MoveOn Demonstrating for ObamaCare in a Town Near You--Find Out Where


Jul 28, 2009
3 group that likened President Bush to Hitler and slandered American war heroes like General Petraeus as traitors--is orchestrating "nationwide candle-lit vigils" for our corrupt partisan tyrant-in-chief (who has far more in common with Adolf Hitler) and his illegal health care takeover...

I cannot post links yet, but for the rest of the story, Google: "MoveOn: We just can't afford to wait for rationed, inferior health care!"
Just posted on another thread about the Lynden LaRouche people. They are well organized.
Watch all the shouting and disruption now, and see if if its still mocked by the white house and it's mouth organ MSNBC.
slandered American war heroes like General Petraeus as traitors

because the repubs morphing war hero max kleland into osama bin laden for being against bush's war of choice was real classy.....
slandered American war heroes like General Petraeus as traitors

because the repubs morphing war hero max kleland into osama bin laden for being against bush's war of choice was real classy.....

War hero? Did he realize his injuries in war? Yeah... Was he engaged at the time of his injury with the enemy? No... He was a signals officer... He suffered horrible life altering injuries due to the negligence of either himself or another who failed to properly contain a fragmentation grenade... one which he saw and the ground and simply went to pick up...

Kleland is a lot of things... but 'war hero' is not one of them...

Based upon his work SINCE recovering to the extent tha the has, from those injuries; what we can be sure of, is that Kleland is a SUBVERSIVE... an Advocacte of Social Science; a secular humanist whose policy initiatives who has undermined the immutable principles on which America rests; he has undermined the principles which require each individual to stand independent and advocated for policy which encourages DEPENDENCY on the governments means to confiscate the MEANS of those who possess such, to supplement the NEEDs of others.... and that he was seriously injured in Vietnam doesn't change that.

I rank Kleland with John Kerry, John Glen and Benedict Arnold; those who for whatever reason, once enjoyed the fruits of liberty; but subsequently felt it important to adhere to the species of reasoning common to the ENEMY of the US, when it counted and there is NO price that they can pay that will ever compensate for that.

So if you're of the opinion that you can serve in some pogue capacity in the US military; and that being stationed in a combat zone will somehow carry your subversive ass beyond your subversion... you're sadly mistaken. Kleland can kiss my American Ass... He's a Leftist of the first order and THERE ARE NO LEFTIST AMERICANS!
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Really? So calling Bush a nazi is unamerican but calling Obama hilter is totally what we should do? Okay then, I can call the Insane Asylum for you if you would like.
Are, the REAL astroturfers are finally in action.

Yes, an advocacy group financed by its members are astroturfing, while people on the payroll of the insurance industry are legit protesters... An interesting world you live in.
slandered American war heroes like General Petraeus as traitors

because the repubs morphing war hero max kleland into osama bin laden for being against bush's war of choice was real classy.....

War hero? Did he realize his injuries in war? Yeah... Was he engaged at the time of his injury with the enemy? No... He was a signals officer... He suffered horrible life altering injuries due to the negligence of either himself or another who failed to properly contain a fragmentation grenade... one which he saw and the ground and simply went to pick up...

Kleland is a lot of things... but 'war hero' is not one of them...

Based upon his work SINCE recovering to the extent tha the has, from those injuries; what we can be sure of, is that Kleland is a SUBVERSIVE... an Advocacte of Social Science; a secular humanist whose policy initiatives who has undermined the immutable principles on which America rests; he has undermined the principles which require each individual to stand independent and advocated for policy which encourages DEPENDENCY on the governments means to confiscate the MEANS of those who possess such, to supplement the NEEDs of others.... and that he was seriously injured in Vietnam doesn't change that.

I rank Kleland with John Kerry, John Glen and Benedict Arnold; those who for whatever reason, once enjoyed the fruits of liberty; but subsequently felt it important to adhere to the species of reasoning common to the ENEMY of the US, when it counted and there is NO price that they can pay that will ever compensate for that.

So if you're of the opinion that you can serve in some pogue capacity in the US military; and that being stationed in a combat zone will somehow carry your subversive ass beyond your subversion... you're sadly mistaken. Kleland can kiss my American Ass... He's a Leftist of the first order and THERE ARE NO LEFTIST AMERICANS!

Even more absurdity. Get your legs blown off in a war and you're not a war hero. Simply sign on the dotted line and stay in for 30 years though, and instantly you're a war hero (even though you never saw combat). group that likened President Bush to Hitler and slandered American war heroes like General Petraeus as traitors--is orchestrating "nationwide candle-lit vigils" for our corrupt partisan tyrant-in-chief (who has far more in common with Adolf Hitler) and his illegal health care takeover...

I cannot post links yet, but for the rest of the story, Google: "MoveOn: We just can't afford to wait for rationed, inferior health care!"

Why am I not surprised, I wonder how much of our tax dollars are goingto be used to pay for these astro turf protestors????
Look--it's plain to see--the ONLY people that voted for Barack Obama believed they were going to get FREE HEALTH CARE. Why? Because he promised them that over & over again.

Now that reality has set in--to many of these voters--realising what national debt is--& that YES they will be paying for everyone's FREE health care in higher taxes--many of them have jumped off of the Obama boat.

The ONLY ones that are still supporting Obama's public option are the leeches of this society that are accustomed to living off of everyone else.

ACORN is nothing more than PAID volunteers coming right out of the DNC. Most of them wouldn't be able to tell you the name of the current attorney general.
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Look--it's plain to see--the ONLY people that voted for Barack Obama believed they were going to get FREE HEALTH CARE. Why? Because he promised them that over & over again.

Now that reality has set in--to many of these voters--realising what national debt is--& that YES they will be paying for everyone's FREE health care in higher taxes--many of them have jumped off of the Obama boat.

The ONLY ones that are still supporting Obama's public option are the leeches of this society that are accustomed to living off of everyone else.

ACORN is nothing more than PAID volunteers coming right out of the DNC. Most of them wouldn't be able to tell you the name of the current attorney general.

Looking at the thanks you received versus the ones you give [0], would indicate that you are a leech.
Are, the REAL astroturfers are finally in action.

oops edit :lol:

i think they are, the govt sponsored astroturf is here.....its ok no tactics will silence the opposition.

There is no such thing as government sponsored astroturf.

Grass roots is natural, astroturf is fake. So they would be opposites.

If policy is argued by persons with their singular self interests involved, that is grass roots. When corporations organize, pay for, support, mandate participation in rallies, protests etc., this is astroturfing.
Are, the REAL astroturfers are finally in action.

Yes, an advocacy group financed by its members are astroturfing, while people on the payroll of the insurance industry are legit protesters... An interesting world you live in.
A disingenious comparison.

So you outright lie and call it an argument.

What a pointless world you live in.

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