'Mother Earth Is Angry'

It's not 'Mother Earth' that is punishing California, Nancy - It's GOD!

Is that the same god that is punishing Mississippi, North Carolina and Louisiana?
No that is a different God, Zeus.

I swear, dieties are like cockroaches, crawling out from everywhere to chuck a lightening bolt, toss out a plague, send the floodwaters down...
If you're talking mythological, literary man-made dirtied, then yes...but there is only 1 true God.

They all claim to be the true ones. And they get very touchy about it - smiting and blighting.
It's not 'Mother Earth' that is punishing California, Nancy - It's GOD!

Is that the same god that is punishing Mississippi, North Carolina and Louisiana?
No that is a different God, Zeus.

I swear, dieties are like cockroaches, crawling out from everywhere to chuck a lightening bolt, toss out a plague, send the floodwaters down...
I only rely on myself and my naked eye test. Gov't and media lie. Tell me again that convalescent plasma doesn't work. My experience sees it differently.
It's not 'Mother Earth' that is punishing California, Nancy - It's GOD!

Is that the same god that is punishing Mississippi, North Carolina and Louisiana?
No that is a different God, Zeus.

I swear, dieties are like cockroaches, crawling out from everywhere to chuck a lightening bolt, toss out a plague, send the floodwaters down...
I only rely on myself and my naked eye test. Gov't and media lie. Tell me again that convalescent plasma doesn't work. My experience sees it differently.

Dunno...I haven't said anything about plasma.
Part of the global movement is the push of earth being a living and breathing organism. GAIA! The furious push for environmental ways of living with the planet is part of it. Even if we do not affect it as much as the proponents say. Most Progs have sold out a long time ago. Children are taught in schools now as we know. Science and tech can be fudged and changed to the ways the global movement wants. Satellites data are changed and geared for that purpose. The real reason is having global taxation. The taxation will go to poorer nations that are not shitholes. We have seen what the elites in those nations have done with endless amounts of money sent to them. It didn't trickle down to far.
The trouble with blaming natural disasters on an angry God is that eventually a tornado takes out a church full of people or a school bus full of kids washes away in a flood. We then ask why God would do such a thing and people like you have no answer.
Well I would blame the fire on the stupid couple who did the gender reveal with a firework wouldn't you??
I don't think God is destroying His own creation.... He loves His creation.... we were given dominion over it....

“You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet.” The idea of “dominion” (Hebrew moshel) and having all things “under our feet” is that we are called to exercise a role of leadership among all the living things that God has created.

Leadership is not subjugation and it is not exploitation. Jesus taught that leaders should be servants, who seek the highest good of all that is placed under their care.

Revelation 11:18 says that God comes to reward those who have honored his name, and to “destroy those who have destroyed the earth.”
How many times did God punish the sinful wicked Israelites who turned their back on Him...as Democrats have done?

I am pretty sure God isn't too happy about the way Democrats have and are persecuting and oppressing Christians....
I'm not certain you can make any claims of even being followers of Christ, let alone you being persecuted because you are....

You certainly do not follow Christ's teachings, you follow Trump....a mere man....and a deceitful one, at that....

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