Movie "Colonia" Two Thumbs Up




The movie , based upon a true story ,

Set in 1973, a young couple become entangled in a Chilean military coup at a time when there is much protest on the streets against General Augusto Pinochet. When Daniel is abducted by Pinochet's secret police DINA, Lena tries to find and save her husband.[4] She tracks him to a sealed-off village called "Colonia Dignidad", which presents itself as a charitable mission run by a lay preacher, Paul Schäfer, but is in fact a place from which no one has ever escaped. Lena decides to join the cult to attempt to rescue her husband.[4]

Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to America
by Jacob G. Hornberger January 12, 2005

While some people might believe that those on the Left wing of the political spectrum pose the bigger threat to the freedom and well-being of the American people, nothing could be further from the truth. Today, the much bigger threat (Readhere and here) comes instead from the Right wing or conservative side of the political spectrum, for it is the conservatives who are either indifferent to — or squarely in favor of — military rule, torture, and suspension of habeas corpus and civil liberties for suspected terrorists. And those things constitute a much more ominous threat to our freedom and well-being than anything leftists endorse. (Of course, in fairness to the truth, there are leftists who endorse violations of civil liberties — or simply look the other way — when such violations are committed by leftist officials, two notable examples being Janet Reno and Fidel Castro.)

Yeah, and the proof of that is how Chile devolved into a totalitarian hell hole . . . . . . . er, no, that's not it. Chile is the wealthiest country in Latin American with a thriving democracy.

It really is sad how low left wingers have to reach to paint capitalism as a threat to freedom and democracy. On the other hand, the farthest we have to look to find examples of socialism devolving into totalitarian dictatorship is 90 miles south of Florida.

Chile was NEVER Capitalist.

When the government is involved you have fascism, corporatism, mercantilism, take your pick they all mean the same thing.

And when the government executes, disappears and tortures its citizens as shown in the movie "Colonia" then Capitalism is definitely not involved.


It was far more capitalist than it was before Allende ascended to the throne and invited the Cubans to run the country. The people executed were communists working to overthrow the government. That's what happens in civil wars: people get killed. Only communists think it's a crime against humanity to kill the people fighting making war on the people.

A relentless war was waged against Pinochet and the Chilean people during the years, 1973-1990. Bill Jasper points out that in 1984 alone, there were 735 terrorist bombings with responsibility clamed by the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (MRPF) the Communist cadre supported by Cuba, Nicaragua, Libya, East Germany, and the Soviet Union. On Sept. 7, 1986, Pinochet and his 10-year-old grandson narrowly escaped an ambush by Communists armed with automatic rifles, rocket launchers, bazookas, and grenades. Many terrorists and their supporters were killed in this war of attrition both by Pinochet’s forces and by civilians seeking vengeance and. given the situation, many of their bodies went unidentified. Jasper states that “we have seen no evidence to sustain the charges that Pinochet ordered, knew of, or approved of, any plan for the use of murder or torture against his political opponents”.

Once Nixon was involved and determined to make the system fail one can not determine if those were false flag operations.


Nixon did not interfere in the Chilean economy in any way. You're post is commie horseshit propaganda. The only thing the Nixon administration did in Chile is help finance a few opposition parties in a couple of their elections.
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You really gotta wonder about left wingers. Both 20th century World Wars started during democrat administrations and we were criminally unprepared for both. Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea under an executive order and the conflict was so mismanaged that we ended up where we started after a three year quagmire and the loss of 50,000 American lives. The quirky Kennedy brothers criminally misused the CIA to raise, train and equip an illegal Cuban invasion army and then abandoned them at the Bay of Pigs. LBJ got us into Vietnam on a fake crisis and just when the U.S. needed leadership he quit and gave the VC renewed energy. FDR imprisoned American citizens on an executive order on the basis of their ethnicity and the left thinks Reagan was the freaking problem?

I'm not sure I'd blame Bay of Pigs entirely on JFK. He inherited the whole Cuba mess from Ike, including the upcoming invasion, and the CIA made promises it simply would never be able to deliver without the US military invading. Kennedy might have pulled back support at the last minute, but he was also left holding the bag.



The movie , based upon a true story ,

Set in 1973, a young couple become entangled in a Chilean military coup at a time when there is much protest on the streets against General Augusto Pinochet. When Daniel is abducted by Pinochet's secret police DINA, Lena tries to find and save her husband.[4] She tracks him to a sealed-off village called "Colonia Dignidad", which presents itself as a charitable mission run by a lay preacher, Paul Schäfer, but is in fact a place from which no one has ever escaped. Lena decides to join the cult to attempt to rescue her husband.[4]

Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to America
by Jacob G. Hornberger January 12, 2005

While some people might believe that those on the Left wing of the political spectrum pose the bigger threat to the freedom and well-being of the American people, nothing could be further from the truth. Today, the much bigger threat (Readhere and here) comes instead from the Right wing or conservative side of the political spectrum, for it is the conservatives who are either indifferent to — or squarely in favor of — military rule, torture, and suspension of habeas corpus and civil liberties for suspected terrorists. And those things constitute a much more ominous threat to our freedom and well-being than anything leftists endorse. (Of course, in fairness to the truth, there are leftists who endorse violations of civil liberties — or simply look the other way — when such violations are committed by leftist officials, two notable examples being Janet Reno and Fidel Castro.)

Yeah, and the proof of that is how Chile devolved into a totalitarian hell hole . . . . . . . er, no, that's not it. Chile is the wealthiest country in Latin American with a thriving democracy.

It really is sad how low left wingers have to reach to paint capitalism as a threat to freedom and democracy. On the other hand, the farthest we have to look to find examples of socialism devolving into totalitarian dictatorship is 90 miles south of Florida.

Chile was NEVER Capitalist.

When the government is involved you have fascism, corporatism, mercantilism, take your pick they all mean the same thing.

And when the government executes, disappears and tortures its citizens as shown in the movie "Colonia" then Capitalism is definitely not involved.


It was far more capitalist than it was before Allende ascended to the throne and invited the Cubans to run the country. The people executed were communists working to overthrow the government. That's what happens in civil wars: people get killed. Only communists think it's a crime against humanity to kill the people fighting making war on the people.

A relentless war was waged against Pinochet and the Chilean people during the years, 1973-1990. Bill Jasper points out that in 1984 alone, there were 735 terrorist bombings with responsibility clamed by the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (MRPF) the Communist cadre supported by Cuba, Nicaragua, Libya, East Germany, and the Soviet Union. On Sept. 7, 1986, Pinochet and his 10-year-old grandson narrowly escaped an ambush by Communists armed with automatic rifles, rocket launchers, bazookas, and grenades. Many terrorists and their supporters were killed in this war of attrition both by Pinochet’s forces and by civilians seeking vengeance and. given the situation, many of their bodies went unidentified. Jasper states that “we have seen no evidence to sustain the charges that Pinochet ordered, knew of, or approved of, any plan for the use of murder or torture against his political opponents”.

What does "far more capitalist" means?

A country is either Capitalist or it isn't - NOTHING in between.




The movie , based upon a true story ,

Set in 1973, a young couple become entangled in a Chilean military coup at a time when there is much protest on the streets against General Augusto Pinochet. When Daniel is abducted by Pinochet's secret police DINA, Lena tries to find and save her husband.[4] She tracks him to a sealed-off village called "Colonia Dignidad", which presents itself as a charitable mission run by a lay preacher, Paul Schäfer, but is in fact a place from which no one has ever escaped. Lena decides to join the cult to attempt to rescue her husband.[4]

Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to America
by Jacob G. Hornberger January 12, 2005

While some people might believe that those on the Left wing of the political spectrum pose the bigger threat to the freedom and well-being of the American people, nothing could be further from the truth. Today, the much bigger threat (Readhere and here) comes instead from the Right wing or conservative side of the political spectrum, for it is the conservatives who are either indifferent to — or squarely in favor of — military rule, torture, and suspension of habeas corpus and civil liberties for suspected terrorists. And those things constitute a much more ominous threat to our freedom and well-being than anything leftists endorse. (Of course, in fairness to the truth, there are leftists who endorse violations of civil liberties — or simply look the other way — when such violations are committed by leftist officials, two notable examples being Janet Reno and Fidel Castro.)

Yeah, and the proof of that is how Chile devolved into a totalitarian hell hole . . . . . . . er, no, that's not it. Chile is the wealthiest country in Latin American with a thriving democracy.

It really is sad how low left wingers have to reach to paint capitalism as a threat to freedom and democracy. On the other hand, the farthest we have to look to find examples of socialism devolving into totalitarian dictatorship is 90 miles south of Florida.

Chile was NEVER Capitalist.

When the government is involved you have fascism, corporatism, mercantilism, take your pick they all mean the same thing.

And when the government executes, disappears and tortures its citizens as shown in the movie "Colonia" then Capitalism is definitely not involved.


It was far more capitalist than it was before Allende ascended to the throne and invited the Cubans to run the country. The people executed were communists working to overthrow the government. That's what happens in civil wars: people get killed. Only communists think it's a crime against humanity to kill the people fighting making war on the people.

A relentless war was waged against Pinochet and the Chilean people during the years, 1973-1990. Bill Jasper points out that in 1984 alone, there were 735 terrorist bombings with responsibility clamed by the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (MRPF) the Communist cadre supported by Cuba, Nicaragua, Libya, East Germany, and the Soviet Union. On Sept. 7, 1986, Pinochet and his 10-year-old grandson narrowly escaped an ambush by Communists armed with automatic rifles, rocket launchers, bazookas, and grenades. Many terrorists and their supporters were killed in this war of attrition both by Pinochet’s forces and by civilians seeking vengeance and. given the situation, many of their bodies went unidentified. Jasper states that “we have seen no evidence to sustain the charges that Pinochet ordered, knew of, or approved of, any plan for the use of murder or torture against his political opponents”.

What does "far more capitalist" means?

A country is either Capitalist or it isn't - NOTHING in between.





The movie , based upon a true story ,

Set in 1973, a young couple become entangled in a Chilean military coup at a time when there is much protest on the streets against General Augusto Pinochet. When Daniel is abducted by Pinochet's secret police DINA, Lena tries to find and save her husband.[4] She tracks him to a sealed-off village called "Colonia Dignidad", which presents itself as a charitable mission run by a lay preacher, Paul Schäfer, but is in fact a place from which no one has ever escaped. Lena decides to join the cult to attempt to rescue her husband.[4]

Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to America
by Jacob G. Hornberger January 12, 2005

While some people might believe that those on the Left wing of the political spectrum pose the bigger threat to the freedom and well-being of the American people, nothing could be further from the truth. Today, the much bigger threat (Readhere and here) comes instead from the Right wing or conservative side of the political spectrum, for it is the conservatives who are either indifferent to — or squarely in favor of — military rule, torture, and suspension of habeas corpus and civil liberties for suspected terrorists. And those things constitute a much more ominous threat to our freedom and well-being than anything leftists endorse. (Of course, in fairness to the truth, there are leftists who endorse violations of civil liberties — or simply look the other way — when such violations are committed by leftist officials, two notable examples being Janet Reno and Fidel Castro.)

Yeah, and the proof of that is how Chile devolved into a totalitarian hell hole . . . . . . . er, no, that's not it. Chile is the wealthiest country in Latin American with a thriving democracy.

It really is sad how low left wingers have to reach to paint capitalism as a threat to freedom and democracy. On the other hand, the farthest we have to look to find examples of socialism devolving into totalitarian dictatorship is 90 miles south of Florida.

Chile was NEVER Capitalist.

When the government is involved you have fascism, corporatism, mercantilism, take your pick they all mean the same thing.

And when the government executes, disappears and tortures its citizens as shown in the movie "Colonia" then Capitalism is definitely not involved.


It was far more capitalist than it was before Allende ascended to the throne and invited the Cubans to run the country. The people executed were communists working to overthrow the government. That's what happens in civil wars: people get killed. Only communists think it's a crime against humanity to kill the people fighting making war on the people.

A relentless war was waged against Pinochet and the Chilean people during the years, 1973-1990. Bill Jasper points out that in 1984 alone, there were 735 terrorist bombings with responsibility clamed by the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (MRPF) the Communist cadre supported by Cuba, Nicaragua, Libya, East Germany, and the Soviet Union. On Sept. 7, 1986, Pinochet and his 10-year-old grandson narrowly escaped an ambush by Communists armed with automatic rifles, rocket launchers, bazookas, and grenades. Many terrorists and their supporters were killed in this war of attrition both by Pinochet’s forces and by civilians seeking vengeance and. given the situation, many of their bodies went unidentified. Jasper states that “we have seen no evidence to sustain the charges that Pinochet ordered, knew of, or approved of, any plan for the use of murder or torture against his political opponents”.

What does "far more capitalist" means?

A country is either Capitalist or it isn't - NOTHING in between.



"Make the Economy Scream": Secret Documents Show Nixon, Kissinger Role Backing 1973 Chile Coup
Yeah, and the proof of that is how Chile devolved into a totalitarian hell hole . . . . . . . er, no, that's not it. Chile is the wealthiest country in Latin American with a thriving democracy.

It really is sad how low left wingers have to reach to paint capitalism as a threat to freedom and democracy. On the other hand, the farthest we have to look to find examples of socialism devolving into totalitarian dictatorship is 90 miles south of Florida.

Chile was NEVER Capitalist.

When the government is involved you have fascism, corporatism, mercantilism, take your pick they all mean the same thing.

And when the government executes, disappears and tortures its citizens as shown in the movie "Colonia" then Capitalism is definitely not involved.


It was far more capitalist than it was before Allende ascended to the throne and invited the Cubans to run the country. The people executed were communists working to overthrow the government. That's what happens in civil wars: people get killed. Only communists think it's a crime against humanity to kill the people fighting making war on the people.

A relentless war was waged against Pinochet and the Chilean people during the years, 1973-1990. Bill Jasper points out that in 1984 alone, there were 735 terrorist bombings with responsibility clamed by the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (MRPF) the Communist cadre supported by Cuba, Nicaragua, Libya, East Germany, and the Soviet Union. On Sept. 7, 1986, Pinochet and his 10-year-old grandson narrowly escaped an ambush by Communists armed with automatic rifles, rocket launchers, bazookas, and grenades. Many terrorists and their supporters were killed in this war of attrition both by Pinochet’s forces and by civilians seeking vengeance and. given the situation, many of their bodies went unidentified. Jasper states that “we have seen no evidence to sustain the charges that Pinochet ordered, knew of, or approved of, any plan for the use of murder or torture against his political opponents”.

What does "far more capitalist" means?

A country is either Capitalist or it isn't - NOTHING in between.



"Make the Economy Scream": Secret Documents Show Nixon, Kissinger Role Backing 1973 Chile Coup

So, exactly, what did the CIA do to "make the economy scream?" Please show actual evidence of actual CIA actions, and not just wild talk.
Chile was NEVER Capitalist.

When the government is involved you have fascism, corporatism, mercantilism, take your pick they all mean the same thing.

And when the government executes, disappears and tortures its citizens as shown in the movie "Colonia" then Capitalism is definitely not involved.


It was far more capitalist than it was before Allende ascended to the throne and invited the Cubans to run the country. The people executed were communists working to overthrow the government. That's what happens in civil wars: people get killed. Only communists think it's a crime against humanity to kill the people fighting making war on the people.

A relentless war was waged against Pinochet and the Chilean people during the years, 1973-1990. Bill Jasper points out that in 1984 alone, there were 735 terrorist bombings with responsibility clamed by the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (MRPF) the Communist cadre supported by Cuba, Nicaragua, Libya, East Germany, and the Soviet Union. On Sept. 7, 1986, Pinochet and his 10-year-old grandson narrowly escaped an ambush by Communists armed with automatic rifles, rocket launchers, bazookas, and grenades. Many terrorists and their supporters were killed in this war of attrition both by Pinochet’s forces and by civilians seeking vengeance and. given the situation, many of their bodies went unidentified. Jasper states that “we have seen no evidence to sustain the charges that Pinochet ordered, knew of, or approved of, any plan for the use of murder or torture against his political opponents”.

What does "far more capitalist" means?

A country is either Capitalist or it isn't - NOTHING in between.



"Make the Economy Scream": Secret Documents Show Nixon, Kissinger Role Backing 1973 Chile Coup

So, exactly, what did the CIA do to "make the economy scream?" Please show actual evidence of actual CIA actions, and not just wild talk.


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AARON MATÉ: I wanted to ask about the U.S. role in all of this, and let’s turn to a recording of President Richard Nixon speaking in a March 1972 phone call, acknowledging he’d given instructions, quote, to "do anything short of a Dominican-type action" to keep the elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende, from assuming office. The phone conversation was captured by his secret Oval Office taping system. In this clip, you hear President Nixon telling his press secretary, Ron Ziegler, he had given orders to undermine Chilean democracy to the U.S. ambassador, but, quote, "he just failed. ... He should have kept Allende from getting in." Listen closel

It was far more capitalist than it was before Allende ascended to the throne and invited the Cubans to run the country. The people executed were communists working to overthrow the government. That's what happens in civil wars: people get killed. Only communists think it's a crime against humanity to kill the people fighting making war on the people.

A relentless war was waged against Pinochet and the Chilean people during the years, 1973-1990. Bill Jasper points out that in 1984 alone, there were 735 terrorist bombings with responsibility clamed by the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (MRPF) the Communist cadre supported by Cuba, Nicaragua, Libya, East Germany, and the Soviet Union. On Sept. 7, 1986, Pinochet and his 10-year-old grandson narrowly escaped an ambush by Communists armed with automatic rifles, rocket launchers, bazookas, and grenades. Many terrorists and their supporters were killed in this war of attrition both by Pinochet’s forces and by civilians seeking vengeance and. given the situation, many of their bodies went unidentified. Jasper states that “we have seen no evidence to sustain the charges that Pinochet ordered, knew of, or approved of, any plan for the use of murder or torture against his political opponents”.

What does "far more capitalist" means?

A country is either Capitalist or it isn't - NOTHING in between.



"Make the Economy Scream": Secret Documents Show Nixon, Kissinger Role Backing 1973 Chile Coup

So, exactly, what did the CIA do to "make the economy scream?" Please show actual evidence of actual CIA actions, and not just wild talk.


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AARON MATÉ: I wanted to ask about the U.S. role in all of this, and let’s turn to a recording of President Richard Nixon speaking in a March 1972 phone call, acknowledging he’d given instructions, quote, to "do anything short of a Dominican-type action" to keep the elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende, from assuming office. The phone conversation was captured by his secret Oval Office taping system. In this clip, you hear President Nixon telling his press secretary, Ron Ziegler, he had given orders to undermine Chilean democracy to the U.S. ambassador, but, quote, "he just failed. ... He should have kept Allende from getting in." Listen closel


So where's the text of the phone call? Why isn't that included? We both know the answer: because it doesn't support your case.
What does "far more capitalist" means?

A country is either Capitalist or it isn't - NOTHING in between.



"Make the Economy Scream": Secret Documents Show Nixon, Kissinger Role Backing 1973 Chile Coup

So, exactly, what did the CIA do to "make the economy scream?" Please show actual evidence of actual CIA actions, and not just wild talk.


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AARON MATÉ: I wanted to ask about the U.S. role in all of this, and let’s turn to a recording of President Richard Nixon speaking in a March 1972 phone call, acknowledging he’d given instructions, quote, to "do anything short of a Dominican-type action" to keep the elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende, from assuming office. The phone conversation was captured by his secret Oval Office taping system. In this clip, you hear President Nixon telling his press secretary, Ron Ziegler, he had given orders to undermine Chilean democracy to the U.S. ambassador, but, quote, "he just failed. ... He should have kept Allende from getting in." Listen closel


So where's the text of the phone call? Why isn't that included? We both know the answer: because it doesn't support your case.

So why didn't you click the link?

We both know the answer: because you can't handle the truth.


"Make the Economy Scream": Secret Documents Show Nixon, Kissinger Role Backing 1973 Chile Coup

So, exactly, what did the CIA do to "make the economy scream?" Please show actual evidence of actual CIA actions, and not just wild talk.


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AARON MATÉ: I wanted to ask about the U.S. role in all of this, and let’s turn to a recording of President Richard Nixon speaking in a March 1972 phone call, acknowledging he’d given instructions, quote, to "do anything short of a Dominican-type action" to keep the elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende, from assuming office. The phone conversation was captured by his secret Oval Office taping system. In this clip, you hear President Nixon telling his press secretary, Ron Ziegler, he had given orders to undermine Chilean democracy to the U.S. ambassador, but, quote, "he just failed. ... He should have kept Allende from getting in." Listen closel


So where's the text of the phone call? Why isn't that included? We both know the answer: because it doesn't support your case.

So why didn't you click the link?

We both know the answer: because you can't handle the truth.


I did read the link. I didn't see anything that details any kind of action the government took to "make the economy scream." IT's all vague insinuations. Try listing some action the Nixon administration actually took to affect the Chilean economy.

The fact is that Allende was already doing plenty to make the economy scream. He was destroying it.
"Make the Economy Scream": Secret Documents Show Nixon, Kissinger Role Backing 1973 Chile Coup

So, exactly, what did the CIA do to "make the economy scream?" Please show actual evidence of actual CIA actions, and not just wild talk.


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AARON MATÉ: I wanted to ask about the U.S. role in all of this, and let’s turn to a recording of President Richard Nixon speaking in a March 1972 phone call, acknowledging he’d given instructions, quote, to "do anything short of a Dominican-type action" to keep the elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende, from assuming office. The phone conversation was captured by his secret Oval Office taping system. In this clip, you hear President Nixon telling his press secretary, Ron Ziegler, he had given orders to undermine Chilean democracy to the U.S. ambassador, but, quote, "he just failed. ... He should have kept Allende from getting in." Listen closel


So where's the text of the phone call? Why isn't that included? We both know the answer: because it doesn't support your case.

So why didn't you click the link?

We both know the answer: because you can't handle the truth.


I did read the link. I didn't see anything that details any kind of action the government took to "make the economy scream." IT's all vague insinuations. Try listing some action the Nixon administration actually took to affect the Chilean economy.

The fact is that Allende was already doing plenty to make the economy scream. He was destroying it.

Again, I agree that eventually communism would have destroyed the Chilean economy. But Nixon moved against Allende barely 4 months after he took office

These documents include:

  • Cables written by U.S. Ambassador Edward Korry after Allende's election, detailing conversations with President Eduardo Frei on how to block the president-elect from being inaugurated. The cables contain detailed descriptions and opinions on the various political forces in Chile, including the Chilean military, the Christian Democrat Party, and the U.S. business community.
  • CIA memoranda and reports on "Project FUBELT"--the codename for covert operations to promote a military coup and undermine Allende's government. The documents, including minutes of meetings between Henry Kissinger and CIA officials, CIA cables to its Santiago station, and summaries of covert action in 1970, provide a clear paper trail to the decisions and operations against Allende's government
  • National Security Council strategy papers which record efforts to "destabilize" Chile economically, and isolate Allende's government diplomatically, between 1970 and 1973.
  • State Department and NSC memoranda and cables after the coup, providing evidence of human rights atrocities under the new military regime led by General Pinochet.
  • FBI documents on Operation Condor--the state-sponsored terrorism of the Chilean secret police, DINA. The documents, including summaries of prison letters written by DINA agent Michael Townley, provide evidence on the carbombing assassination of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt in Washington D.C., and the murder of Chilean General Carlos Prats and his wife in Buenos Aires, among other operations.

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