How many times did God punish the sinful wicked Israelites who turned their back on Him...as Democrats have done?

I am pretty sure God isn't too happy about the way Democrats have and are persecuting and oppressing Christians....
What Christians? The ones who say treat your neighbor as you would like to be treated and then shoots them?
It's not 'Mother Earth' that is punishing California, Nancy - It's GOD!

Is that the same god that is punishing Mississippi, North Carolina and Louisiana?
No that is a different God, Zeus.

I swear, dieties are like cockroaches, crawling out from everywhere to chuck a lightening bolt, toss out a plague, send the floodwaters down...
I don't think God is destroying His own creation.... He loves His creation.... we were given dominion over it....

“You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet.” The idea of “dominion” (Hebrew moshel) and having all things “under our feet” is that we are called to exercise a role of leadership among all the living things that God has created.

Leadership is not subjugation and it is not exploitation. Jesus taught that leaders should be servants, who seek the highest good of all that is placed under their care.

Revelation 11:18 says that God comes to reward those who have honored his name, and to “destroy those who have destroyed the earth.”
How many times did God punish the sinful wicked Israelites who turned their back on Him...as Democrats have done?

I am pretty sure God isn't too happy about the way Democrats have and are persecuting and oppressing Christians....
What Christians? The ones who say treat your neighbor as you would like to be treated and then shoots them?
You would be talking about BLM, Antifa , & the Democrats, the ones who have attacked and killed Christians, refused to let them hold church services but support violent marches, looting, & burning, who tell Christians they can't sing in church but allow foreign-funded domestic terrorists to gather together to burn the American flag, chant death to America, burn churches, and pull down statues...
It's not 'Mother Earth' that is punishing California, Nancy - It's GOD!

Is that the same god that is punishing Mississippi, North Carolina and Louisiana?
No that is a different God, Zeus.

I swear, dieties are like cockroaches, crawling out from everywhere to chuck a lightening bolt, toss out a plague, send the floodwaters down...
If you're talking mythological, literary man-made dirtied, then yes...but there is only 1 true God.

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