Mother of 4 deported

I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.


CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, Thoughts?

Crime doesn't pay.

Thanks for revealing how a simple brain works. Read the first sentence and last sentence and you got it all figured out... way to go!

Came here get out.

This ^
Give one second to look at this with empathy or are you that selfish and entitled that you don't think that way about others?
Give one second to look at my nation with empathy Slade3200. The fact that our limited amount of currency in circulation, our limited food supply, our limited healthcare providers, our limited education system, etc. cannot handle an unlimited number of criminals breaking into our nation because they are encouraged to do so by disingenuous left-wingers with an agenda.

"The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics." - Thomas Sowell
She walked into ICE twice a year for the past 18 years to check in. Do you understand that?

I understand that's what she claims to have done. I also understand a sympathetic press reports her claim without scrutiny because it makes for a better story.

I'm highly skeptical that 36 visits to immigration resulted in her being told every time that she's free to stay in this country illegally.

If she can prove that, perhaps it's the ICE agents who should be deported.
So is it your theory that she lied about checking in with ICE over the past 18 years but then just decided that she would roll the dice and do so for CNN and risk being deported?

Seems to be working. You bought it. So did CNN.

If she gets a sympathetic judge, she's on easy street. She may even sue ICE.
Why are you so convinced that this story is a lie? Is it really that far fetched? What if it is all true?
I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.


I'll make you a deal. If she can prove that at anytime in the last 20 years she voted Republican... she can stay.

If she ever voted Republican, even the Democrats will back up her deportation.
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I don't see this lady as a criminal and I think it is wrong for her to be deported. The damage it does to her family and community is much worse that whatever is gained be deporting her. I actually can't think of a thing that is gained by deporting her
That's a distinction you don't get to make my friend. Ted Bundy would say that he doesn't see Richard Rimarez as a criminal. But thankfully we don't listen to Ted Bundy. When you break the law (and she did), you're a criminal. Period.
Think for just a second, what if this happened to my family?
My family wouldn't violate the law, Slade3200. And if we did because it was absolutely necessary for our survival, we would completely and totally accept the responsibility that came with our actions. That's how grown adults function.
Her children didn't violate the law and they are losing their mother. Her husband and mother didn't violate the law and they are losing a wife and daughter. She violated the law 20 years ago but then complied with ICE for the past 18 years. If that sounds like justice to you then you have a warped sense of right and wrong.
I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years.
So lets be completely honest for a moment. Who is to blame for all of this? Democrats. As always. 20 years ago it was Bill Clinton who was sitting in the Oval Office and setting policy for the Executive Branch. Had they sent her ass back like they should have, there would've been no problems. None. But they make her think she can stay. Fast forward to when a Republican is sitting in the White House actually doing the right thing and enforcing the law and this simple story becomes a tragedy.

Sorry - but this woman has no one to blame but herself and the idiot Dumbocrats who violated the law. They didn't give her legal status and they didn't deport her. Instead, they gave her a false sense of security and it caught up with her.
I get deporting violent criminals
I don't understand how you don't get deporting any and all illegal aliens. Only the left could embrace criminals and criminal activity.
I don't see this lady as a criminal and I think it is wrong for her to be deported. The damage it does to her family and community is much worse that whatever is gained be deporting her. I actually can't think of a thing that is gained by deporting her

Okay, the reason her family is being broken up is because we screwed up years ago by letting her stay in the first place. You keep holding Trump to this promise that we would deport the troublemakers and leave all the other illegals alone.

Then when some of these non-trouble illegals here today have kids, and in 20 years, we deport them, we are once again heartless.

So to avoid this situation in the future, perhaps it's best we deport all illegals now, and then in 20 years, we won't have to feel bad about breaking up these families. They will have families in their own country and can live together until they die.
I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.

Well, I was on jury that supposedly "ripped apart an illegal alien family", like say divorce ... The asshole illegal alien hurt an another illegal alien. DAMN. The irony of this, we found the moron guilty and after serving his sentence, he will be deported to Mexico. His marriage status had nothing to do with it. It's a penalty of violating immigration law. Pain pure and simple

The woman's predicament is caused by her own choices. She chose to come here illegally and she chose to remain her illegally. She could of come forward at any time and applied for citizenship, yet she chose not to. This issue has been in the headlines for years now. But instead of doing anything, she chose to do nothing.

If any politicians are to blame for her predicament, it's the open borders douche bags who refused to enforce the law for 20 years.

You could probably trace it back to Reagan but regardless of whose fault it is the fact remains that she was told what to do and she did it. She now has a life and a family of American citizens who live her. I understand you are an immigration hard ass and thats fine. But acknowledging the human side of this situation and admitting that some fucked up things are happening is what needs to happen to close the gap.

The race card gets played too much, but when you take a hard headed heartless attitude in the face of these types of situations it really does make you come off as racists. Do you understand that?

What does "acknowledging the human side of this situation" entail? Does that mean giving her a free pass? Yeah, some fucked up things have happened with regard to immigration, but they all occurred under the policies you support.

If you don't believe our laws should be enforced, just admit it.

It means she has a life and a family including 4 children who have lived her their entire life.
I get deporting violent criminals
I don't understand how you don't get deporting any and all illegal aliens. Only the left could embrace criminals and criminal activity.
I don't see this lady as a criminal and I think it is wrong for her to be deported. The damage it does to her family and community is much worse that whatever is gained be deporting her. I actually can't think of a thing that is gained by deporting her
...justice for all.
Think for just a second, what if this happened to my family?
My family wouldn't violate the law, Slade3200. And if we did because it was absolutely necessary for our survival, we would completely and totally accept the responsibility that came with our actions. That's how grown adults function.
Her children didn't violate the law and they are losing their mother. Her husband and mother didn't violate the law and they are losing a wife and daughter. She violated the law 20 years ago but then complied with ICE for the past 18 years. If that sounds like justice to you then you have a warped sense of right and wrong.

"Her children didn't violate the law and they are losing their mother. Her husband and mother didn't violate the law and they are losing a wife and daughter. "

I could make the same plea for convicts I knew while a corrections officer.
Give one second to look at this with empathy or are you that selfish and entitled that you don't think that way about others?
Give one second to look at my nation with empathy Slade3200. The fact that our limited amount of currency in circulation, our limited food supply, our limited healthcare providers, our limited education system, etc. cannot handle an unlimited number of criminals breaking into our nation because they are encouraged to do so by disingenuous left-wingers with an agenda.

"The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics." - Thomas Sowell
I'm all for smarter and better border enforcement. I"m not an open borders person. I'm all for deporting criminals. I'm not for deporting people like this lady and many others who are hear. I think they should have the opportunity to register for legal status. Make their path longer and harder than those who are waiting in line the legal way, but the problem needs a common sense solution. You can't kick out 10's of millions of people, its not feasible or operationally possible. Keeping them in limbo like we are doing now is a horrible idea as well and not effective.
Her children didn't violate the law and they are losing their mother. Her husband and mother didn't violate the law and they are losing a wife and daughter. She violated the law 20 years ago but then complied with ICE for the past 18 years. If that sounds like justice to you then you have a warped sense of right and wrong.
Guess what brother - neither Bernie Madoff's wife or his children violated the law. So by your own position, they should be entitled to keep his entire wealth and live high in the sky. Yet every single one of you left-wingers lost your freaking minds about it and demanded that his assets be confiscated. They were, the wife and children were kicked out of their home and lost most of everything they owned. Oops.

And guess what else? Neither the Green River Killer's wife or children were guilty of anything. But they too lost a husband and a father when he was sent off to prison (where he belongs). I don't hear you advocating for his freedom for the sake of his wife and children.

Guess what chief? Criminals who make bad decisions negatively impact their friends and families. The justice system doesn't give a shit - nor should it. The justice system's job is to impartially enforce the law. Next?
I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.


Well, I was on jury that supposedly "ripped apart an illegal alien family", like say divorce ... The asshole illegal alien hurt an another illegal alien. DAMN. The irony of this, we found the moron guilty and after serving his sentence, he will be deported to Mexico. His marriage status had nothing to do with it. It's a penalty of violating immigration law. Pain pure and simple
I don't see this lady as a criminal and I think it is wrong for her to be deported. The damage it does to her family and community is much worse that whatever is gained be deporting her. I actually can't think of a thing that is gained by deporting her
That's a distinction you don't get to make my friend. Ted Bundy would say that he doesn't see Richard Rimarez as a criminal. But thankfully we don't listen to Ted Bundy. When you break the law (and she did), you're a criminal. Period.
I had a fake ID when I was in high school, so I guess her and I are both criminals.
Are we gonna have to go through this crap every time an illegal is deported? What upsets the left about this is that they're losing a lot of votes...Illegal votes, but votes nonetheless.
I don't see this lady as a criminal and I think it is wrong for her to be deported. The damage it does to her family and community is much worse that whatever is gained be deporting her. I actually can't think of a thing that is gained by deporting her
That's a distinction you don't get to make my friend. Ted Bundy would say that he doesn't see Richard Rimarez as a criminal. But thankfully we don't listen to Ted Bundy. When you break the law (and she did), you're a criminal. Period.
I had a fake ID when I was in high school, so I guess her and I are both criminals.

You didn't get caught. If you were going to bars with a fake ID, and the cops busted you, you would have went to jail and then to court.
WILLHAFTAWAITE and Doc1... Did either of you put yourself in the position of this lady or her family. Think for just a second, what if this happened to my family?

Give one second to look at this with empathy or are you that selfish and entitled that you don't think that way about others?
It didn't just "happen," like a meteor strike. She caused it.
Dear bripat9643 and Slade3200
I agree with bripat that each adult must take legal responsibility for their own actions and consequences this imposes on their kids and the public / taxpayers. I also sympathize with what Slade is saying about people like this woman taking whatever avenues are offered to get by . What I would add is allowing and enforcing ways for Sympathizers to pay the difference, instead of imposing this on others without choice in who deserves support by which groups. If we set up sponsorships, everyone can help who wants to help, especially those who preach this should be provided. Why not set up programs along the border for workers and migrants to enroll, and build campus cities where resources can be organized for sustainable business and community development? Isn't that what everyone wants , a safe secure border where people can access opportunities without breaking any laws? So why not invest in business and educational complexes along the border that can meet the demands and reduce criminal trafficking?

There are ways to satisfy both sides on these issues, with financial accountability for the costs of decisions and any penalties or restituion owed for violations or debts incurred, and without compromising either side. Its not either or, one side over the other, but creating solutions that protects the beliefs and interests of all the people affected equally.

We set our goal on equal protection and representation of interests, and then we can organize the resources as needed for ppl to fulfill their objectives. We have plenty of resources we are already spending. Why not use the resources we have to invest in solutions and quit losing and wasting them on problems going in circles costing us more and more.

The right solutions that can unite us will cost us less than the problems dividing us. That's how we can tell when we're on the right track.
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I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.


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