Mother of 4 deported

I'm curious, what is the process the government uses to count the number of illegals in this country then deduct that from the number of legal visas they write to allow legal immigrants into our country? This is a sincere question, can you provide a link that explains how that process works?

Not going back through 77 pages of this thread to determine your position; do you accept the presence / non-deportation of all illegals in the US?
I think we should push our policies towards legal immigration and do our best to reduce visa over stays and illegal crossings. I think given the magnitude of the problem with 10+ million undocumented living in the US some for decades we need to deal with that problem in a smarter way than simply trying to deport them all. So a pathway to get them to register and live here with legal staus and penalties is in order. This is a much larger discussion though and I dont want to repeat my ideas as I've stated some of them several times. What does that have to do with the question in my post that you responded to?
Reagan did that...and we are where?
We are 30 years in the future with much better technology, tracking, and law enforcement capabilities. Reagan did half the job but was unable to effectively secure the "border"

No. Reagan fell for the con, the lie that the border will be secured as part of this process. He did his part and would have approved and signed anything put on his desk to secure it. We don't need to fall for that lie again. If securing the border is part of this process, it can be part 1 this time.

One of the primary duties as outlined in the Constitution is for the federal government to secure the borders.
Whether Reagan was lied to, duped, suffered from dementia or any other EXCUSE we have been down this candy assed, lazy road before.
30M illegals later we are right back here with many WANTING the same shit, before a single brick has been laid.
I have a novel idea...why dont we focus on the SECURITY portion as outlined in our Constitution before we begin to talk about amnesty.
Not going back through 77 pages of this thread to determine your position; do you accept the presence / non-deportation of all illegals in the US?
I think we should push our policies towards legal immigration and do our best to reduce visa over stays and illegal crossings. I think given the magnitude of the problem with 10+ million undocumented living in the US some for decades we need to deal with that problem in a smarter way than simply trying to deport them all. So a pathway to get them to register and live here with legal staus and penalties is in order. This is a much larger discussion though and I dont want to repeat my ideas as I've stated some of them several times. What does that have to do with the question in my post that you responded to?
Reagan did that...and we are where?
We are 30 years in the future with much better technology, tracking, and law enforcement capabilities. Reagan did half the job but was unable to effectively secure the "border"

No. Reagan fell for the con, the lie that the border will be secured as part of this process. He did his part and would have approved and signed anything put on his desk to secure it. We don't need to fall for that lie again. If securing the border is part of this process, it can be part 1 this time.
I think that's a smart approach. Don't think the wall is the right solution but border security is a fine first step. What exactly was the lie that Reagan fell for again? Which border security efforts was he assuming would seal it up that never happened?

He didn't veto amnesty on the promise that the "immigration reform" congress was working on would include securing the border. The President doesn't write laws. Once the lawmakers (both sides) got what they wanted (amnesty), they saw no need to bother with securing the border.
I think we should push our policies towards legal immigration and do our best to reduce visa over stays and illegal crossings. I think given the magnitude of the problem with 10+ million undocumented living in the US some for decades we need to deal with that problem in a smarter way than simply trying to deport them all. So a pathway to get them to register and live here with legal staus and penalties is in order. This is a much larger discussion though and I dont want to repeat my ideas as I've stated some of them several times. What does that have to do with the question in my post that you responded to?
Reagan did that...and we are where?
We are 30 years in the future with much better technology, tracking, and law enforcement capabilities. Reagan did half the job but was unable to effectively secure the "border"

No. Reagan fell for the con, the lie that the border will be secured as part of this process. He did his part and would have approved and signed anything put on his desk to secure it. We don't need to fall for that lie again. If securing the border is part of this process, it can be part 1 this time.
I think that's a smart approach. Don't think the wall is the right solution but border security is a fine first step. What exactly was the lie that Reagan fell for again? Which border security efforts was he assuming would seal it up that never happened?

He didn't veto amnesty on the promise that the "immigration reform" congress was working on would include securing the border. The President doesn't write laws. Once the lawmakers (both sides) got what they wanted (amnesty), they saw no need to bother with securing the border.

Yet you trust congress to secure them this time...prior to amnesty? Do you actually expect them to do anything?
Immigration was not even in the building where the docket was located for important issues one year ago. Now we should expect Congress to agree to support the Constitution?
Come now...come on. Fool me once...
I think you have me confused with someone else. I am saying STEP 1 is secure the border. After the last lie, no amnesty discussions at all IMO until the border is secure. Until then, we aren't even done with the last amnesty!
I think you have me confused with someone else. I am saying STEP 1 is secure the border. After the last lie, no amnesty discussions at all IMO until the border is secure. Until then, we aren't even done with the last amnesty!
I apologize maam, I very well may.
Too bad people think they can drag their kids into this as an excuse to violate immigration laws and think we are fooled. Dreamers or anchor babies, Immigrants or illegal aliens. Euphemisms. Nobody is above the laws. Not even Mexicans. That might be a shocker. But it's true.
You saw the story, for 18 years she checked in with ICE and was told she could stay. Her mother is a citizen, her husband is a citizen, her four kids are citizens. She can't get papers because of what she did 20 years ago. Does this really sound right to you?
She was caught sneaking in with a fake visa. It's too bad ICE was so lackadaisical back then, she shouldn't gotten in to begin with, let alone given all this leeway. This case is a perfect example of the MESS immigration enforcement has become. Over the last 2 decades Americans have been sending mixed messages to our government about illegal aliens. I hope all that ambiguity is being clarified NOW. Don't cut deals and otherwise undercut immigration law enforcement. Sorry, but life isn't fair, and WE humans should be more companionate. But after 12 million+ illegals and all their gambits, ruses and lies, that tends to make me a little hard-hearted and cynical. Sorry.
We are 30 years in the future with much better technology, tracking, and law enforcement capabilities. Reagan did half the job but was unable to effectively secure the "border"

But clearly no further along from a standpoint of the political position of the national democraptic party and its partner in this atrocity, the corporate wing of the republican party, both of whom seek to import as many illegals as possible.

First off, there are well over 35 MM illegals, and anything less than mass deportations with massive fines/penalties for employers will act as a message to the rest of the impoverished on this planet - just like after the 1986 disaster - that the doors are closed, unless you can sneak in and then you are good to go.

I do not want illegals to think FOR A NANOSECOND that they are safe in the US, or that they or their families will EVER achieve legal status. They must be deported, and the anchor baby/14th amendment mis-reading crap must be ended.

You claim there is better law enforcement? All I see are the scumbag local fucking officials ordering their police NOT to cooperate with federal agencies like ICE.
She was caught sneaking in with a fake visa. It's too bad ICE was so lackadaisical back then, she shouldn't gotten in to begin with, let alone given all this leeway. This case is a perfect example of the MESS immigration enforcement has become. Over the last 2 decades Americans have been sending mixed messages to our government about illegal aliens. I hope all that ambiguity is being clarified NOW. Don't cut deals and otherwise undercut immigration law enforcement. Sorry, but life isn't fair, and WE humans should be more companionate. But after 12 million+ illegals and all their gambits, ruses and lies, that tends to make me a little hard-hearted and cynical. Sorry.

Most of the sob stories the illegals are spewing to the media and immigration officials/judges are total fucking garbage - they have been coached - who the fuck runs out of a war zone and leaves their kids behind? They bypass 40 other central/south american countries to get to the hated "gringo" US who has better salaries, or in other cases, welfare for those pumping babies out who don't want to work. That might be amongst the most infuriating things about this whole fucking sham; they hate the US like the bastard muslims do - but can't get here fast enough to siphon money/jobs off of the country.
She was caught sneaking in with a fake visa. It's too bad ICE was so lackadaisical back then, she shouldn't gotten in to begin with, let alone given all this leeway. This case is a perfect example of the MESS immigration enforcement has become. Over the last 2 decades Americans have been sending mixed messages to our government about illegal aliens. I hope all that ambiguity is being clarified NOW. Don't cut deals and otherwise undercut immigration law enforcement. Sorry, but life isn't fair, and WE humans should be more companionate. But after 12 million+ illegals and all their gambits, ruses and lies, that tends to make me a little hard-hearted and cynical. Sorry.

Research into "green energy" repatriation systems is underway.

Here's another sob story about a poor illegal who didn't get deported....

He managed to get enrolled in ninth grade,where he and a buddy raped a 14 y.o. girl.

Two Illegal Aliens Charged With Raping 14-Year-Old Girl At a Maryland High School

Poor, poor illegals! My heart breaks! I bet those *kids* have kids of their own! What will THEY do when their daddies are deported? Will the rest of the gang pitch in and raise them?
Most of the sob stories the illegals are spewing to the media and immigration officials/judges are total fucking garbage - they have been coached - who the fuck runs out of a war zone and leaves their kids behind? They bypass 40 other central/south american countries to get to the hated "gringo" US who has better salaries, or in other cases, welfare for those pumping babies out who don't want to work. That might be amongst the most infuriating things about this whole fucking sham; they hate the US like the bastard muslims do - but can't get here fast enough to siphon money/jobs off of the country.


I'll even accept the argument "most of them want to work for money", and some of them work hard. I see it regularly.

Even so, if their attitude is that they're being exploited because they've been indoctrinated with leftist psycobabble and have no interest in assimilation then fuck 'em. Every other ethnic group from anywhere in the world were loyal to their host country. People from the same places who immigrate legally are proud of becoming Americans. The illegals do not respect our laws from the get go. They do not respect our culture, they do not care about being Americans.

Throw in the % of them who are here to leech and as far as I'm concerned every illegal needs to be thrown out. They can't be trusted.

We are 30 years in the future with much better technology, tracking, and law enforcement capabilities. Reagan did half the job but was unable to effectively secure the "border"

But clearly no further along from a standpoint of the political position of the national democraptic party and its partner in this atrocity, the corporate wing of the republican party, both of whom seek to import as many illegals as possible.

First off, there are well over 35 MM illegals, and anything less than mass deportations with massive fines/penalties for employers will act as a message to the rest of the impoverished on this planet - just like after the 1986 disaster - that the doors are closed, unless you can sneak in and then you are good to go.

I do not want illegals to think FOR A NANOSECOND that they are safe in the US, or that they or their families will EVER achieve legal status. They must be deported, and the anchor baby/14th amendment mis-reading crap must be ended.

You claim there is better law enforcement? All I see are the scumbag local fucking officials ordering their police NOT to cooperate with federal agencies like ICE.
There is a reason why your short sighted ideas have never been implemented nor will they ever be implemented. You can scream from the rooftops and pout all day but the direction we go with this issue is not going to lead to trying to deport 30 million people. To think that is even possible is ignorant and nieve
Here's another sob story about a poor illegal who didn't get deported....

He managed to get enrolled in ninth grade,where he and a buddy raped a 14 y.o. girl.

Two Illegal Aliens Charged With Raping 14-Year-Old Girl At a Maryland High School

Poor, poor illegals! My heart breaks! I bet those *kids* have kids of their own! What will THEY do when their daddies are deported? Will the rest of the gang pitch in and raise them?
There's a constant back- and- forth game going on here. We don't want illegals because they hurt us, OR, Illegals are IMMIGRANTS being hurt by unfair laws, take your pick.
And all their (Mexicans) bitching and whining about how immigration law is UNFAIR. How? They apply to all people from all nations. But when Americans come back with our concerns and issues, it's minimized. WE are "WHINING , BITCHING and LOSERS ". And then they get out the big guns; the "race" card comes out. If people want respect here on this issue, lay off the hype and get real. All illegals have to do, ALL THEY EVER HAD TO DO, is immigrate legally. That is IT. No lies, no tricks, no games.
Here's another sob story about a poor illegal who didn't get deported....

He managed to get enrolled in ninth grade,where he and a buddy raped a 14 y.o. girl.

Two Illegal Aliens Charged With Raping 14-Year-Old Girl At a Maryland High School

Poor, poor illegals! My heart breaks! I bet those *kids* have kids of their own! What will THEY do when their daddies are deported? Will the rest of the gang pitch in and raise them?
There's a constant back- and- forth game going on here. We don't want illegals because they hurt us, OR, Illegals are IMMIGRANTS being hurt by unfair laws, take your pick.
And all their (Mexicans) bitching and whining about how immigration law is UNFAIR. How? They apply to all people from all nations. But when Americans come back with our concerns and issues, it's minimized. WE are "WHINING , BITCHING and LOSERS ". And then they get out the big guns; the "race" card comes out. If people want respect here on this issue, lay off the hype and get real. All illegals have to do, ALL THEY EVER HAD TO DO, is immigrate legally. That is IT. No lies, no tricks, no games.
Yes agreed, we have a legal process which should have been followed and should followed in the future. Great now that we have that figured out we can talk about the real problem that exists in our country of having 10+ million people who live here with out documentation. Many have for decades. It is just not realistic to try and deport all of them. It is logistically impossible. So my question to you is, can you propose a realistic solution to the problem that would actually have a positive effect on our nation?
There is a reason why your short sighted ideas have never been implemented nor will they ever be implemented. You can scream from the rooftops and pout all day but the direction we go with this issue is not going to lead to trying to deport 30 million people. To think that is even possible is ignorant and nieve

60 MM people who voted for Trump disagree with you. And I'll tell you something sonny boy, you don't start deporting those fucking illegals, and people like me - and there's a SHITLOAD of us - are not going to keep paying our taxes. You understand, enough business owners like me do so, and the government will vanish. I am NO LONGER willing to pay for the support of illegals in this country, I have FUCKING had it. I have been steadily reducing my estimated taxes paid, and will continue to do so, using every trick in the book until the government is starved of any financing. Multiply that times the thousands of others in my associations who have all voted to do the same, and its fucking armageddon for the US treasury.
There's a constant back- and- forth game going on here. We don't want illegals because they hurt us, OR, Illegals are IMMIGRANTS being hurt by unfair laws, take your pick. And all their (Mexicans) bitching and whining about how immigration law is UNFAIR. How? They apply to all people from all nations. But when Americans come back with our concerns and issues, it's minimized. WE are "WHINING , BITCHING and LOSERS ". And then they get out the big guns; the "race" card comes out. If people want respect here on this issue, lay off the hype and get real. All illegals have to do, ALL THEY EVER HAD TO DO, is immigrate legally. That is IT. No lies, no tricks, no games.

Why do you think the left and the so-called "immigration activists" play these games, and use the "racist"/deflective BS labels? Because they know on the facts, they have NO FUCKING ARGUMENT.
There is a reason why your short sighted ideas have never been implemented nor will they ever be implemented. You can scream from the rooftops and pout all day but the direction we go with this issue is not going to lead to trying to deport 30 million people. To think that is even possible is ignorant and nieve

60 MM people who voted for Trump disagree with you. And I'll tell you something sonny boy, you don't start deporting those fucking illegals, and people like me - and there's a SHITLOAD of us - are not going to keep paying our taxes. You understand, enough business owners like me do so, and the government will vanish. I am NO LONGER willing to pay for the support of illegals in this country, I have FUCKING had it. I have been steadily reducing my estimated taxes paid, and will continue to do so, using every trick in the book until the government is starved of any financing. Multiply that times the thousands of others in my associations who have all voted to do the same, and its fucking armageddon for the US treasury.
It pretty funny that you think 60 million people agree with Trumps immigration policy. I've seen many story's on people who completely disagree with Trumps stupid wall idea and his immigration stance in general, but they voted for him because they thought he would be better for economic growth. Plenty of people want to see lower taxes, less regulation, smaller government... plenty of people did not trust or like Hillary Clinton... There are so many reasons that factor into a vote, for you to use all of Trumps voters to justify your immigration stance is a joke. If we were using that as criteria then I could make the argument that more people voted against Trumps policies than for them... That would put you in the minority.

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