Mother Of 9/11 Victim Blasts Trump's 'Pro-Nazi Policies'


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Mother Of 9/11 Victim Blasts Trump's 'Pro-Nazi Policies'

Source: Huffington Post
The mother of a first responder who died during the September 11th attacks has a message for Donald Trump: get out of America.

Responding to Trump's recent anti-Muslim remarks, Talat Hamadi told MSNBC:

"You know, he himself came, his grandparents, came from Germany, Donald Trump's. So, maybe it's time for him to go back to Germany and advocate his pro-Nazi policies over there."

Last week, Trump said that we "absolutely" should have a database that tracks Muslims in America, an idea reminiscent of the way Jewish people were treated in Nazi Germany. He has also repeated a debunked tale about people of Middle Eastern descent cheering on 9/11 in New Jersey.

Hamadi's son Mohammad Salman was a first responder in the attacks-- and a Muslim-American. She said that Trump and other presidential candidates who've made comments against Muslims don't deserve to be elected.


well, she makes a good point!

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