Mother of 4 deported

There is no such thing as a victim-less crime. No such thing.

Every single time you commit a crime, you justify crime to everyone else. You victimize the entire nation as a whole.

Every person ever caught in any crime immediately points to other people doing it, and saying "See? They do it, so why can't I". The very act of calling it a victim-less crime, creates more crime.

All you have to do is go to a prison, and talk to the people there, and every single one will say they shouldn't be there, because other people have done wrong things, and they are not there.

And all I need for proof of my claim... is your own story, and post. Your father committed a crime, and because of that, he taught you that crime is ok.... which is why you are here on this thread right now, justifying crime.

You are living proof of exactly what I was saying. By your father giving a pass to crime, he taught you to give a pass to crime, and you are here trying to teach others to give a pass to crime.

And compare that to my family, which taught me right from wrong, and that crime is always wrong, and so I don't do it, and I'm teaching others to not do it either.

Everything I claimed played out right on this thread.
Of course there are victimless crimes. If I smoke a doobie, who is the victim?

I just explained that. I don't know how I can be any clearer.

When you break the law, you justify law breaking to the rest of society. I can't tell you the number of times other criminals doing other things, claim "well that guy smokes pot, and he's not in trouble. Why am I in trouble?"

Now you can come up with all your logical explanations for why your law breaking is ok, and their law breaking isn't... but they don't care. To them, you are a criminal like them. So if it's ok for you to break the law, then they should be able to as well.

Beyond that even, the vast majority of this crap about how your pot smoking has no victims, I just don't meet those people. Where are these people? In real life, not on a forum. Everyone's crime is victimless on a forum.

It's ironic, because I'm actually talking with a guy dealing with one of these victim-less crime people right now.

He's a co-worker who is in the middle of a marriage break down. His wife kicked him out of the house and I asked him what was going on. Well... his father is this Willie Nelson wannabe, who smokes pot constantly.

His father's 'wives' have all divorced him, some remarried thinking he'd become a man, and divorced him again because he went back on the weed. His children hate him. His grand kids don't know him, most of them. They guy is lonely, living in a shack with his pot.

So this dudes wife, is now accusing him on being on weed, because he's the one guy that deals with loser pot head grampa. Then when he got kicked out, he slept at pot-heads shack, only to come into work smelling like pot. Well you can't have a pot head running the fork lift.

And then on top of that, his daughter is turning into a hellion, and she says "well gramps breaks the law so...." to justify the insanity she's into.

Now the typical pot head will say "it's everyone elses fault that there are these problems".

In reality, there is one guy screwing up the lives of literally dozens of people, his wives lives, his kids lives, and his grand kids lives, and I bit you anything he's sitting at home smoking pot saying "this is a victim-less crime!".

Well... he's wrong. And no offense, but you are wrong too.

Sorry, but that's just stupid. That means it's immoral to break any law. The "crime" committed by the guy in your example is being irresponsible and a bad father, not smoking weed. Plenty of people smoke pot and are good responsible people.

You're just another fucking Nazi who believes you are entitled to impose your moral code on other people and control what they do.

Go fuck yourself.

For the record, I don't smoke pot, so your insinuations are groundless and insulting.

Of course we are entitled to impose our moral code on other people.

Of course. What do you think ALL.... EVERY SINGLE LAW.... is? Every law is a moral code.

There are countries where you can legally rape women. The reason they do, is because they have a different moral code. They reason we do not, is because we have a different moral code.

Every law, is a moral code. Yes, breaking any law.... ANY LAW.... is wrong.

What makes your version of laws any more valid, than my version? Is it not just your moral code, that you think is better than my moral code? Are you not as much a Nazi as you claim I am?

Well you have the right to be wrong.

The fact that we do it doesn't mean we are entitled to do it. Apparently you have no problem with Auschwitz since the Germans were "entitled" to impose their moral code on their population. You have basically endorsed the theory that there are no unjust laws. Only a douche bag believes that.

You are the one with the Nazi code of ethics, not me.

Apparently you have no problem with Auschwitz since you have said it was being a Nazi to impose your morals on the Germans.

Was it wrong to impose your morality on the Germans? Yes or no.
Sounds like one of those criminals. Did you turn him in after he didn't show up in court? That would be the lawful thing to do, right?

You people act like that would be bad. Let me give you a quick story of what happened to me.

I was a little kid. I don't remember how old. But you remember when video games on computer came on diskettes?

View attachment 116980

Remember those? Well I had a game on one of these diskettes. It was a legally purchased game, nothing wrong with that.

But I broke the disk. And the game wouldn't play anymore. So I walked down to the computer store, where I happen to know they had a Demo of that very game. And I swapped out the disk. I put my disk in their computer, and put their disk in my pocket.

They looked identical, so they couldn't tell.

My father found out. First he spanked me, then he dragged my butt down to the store, asked for the store manager, and told him... in public.... that I was a thief, and stole their property, and that if they wanted to call the police, he would accept whatever penalty they deemed fit.... in the middle of the store. Right in the middle.

I was terrified, and on the ground looking up at this store manager and my father.

You want to know something? That was the best learning experience of my life. I never stole JACK SQUAT from anyone anywhere ever. Even to this day, every single bit of software, every movie video, every music song, every operating system, Windows or Mac OS, that I own..... every single bit of it is 100% paid for, and legally purchased.

So let me answer your question..... if I caught my nephew or brother, or sister doing something illegal, first I would confront them directly, and then if they refused to make it right.... yeah, I would turn them in.

My family is not a family of law breakers. We might mess up, but we make it right, and take our penalties as a real man should. YES I WOULD TURN THEM IN. That's what good mature adult people do.
I appreciate the lesson that your dad taught you. I was raised with similar values... but it did shock me when I was 16 and I got a fake ID, never told my parents. It lasted for a year then delaminated. 2 years later My family was going on a vacation for my moms birthday and my dad had found the ID in my drawer. The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new. He said this trip we are going to the casino and I'm teaching you how to play blackjack and poker.

Yes it was illegal but it was also a victimless crime.
i don't condone illegal border crossing, I don't think it is fair to those who go through the legal process. I'm fine with cracking down on that system and making it better. But the people who do it are not violent criminals, they are often poor and desperate and looking for a better life for their families. That may not excuse their actions but but it gives me compassion for their situation and an open mind on how to deal with millions of people who are in a tough spot. Especially if they have children who have lived here most of their lives.

There is no such thing as a victim-less crime. No such thing.

Every single time you commit a crime, you justify crime to everyone else. You victimize the entire nation as a whole.

Every person ever caught in any crime immediately points to other people doing it, and saying "See? They do it, so why can't I". The very act of calling it a victim-less crime, creates more crime.

All you have to do is go to a prison, and talk to the people there, and every single one will say they shouldn't be there, because other people have done wrong things, and they are not there.

And all I need for proof of my claim... is your own story, and post. Your father committed a crime, and because of that, he taught you that crime is ok.... which is why you are here on this thread right now, justifying crime.

You are living proof of exactly what I was saying. By your father giving a pass to crime, he taught you to give a pass to crime, and you are here trying to teach others to give a pass to crime.

And compare that to my family, which taught me right from wrong, and that crime is always wrong, and so I don't do it, and I'm teaching others to not do it either.

Everything I claimed played out right on this thread.
I guess your family is just better than mine. Do you think that every cop that has let somebody out of a ticket should have their badge stripped away? They are after all condoning breaking the law under your premise.

How about if your buddy is giving you a ride and he runs a stop sign or goes 10mph over the speed limit. You report him or do you condone the lawlessness?

I would report him. Of course all my buddies are law abiding people, who would never run a stop sign of go over the speed limit.

You hang with criminals, and then think "no one should report their criminal buddy"?

Honestly, all the people I know, if they saw me breaking the law like that, they would report me. Or more likely they'd be the crap out of me themselves.

Again, I'm with good people. I can't even relate to what you are talking about. Who does that? Are you running stop signs and speeding all the time? That's the circle of people you hang with?

I don't even understand how we got here. We came from a nation where if you stole someone's cow, they hung your criminal butt on a tree. Now we have people saying this on a forums? This is how far we have fallen as a society? This is how pathetic weak, and corrupt men are? "Real men" today, simply run stops signs, and break all the traffic laws, and you ask "would you report them?"

I don't understand you or your people at all. Kind of glad about it too.
There is no way you can be serious. It's human nature to make mistakes and good people don't go tell on their family and friends unless it's a truly fucked up situation. If in your own warped reality you really think you are being honest then I really don't believe that you have many friends or close connections in this life. The world does not work that way. We aren't robots. One of the strongest ways to build trust and connections is by revealing secrets and our imperfections, and our mess ups without the fear that the person we are telling is going to go turn us in.
Your father giving you a fake ID is very poor parenting. He condoned encouraged and assisted you in breaking the law. That you think it was a good idea shows just how stupid you are.
Your father giving you a fake ID is very poor parenting. He condoned encouraged and assisted you in breaking the law. That you think it was a good idea shows just how stupid you are.
You got no clue man about the type of person and parent my father was so you can just shut the fuck up about that. It was my mistake to share the story with you judgmental pricks. I should have known better as I see time and time again so many of you pompous aholes jumping to false conclusions and judgements about things that you only have a sliver of information about. End of subject
Your father giving you a fake ID is very poor parenting. He condoned encouraged and assisted you in breaking the law. That you think it was a good idea shows just how stupid you are.
You got no clue man about the type of person and parent my father was so you can just shut the fuck up about that. It was my mistake to share the story with you judgmental pricks. I should have known better as I see time and time again so many of you pompous aholes jumping to false conclusions and judgements about things that you only have a sliver of information about. End of subject

Yeah you should have known better. If your father had taught you better, you would have known better. Judgemental pricks? You told us that your father gave you a fake ID. We're supposed to judge actions. If we don't judge actions, then murders should be allowed to go free. We can't call them "murderers" even though they murdered, because that would be judgemental?

Your father intentionally, and directly, violated the law, and give you a fake ID. That is a massive violation of law. He is a terrible person, and he is a terrible example to you, and proof is this thread where you are supporting other criminal actions.

Yeah it was a mistake to share that if you think its ok. What he did was SHAMEFUL. You should be ASHAMED of that. I would. If my father had ever done anything like that I would never tell anyone anywhere that my father engaged in such a shameful activity.

Thank G-d he wouldn't do such a thing.

If my father ever did, I would only post it on here as an example of what a bad father does. I would be on here saying "yeah my father did some horrible stuff, but I'm not like him"... not "My father did illegal stuff, and you all are pricks for pointing out the illegal things he did were.... illegal! How dare you!"....

You are seriously messed up in the head.
You people act like that would be bad. Let me give you a quick story of what happened to me.

I was a little kid. I don't remember how old. But you remember when video games on computer came on diskettes?

View attachment 116980

Remember those? Well I had a game on one of these diskettes. It was a legally purchased game, nothing wrong with that.

But I broke the disk. And the game wouldn't play anymore. So I walked down to the computer store, where I happen to know they had a Demo of that very game. And I swapped out the disk. I put my disk in their computer, and put their disk in my pocket.

They looked identical, so they couldn't tell.

My father found out. First he spanked me, then he dragged my butt down to the store, asked for the store manager, and told him... in public.... that I was a thief, and stole their property, and that if they wanted to call the police, he would accept whatever penalty they deemed fit.... in the middle of the store. Right in the middle.

I was terrified, and on the ground looking up at this store manager and my father.

You want to know something? That was the best learning experience of my life. I never stole JACK SQUAT from anyone anywhere ever. Even to this day, every single bit of software, every movie video, every music song, every operating system, Windows or Mac OS, that I own..... every single bit of it is 100% paid for, and legally purchased.

So let me answer your question..... if I caught my nephew or brother, or sister doing something illegal, first I would confront them directly, and then if they refused to make it right.... yeah, I would turn them in.

My family is not a family of law breakers. We might mess up, but we make it right, and take our penalties as a real man should. YES I WOULD TURN THEM IN. That's what good mature adult people do.
I appreciate the lesson that your dad taught you. I was raised with similar values... but it did shock me when I was 16 and I got a fake ID, never told my parents. It lasted for a year then delaminated. 2 years later My family was going on a vacation for my moms birthday and my dad had found the ID in my drawer. The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new. He said this trip we are going to the casino and I'm teaching you how to play blackjack and poker.

Yes it was illegal but it was also a victimless crime.
i don't condone illegal border crossing, I don't think it is fair to those who go through the legal process. I'm fine with cracking down on that system and making it better. But the people who do it are not violent criminals, they are often poor and desperate and looking for a better life for their families. That may not excuse their actions but but it gives me compassion for their situation and an open mind on how to deal with millions of people who are in a tough spot. Especially if they have children who have lived here most of their lives.

There is no such thing as a victim-less crime. No such thing.

Every single time you commit a crime, you justify crime to everyone else. You victimize the entire nation as a whole.

Every person ever caught in any crime immediately points to other people doing it, and saying "See? They do it, so why can't I". The very act of calling it a victim-less crime, creates more crime.

All you have to do is go to a prison, and talk to the people there, and every single one will say they shouldn't be there, because other people have done wrong things, and they are not there.

And all I need for proof of my claim... is your own story, and post. Your father committed a crime, and because of that, he taught you that crime is ok.... which is why you are here on this thread right now, justifying crime.

You are living proof of exactly what I was saying. By your father giving a pass to crime, he taught you to give a pass to crime, and you are here trying to teach others to give a pass to crime.

And compare that to my family, which taught me right from wrong, and that crime is always wrong, and so I don't do it, and I'm teaching others to not do it either.

Everything I claimed played out right on this thread.
I guess your family is just better than mine. Do you think that every cop that has let somebody out of a ticket should have their badge stripped away? They are after all condoning breaking the law under your premise.

How about if your buddy is giving you a ride and he runs a stop sign or goes 10mph over the speed limit. You report him or do you condone the lawlessness?

I would report him. Of course all my buddies are law abiding people, who would never run a stop sign of go over the speed limit.

You hang with criminals, and then think "no one should report their criminal buddy"?

Honestly, all the people I know, if they saw me breaking the law like that, they would report me. Or more likely they'd be the crap out of me themselves.

Again, I'm with good people. I can't even relate to what you are talking about. Who does that? Are you running stop signs and speeding all the time? That's the circle of people you hang with?

I don't even understand how we got here. We came from a nation where if you stole someone's cow, they hung your criminal butt on a tree. Now we have people saying this on a forums? This is how far we have fallen as a society? This is how pathetic weak, and corrupt men are? "Real men" today, simply run stops signs, and break all the traffic laws, and you ask "would you report them?"

I don't understand you or your people at all. Kind of glad about it too.
There is no way you can be serious. It's human nature to make mistakes and good people don't go tell on their family and friends unless it's a truly fucked up situation. If in your own warped reality you really think you are being honest then I really don't believe that you have many friends or close connections in this life. The world does not work that way. We aren't robots. One of the strongest ways to build trust and connections is by revealing secrets and our imperfections, and our mess ups without the fear that the person we are telling is going to go turn us in.

We're not talking about mistakes. I assumed you are not talking about mistakes.

A mistake is driving to work, and being zoned out, and not realizing that you are driving 70 in a 65 zone. That is a mistake. An accident.

You can't accidentally walk into another country, and accidentally not notice everyone speaks English instead of Spanish, and accidentally rent a house, and accidentally pop out four kids, and accidentally over stay your temporary visa, and accidentally not know you are supposed to have a legal permit to be in a different country.

So when you say run a stop sign, or break the speed limit, I'm using that context to assume you mean people who intentionally drive through stops signs, and fly over speed limits. I hope in a car, and my buddy is flying through stop signs, and buzzing 80 in the 55 zone... yeah, I'm going to beat the crap out of him, demand he drop me off... ANYWHERE.... just let me out and I'll walk home... and I'm calling the state highway patrol to let them know there is a Ford F150 that's driving like an idiot. Yeah. Yes absolutely.

If an American goes to Mexico, and is caught illegally being in their country, it's 3 years prison, and $5,000 fine. I don't see many Americans 'accidentally' entering Mexico. Nor do they get a pass by Mexican authorities when they do. You don't see in Mexican news outlets "poor mother of 4 imprisoned, fined, and deported". Happens all the time down there. Only here in retard criminal supporter world, do you hear this.
Your father giving you a fake ID is very poor parenting. He condoned encouraged and assisted you in breaking the law. That you think it was a good idea shows just how stupid you are.
You got no clue man about the type of person and parent my father was so you can just shut the fuck up about that. It was my mistake to share the story with you judgmental pricks. I should have known better as I see time and time again so many of you pompous aholes jumping to false conclusions and judgements about things that you only have a sliver of information about. End of subject

Yeah you should have known better. If your father had taught you better, you would have known better. Judgemental pricks? You told us that your father gave you a fake ID. We're supposed to judge actions. If we don't judge actions, then murders should be allowed to go free. We can't call them "murderers" even though they murdered, because that would be judgemental?

Your father intentionally, and directly, violated the law, and give you a fake ID. That is a massive violation of law. He is a terrible person, and he is a terrible example to you, and proof is this thread where you are supporting other criminal actions.

Yeah it was a mistake to share that if you think its ok. What he did was SHAMEFUL. You should be ASHAMED of that. I would. If my father had ever done anything like that I would never tell anyone anywhere that my father engaged in such a shameful activity.

Thank G-d he wouldn't do such a thing.

If my father ever did, I would only post it on here as an example of what a bad father does. I would be on here saying "yeah my father did some horrible stuff, but I'm not like him"... not "My father did illegal stuff, and you all are pricks for pointing out the illegal things he did were.... illegal! How dare you!"....

You are seriously messed up in the head.
I read the first paragraph of your garbage then stopped. You are distorting my own story like you do with most other discussions because you are trying to mold it to fit your narrative and win an argument, how pathetic. I'm not here to talk about my personal life, nor will I stand for anybody bad mouthing my father, that's pitiful for you to even go there. I made the mistake of bringing it up and you all reacted exactly like I should have known... like ignorant, pretentious douche bags who think they got it all figured out. You don't know shit. Congrats if you were trying to get under my skin. Y'all make me sick. You win
Your father giving you a fake ID is very poor parenting. He condoned encouraged and assisted you in breaking the law. That you think it was a good idea shows just how stupid you are.
You got no clue man about the type of person and parent my father was so you can just shut the fuck up about that. It was my mistake to share the story with you judgmental pricks. I should have known better as I see time and time again so many of you pompous aholes jumping to false conclusions and judgements about things that you only have a sliver of information about. End of subject

Yeah you should have known better. If your father had taught you better, you would have known better. Judgemental pricks? You told us that your father gave you a fake ID. We're supposed to judge actions. If we don't judge actions, then murders should be allowed to go free. We can't call them "murderers" even though they murdered, because that would be judgemental?

Your father intentionally, and directly, violated the law, and give you a fake ID. That is a massive violation of law. He is a terrible person, and he is a terrible example to you, and proof is this thread where you are supporting other criminal actions.

Yeah it was a mistake to share that if you think its ok. What he did was SHAMEFUL. You should be ASHAMED of that. I would. If my father had ever done anything like that I would never tell anyone anywhere that my father engaged in such a shameful activity.

Thank G-d he wouldn't do such a thing.

If my father ever did, I would only post it on here as an example of what a bad father does. I would be on here saying "yeah my father did some horrible stuff, but I'm not like him"... not "My father did illegal stuff, and you all are pricks for pointing out the illegal things he did were.... illegal! How dare you!"....

You are seriously messed up in the head.
I read the first paragraph of your garbage then stopped. You are distorting my own story like you do with most other discussions because you are trying to mold it to fit your narrative and win an argument, how pathetic. I'm not here to talk about my personal life, nor will I stand for anybody bad mouthing my father, that's pitiful for you to even go there. I made the mistake of bringing it up and you all reacted exactly like I should have known... like ignorant, pretentious douche bags who think they got it all figured out. You don't know shit. Congrats if you were trying to get under my skin. Y'all make me sick. You win

The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new.

"Your father gave you a fake ID"

You are distorting my own story like you do with most other discussions because you are trying to mold it to fit your narrative and win an argument, how pathetic.


Ok dude... whatever you say. I don't wanna break your safe zone, so whatever floats your boat.
Of course there are victimless crimes. If I smoke a doobie, who is the victim?

I just explained that. I don't know how I can be any clearer.

When you break the law, you justify law breaking to the rest of society. I can't tell you the number of times other criminals doing other things, claim "well that guy smokes pot, and he's not in trouble. Why am I in trouble?"

Now you can come up with all your logical explanations for why your law breaking is ok, and their law breaking isn't... but they don't care. To them, you are a criminal like them. So if it's ok for you to break the law, then they should be able to as well.

Beyond that even, the vast majority of this crap about how your pot smoking has no victims, I just don't meet those people. Where are these people? In real life, not on a forum. Everyone's crime is victimless on a forum.

It's ironic, because I'm actually talking with a guy dealing with one of these victim-less crime people right now.

He's a co-worker who is in the middle of a marriage break down. His wife kicked him out of the house and I asked him what was going on. Well... his father is this Willie Nelson wannabe, who smokes pot constantly.

His father's 'wives' have all divorced him, some remarried thinking he'd become a man, and divorced him again because he went back on the weed. His children hate him. His grand kids don't know him, most of them. They guy is lonely, living in a shack with his pot.

So this dudes wife, is now accusing him on being on weed, because he's the one guy that deals with loser pot head grampa. Then when he got kicked out, he slept at pot-heads shack, only to come into work smelling like pot. Well you can't have a pot head running the fork lift.

And then on top of that, his daughter is turning into a hellion, and she says "well gramps breaks the law so...." to justify the insanity she's into.

Now the typical pot head will say "it's everyone elses fault that there are these problems".

In reality, there is one guy screwing up the lives of literally dozens of people, his wives lives, his kids lives, and his grand kids lives, and I bit you anything he's sitting at home smoking pot saying "this is a victim-less crime!".

Well... he's wrong. And no offense, but you are wrong too.

Sorry, but that's just stupid. That means it's immoral to break any law. The "crime" committed by the guy in your example is being irresponsible and a bad father, not smoking weed. Plenty of people smoke pot and are good responsible people.

You're just another fucking Nazi who believes you are entitled to impose your moral code on other people and control what they do.

Go fuck yourself.

For the record, I don't smoke pot, so your insinuations are groundless and insulting.

Of course we are entitled to impose our moral code on other people.

Of course. What do you think ALL.... EVERY SINGLE LAW.... is? Every law is a moral code.

There are countries where you can legally rape women. The reason they do, is because they have a different moral code. They reason we do not, is because we have a different moral code.

Every law, is a moral code. Yes, breaking any law.... ANY LAW.... is wrong.

What makes your version of laws any more valid, than my version? Is it not just your moral code, that you think is better than my moral code? Are you not as much a Nazi as you claim I am?

Well you have the right to be wrong.

The fact that we do it doesn't mean we are entitled to do it. Apparently you have no problem with Auschwitz since the Germans were "entitled" to impose their moral code on their population. You have basically endorsed the theory that there are no unjust laws. Only a douche bag believes that.

You are the one with the Nazi code of ethics, not me.

Apparently you have no problem with Auschwitz since you have said it was being a Nazi to impose your morals on the Germans.

Was it wrong to impose your morality on the Germans? Yes or no.

You are an idiot. You're the one who says there is no such think as an unjust law. It was legal in Germany to send Jews to Auschwitz, so you must support it. Whatever Americans think about it is irrelevant, according to your theory of morality. What makes our laws any better than their, in your view?
I just explained that. I don't know how I can be any clearer.

When you break the law, you justify law breaking to the rest of society. I can't tell you the number of times other criminals doing other things, claim "well that guy smokes pot, and he's not in trouble. Why am I in trouble?"

Now you can come up with all your logical explanations for why your law breaking is ok, and their law breaking isn't... but they don't care. To them, you are a criminal like them. So if it's ok for you to break the law, then they should be able to as well.

Beyond that even, the vast majority of this crap about how your pot smoking has no victims, I just don't meet those people. Where are these people? In real life, not on a forum. Everyone's crime is victimless on a forum.

It's ironic, because I'm actually talking with a guy dealing with one of these victim-less crime people right now.

He's a co-worker who is in the middle of a marriage break down. His wife kicked him out of the house and I asked him what was going on. Well... his father is this Willie Nelson wannabe, who smokes pot constantly.

His father's 'wives' have all divorced him, some remarried thinking he'd become a man, and divorced him again because he went back on the weed. His children hate him. His grand kids don't know him, most of them. They guy is lonely, living in a shack with his pot.

So this dudes wife, is now accusing him on being on weed, because he's the one guy that deals with loser pot head grampa. Then when he got kicked out, he slept at pot-heads shack, only to come into work smelling like pot. Well you can't have a pot head running the fork lift.

And then on top of that, his daughter is turning into a hellion, and she says "well gramps breaks the law so...." to justify the insanity she's into.

Now the typical pot head will say "it's everyone elses fault that there are these problems".

In reality, there is one guy screwing up the lives of literally dozens of people, his wives lives, his kids lives, and his grand kids lives, and I bit you anything he's sitting at home smoking pot saying "this is a victim-less crime!".

Well... he's wrong. And no offense, but you are wrong too.

Sorry, but that's just stupid. That means it's immoral to break any law. The "crime" committed by the guy in your example is being irresponsible and a bad father, not smoking weed. Plenty of people smoke pot and are good responsible people.

You're just another fucking Nazi who believes you are entitled to impose your moral code on other people and control what they do.

Go fuck yourself.

For the record, I don't smoke pot, so your insinuations are groundless and insulting.

Of course we are entitled to impose our moral code on other people.

Of course. What do you think ALL.... EVERY SINGLE LAW.... is? Every law is a moral code.

There are countries where you can legally rape women. The reason they do, is because they have a different moral code. They reason we do not, is because we have a different moral code.

Every law, is a moral code. Yes, breaking any law.... ANY LAW.... is wrong.

What makes your version of laws any more valid, than my version? Is it not just your moral code, that you think is better than my moral code? Are you not as much a Nazi as you claim I am?

Well you have the right to be wrong.

The fact that we do it doesn't mean we are entitled to do it. Apparently you have no problem with Auschwitz since the Germans were "entitled" to impose their moral code on their population. You have basically endorsed the theory that there are no unjust laws. Only a douche bag believes that.

You are the one with the Nazi code of ethics, not me.

Apparently you have no problem with Auschwitz since you have said it was being a Nazi to impose your morals on the Germans.

Was it wrong to impose your morality on the Germans? Yes or no.

You are an idiot. You're the one who says there is no such think as an unjust law. It was legal in Germany to send Jews to Auschwitz, so you must support it. Whatever Americans think about it is irrelevant, according to your theory of morality. What makes our laws any better than their, in your view?

Ok, let's try to prove our claims.

I'll go first. I propose that you claimed that anyone imposing their morality on others makes them a Nazi.

As proof, I'll quote your post which said:

"You're just another fucking Nazi who believes you are entitled to impose your moral code on other people and control what they do."

Therefore, by your own words, you imposing your morality on the Nazis at Auschwitz, makes you.... a Nazi.

In order for you to practice what you are preaching... you would have to say what the Nazis did was perfectly fine, and you are not going to try and impose your morality on them by saying it was wrong. Because... you wouldn't want to be a Nazi imposing your morality on others, and controlling what the Germans did in WW2.

So your turn.

Please quote the text where "You're the one who says there is no such think as an unjust law."

I'd like to see this quote text myself.
Sorry, but that's just stupid. That means it's immoral to break any law. The "crime" committed by the guy in your example is being irresponsible and a bad father, not smoking weed. Plenty of people smoke pot and are good responsible people.

You're just another fucking Nazi who believes you are entitled to impose your moral code on other people and control what they do.

Go fuck yourself.

For the record, I don't smoke pot, so your insinuations are groundless and insulting.

Of course we are entitled to impose our moral code on other people.

Of course. What do you think ALL.... EVERY SINGLE LAW.... is? Every law is a moral code.

There are countries where you can legally rape women. The reason they do, is because they have a different moral code. They reason we do not, is because we have a different moral code.

Every law, is a moral code. Yes, breaking any law.... ANY LAW.... is wrong.

What makes your version of laws any more valid, than my version? Is it not just your moral code, that you think is better than my moral code? Are you not as much a Nazi as you claim I am?

Well you have the right to be wrong.

The fact that we do it doesn't mean we are entitled to do it. Apparently you have no problem with Auschwitz since the Germans were "entitled" to impose their moral code on their population. You have basically endorsed the theory that there are no unjust laws. Only a douche bag believes that.

You are the one with the Nazi code of ethics, not me.

Apparently you have no problem with Auschwitz since you have said it was being a Nazi to impose your morals on the Germans.

Was it wrong to impose your morality on the Germans? Yes or no.

You are an idiot. You're the one who says there is no such think as an unjust law. It was legal in Germany to send Jews to Auschwitz, so you must support it. Whatever Americans think about it is irrelevant, according to your theory of morality. What makes our laws any better than their, in your view?

Ok, let's try to prove our claims.

I'll go first. I propose that you claimed that anyone imposing their morality on others makes them a Nazi.

As proof, I'll quote your post which said:

"You're just another fucking Nazi who believes you are entitled to impose your moral code on other people and control what they do."

Therefore, by your own words, you imposing your morality on the Nazis at Auschwitz, makes you.... a Nazi.

In order for you to practice what you are preaching... you would have to say what the Nazis did was perfectly fine, and you are not going to try and impose your morality on them by saying it was wrong. Because... you wouldn't want to be a Nazi imposing your morality on others, and controlling what the Germans did in WW2.

So your turn.

Please quote the text where "You're the one who says there is no such think as an unjust law."

I'd like to see this quote text myself.

Here ya go, Nazi:

When you break the law, you justify law breaking to the rest of society.

Now you can come up with all your logical explanations for why your law breaking is ok, and their law breaking isn't... but they don't care. To them, you are a criminal like them. So if it's ok for you to break the law, then they should be able to as well.
So, according to you, every law must be obeyed, even if the law says put Jews in gas ovens. You don't concede the possibility that some laws shouldn't be obeyed.

Now, in the case of the Nazis, what they did had victim. The entire purpose of law is to protect victims. Controlling what substances people consume is not a legitimate function of the law because there are no victims. Law is about justice, which means it's about righting wrongs. No one is wronged when you smoke a joint.

End of story.
Of course we are entitled to impose our moral code on other people.

Of course. What do you think ALL.... EVERY SINGLE LAW.... is? Every law is a moral code.

There are countries where you can legally rape women. The reason they do, is because they have a different moral code. They reason we do not, is because we have a different moral code.

Every law, is a moral code. Yes, breaking any law.... ANY LAW.... is wrong.

What makes your version of laws any more valid, than my version? Is it not just your moral code, that you think is better than my moral code? Are you not as much a Nazi as you claim I am?

Well you have the right to be wrong.

The fact that we do it doesn't mean we are entitled to do it. Apparently you have no problem with Auschwitz since the Germans were "entitled" to impose their moral code on their population. You have basically endorsed the theory that there are no unjust laws. Only a douche bag believes that.

You are the one with the Nazi code of ethics, not me.

Apparently you have no problem with Auschwitz since you have said it was being a Nazi to impose your morals on the Germans.

Was it wrong to impose your morality on the Germans? Yes or no.

You are an idiot. You're the one who says there is no such think as an unjust law. It was legal in Germany to send Jews to Auschwitz, so you must support it. Whatever Americans think about it is irrelevant, according to your theory of morality. What makes our laws any better than their, in your view?

Ok, let's try to prove our claims.

I'll go first. I propose that you claimed that anyone imposing their morality on others makes them a Nazi.

As proof, I'll quote your post which said:

"You're just another fucking Nazi who believes you are entitled to impose your moral code on other people and control what they do."

Therefore, by your own words, you imposing your morality on the Nazis at Auschwitz, makes you.... a Nazi.

In order for you to practice what you are preaching... you would have to say what the Nazis did was perfectly fine, and you are not going to try and impose your morality on them by saying it was wrong. Because... you wouldn't want to be a Nazi imposing your morality on others, and controlling what the Germans did in WW2.

So your turn.

Please quote the text where "You're the one who says there is no such think as an unjust law."

I'd like to see this quote text myself.

Here ya go, Nazi:

When you break the law, you justify law breaking to the rest of society.

Now you can come up with all your logical explanations for why your law breaking is ok, and their law breaking isn't... but they don't care. To them, you are a criminal like them. So if it's ok for you to break the law, then they should be able to as well.
So, according to you, every law must be obeyed, even if the law says put Jews in gas ovens. You don't concede the possibility that some laws shouldn't be obeyed.

Now, in the case of the Nazis, what they did had victim. The entire purpose of law is to protect victims. Controlling what substances people consume is not a legitimate function of the law because there are no victims. Law is about justice, which means it's about righting wrongs. No one is wronged when you smoke a joint.

End of story.
No where in that quote did he say every law. But then you know that and are just whining cause your pet peeve is to whine about breaking laws you personally dont like.
The fact that we do it doesn't mean we are entitled to do it. Apparently you have no problem with Auschwitz since the Germans were "entitled" to impose their moral code on their population. You have basically endorsed the theory that there are no unjust laws. Only a douche bag believes that.

You are the one with the Nazi code of ethics, not me.

Apparently you have no problem with Auschwitz since you have said it was being a Nazi to impose your morals on the Germans.

Was it wrong to impose your morality on the Germans? Yes or no.

You are an idiot. You're the one who says there is no such think as an unjust law. It was legal in Germany to send Jews to Auschwitz, so you must support it. Whatever Americans think about it is irrelevant, according to your theory of morality. What makes our laws any better than their, in your view?

Ok, let's try to prove our claims.

I'll go first. I propose that you claimed that anyone imposing their morality on others makes them a Nazi.

As proof, I'll quote your post which said:

"You're just another fucking Nazi who believes you are entitled to impose your moral code on other people and control what they do."

Therefore, by your own words, you imposing your morality on the Nazis at Auschwitz, makes you.... a Nazi.

In order for you to practice what you are preaching... you would have to say what the Nazis did was perfectly fine, and you are not going to try and impose your morality on them by saying it was wrong. Because... you wouldn't want to be a Nazi imposing your morality on others, and controlling what the Germans did in WW2.

So your turn.

Please quote the text where "You're the one who says there is no such think as an unjust law."

I'd like to see this quote text myself.

Here ya go, Nazi:

When you break the law, you justify law breaking to the rest of society.

Now you can come up with all your logical explanations for why your law breaking is ok, and their law breaking isn't... but they don't care. To them, you are a criminal like them. So if it's ok for you to break the law, then they should be able to as well.
So, according to you, every law must be obeyed, even if the law says put Jews in gas ovens. You don't concede the possibility that some laws shouldn't be obeyed.

Now, in the case of the Nazis, what they did had victim. The entire purpose of law is to protect victims. Controlling what substances people consume is not a legitimate function of the law because there are no victims. Law is about justice, which means it's about righting wrongs. No one is wronged when you smoke a joint.

End of story.
No where in that quote did he say every law. But then you know that and are just whining cause your pet peeve is to whine about breaking laws you personally dont like.

Really? Did he mention any laws that it's OK to break? No, he said explicitly that there are no laws that it's OK to break.

So you must be happy that good Nazis were following the law when they put Jews in gas ovens.

Anyone who claims that it's wrong to break any law on the books is a stupid goose-stepping Nazi douche bag. Breaking laws is how this country got started, moron. Breaking unjust laws is the highest form of patriotism.
Apparently you have no problem with Auschwitz since you have said it was being a Nazi to impose your morals on the Germans.

Was it wrong to impose your morality on the Germans? Yes or no.

You are an idiot. You're the one who says there is no such think as an unjust law. It was legal in Germany to send Jews to Auschwitz, so you must support it. Whatever Americans think about it is irrelevant, according to your theory of morality. What makes our laws any better than their, in your view?

Ok, let's try to prove our claims.

I'll go first. I propose that you claimed that anyone imposing their morality on others makes them a Nazi.

As proof, I'll quote your post which said:

"You're just another fucking Nazi who believes you are entitled to impose your moral code on other people and control what they do."

Therefore, by your own words, you imposing your morality on the Nazis at Auschwitz, makes you.... a Nazi.

In order for you to practice what you are preaching... you would have to say what the Nazis did was perfectly fine, and you are not going to try and impose your morality on them by saying it was wrong. Because... you wouldn't want to be a Nazi imposing your morality on others, and controlling what the Germans did in WW2.

So your turn.

Please quote the text where "You're the one who says there is no such think as an unjust law."

I'd like to see this quote text myself.

Here ya go, Nazi:

When you break the law, you justify law breaking to the rest of society.

Now you can come up with all your logical explanations for why your law breaking is ok, and their law breaking isn't... but they don't care. To them, you are a criminal like them. So if it's ok for you to break the law, then they should be able to as well.
So, according to you, every law must be obeyed, even if the law says put Jews in gas ovens. You don't concede the possibility that some laws shouldn't be obeyed.

Now, in the case of the Nazis, what they did had victim. The entire purpose of law is to protect victims. Controlling what substances people consume is not a legitimate function of the law because there are no victims. Law is about justice, which means it's about righting wrongs. No one is wronged when you smoke a joint.

End of story.
No where in that quote did he say every law. But then you know that and are just whining cause your pet peeve is to whine about breaking laws you personally dont like.

Really? Did he mention any laws that it's OK to break? No, he said explicitly that there are no laws that it's OK to break.

So you must be happy that good Nazis were following the law when they put Jews in gas ovens.

Anyone who claims that it's wrong to break any law on the books is a stupid goose-stepping Nazi douche bag. Breaking laws is how this country got started, moron. Breaking unjust laws is the highest form of patriotism.
Except internet tweebs do not get to decide what are unjust laws, just because you disagree with a law does nt make it unjust get back to me hen at least a third of the Country agrees and is will to rebel over it, you see that is what it took for the revolutionary war to start.
I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.


You are an idiot. You're the one who says there is no such think as an unjust law. It was legal in Germany to send Jews to Auschwitz, so you must support it. Whatever Americans think about it is irrelevant, according to your theory of morality. What makes our laws any better than their, in your view?

Ok, let's try to prove our claims.

I'll go first. I propose that you claimed that anyone imposing their morality on others makes them a Nazi.

As proof, I'll quote your post which said:

"You're just another fucking Nazi who believes you are entitled to impose your moral code on other people and control what they do."

Therefore, by your own words, you imposing your morality on the Nazis at Auschwitz, makes you.... a Nazi.

In order for you to practice what you are preaching... you would have to say what the Nazis did was perfectly fine, and you are not going to try and impose your morality on them by saying it was wrong. Because... you wouldn't want to be a Nazi imposing your morality on others, and controlling what the Germans did in WW2.

So your turn.

Please quote the text where "You're the one who says there is no such think as an unjust law."

I'd like to see this quote text myself.

Here ya go, Nazi:

When you break the law, you justify law breaking to the rest of society.

Now you can come up with all your logical explanations for why your law breaking is ok, and their law breaking isn't... but they don't care. To them, you are a criminal like them. So if it's ok for you to break the law, then they should be able to as well.
So, according to you, every law must be obeyed, even if the law says put Jews in gas ovens. You don't concede the possibility that some laws shouldn't be obeyed.

Now, in the case of the Nazis, what they did had victim. The entire purpose of law is to protect victims. Controlling what substances people consume is not a legitimate function of the law because there are no victims. Law is about justice, which means it's about righting wrongs. No one is wronged when you smoke a joint.

End of story.
No where in that quote did he say every law. But then you know that and are just whining cause your pet peeve is to whine about breaking laws you personally dont like.

Really? Did he mention any laws that it's OK to break? No, he said explicitly that there are no laws that it's OK to break.

So you must be happy that good Nazis were following the law when they put Jews in gas ovens.

Anyone who claims that it's wrong to break any law on the books is a stupid goose-stepping Nazi douche bag. Breaking laws is how this country got started, moron. Breaking unjust laws is the highest form of patriotism.
Except internet tweebs do not get to decide what are unjust laws, just because you disagree with a law does nt make it unjust get back to me hen at least a third of the Country agrees and is will to rebel over it, you see that is what it took for the revolutionary war to start.
Logic is what determines whether a law is unjust. If you claim it's immoral to disobey any law, then you assume that all laws are just. You can't have it both ways.

Laws that have no victim are unjust. That's the bottom line. Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Andylusion believes there all no unjust laws. He has no principle for separating just laws from the unjust. That's what makes him a Nazi.
Ok, let's try to prove our claims.

I'll go first. I propose that you claimed that anyone imposing their morality on others makes them a Nazi.

As proof, I'll quote your post which said:

"You're just another fucking Nazi who believes you are entitled to impose your moral code on other people and control what they do."

Therefore, by your own words, you imposing your morality on the Nazis at Auschwitz, makes you.... a Nazi.

In order for you to practice what you are preaching... you would have to say what the Nazis did was perfectly fine, and you are not going to try and impose your morality on them by saying it was wrong. Because... you wouldn't want to be a Nazi imposing your morality on others, and controlling what the Germans did in WW2.

So your turn.

Please quote the text where "You're the one who says there is no such think as an unjust law."

I'd like to see this quote text myself.

Here ya go, Nazi:

When you break the law, you justify law breaking to the rest of society.

Now you can come up with all your logical explanations for why your law breaking is ok, and their law breaking isn't... but they don't care. To them, you are a criminal like them. So if it's ok for you to break the law, then they should be able to as well.
So, according to you, every law must be obeyed, even if the law says put Jews in gas ovens. You don't concede the possibility that some laws shouldn't be obeyed.

Now, in the case of the Nazis, what they did had victim. The entire purpose of law is to protect victims. Controlling what substances people consume is not a legitimate function of the law because there are no victims. Law is about justice, which means it's about righting wrongs. No one is wronged when you smoke a joint.

End of story.
No where in that quote did he say every law. But then you know that and are just whining cause your pet peeve is to whine about breaking laws you personally dont like.

Really? Did he mention any laws that it's OK to break? No, he said explicitly that there are no laws that it's OK to break.

So you must be happy that good Nazis were following the law when they put Jews in gas ovens.

Anyone who claims that it's wrong to break any law on the books is a stupid goose-stepping Nazi douche bag. Breaking laws is how this country got started, moron. Breaking unjust laws is the highest form of patriotism.
Except internet tweebs do not get to decide what are unjust laws, just because you disagree with a law does nt make it unjust get back to me hen at least a third of the Country agrees and is will to rebel over it, you see that is what it took for the revolutionary war to start.
Logic is what determines whether a law is unjust. If you claim it's immoral to disobey any law, then you assume that all laws are just. You can't have it both ways.

Laws that have no victim are unjust. That's the bottom line. Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Andylusion believes there all no unjust laws. He has no principle for separating just laws from the unjust. That's what makes him a Nazi.

Logic? There is nothing in logic that determines right from wrong.

Further, in the context of the argument, you never made the claim the laws were unjust, only that you didn't like them.

Lastly, you are claiming that no one has the right to enforce their views on others. So you can't "logically" claim to be against Nazis. By your own statement, you are not allowed to try and impose your views on the Nazis, because that would make you a Nazi.

Sorry, but YOU can't have it both ways.

"I'm allowed to enforce my morality that killing millions of people is wrong! But you can't enforce your morality on me, that doing society destroying drugs is wrong!"

Your position is not logical. Period. End. You lose.

By the way, you in this very thread, are imposing your views of morality on me, claiming that I am a Nazi.

That... in and of itself, makes you a Nazi according to your views that imposing your morality on others makes you a Nazi.

Double fail. You lose.
Here ya go, Nazi:

When you break the law, you justify law breaking to the rest of society.

Now you can come up with all your logical explanations for why your law breaking is ok, and their law breaking isn't... but they don't care. To them, you are a criminal like them. So if it's ok for you to break the law, then they should be able to as well.
So, according to you, every law must be obeyed, even if the law says put Jews in gas ovens. You don't concede the possibility that some laws shouldn't be obeyed.

Now, in the case of the Nazis, what they did had victim. The entire purpose of law is to protect victims. Controlling what substances people consume is not a legitimate function of the law because there are no victims. Law is about justice, which means it's about righting wrongs. No one is wronged when you smoke a joint.

End of story.
No where in that quote did he say every law. But then you know that and are just whining cause your pet peeve is to whine about breaking laws you personally dont like.

Really? Did he mention any laws that it's OK to break? No, he said explicitly that there are no laws that it's OK to break.

So you must be happy that good Nazis were following the law when they put Jews in gas ovens.

Anyone who claims that it's wrong to break any law on the books is a stupid goose-stepping Nazi douche bag. Breaking laws is how this country got started, moron. Breaking unjust laws is the highest form of patriotism.
Except internet tweebs do not get to decide what are unjust laws, just because you disagree with a law does nt make it unjust get back to me hen at least a third of the Country agrees and is will to rebel over it, you see that is what it took for the revolutionary war to start.
Logic is what determines whether a law is unjust. If you claim it's immoral to disobey any law, then you assume that all laws are just. You can't have it both ways.

Laws that have no victim are unjust. That's the bottom line. Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Andylusion believes there all no unjust laws. He has no principle for separating just laws from the unjust. That's what makes him a Nazi.

Logic? There is nothing in logic that determines right from wrong.

Sure there is. Just because it's beyond your mental abilities, that doesn't mean there isn't any.

Further, in the context of the argument, you never made the claim the laws were unjust, only that you didn't like them.

I don't like laws that are unjust - that means any law that doesn't have a victim,

Lastly, you are claiming that no one has the right to enforce their views on others. So you can't "logically" claim to be against Nazis. By your own statement, you are not allowed to try and impose your views on the Nazis, because that would make you a Nazi.

Sorry, but YOU can't have it both ways.

"My views" aren't at issue here. What is at issue is whether it's somehow evil to break unjust laws. You claim it is. That's a very stupid claim.

"I'm allowed to enforce my morality that killing millions of people is wrong! But you can't enforce your morality on me, that doing society destroying drugs is wrong!"

Your position is not logical. Period. End. You lose.

Wrong. One involves millions of victims. There are no victims in the other case. It's simply a matter of you enforcing on others your petty prejudices about which substances are acceptable to consume. No principle of justice is involved, and that's all the law should be about: justice.

By the way, you in this very thread, are imposing your views of morality on me, claiming that I am a Nazi.

That... in and of itself, makes you a Nazi according to your views that imposing your morality on others makes you a Nazi.

Double fail. You lose.
I'm not "imposing" anything on you. I'm simply noting what I observe. You have the same moral code as the Nazis: whatever government says is moral, ethical and just. I can't imagine anything more Nazi-like than that.
Last edited:
No where in that quote did he say every law. But then you know that and are just whining cause your pet peeve is to whine about breaking laws you personally dont like.

Really? Did he mention any laws that it's OK to break? No, he said explicitly that there are no laws that it's OK to break.

So you must be happy that good Nazis were following the law when they put Jews in gas ovens.

Anyone who claims that it's wrong to break any law on the books is a stupid goose-stepping Nazi douche bag. Breaking laws is how this country got started, moron. Breaking unjust laws is the highest form of patriotism.
Except internet tweebs do not get to decide what are unjust laws, just because you disagree with a law does nt make it unjust get back to me hen at least a third of the Country agrees and is will to rebel over it, you see that is what it took for the revolutionary war to start.
Logic is what determines whether a law is unjust. If you claim it's immoral to disobey any law, then you assume that all laws are just. You can't have it both ways.

Laws that have no victim are unjust. That's the bottom line. Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Andylusion believes there all no unjust laws. He has no principle for separating just laws from the unjust. That's what makes him a Nazi.

Logic? There is nothing in logic that determines right from wrong.

Sure there is. Just because it's beyond your mental abilities, that doesn't mean there isn't any.

Further, in the context of the argument, you never made the claim the laws were unjust, only that you didn't like them.

I don't like laws that are unjust - that means any law that doesn't have a victim,

Lastly, you are claiming that no one has the right to enforce their views on others. So you can't "logically" claim to be against Nazis. By your own statement, you are not allowed to try and impose your views on the Nazis, because that would make you a Nazi.

Sorry, but YOU can't have it both ways.

"My views" aren't at issue here. What is at issue is whether it's somehow evil to break unjust laws. You claim it is. That's a very stupid claim.

"I'm allowed to enforce my morality that killing millions of people is wrong! But you can't enforce your morality on me, that doing society destroying drugs is wrong!"

Your position is not logical. Period. End. You lose.

Wrong. One involves millions of victims. There are no victims in the other case. It's simply a matter of you enforcing on others your petty prejudices about which substances are acceptable to consume. No principle of justice is involved, and that's all the law should be about: justice.

By the way, you in this very thread, are imposing your views of morality on me, claiming that I am a Nazi.

That... in and of itself, makes you a Nazi according to your views that imposing your morality on others makes you a Nazi.

Double fail. You lose.
I'm not "imposing" anything on you. I'm simply noting what I observe. You have the same moral code as the Nazis: whatever government says is moral, ethical and just. I can't imagine anything more Nazi-like than that.

You are imposing your views. Your view is I'm a Nazi. Your view is no one should have to follow any law they don't like. That's are personal views of morality, that you are imposing on me.

Victim, or no victim doesn't matter. It is a personal view. Right and wrong is not determine by whether someone can claim they are a victim.

By your logic we shouldn't have any driving laws at all, whatsoever. As long as no one is a victim, I can drive 100 MPH directly in front of the elementary school, and as long as I don't hit anyone's kid, you can't force your speed limits on me.

And when someone does get hit, and dies, well that's still not a need for speed limits... it was just one bad driver. Just like all these devastated families I meet, it's not the pot smoking idiot, it's just a bad father, or mother or brother, sister, uncle.

You want to send your kids where they race 100 MPH down the roads? After all, until they hit someone, no victims! It would be Nazi of you to demand they go slow around children crossing the street.

But even if we accepted your bad premise, you are still a Nazi. I'm a victim of your slanderous accusations of being a Nazi. There! You have a victim. You are a horrible Nazi for victimizing me with your "observations". You are no better than the Nazis themselves.

Everyone that swings the doubled sided blade of moral relativism, ends up cutting off their own head.

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