Mother of 4 deported

Feel free to explain to a judge that they can't throw you in jail for a broken tail light if you refuse to pay a ticket for it. We'll see which of us is right.

They threw my brother in jail for jay walking and then not showing up in court.
Sounds like one of those criminals. Did you turn him in after he didn't show up in court? That would be the lawful thing to do, right?

You people act like that would be bad. Let me give you a quick story of what happened to me.

I was a little kid. I don't remember how old. But you remember when video games on computer came on diskettes?

View attachment 116980

Remember those? Well I had a game on one of these diskettes. It was a legally purchased game, nothing wrong with that.

But I broke the disk. And the game wouldn't play anymore. So I walked down to the computer store, where I happen to know they had a Demo of that very game. And I swapped out the disk. I put my disk in their computer, and put their disk in my pocket.

They looked identical, so they couldn't tell.

My father found out. First he spanked me, then he dragged my butt down to the store, asked for the store manager, and told him... in public.... that I was a thief, and stole their property, and that if they wanted to call the police, he would accept whatever penalty they deemed fit.... in the middle of the store. Right in the middle.

I was terrified, and on the ground looking up at this store manager and my father.

You want to know something? That was the best learning experience of my life. I never stole JACK SQUAT from anyone anywhere ever. Even to this day, every single bit of software, every movie video, every music song, every operating system, Windows or Mac OS, that I own..... every single bit of it is 100% paid for, and legally purchased.

So let me answer your question..... if I caught my nephew or brother, or sister doing something illegal, first I would confront them directly, and then if they refused to make it right.... yeah, I would turn them in.

My family is not a family of law breakers. We might mess up, but we make it right, and take our penalties as a real man should. YES I WOULD TURN THEM IN. That's what good mature adult people do.
I appreciate the lesson that your dad taught you. I was raised with similar values... but it did shock me when I was 16 and I got a fake ID, never told my parents. It lasted for a year then delaminated. 2 years later My family was going on a vacation for my moms birthday and my dad had found the ID in my drawer. The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new. He said this trip we are going to the casino and I'm teaching you how to play blackjack and poker.

Yes it was illegal but it was also a victimless crime.
i don't condone illegal border crossing, I don't think it is fair to those who go through the legal process. I'm fine with cracking down on that system and making it better. But the people who do it are not violent criminals, they are often poor and desperate and looking for a better life for their families. That may not excuse their actions but but it gives me compassion for their situation and an open mind on how to deal with millions of people who are in a tough spot. Especially if they have children who have lived here most of their lives.

There is no such thing as a victim-less crime. No such thing.

Every single time you commit a crime, you justify crime to everyone else. You victimize the entire nation as a whole.

Every person ever caught in any crime immediately points to other people doing it, and saying "See? They do it, so why can't I". The very act of calling it a victim-less crime, creates more crime.

All you have to do is go to a prison, and talk to the people there, and every single one will say they shouldn't be there, because other people have done wrong things, and they are not there.

And all I need for proof of my claim... is your own story, and post. Your father committed a crime, and because of that, he taught you that crime is ok.... which is why you are here on this thread right now, justifying crime.

You are living proof of exactly what I was saying. By your father giving a pass to crime, he taught you to give a pass to crime, and you are here trying to teach others to give a pass to crime.

And compare that to my family, which taught me right from wrong, and that crime is always wrong, and so I don't do it, and I'm teaching others to not do it either.

Everything I claimed played out right on this thread.
Of course there are victimless crimes. If I smoke a doobie, who is the victim?
They threw my brother in jail for jay walking and then not showing up in court.
Sounds like one of those criminals. Did you turn him in after he didn't show up in court? That would be the lawful thing to do, right?

You people act like that would be bad. Let me give you a quick story of what happened to me.

I was a little kid. I don't remember how old. But you remember when video games on computer came on diskettes?

View attachment 116980

Remember those? Well I had a game on one of these diskettes. It was a legally purchased game, nothing wrong with that.

But I broke the disk. And the game wouldn't play anymore. So I walked down to the computer store, where I happen to know they had a Demo of that very game. And I swapped out the disk. I put my disk in their computer, and put their disk in my pocket.

They looked identical, so they couldn't tell.

My father found out. First he spanked me, then he dragged my butt down to the store, asked for the store manager, and told him... in public.... that I was a thief, and stole their property, and that if they wanted to call the police, he would accept whatever penalty they deemed fit.... in the middle of the store. Right in the middle.

I was terrified, and on the ground looking up at this store manager and my father.

You want to know something? That was the best learning experience of my life. I never stole JACK SQUAT from anyone anywhere ever. Even to this day, every single bit of software, every movie video, every music song, every operating system, Windows or Mac OS, that I own..... every single bit of it is 100% paid for, and legally purchased.

So let me answer your question..... if I caught my nephew or brother, or sister doing something illegal, first I would confront them directly, and then if they refused to make it right.... yeah, I would turn them in.

My family is not a family of law breakers. We might mess up, but we make it right, and take our penalties as a real man should. YES I WOULD TURN THEM IN. That's what good mature adult people do.
I appreciate the lesson that your dad taught you. I was raised with similar values... but it did shock me when I was 16 and I got a fake ID, never told my parents. It lasted for a year then delaminated. 2 years later My family was going on a vacation for my moms birthday and my dad had found the ID in my drawer. The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new. He said this trip we are going to the casino and I'm teaching you how to play blackjack and poker.

Yes it was illegal but it was also a victimless crime.
i don't condone illegal border crossing, I don't think it is fair to those who go through the legal process. I'm fine with cracking down on that system and making it better. But the people who do it are not violent criminals, they are often poor and desperate and looking for a better life for their families. That may not excuse their actions but but it gives me compassion for their situation and an open mind on how to deal with millions of people who are in a tough spot. Especially if they have children who have lived here most of their lives.

There is no such thing as a victim-less crime. No such thing.

Every single time you commit a crime, you justify crime to everyone else. You victimize the entire nation as a whole.

Every person ever caught in any crime immediately points to other people doing it, and saying "See? They do it, so why can't I". The very act of calling it a victim-less crime, creates more crime.

All you have to do is go to a prison, and talk to the people there, and every single one will say they shouldn't be there, because other people have done wrong things, and they are not there.

And all I need for proof of my claim... is your own story, and post. Your father committed a crime, and because of that, he taught you that crime is ok.... which is why you are here on this thread right now, justifying crime.

You are living proof of exactly what I was saying. By your father giving a pass to crime, he taught you to give a pass to crime, and you are here trying to teach others to give a pass to crime.

And compare that to my family, which taught me right from wrong, and that crime is always wrong, and so I don't do it, and I'm teaching others to not do it either.

Everything I claimed played out right on this thread.
Of course there are victimless crimes. If I smoke a doobie, who is the victim?

I just explained that. I don't know how I can be any clearer.

When you break the law, you justify law breaking to the rest of society. I can't tell you the number of times other criminals doing other things, claim "well that guy smokes pot, and he's not in trouble. Why am I in trouble?"

Now you can come up with all your logical explanations for why your law breaking is ok, and their law breaking isn't... but they don't care. To them, you are a criminal like them. So if it's ok for you to break the law, then they should be able to as well.

Beyond that even, the vast majority of this crap about how your pot smoking has no victims, I just don't meet those people. Where are these people? In real life, not on a forum. Everyone's crime is victimless on a forum.

It's ironic, because I'm actually talking with a guy dealing with one of these victim-less crime people right now.

He's a co-worker who is in the middle of a marriage break down. His wife kicked him out of the house and I asked him what was going on. Well... his father is this Willie Nelson wannabe, who smokes pot constantly.

His father's 'wives' have all divorced him, some remarried thinking he'd become a man, and divorced him again because he went back on the weed. His children hate him. His grand kids don't know him, most of them. They guy is lonely, living in a shack with his pot.

So this dudes wife, is now accusing him on being on weed, because he's the one guy that deals with loser pot head grampa. Then when he got kicked out, he slept at pot-heads shack, only to come into work smelling like pot. Well you can't have a pot head running the fork lift.

And then on top of that, his daughter is turning into a hellion, and she says "well gramps breaks the law so...." to justify the insanity she's into.

Now the typical pot head will say "it's everyone elses fault that there are these problems".

In reality, there is one guy screwing up the lives of literally dozens of people, his wives lives, his kids lives, and his grand kids lives, and I bet you anything he's sitting at home smoking pot saying "this is a victim-less crime!".

Well... he's wrong. And no offense, but you are wrong too.
Sounds like one of those criminals. Did you turn him in after he didn't show up in court? That would be the lawful thing to do, right?

You people act like that would be bad. Let me give you a quick story of what happened to me.

I was a little kid. I don't remember how old. But you remember when video games on computer came on diskettes?

View attachment 116980

Remember those? Well I had a game on one of these diskettes. It was a legally purchased game, nothing wrong with that.

But I broke the disk. And the game wouldn't play anymore. So I walked down to the computer store, where I happen to know they had a Demo of that very game. And I swapped out the disk. I put my disk in their computer, and put their disk in my pocket.

They looked identical, so they couldn't tell.

My father found out. First he spanked me, then he dragged my butt down to the store, asked for the store manager, and told him... in public.... that I was a thief, and stole their property, and that if they wanted to call the police, he would accept whatever penalty they deemed fit.... in the middle of the store. Right in the middle.

I was terrified, and on the ground looking up at this store manager and my father.

You want to know something? That was the best learning experience of my life. I never stole JACK SQUAT from anyone anywhere ever. Even to this day, every single bit of software, every movie video, every music song, every operating system, Windows or Mac OS, that I own..... every single bit of it is 100% paid for, and legally purchased.

So let me answer your question..... if I caught my nephew or brother, or sister doing something illegal, first I would confront them directly, and then if they refused to make it right.... yeah, I would turn them in.

My family is not a family of law breakers. We might mess up, but we make it right, and take our penalties as a real man should. YES I WOULD TURN THEM IN. That's what good mature adult people do.
I appreciate the lesson that your dad taught you. I was raised with similar values... but it did shock me when I was 16 and I got a fake ID, never told my parents. It lasted for a year then delaminated. 2 years later My family was going on a vacation for my moms birthday and my dad had found the ID in my drawer. The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new. He said this trip we are going to the casino and I'm teaching you how to play blackjack and poker.

Yes it was illegal but it was also a victimless crime.
i don't condone illegal border crossing, I don't think it is fair to those who go through the legal process. I'm fine with cracking down on that system and making it better. But the people who do it are not violent criminals, they are often poor and desperate and looking for a better life for their families. That may not excuse their actions but but it gives me compassion for their situation and an open mind on how to deal with millions of people who are in a tough spot. Especially if they have children who have lived here most of their lives.

There is no such thing as a victim-less crime. No such thing.

Every single time you commit a crime, you justify crime to everyone else. You victimize the entire nation as a whole.

Every person ever caught in any crime immediately points to other people doing it, and saying "See? They do it, so why can't I". The very act of calling it a victim-less crime, creates more crime.

All you have to do is go to a prison, and talk to the people there, and every single one will say they shouldn't be there, because other people have done wrong things, and they are not there.

And all I need for proof of my claim... is your own story, and post. Your father committed a crime, and because of that, he taught you that crime is ok.... which is why you are here on this thread right now, justifying crime.

You are living proof of exactly what I was saying. By your father giving a pass to crime, he taught you to give a pass to crime, and you are here trying to teach others to give a pass to crime.

And compare that to my family, which taught me right from wrong, and that crime is always wrong, and so I don't do it, and I'm teaching others to not do it either.

Everything I claimed played out right on this thread.
Of course there are victimless crimes. If I smoke a doobie, who is the victim?

I just explained that. I don't know how I can be any clearer.

When you break the law, you justify law breaking to the rest of society. I can't tell you the number of times other criminals doing other things, claim "well that guy smokes pot, and he's not in trouble. Why am I in trouble?"

Now you can come up with all your logical explanations for why your law breaking is ok, and their law breaking isn't... but they don't care. To them, you are a criminal like them. So if it's ok for you to break the law, then they should be able to as well.

Beyond that even, the vast majority of this crap about how your pot smoking has no victims, I just don't meet those people. Where are these people? In real life, not on a forum. Everyone's crime is victimless on a forum.

It's ironic, because I'm actually talking with a guy dealing with one of these victim-less crime people right now.

He's a co-worker who is in the middle of a marriage break down. His wife kicked him out of the house and I asked him what was going on. Well... his father is this Willie Nelson wannabe, who smokes pot constantly.

His father's 'wives' have all divorced him, some remarried thinking he'd become a man, and divorced him again because he went back on the weed. His children hate him. His grand kids don't know him, most of them. They guy is lonely, living in a shack with his pot.

So this dudes wife, is now accusing him on being on weed, because he's the one guy that deals with loser pot head grampa. Then when he got kicked out, he slept at pot-heads shack, only to come into work smelling like pot. Well you can't have a pot head running the fork lift.

And then on top of that, his daughter is turning into a hellion, and she says "well gramps breaks the law so...." to justify the insanity she's into.

Now the typical pot head will say "it's everyone elses fault that there are these problems".

In reality, there is one guy screwing up the lives of literally dozens of people, his wives lives, his kids lives, and his grand kids lives, and I bit you anything he's sitting at home smoking pot saying "this is a victim-less crime!".

Well... he's wrong. And no offense, but you are wrong too.

Sorry, but that's just stupid. That means it's immoral to break any law. The "crime" committed by the guy in your example is being irresponsible and a bad father, not smoking weed. Plenty of people smoke pot and are good responsible people.

You're just another fucking Nazi who believes you are entitled to impose your moral code on other people and control what they do.

Go fuck yourself.

For the record, I don't smoke pot, so your insinuations are groundless and insulting.
You people act like that would be bad. Let me give you a quick story of what happened to me.

I was a little kid. I don't remember how old. But you remember when video games on computer came on diskettes?

View attachment 116980

Remember those? Well I had a game on one of these diskettes. It was a legally purchased game, nothing wrong with that.

But I broke the disk. And the game wouldn't play anymore. So I walked down to the computer store, where I happen to know they had a Demo of that very game. And I swapped out the disk. I put my disk in their computer, and put their disk in my pocket.

They looked identical, so they couldn't tell.

My father found out. First he spanked me, then he dragged my butt down to the store, asked for the store manager, and told him... in public.... that I was a thief, and stole their property, and that if they wanted to call the police, he would accept whatever penalty they deemed fit.... in the middle of the store. Right in the middle.

I was terrified, and on the ground looking up at this store manager and my father.

You want to know something? That was the best learning experience of my life. I never stole JACK SQUAT from anyone anywhere ever. Even to this day, every single bit of software, every movie video, every music song, every operating system, Windows or Mac OS, that I own..... every single bit of it is 100% paid for, and legally purchased.

So let me answer your question..... if I caught my nephew or brother, or sister doing something illegal, first I would confront them directly, and then if they refused to make it right.... yeah, I would turn them in.

My family is not a family of law breakers. We might mess up, but we make it right, and take our penalties as a real man should. YES I WOULD TURN THEM IN. That's what good mature adult people do.
I appreciate the lesson that your dad taught you. I was raised with similar values... but it did shock me when I was 16 and I got a fake ID, never told my parents. It lasted for a year then delaminated. 2 years later My family was going on a vacation for my moms birthday and my dad had found the ID in my drawer. The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new. He said this trip we are going to the casino and I'm teaching you how to play blackjack and poker.

Yes it was illegal but it was also a victimless crime.
i don't condone illegal border crossing, I don't think it is fair to those who go through the legal process. I'm fine with cracking down on that system and making it better. But the people who do it are not violent criminals, they are often poor and desperate and looking for a better life for their families. That may not excuse their actions but but it gives me compassion for their situation and an open mind on how to deal with millions of people who are in a tough spot. Especially if they have children who have lived here most of their lives.

There is no such thing as a victim-less crime. No such thing.

Every single time you commit a crime, you justify crime to everyone else. You victimize the entire nation as a whole.

Every person ever caught in any crime immediately points to other people doing it, and saying "See? They do it, so why can't I". The very act of calling it a victim-less crime, creates more crime.

All you have to do is go to a prison, and talk to the people there, and every single one will say they shouldn't be there, because other people have done wrong things, and they are not there.

And all I need for proof of my claim... is your own story, and post. Your father committed a crime, and because of that, he taught you that crime is ok.... which is why you are here on this thread right now, justifying crime.

You are living proof of exactly what I was saying. By your father giving a pass to crime, he taught you to give a pass to crime, and you are here trying to teach others to give a pass to crime.

And compare that to my family, which taught me right from wrong, and that crime is always wrong, and so I don't do it, and I'm teaching others to not do it either.

Everything I claimed played out right on this thread.
Of course there are victimless crimes. If I smoke a doobie, who is the victim?

I just explained that. I don't know how I can be any clearer.

When you break the law, you justify law breaking to the rest of society. I can't tell you the number of times other criminals doing other things, claim "well that guy smokes pot, and he's not in trouble. Why am I in trouble?"

Now you can come up with all your logical explanations for why your law breaking is ok, and their law breaking isn't... but they don't care. To them, you are a criminal like them. So if it's ok for you to break the law, then they should be able to as well.

Beyond that even, the vast majority of this crap about how your pot smoking has no victims, I just don't meet those people. Where are these people? In real life, not on a forum. Everyone's crime is victimless on a forum.

It's ironic, because I'm actually talking with a guy dealing with one of these victim-less crime people right now.

He's a co-worker who is in the middle of a marriage break down. His wife kicked him out of the house and I asked him what was going on. Well... his father is this Willie Nelson wannabe, who smokes pot constantly.

His father's 'wives' have all divorced him, some remarried thinking he'd become a man, and divorced him again because he went back on the weed. His children hate him. His grand kids don't know him, most of them. They guy is lonely, living in a shack with his pot.

So this dudes wife, is now accusing him on being on weed, because he's the one guy that deals with loser pot head grampa. Then when he got kicked out, he slept at pot-heads shack, only to come into work smelling like pot. Well you can't have a pot head running the fork lift.

And then on top of that, his daughter is turning into a hellion, and she says "well gramps breaks the law so...." to justify the insanity she's into.

Now the typical pot head will say "it's everyone elses fault that there are these problems".

In reality, there is one guy screwing up the lives of literally dozens of people, his wives lives, his kids lives, and his grand kids lives, and I bit you anything he's sitting at home smoking pot saying "this is a victim-less crime!".

Well... he's wrong. And no offense, but you are wrong too.

Sorry, but that's just stupid. That means it's immoral to break any law. The "crime" committed by the guy in your example is being irresponsible and a bad father, not smoking weed. Plenty of people smoke pot and are good responsible people.

You're just another fucking Nazi who believes you are entitled to impose your moral code on other people and control what they do.

Go fuck yourself.

For the record, I don't smoke pot, so your insinuations are groundless and insulting.

Of course we are entitled to impose our moral code on other people.

Of course. What do you think ALL.... EVERY SINGLE LAW.... is? Every law is a moral code.

There are countries where you can legally rape women. The reason they do, is because they have a different moral code. They reason we do not, is because we have a different moral code.

Every law, is a moral code. Yes, breaking any law.... ANY LAW.... is wrong.

What makes your version of laws any more valid, than my version? Is it not just your moral code, that you think is better than my moral code? Are you not as much a Nazi as you claim I am?

Well you have the right to be wrong.
I appreciate the lesson that your dad taught you. I was raised with similar values... but it did shock me when I was 16 and I got a fake ID, never told my parents. It lasted for a year then delaminated. 2 years later My family was going on a vacation for my moms birthday and my dad had found the ID in my drawer. The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new. He said this trip we are going to the casino and I'm teaching you how to play blackjack and poker.

Yes it was illegal but it was also a victimless crime.
i don't condone illegal border crossing, I don't think it is fair to those who go through the legal process. I'm fine with cracking down on that system and making it better. But the people who do it are not violent criminals, they are often poor and desperate and looking for a better life for their families. That may not excuse their actions but but it gives me compassion for their situation and an open mind on how to deal with millions of people who are in a tough spot. Especially if they have children who have lived here most of their lives.

There is no such thing as a victim-less crime. No such thing.

Every single time you commit a crime, you justify crime to everyone else. You victimize the entire nation as a whole.

Every person ever caught in any crime immediately points to other people doing it, and saying "See? They do it, so why can't I". The very act of calling it a victim-less crime, creates more crime.

All you have to do is go to a prison, and talk to the people there, and every single one will say they shouldn't be there, because other people have done wrong things, and they are not there.

And all I need for proof of my claim... is your own story, and post. Your father committed a crime, and because of that, he taught you that crime is ok.... which is why you are here on this thread right now, justifying crime.

You are living proof of exactly what I was saying. By your father giving a pass to crime, he taught you to give a pass to crime, and you are here trying to teach others to give a pass to crime.

And compare that to my family, which taught me right from wrong, and that crime is always wrong, and so I don't do it, and I'm teaching others to not do it either.

Everything I claimed played out right on this thread.
Of course there are victimless crimes. If I smoke a doobie, who is the victim?

I just explained that. I don't know how I can be any clearer.

When you break the law, you justify law breaking to the rest of society. I can't tell you the number of times other criminals doing other things, claim "well that guy smokes pot, and he's not in trouble. Why am I in trouble?"

Now you can come up with all your logical explanations for why your law breaking is ok, and their law breaking isn't... but they don't care. To them, you are a criminal like them. So if it's ok for you to break the law, then they should be able to as well.

Beyond that even, the vast majority of this crap about how your pot smoking has no victims, I just don't meet those people. Where are these people? In real life, not on a forum. Everyone's crime is victimless on a forum.

It's ironic, because I'm actually talking with a guy dealing with one of these victim-less crime people right now.

He's a co-worker who is in the middle of a marriage break down. His wife kicked him out of the house and I asked him what was going on. Well... his father is this Willie Nelson wannabe, who smokes pot constantly.

His father's 'wives' have all divorced him, some remarried thinking he'd become a man, and divorced him again because he went back on the weed. His children hate him. His grand kids don't know him, most of them. They guy is lonely, living in a shack with his pot.

So this dudes wife, is now accusing him on being on weed, because he's the one guy that deals with loser pot head grampa. Then when he got kicked out, he slept at pot-heads shack, only to come into work smelling like pot. Well you can't have a pot head running the fork lift.

And then on top of that, his daughter is turning into a hellion, and she says "well gramps breaks the law so...." to justify the insanity she's into.

Now the typical pot head will say "it's everyone elses fault that there are these problems".

In reality, there is one guy screwing up the lives of literally dozens of people, his wives lives, his kids lives, and his grand kids lives, and I bit you anything he's sitting at home smoking pot saying "this is a victim-less crime!".

Well... he's wrong. And no offense, but you are wrong too.

Sorry, but that's just stupid. That means it's immoral to break any law. The "crime" committed by the guy in your example is being irresponsible and a bad father, not smoking weed. Plenty of people smoke pot and are good responsible people.

You're just another fucking Nazi who believes you are entitled to impose your moral code on other people and control what they do.

Go fuck yourself.

For the record, I don't smoke pot, so your insinuations are groundless and insulting.

Of course we are entitled to impose our moral code on other people.

Of course. What do you think ALL.... EVERY SINGLE LAW.... is? Every law is a moral code.

There are countries where you can legally rape women. The reason they do, is because they have a different moral code. They reason we do not, is because we have a different moral code.

Every law, is a moral code. Yes, breaking any law.... ANY LAW.... is wrong.

What makes your version of laws any more valid, than my version? Is it not just your moral code, that you think is better than my moral code? Are you not as much a Nazi as you claim I am?

Well you have the right to be wrong.

The fact that we do it doesn't mean we are entitled to do it. Apparently you have no problem with Auschwitz since the Germans were "entitled" to impose their moral code on their population. You have basically endorsed the theory that there are no unjust laws. Only a douche bag believes that.

You are the one with the Nazi code of ethics, not me.

Really...... So I can vandalize your home, steal from you, even assault you, and several other things which under most states is considered a "misdemeanor", and you would never consider me a criminal? Really? That's your argument? That's your claim?

You people... LOL... twisting yourself inside and out, into illogical pretzels, to justify your idiotic position. My 10 year old nephew is smarter than this.
Where I live, house breaking, theft and battery are not the same as a broken tail light.

Feel free to explain to a judge that they can't throw you in jail for a broken tail light if you refuse to pay a ticket for it. We'll see which of us is right.

They threw my brother in jail for jay walking and then not showing up in court.
Sounds like one of those criminals. Did you turn him in after he didn't show up in court? That would be the lawful thing to do, right?
I didn't even know about it until the cops came to get him.

Thanks for proving that you're a douche bag.
Just holding up the mirror man. I listen to how you all talk about the undocumented that are here and you do it with such degration and hate. Different story when you hear somebody saying the same thing about your bro isn't it. Maybe you think about that next time you're about to pop off
Feel free to explain to a judge that they can't throw you in jail for a broken tail light if you refuse to pay a ticket for it. We'll see which of us is right.

They threw my brother in jail for jay walking and then not showing up in court.
Sounds like one of those criminals. Did you turn him in after he didn't show up in court? That would be the lawful thing to do, right?

You people act like that would be bad. Let me give you a quick story of what happened to me.

I was a little kid. I don't remember how old. But you remember when video games on computer came on diskettes?

View attachment 116980

Remember those? Well I had a game on one of these diskettes. It was a legally purchased game, nothing wrong with that.

But I broke the disk. And the game wouldn't play anymore. So I walked down to the computer store, where I happen to know they had a Demo of that very game. And I swapped out the disk. I put my disk in their computer, and put their disk in my pocket.

They looked identical, so they couldn't tell.

My father found out. First he spanked me, then he dragged my butt down to the store, asked for the store manager, and told him... in public.... that I was a thief, and stole their property, and that if they wanted to call the police, he would accept whatever penalty they deemed fit.... in the middle of the store. Right in the middle.

I was terrified, and on the ground looking up at this store manager and my father.

You want to know something? That was the best learning experience of my life. I never stole JACK SQUAT from anyone anywhere ever. Even to this day, every single bit of software, every movie video, every music song, every operating system, Windows or Mac OS, that I own..... every single bit of it is 100% paid for, and legally purchased.

So let me answer your question..... if I caught my nephew or brother, or sister doing something illegal, first I would confront them directly, and then if they refused to make it right.... yeah, I would turn them in.

My family is not a family of law breakers. We might mess up, but we make it right, and take our penalties as a real man should. YES I WOULD TURN THEM IN. That's what good mature adult people do.
I appreciate the lesson that your dad taught you. I was raised with similar values... but it did shock me when I was 16 and I got a fake ID, never told my parents. It lasted for a year then delaminated. 2 years later My family was going on a vacation for my moms birthday and my dad had found the ID in my drawer. The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new. He said this trip we are going to the casino and I'm teaching you how to play blackjack and poker.

Yes it was illegal but it was also a victimless crime.
i don't condone illegal border crossing, I don't think it is fair to those who go through the legal process. I'm fine with cracking down on that system and making it better. But the people who do it are not violent criminals, they are often poor and desperate and looking for a better life for their families. That may not excuse their actions but but it gives me compassion for their situation and an open mind on how to deal with millions of people who are in a tough spot. Especially if they have children who have lived here most of their lives.

There is no such thing as a victim-less crime. No such thing.

Every single time you commit a crime, you justify crime to everyone else. You victimize the entire nation as a whole.

Every person ever caught in any crime immediately points to other people doing it, and saying "See? They do it, so why can't I". The very act of calling it a victim-less crime, creates more crime.

All you have to do is go to a prison, and talk to the people there, and every single one will say they shouldn't be there, because other people have done wrong things, and they are not there.

And all I need for proof of my claim... is your own story, and post. Your father committed a crime, and because of that, he taught you that crime is ok.... which is why you are here on this thread right now, justifying crime.

You are living proof of exactly what I was saying. By your father giving a pass to crime, he taught you to give a pass to crime, and you are here trying to teach others to give a pass to crime.

And compare that to my family, which taught me right from wrong, and that crime is always wrong, and so I don't do it, and I'm teaching others to not do it either.

Everything I claimed played out right on this thread.
I guess your family is just better than mine. Do you think that every cop that has let somebody out of a ticket should have their badge stripped away? They are after all condoning breaking the law under your premise.

How about if your buddy is giving you a ride and he runs a stop sign or goes 10mph over the speed limit. You report him or do you condone the lawlessness?
Where I live, house breaking, theft and battery are not the same as a broken tail light.

Feel free to explain to a judge that they can't throw you in jail for a broken tail light if you refuse to pay a ticket for it. We'll see which of us is right.

They threw my brother in jail for jay walking and then not showing up in court.
Sounds like one of those criminals. Did you turn him in after he didn't show up in court? That would be the lawful thing to do, right?
I didn't even know about it until the cops came to get him.

Thanks for proving that you're a douche bag.
Just holding up the mirror man. I listen to how you all talk about the undocumented that are here and you do it with such degration and hate. Different story when you hear somebody saying the same thing about your bro isn't it. Maybe you think about that next time you're about to pop off

I have no problem with people attacking my bro. I think the guy is an asshole. You were attacking me by insinuating I would turn in my own brother to the police. That's hardly on the same plane with expecting our immigration laws to be enforced.
Feel free to explain to a judge that they can't throw you in jail for a broken tail light if you refuse to pay a ticket for it. We'll see which of us is right.

They threw my brother in jail for jay walking and then not showing up in court.
Sounds like one of those criminals. Did you turn him in after he didn't show up in court? That would be the lawful thing to do, right?

You people act like that would be bad. Let me give you a quick story of what happened to me.

I was a little kid. I don't remember how old. But you remember when video games on computer came on diskettes?

View attachment 116980

Remember those? Well I had a game on one of these diskettes. It was a legally purchased game, nothing wrong with that.

But I broke the disk. And the game wouldn't play anymore. So I walked down to the computer store, where I happen to know they had a Demo of that very game. And I swapped out the disk. I put my disk in their computer, and put their disk in my pocket.

They looked identical, so they couldn't tell.

My father found out. First he spanked me, then he dragged my butt down to the store, asked for the store manager, and told him... in public.... that I was a thief, and stole their property, and that if they wanted to call the police, he would accept whatever penalty they deemed fit.... in the middle of the store. Right in the middle.

I was terrified, and on the ground looking up at this store manager and my father.

You want to know something? That was the best learning experience of my life. I never stole JACK SQUAT from anyone anywhere ever. Even to this day, every single bit of software, every movie video, every music song, every operating system, Windows or Mac OS, that I own..... every single bit of it is 100% paid for, and legally purchased.

So let me answer your question..... if I caught my nephew or brother, or sister doing something illegal, first I would confront them directly, and then if they refused to make it right.... yeah, I would turn them in.

My family is not a family of law breakers. We might mess up, but we make it right, and take our penalties as a real man should. YES I WOULD TURN THEM IN. That's what good mature adult people do.
I appreciate the lesson that your dad taught you. I was raised with similar values... but it did shock me when I was 16 and I got a fake ID, never told my parents. It lasted for a year then delaminated. 2 years later My family was going on a vacation for my moms birthday and my dad had found the ID in my drawer. The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new. He said this trip we are going to the casino and I'm teaching you how to play blackjack and poker.

Yes it was illegal but it was also a victimless crime.
i don't condone illegal border crossing, I don't think it is fair to those who go through the legal process. I'm fine with cracking down on that system and making it better. But the people who do it are not violent criminals, they are often poor and desperate and looking for a better life for their families. That may not excuse their actions but but it gives me compassion for their situation and an open mind on how to deal with millions of people who are in a tough spot. Especially if they have children who have lived here most of their lives.

Actually you do condone illegal border crossing because you want grant amnesty to all the perps.
No I don't, I agree that violent criminals should be deported, no doubt. I think the dreamers should be aloud to stay, no doubt. I think there is a grey area in the middle that needs strategic action. It is problem that effects million of people and the only thing that is going to work is to better secure the border and offer a pathway for people here with some sort of probation
Feel free to explain to a judge that they can't throw you in jail for a broken tail light if you refuse to pay a ticket for it. We'll see which of us is right.

They threw my brother in jail for jay walking and then not showing up in court.
Sounds like one of those criminals. Did you turn him in after he didn't show up in court? That would be the lawful thing to do, right?
I didn't even know about it until the cops came to get him.

Thanks for proving that you're a douche bag.
Just holding up the mirror man. I listen to how you all talk about the undocumented that are here and you do it with such degration and hate. Different story when you hear somebody saying the same thing about your bro isn't it. Maybe you think about that next time you're about to pop off

I have no problem with people attacking my bro. I think the guy is an asshole. You were attacking me by insinuating I would turn in my own brother to the police. That's hardly on the same plane with expecting our immigration laws to be enforced.
LOL at your bros an asshole comment, that was good. You are obviously not the same kind of law Nazi as the other poster in this convo so I won't group you two together. You seem to be about less government control and more personal freedom which I agree with. In a way that can be related to open border thinking. Survival of the fittest, opportunity for all, free market and free society. I'm not that extreme but it does relate and fall in line with your way of thinking.
No, it's not. She broke the law, as seen here

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien
Getting a traffic ticket 20 years ago does not make a person a criminal. Get real.
Getting a traffic ticket 20 years ago does not make a person a criminal.
If you get a ticket for a broken taillight, and you don't get it fixed....

(psst, yes, it does make you a criminal)

and now she is paying the fine prescribed by law.
Having a broken tail light dows not make a person a criminal.
When Donald Trump was electioneering he talked about the need to deport murderers, rapists, and many bad hombres. No-one hearing these words ever imagined his police would start going after people with broken tail lights.
Having a broken tail light dows not make a person a criminal.
Entering the country ILLEGALLY does.

How many years is it going to take to get that through your head?
One historic misdemeanor does not make a mother-of-four a criminal.
Where I live, house breaking, theft and battery are not the same as a broken tail light.

Feel free to explain to a judge that they can't throw you in jail for a broken tail light if you refuse to pay a ticket for it. We'll see which of us is right.

They threw my brother in jail for jay walking and then not showing up in court.
Sounds like one of those criminals. Did you turn him in after he didn't show up in court? That would be the lawful thing to do, right?

You people act like that would be bad. Let me give you a quick story of what happened to me.

I was a little kid. I don't remember how old. But you remember when video games on computer came on diskettes?

View attachment 116980

Remember those? Well I had a game on one of these diskettes. It was a legally purchased game, nothing wrong with that.

But I broke the disk. And the game wouldn't play anymore. So I walked down to the computer store, where I happen to know they had a Demo of that very game. And I swapped out the disk. I put my disk in their computer, and put their disk in my pocket.

They looked identical, so they couldn't tell.

My father found out. First he spanked me, then he dragged my butt down to the store, asked for the store manager, and told him... in public.... that I was a thief, and stole their property, and that if they wanted to call the police, he would accept whatever penalty they deemed fit.... in the middle of the store. Right in the middle.

I was terrified, and on the ground looking up at this store manager and my father.

You want to know something? That was the best learning experience of my life. I never stole JACK SQUAT from anyone anywhere ever. Even to this day, every single bit of software, every movie video, every music song, every operating system, Windows or Mac OS, that I own..... every single bit of it is 100% paid for, and legally purchased.

So let me answer your question..... if I caught my nephew or brother, or sister doing something illegal, first I would confront them directly, and then if they refused to make it right.... yeah, I would turn them in.

My family is not a family of law breakers. We might mess up, but we make it right, and take our penalties as a real man should. YES I WOULD TURN THEM IN. That's what good mature adult people do.
I appreciate the lesson that your dad taught you. I was raised with similar values... but it did shock me when I was 16 and I got a fake ID, never told my parents. It lasted for a year then delaminated. 2 years later My family was going on a vacation for my moms birthday and my dad had found the ID in my drawer. The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new. He said this trip we are going to the casino and I'm teaching you how to play blackjack and poker.

Yes it was illegal but it was also a victimless crime.
i don't condone illegal border crossing, I don't think it is fair to those who go through the legal process. I'm fine with cracking down on that system and making it better. But the people who do it are not violent criminals, they are often poor and desperate and looking for a better life for their families. That may not excuse their actions but but it gives me compassion for their situation and an open mind on how to deal with millions of people who are in a tough spot. Especially if they have children who have lived here most of their lives.

can't say I think much of your dad
Feel free to explain to a judge that they can't throw you in jail for a broken tail light if you refuse to pay a ticket for it. We'll see which of us is right.

They threw my brother in jail for jay walking and then not showing up in court.
Sounds like one of those criminals. Did you turn him in after he didn't show up in court? That would be the lawful thing to do, right?

You people act like that would be bad. Let me give you a quick story of what happened to me.

I was a little kid. I don't remember how old. But you remember when video games on computer came on diskettes?

View attachment 116980

Remember those? Well I had a game on one of these diskettes. It was a legally purchased game, nothing wrong with that.

But I broke the disk. And the game wouldn't play anymore. So I walked down to the computer store, where I happen to know they had a Demo of that very game. And I swapped out the disk. I put my disk in their computer, and put their disk in my pocket.

They looked identical, so they couldn't tell.

My father found out. First he spanked me, then he dragged my butt down to the store, asked for the store manager, and told him... in public.... that I was a thief, and stole their property, and that if they wanted to call the police, he would accept whatever penalty they deemed fit.... in the middle of the store. Right in the middle.

I was terrified, and on the ground looking up at this store manager and my father.

You want to know something? That was the best learning experience of my life. I never stole JACK SQUAT from anyone anywhere ever. Even to this day, every single bit of software, every movie video, every music song, every operating system, Windows or Mac OS, that I own..... every single bit of it is 100% paid for, and legally purchased.

So let me answer your question..... if I caught my nephew or brother, or sister doing something illegal, first I would confront them directly, and then if they refused to make it right.... yeah, I would turn them in.

My family is not a family of law breakers. We might mess up, but we make it right, and take our penalties as a real man should. YES I WOULD TURN THEM IN. That's what good mature adult people do.
I appreciate the lesson that your dad taught you. I was raised with similar values... but it did shock me when I was 16 and I got a fake ID, never told my parents. It lasted for a year then delaminated. 2 years later My family was going on a vacation for my moms birthday and my dad had found the ID in my drawer. The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new. He said this trip we are going to the casino and I'm teaching you how to play blackjack and poker.

Yes it was illegal but it was also a victimless crime.
i don't condone illegal border crossing, I don't think it is fair to those who go through the legal process. I'm fine with cracking down on that system and making it better. But the people who do it are not violent criminals, they are often poor and desperate and looking for a better life for their families. That may not excuse their actions but but it gives me compassion for their situation and an open mind on how to deal with millions of people who are in a tough spot. Especially if they have children who have lived here most of their lives.

can't say I think much of your dad
Watch it dude... you would be lucky to be a quarter of the man he was
They threw my brother in jail for jay walking and then not showing up in court.
Sounds like one of those criminals. Did you turn him in after he didn't show up in court? That would be the lawful thing to do, right?

You people act like that would be bad. Let me give you a quick story of what happened to me.

I was a little kid. I don't remember how old. But you remember when video games on computer came on diskettes?

View attachment 116980

Remember those? Well I had a game on one of these diskettes. It was a legally purchased game, nothing wrong with that.

But I broke the disk. And the game wouldn't play anymore. So I walked down to the computer store, where I happen to know they had a Demo of that very game. And I swapped out the disk. I put my disk in their computer, and put their disk in my pocket.

They looked identical, so they couldn't tell.

My father found out. First he spanked me, then he dragged my butt down to the store, asked for the store manager, and told him... in public.... that I was a thief, and stole their property, and that if they wanted to call the police, he would accept whatever penalty they deemed fit.... in the middle of the store. Right in the middle.

I was terrified, and on the ground looking up at this store manager and my father.

You want to know something? That was the best learning experience of my life. I never stole JACK SQUAT from anyone anywhere ever. Even to this day, every single bit of software, every movie video, every music song, every operating system, Windows or Mac OS, that I own..... every single bit of it is 100% paid for, and legally purchased.

So let me answer your question..... if I caught my nephew or brother, or sister doing something illegal, first I would confront them directly, and then if they refused to make it right.... yeah, I would turn them in.

My family is not a family of law breakers. We might mess up, but we make it right, and take our penalties as a real man should. YES I WOULD TURN THEM IN. That's what good mature adult people do.
I appreciate the lesson that your dad taught you. I was raised with similar values... but it did shock me when I was 16 and I got a fake ID, never told my parents. It lasted for a year then delaminated. 2 years later My family was going on a vacation for my moms birthday and my dad had found the ID in my drawer. The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new. He said this trip we are going to the casino and I'm teaching you how to play blackjack and poker.

Yes it was illegal but it was also a victimless crime.
i don't condone illegal border crossing, I don't think it is fair to those who go through the legal process. I'm fine with cracking down on that system and making it better. But the people who do it are not violent criminals, they are often poor and desperate and looking for a better life for their families. That may not excuse their actions but but it gives me compassion for their situation and an open mind on how to deal with millions of people who are in a tough spot. Especially if they have children who have lived here most of their lives.

can't say I think much of your dad
Watch it dude... you would be lucky to be a quarter of the man he was

On the contrary, from your post, it seems I'm already twice the man he was
Sounds like one of those criminals. Did you turn him in after he didn't show up in court? That would be the lawful thing to do, right?

You people act like that would be bad. Let me give you a quick story of what happened to me.

I was a little kid. I don't remember how old. But you remember when video games on computer came on diskettes?

View attachment 116980

Remember those? Well I had a game on one of these diskettes. It was a legally purchased game, nothing wrong with that.

But I broke the disk. And the game wouldn't play anymore. So I walked down to the computer store, where I happen to know they had a Demo of that very game. And I swapped out the disk. I put my disk in their computer, and put their disk in my pocket.

They looked identical, so they couldn't tell.

My father found out. First he spanked me, then he dragged my butt down to the store, asked for the store manager, and told him... in public.... that I was a thief, and stole their property, and that if they wanted to call the police, he would accept whatever penalty they deemed fit.... in the middle of the store. Right in the middle.

I was terrified, and on the ground looking up at this store manager and my father.

You want to know something? That was the best learning experience of my life. I never stole JACK SQUAT from anyone anywhere ever. Even to this day, every single bit of software, every movie video, every music song, every operating system, Windows or Mac OS, that I own..... every single bit of it is 100% paid for, and legally purchased.

So let me answer your question..... if I caught my nephew or brother, or sister doing something illegal, first I would confront them directly, and then if they refused to make it right.... yeah, I would turn them in.

My family is not a family of law breakers. We might mess up, but we make it right, and take our penalties as a real man should. YES I WOULD TURN THEM IN. That's what good mature adult people do.
I appreciate the lesson that your dad taught you. I was raised with similar values... but it did shock me when I was 16 and I got a fake ID, never told my parents. It lasted for a year then delaminated. 2 years later My family was going on a vacation for my moms birthday and my dad had found the ID in my drawer. The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new. He said this trip we are going to the casino and I'm teaching you how to play blackjack and poker.

Yes it was illegal but it was also a victimless crime.
i don't condone illegal border crossing, I don't think it is fair to those who go through the legal process. I'm fine with cracking down on that system and making it better. But the people who do it are not violent criminals, they are often poor and desperate and looking for a better life for their families. That may not excuse their actions but but it gives me compassion for their situation and an open mind on how to deal with millions of people who are in a tough spot. Especially if they have children who have lived here most of their lives.

can't say I think much of your dad
Watch it dude... you would be lucky to be a quarter of the man he was

On the contrary, from your post, it seems I'm already twice the man he was
You make a snap judgement about a person from a sliver of information. I think your post shows you for what you really are... an ignorant egotistical douche bag who thinks his shit doesn't sink. You're a joke and you have no clue what you are talking about
In normal English usage, to call someone with an historic misdemeanor "a law breaker" and "a criminal" is clearly hyperbole.

No, it's not. She broke the law, as seen here

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien
Getting a traffic ticket 20 years ago does not make a person a criminal. Get real.
Getting a traffic ticket 20 years ago does not make a person a criminal.
If you get a ticket for a broken taillight, and you don't get it fixed....

(psst, yes, it does make you a criminal)

and now she is paying the fine prescribed by law.
Having a broken tail light dows not make a person a criminal.
When Donald Trump was electioneering he talked about the need to deport murderers, rapists, and many bad hombres. No-one hearing these words ever imagined his police would start going after people with broken tail lights.

He said criminals, is a broken tail light plus illegal immigrant , isn't that criminal? Just saying

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Disagree. I'm with Eloy in this. You can't just assume that because somebody is from a foreign country they are violent criminals or a threat to our safety, That's ignorant and just plain wrong. This is the land of opportunity, how priveleged are we? How lucky are we have been born here? you lack any kind of compassion and perspective when talking about this issue.

Was she here illegally? If yes... then that is a law breaker. That is a criminal. We have laws. You either follow them, or you don't. ...
In normal English usage, to call someone with an historic misdemeanor "a law breaker" and "a criminal" is clearly hyperbole.


Really...... So I can vandalize your home, steal from you, even assault you, and several other things which under most states is considered a "misdemeanor", and you would never consider me a criminal? Really? That's your argument? That's your claim?

You people... LOL... twisting yourself inside and out, into illogical pretzels, to justify your idiotic position. My 10 year old nephew is smarter than this.
Where I live, house breaking, theft and battery are not the same as a broken tail light.

Feel free to explain to a judge that they can't throw you in jail for a broken tail light if you refuse to pay a ticket for it. We'll see which of us is right.
I understand America heads the table of incarcerations among western nations.
In normal English usage, to call someone with an historic misdemeanor "a law breaker" and "a criminal" is clearly hyperbole.

No, it's not. She broke the law, as seen here

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien
Getting a traffic ticket 20 years ago does not make a person a criminal. Get real.
Getting a traffic ticket 20 years ago does not make a person a criminal.
Lol... illegally entering the United States is a misdemeanor...
Illegally entering Mexico is a felony

EVERY fucking country has immigration laws idiot!
And, comparing a traffic violation to illegal entry is wack!
They threw my brother in jail for jay walking and then not showing up in court.
Sounds like one of those criminals. Did you turn him in after he didn't show up in court? That would be the lawful thing to do, right?

You people act like that would be bad. Let me give you a quick story of what happened to me.

I was a little kid. I don't remember how old. But you remember when video games on computer came on diskettes?

View attachment 116980

Remember those? Well I had a game on one of these diskettes. It was a legally purchased game, nothing wrong with that.

But I broke the disk. And the game wouldn't play anymore. So I walked down to the computer store, where I happen to know they had a Demo of that very game. And I swapped out the disk. I put my disk in their computer, and put their disk in my pocket.

They looked identical, so they couldn't tell.

My father found out. First he spanked me, then he dragged my butt down to the store, asked for the store manager, and told him... in public.... that I was a thief, and stole their property, and that if they wanted to call the police, he would accept whatever penalty they deemed fit.... in the middle of the store. Right in the middle.

I was terrified, and on the ground looking up at this store manager and my father.

You want to know something? That was the best learning experience of my life. I never stole JACK SQUAT from anyone anywhere ever. Even to this day, every single bit of software, every movie video, every music song, every operating system, Windows or Mac OS, that I own..... every single bit of it is 100% paid for, and legally purchased.

So let me answer your question..... if I caught my nephew or brother, or sister doing something illegal, first I would confront them directly, and then if they refused to make it right.... yeah, I would turn them in.

My family is not a family of law breakers. We might mess up, but we make it right, and take our penalties as a real man should. YES I WOULD TURN THEM IN. That's what good mature adult people do.
I appreciate the lesson that your dad taught you. I was raised with similar values... but it did shock me when I was 16 and I got a fake ID, never told my parents. It lasted for a year then delaminated. 2 years later My family was going on a vacation for my moms birthday and my dad had found the ID in my drawer. The day of the trip he sits me down and told me he found the ID, I turned white. He let the fear linger for a minute the pulled it out of his pocket, relaminated and looking like new. He said this trip we are going to the casino and I'm teaching you how to play blackjack and poker.

Yes it was illegal but it was also a victimless crime.
i don't condone illegal border crossing, I don't think it is fair to those who go through the legal process. I'm fine with cracking down on that system and making it better. But the people who do it are not violent criminals, they are often poor and desperate and looking for a better life for their families. That may not excuse their actions but but it gives me compassion for their situation and an open mind on how to deal with millions of people who are in a tough spot. Especially if they have children who have lived here most of their lives.

There is no such thing as a victim-less crime. No such thing.

Every single time you commit a crime, you justify crime to everyone else. You victimize the entire nation as a whole.

Every person ever caught in any crime immediately points to other people doing it, and saying "See? They do it, so why can't I". The very act of calling it a victim-less crime, creates more crime.

All you have to do is go to a prison, and talk to the people there, and every single one will say they shouldn't be there, because other people have done wrong things, and they are not there.

And all I need for proof of my claim... is your own story, and post. Your father committed a crime, and because of that, he taught you that crime is ok.... which is why you are here on this thread right now, justifying crime.

You are living proof of exactly what I was saying. By your father giving a pass to crime, he taught you to give a pass to crime, and you are here trying to teach others to give a pass to crime.

And compare that to my family, which taught me right from wrong, and that crime is always wrong, and so I don't do it, and I'm teaching others to not do it either.

Everything I claimed played out right on this thread.
I guess your family is just better than mine. Do you think that every cop that has let somebody out of a ticket should have their badge stripped away? They are after all condoning breaking the law under your premise.

How about if your buddy is giving you a ride and he runs a stop sign or goes 10mph over the speed limit. You report him or do you condone the lawlessness?

I would report him. Of course all my buddies are law abiding people, who would never run a stop sign of go over the speed limit.

You hang with criminals, and then think "no one should report their criminal buddy"?

Honestly, all the people I know, if they saw me breaking the law like that, they would report me. Or more likely they'd be the crap out of me themselves.

Again, I'm with good people. I can't even relate to what you are talking about. Who does that? Are you running stop signs and speeding all the time? That's the circle of people you hang with?

I don't even understand how we got here. We came from a nation where if you stole someone's cow, they hung your criminal butt on a tree. Now we have people saying this on a forums? This is how far we have fallen as a society? This is how pathetic weak, and corrupt men are? "Real men" today, simply run stops signs, and break all the traffic laws, and you ask "would you report them?"

I don't understand you or your people at all. Kind of glad about it too.
Was she here illegally? If yes... then that is a law breaker. That is a criminal. We have laws. You either follow them, or you don't. ...
In normal English usage, to call someone with an historic misdemeanor "a law breaker" and "a criminal" is clearly hyperbole.


Really...... So I can vandalize your home, steal from you, even assault you, and several other things which under most states is considered a "misdemeanor", and you would never consider me a criminal? Really? That's your argument? That's your claim?

You people... LOL... twisting yourself inside and out, into illogical pretzels, to justify your idiotic position. My 10 year old nephew is smarter than this.
Where I live, house breaking, theft and battery are not the same as a broken tail light.

Feel free to explain to a judge that they can't throw you in jail for a broken tail light if you refuse to pay a ticket for it. We'll see which of us is right.
I understand America heads the table of incarcerations among western nations.

Yes. We punish criminals. That's a plus. The problem is people like you who promote criminals, which is why we have so many to incarcerate.

Stop promoting criminal activity, and we'll have fewer of them to put in prison.

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