Mother of 4 deported

There's a constant back- and- forth game going on here. We don't want illegals because they hurt us, OR, Illegals are IMMIGRANTS being hurt by unfair laws, take your pick. And all their (Mexicans) bitching and whining about how immigration law is UNFAIR. How? They apply to all people from all nations. But when Americans come back with our concerns and issues, it's minimized. WE are "WHINING , BITCHING and LOSERS ". And then they get out the big guns; the "race" card comes out. If people want respect here on this issue, lay off the hype and get real. All illegals have to do, ALL THEY EVER HAD TO DO, is immigrate legally. That is IT. No lies, no tricks, no games.

Why do you think the left and the so-called "immigration activists" play these games, and use the "racist"/deflective BS labels? Because they know on the facts, they have NO FUCKING ARGUMENT.
I see the millions of illegals whining, bitching and forcing their way into our culture, people forget illegal aliens are a recent issue. I NEVER heard Spanish here until 20 years ago. before then, all migrants were expected to learn ENGLISH and acclimate to the culture. NOW, it's the other way' round. Americans have to acclimate to THEM, it's "diversity". I totally reject that paradigm. We always had diversity, we just expected commonality called acclimation . Now? It's total and utter chaos disguised as political correctness.
Immigration of every kind is anything but new to America.

There have been native Spanish speakers among us since before the Republic.

Immigrants today learn English and assimilate just as those before them did. The melting pot is still working just fine.
Immigration of every kind is anything but new to America.

There have been native Spanish speakers among us since before the Republic.

Immigrants today learn English and assimilate just as those before them did. The melting pot is still working just fine.
Immigration of every kind is anything but new to America.

There have been native Spanish speakers among us since before the Republic.

Immigrants today learn English and assimilate just as those before them did. The melting pot is still working just fine.
Yep. But All immigrants from all OTHER countries don't sneak here in illegally and pretend to be victims of "unfair" immigration laws like Mexicans have. I never heard Spanish spoken here until early 90's, don't kid yourself. I never hear French, Portuguese or any other language. Just Spanish speakers. Anyone else notice that? So much for DIVERSITY...
Yes agreed, we have a legal process which should have been followed and should followed in the future. Great now that we have that figured out we can talk about the real problem that exists in our country of having 10+ million people who live here with out documentation. Many have for decades. It is just not realistic to try and deport all of them. It is logistically impossible. So my question to you is, can you propose a realistic solution to the problem that would actually have a positive effect on our nation?

If existence in the country was more difficult illegally, people will simply leave. However, with a secure border everyone can eventually be picked up and thrown out. They make it worse for themselves by staying and getting more deeply rooted. Once laws are fully enforced, like for instance you'll have to have a legit SS#, and proof of citizenship in order to maintain a bank account, get a loan, get a job, get a license...

Enforce the law!!!

If they leave voluntarily and apply properly we can forgive them. If they're petulant children they need to become projectiles.

This is really about pandering to Mexican illegals. I love Mexican culture. Lets get that straight. I never had an issue with legal immigration, or even illegals from Mexico, until it became a thorn in my paw. I even went to a local INS office. During the Regan administration. That long ago. Yes, That long ago. I met the enemy then. Those Conservatives republicans that put Regan in office wanted lax immigration laws, that's what the INS boys in black told me. It's "good for American business". Well, MAJOR Paradigm shift here.
I call them undocumented instead of illegal or alien because they are humans and I'm not an asshole

Actually, you are because you refuse to face facts. Typical of far left Progressives.
Which facts am I not facing? Try a little harder to explain yourself when your attempting to make points, it will save us all from needless back and forth.
This is really about pandering to Mexican illegals. I love Mexican culture. Lets get that straight. I never had an issue with legal immigration, or even illegals from Mexico, until it became a thorn in my paw. I even went to a local INS office. During the Regan administration. That long ago. Yes, That long ago. I met the enemy then. Those Conservatives republicans that put Regan in office wanted lax immigration laws, that's what the INS boys in black told me. It's "good for American business". Well, MAJOR Paradigm shift here.

The story I have been hearing is OTM "other than Mexican" from further south. Mexico lets them pass thru. Mexico has run out of bad ones to force up here, I suppose. note: I don't hear much English spoken at Wal-Mart these days.
What if the father has papers and the mother doesn't?

Sucks to be them, doesn't it?
Immigration of every kind is anything but new to America.

There have been native Spanish speakers among us since before the Republic.

Immigrants today learn English and assimilate just as those before them did. The melting pot is still working just fine.
Not seeing that, kiddo. 1997 maybe, now? I live a thousand miles from Mexico. Mexican culture and Spanish language this and that is becoming NORMAL.In southern California, Arizona or Texas, maybe. But in the Midwest? I never ever heard Mexican before mid 80's . I never liked how illegals corrupt neighborhoods, cultures or how our society pretends this is NORMAL.
It pretty funny that you think 60 million people agree with Trumps immigration policy. I've seen many story's on people who completely disagree with Trumps stupid wall idea and his immigration stance in general, but they voted for him because they thought he would be better for economic growth.

When even the lunatic idiots who read the POS NYT every day writes one fierce comment after another supporting the mass deportation of illegals, that pretty much settles it for me. Even the liberals I know and speak with in person are fervently against legalizing the illegals because it will simply attract millions more who think they can sneak through. Either a country is sovereign with functional borders, or is not.

Plenty of people want to see lower taxes, less regulation, smaller government... plenty of people did not trust or like Hillary Clinton... There are so many reasons that factor into a vote, for you to use all of Trumps voters to justify your immigration stance is a joke. If we were using that as criteria then I could make the argument that more people voted against Trumps policies than for them... That would put you in the minority.

It isn't the issue of seeking lower taxes; it is that what we are paying are going to a) support poor people from other countries who we did not agree to do so b) line the pockets of corporates and other wealthy who benefit from paying illegals shit wages while fucking over their fellow americans.

I can GUARANTEE you, that if I sat down with 100 people on the fence about deporting illegals, in 10 minutes I would have 85% or more of them convinced to support the mass deportation of them once they were made aware of how much of their taxes were being pissed away on illegals.

One other point - if the US stopped the welfare/benefits for illegals, ceased granting citizenship to anchor babies and the requisite welfare their families receive, and massively fined/imprisioned business owners caught hiring them - then not a single one would need to be deported., because each and every last one of them would leave on their own in a few months.

With no welfare and no jobs, they'd leave, and that right soon.
Immigration of every kind is anything but new to America.

There have been native Spanish speakers among us since before the Republic.

Immigrants today learn English and assimilate just as those before them did. The melting pot is still working just fine.
Immigration of every kind is anything but new to America.

There have been native Spanish speakers among us since before the Republic.

Immigrants today learn English and assimilate just as those before them did. The melting pot is still working just fine.
Yep. But All immigrants from all OTHER countries don't sneak here in illegally and pretend to be victims of "unfair" immigration laws like Mexicans have. I never heard Spanish spoken here until early 90's, don't kid yourself. I never hear French, Portuguese or any other language. Just Spanish speakers. Anyone else notice that? So much for DIVERSITY...

Funny that some people think every illegal alien is "Mexican," and that the little patch of sky they can see from down in their well of ignorance is the entire world.

I heard Spanish, French, Portuguese and at least 6 other languages today alone. Some wells are smaller than others.

The small-minded bigotry of the frightened and ignorant is sad and un-American.
It pretty funny that you think 60 million people agree with Trumps immigration policy. I've seen many story's on people who completely disagree with Trumps stupid wall idea and his immigration stance in general, but they voted for him because they thought he would be better for economic growth.

When even the lunatic idiots who read the POS NYT every day writes one fierce comment after another supporting the mass deportation of illegals, that pretty much settles it for me. Even the liberals I know and speak with in person are fervently against legalizing the illegals because it will simply attract millions more who think they can sneak through. Either a country is sovereign with functional borders, or is not.

Plenty of people want to see lower taxes, less regulation, smaller government... plenty of people did not trust or like Hillary Clinton... There are so many reasons that factor into a vote, for you to use all of Trumps voters to justify your immigration stance is a joke. If we were using that as criteria then I could make the argument that more people voted against Trumps policies than for them... That would put you in the minority.

It isn't the issue of seeking lower taxes; it is that what we are paying are going to a) support poor people from other countries who we did not agree to do so b) line the pockets of corporates and other wealthy who benefit from paying illegals shit wages while fucking over their fellow americans.

I can GUARANTEE you, that if I sat down with 100 people on the fence about deporting illegals, in 10 minutes I would have 85% or more of them convinced to support the mass deportation of them once they were made aware of how much of their taxes were being pissed away on illegals.

One other point - if the US stopped the welfare/benefits for illegals, ceased granting citizenship to anchor babies and the requisite welfare their families receive, and massively fined/imprisioned business owners caught hiring them - then not a single one would need to be deported., because each and every last one of them would leave on their own in a few months.

With no welfare and no jobs, they'd leave, and that right soon.

You were "granted" citizenship for nothing more than being born here too.
What if the father has papers and the mother doesn't?

Sucks to be them, doesn't it?
Immigration of every kind is anything but new to America.

There have been native Spanish speakers among us since before the Republic.

Immigrants today learn English and assimilate just as those before them did. The melting pot is still working just fine.
Not seeing that, kiddo. 1997 maybe, now? ....

My friends/family is right, I need to stop reading certain news outlets (in this case, propaganda), either my head is going to explode or I am going to fucking kill a few million people...

Mexico remittances: I send money home to Mexico to support family

"On Saturday, Mexico's finance minister, Jose Antonio Meade, defended the free flow of remittances at the G20 summit in Germany, arguing they're a critical component for economic growth in developing countries."

So its the fucking responsibility of the middle class of the US to support mexico's fucking economy? I am going to punch the next fucker who tells me the US needs to accept the illegals, this is getting fucking unbearable. Maybe america should just let all the mexicans live in their homes rent free, and feed them too?

Is there anyone south of the border who has ANY fucking intelligence, that is able to think for themselves and see that being a fucking leech/parasite is not an attractive/appealing position to be in? Do these people have ANY pride?
Immigration of every kind is anything but new to America.

There have been native Spanish speakers among us since before the Republic.

Immigrants today learn English and assimilate just as those before them did. The melting pot is still working just fine.
Immigration of every kind is anything but new to America.

There have been native Spanish speakers among us since before the Republic.

Immigrants today learn English and assimilate just as those before them did. The melting pot is still working just fine.
Yep. But All immigrants from all OTHER countries don't sneak here in illegally and pretend to be victims of "unfair" immigration laws like Mexicans have. I never heard Spanish spoken here until early 90's, don't kid yourself. I never hear French, Portuguese or any other language. Just Spanish speakers. Anyone else notice that? So much for DIVERSITY...

Funny that some people think every illegal alien is "Mexican," and that the little patch of sky they can see from down in their well of ignorance is the entire world.

I heard Spanish, French, Portuguese and at least 6 other languages today alone. Some wells are smaller than others.

The small-minded bigotry of the frightened and ignorant is sad and un-American.
Yeah, right. We have been over this already, yours is yet another trite response #1racism. Bullshit. Illegals get hurt, I don't hurt them. Mexican illegals hurt US, me ...we are being to point specific? But we are bitching? But they are Victims? Racism! Hate! No, give it up, already. I like Mexicans, not liars and frauds.
What if the father has papers and the mother doesn't?

Sucks to be them, doesn't it?
Try again at a real answer, its like working with a 5 year old... Are you saying that you don't think that American citizens should be able to
My friends/family is right, I need to stop reading certain news outlets (in this case, propaganda), either my head is going to explode or I am going to fucking kill a few million people...

Mexico remittances: I send money home to Mexico to support family

"On Saturday, Mexico's finance minister, Jose Antonio Meade, defended the free flow of remittances at the G20 summit in Germany, arguing they're a critical component for economic growth in developing countries."

So its the fucking responsibility of the middle class of the US to support mexico's fucking economy? I am going to punch the next fucker who tells me the US needs to accept the illegals, this is getting fucking unbearable. Maybe america should just let all the mexicans live in their homes rent free, and feed them too?

Is there anyone south of the border who has ANY fucking intelligence, that is able to think for themselves and see that being a fucking leech/parasite is not an attractive/appealing position to be in? Do these people have ANY pride?
Scared of a little competition are ya? Land of the free bitch... What are you going to want to do next, ban Americans from traveling out of the country? That is after all supporting the economies of other nations. Should Uncle Sam control that too?
Unokatre is a liberal white boy living in LA. Perhaps you better get outside of that sphere of liberal groupthink you're in NOW.Take a chill pill, home boy. We are aren't rich white elitists living in a bubble. Mexicans weren't ever issue, people grew up and out of their moms house too.
Scared of a little competition are ya? Land of the free bitch...

Lord you are a fucking idiot. These pieces of shit are collecting fucking welfare and free benefits FROM ME because they cannot build a real economy and country - and you're asking if WE are afraid of competition? Go away you fucking idiot asshole, you're a worthless trolling turd.

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