Movie "Colonia" Two Thumbs Up

Leftists will never forgive Pinochet for saving Chile.

Is that what Pinochet was doing?

Saving Chile from communism?

So who is going to save us from Comrade Sanders?


Saving Chile from communism?



Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to America
by Jacob G. Hornberger January 12, 2005

While some people might believe that those on the Left wing of the political spectrum pose the bigger threat to the freedom and well-being of the American people, nothing could be further from the truth. Today, the much bigger threat (Readhere and here) comes instead from the Right wing or conservative side of the political spectrum, for it is the conservatives who are either indifferent to — or squarely in favor of — military rule, torture, and suspension of habeas corpus and civil liberties for suspected terrorists. And those things constitute a much more ominous threat to our freedom and well-being than anything leftists endorse. (Of course, in fairness to the truth, there are leftists who endorse violations of civil liberties — or simply look the other way — when such violations are committed by leftist officials, two notable examples being Janet Reno and Fidel Castro.)


So why aren't you and the author concerned about the military rule, torture, and suspension of habeas corpus and civil liberties 90 miles South of our border? How about the military rule, torture, and suspension of habeas corpus and civil liberties occurring in Venezuela?

That's why turds like you and the author simply aren't credible: the only way to avoid laughing at your claims is to live your life with permanent blinders on.
Leftists will never forgive Pinochet for saving Chile.

Were it not for General Augusto Pinochet, then Chile would have become Cuba II ie. a Communist crapheap with a failed society and a failed economy.

The Economist and the Dictator

Just what is the connection between Milton Friedman and Augusto Pinochet?

The recently deceased Chilean autocrat Augusto Pinochet is responsible for banning political opposition,“disappearing” political enemies (and blowing some of them up in Washington, D.C.), ordering many thousands of deaths, and turning football stadiums into grim multi-purpose detention centers in which political prisoners were tortured and killed.

“The Chilean junta’s economic policy is based on the ideas of Milton Friedman…and his Chicago School…if the pure Chicago economic theory can be carried out in Chile only at the price of repression, should its authors feel some responsibility?”

I hope Anthony Lewis didn't hurt himself while twisting into that pretzel.
Fucking douche.

Life under Pinochet: “They were taking turns to electrocute us one after the other”

Commies don't like it when you resist, eh comrade?



The movie , based upon a true story ,

Set in 1973, a young couple become entangled in a Chilean military coup at a time when there is much protest on the streets against General Augusto Pinochet. When Daniel is abducted by Pinochet's secret police DINA, Lena tries to find and save her husband.[4] She tracks him to a sealed-off village called "Colonia Dignidad", which presents itself as a charitable mission run by a lay preacher, Paul Schäfer, but is in fact a place from which no one has ever escaped. Lena decides to join the cult to attempt to rescue her husband.[4]

Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to America
by Jacob G. Hornberger January 12, 2005

While some people might believe that those on the Left wing of the political spectrum pose the bigger threat to the freedom and well-being of the American people, nothing could be further from the truth. Today, the much bigger threat (Readhere and here) comes instead from the Right wing or conservative side of the political spectrum, for it is the conservatives who are either indifferent to — or squarely in favor of — military rule, torture, and suspension of habeas corpus and civil liberties for suspected terrorists. And those things constitute a much more ominous threat to our freedom and well-being than anything leftists endorse. (Of course, in fairness to the truth, there are leftists who endorse violations of civil liberties — or simply look the other way — when such violations are committed by leftist officials, two notable examples being Janet Reno and Fidel Castro.)

Yeah, and the proof of that is how Chile devolved into a totalitarian hell hole . . . . . . . er, no, that's not it. Chile is the wealthiest country in Latin American with a thriving democracy.

It really is sad how low left wingers have to reach to paint capitalism as a threat to freedom and democracy. On the other hand, the farthest we have to look to find examples of socialism devolving into totalitarian dictatorship is 90 miles south of Florida.

Chile was NEVER Capitalist.

When the government is involved you have fascism, corporatism, mercantilism, take your pick they all mean the same thing.

And when the government executes, disappears and tortures its citizens as shown in the movie "Colonia" then Capitalism is definitely not involved.




The movie , based upon a true story ,

Set in 1973, a young couple become entangled in a Chilean military coup at a time when there is much protest on the streets against General Augusto Pinochet. When Daniel is abducted by Pinochet's secret police DINA, Lena tries to find and save her husband.[4] She tracks him to a sealed-off village called "Colonia Dignidad", which presents itself as a charitable mission run by a lay preacher, Paul Schäfer, but is in fact a place from which no one has ever escaped. Lena decides to join the cult to attempt to rescue her husband.[4]

Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to America
by Jacob G. Hornberger January 12, 2005

While some people might believe that those on the Left wing of the political spectrum pose the bigger threat to the freedom and well-being of the American people, nothing could be further from the truth. Today, the much bigger threat (Readhere and here) comes instead from the Right wing or conservative side of the political spectrum, for it is the conservatives who are either indifferent to — or squarely in favor of — military rule, torture, and suspension of habeas corpus and civil liberties for suspected terrorists. And those things constitute a much more ominous threat to our freedom and well-being than anything leftists endorse. (Of course, in fairness to the truth, there are leftists who endorse violations of civil liberties — or simply look the other way — when such violations are committed by leftist officials, two notable examples being Janet Reno and Fidel Castro.)

Yeah, and the proof of that is how Chile devolved into a totalitarian hell hole . . . . . . . er, no, that's not it. Chile is the wealthiest country in Latin American with a thriving democracy.

It really is sad how low left wingers have to reach to paint capitalism as a threat to freedom and democracy. On the other hand, the farthest we have to look to find examples of socialism devolving into totalitarian dictatorship is 90 miles south of Florida.

Chile was NEVER Capitalist.

When the government is involved you have fascism, corporatism, mercantilism, take your pick they all mean the same thing.

And when the government executes, disappears and tortures its citizens as shown in the movie "Colonia" then Capitalism is definitely not involved.


It was far more capitalist than it was before Allende ascended to the throne and invited the Cubans to run the country. The people executed were communists working to overthrow the government. That's what happens in civil wars: people get killed. Only communists think it's a crime against humanity to kill the people fighting making war on the people.

A relentless war was waged against Pinochet and the Chilean people during the years, 1973-1990. Bill Jasper points out that in 1984 alone, there were 735 terrorist bombings with responsibility clamed by the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (MRPF) the Communist cadre supported by Cuba, Nicaragua, Libya, East Germany, and the Soviet Union. On Sept. 7, 1986, Pinochet and his 10-year-old grandson narrowly escaped an ambush by Communists armed with automatic rifles, rocket launchers, bazookas, and grenades. Many terrorists and their supporters were killed in this war of attrition both by Pinochet’s forces and by civilians seeking vengeance and. given the situation, many of their bodies went unidentified. Jasper states that “we have seen no evidence to sustain the charges that Pinochet ordered, knew of, or approved of, any plan for the use of murder or torture against his political opponents”.
Last edited:



The movie , based upon a true story ,

Set in 1973, a young couple become entangled in a Chilean military coup at a time when there is much protest on the streets against General Augusto Pinochet. When Daniel is abducted by Pinochet's secret police DINA, Lena tries to find and save her husband.[4] She tracks him to a sealed-off village called "Colonia Dignidad", which presents itself as a charitable mission run by a lay preacher, Paul Schäfer, but is in fact a place from which no one has ever escaped. Lena decides to join the cult to attempt to rescue her husband.[4]

Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to America
by Jacob G. Hornberger January 12, 2005

While some people might believe that those on the Left wing of the political spectrum pose the bigger threat to the freedom and well-being of the American people, nothing could be further from the truth. Today, the much bigger threat (Readhere and here) comes instead from the Right wing or conservative side of the political spectrum, for it is the conservatives who are either indifferent to — or squarely in favor of — military rule, torture, and suspension of habeas corpus and civil liberties for suspected terrorists. And those things constitute a much more ominous threat to our freedom and well-being than anything leftists endorse. (Of course, in fairness to the truth, there are leftists who endorse violations of civil liberties — or simply look the other way — when such violations are committed by leftist officials, two notable examples being Janet Reno and Fidel Castro.)

Yeah, and the proof of that is how Chile devolved into a totalitarian hell hole . . . . . . . er, no, that's not it. Chile is the wealthiest country in Latin American with a thriving democracy.

It really is sad how low left wingers have to reach to paint capitalism as a threat to freedom and democracy. On the other hand, the farthest we have to look to find examples of socialism devolving into totalitarian dictatorship is 90 miles south of Florida.

Chile was NEVER Capitalist.

When the government is involved you have fascism, corporatism, mercantilism, take your pick they all mean the same thing.

And when the government executes, disappears and tortures its citizens as shown in the movie "Colonia" then Capitalism is definitely not involved.


It was far more capitalist than it was before Allende ascended to the throne and invited the Cubans to run the country. The people executed were communists working to overthrow the government. That's what happens in civil wars: people get killed. Only communists think it's a crime against humanity to kill the people fighting making war on the people.


Consider Chile. The Chilean people elect a communist, Salvador Allende, in a democratic election at the height of the Cold War. U.S. officials say that this cannot stand. So, President Nixon orders the CIA to foment a massive economic crisis within the country, much like the economic crisis leading up to the military coup in Egypt. “Make the economy scream” are Nixon’s exact words. The CIA faithfully obeys his orders notwithstanding the fact that the Constitution does not authorize any such action. The Chilean military, with the support of the U.S. national-security state, ousts Allende in a coup and imposes brutal military rule under Army General Augusto Pinochet.

Pinochet’s military-intelligence goons immediately went about arresting Allende’s supporters and suspected communists, jailed them, tortured and raped them, and executed them. To this day, supporters of the coup say that all this was justified to save the country from the mistake that the Chilean electorate had made in electing Allende president."
So the Us backed a coup to keep the Communists from getting another foothold in the Americas during the Cold war. Realpolitik is a bitch sometimes. At least we didn't simply invade nations that wanted change like the Soviets did.
Wingnuts are true champions of democratic values except when they aren't.
Wingnuts are true champions of democratic values except when they aren't.

Both sides of the political coin are that way. Both the Soviets and Americans were more concerned with the Cold War than worrying about what the locals might want. It's just how being a Superpower goes.
So the Us backed a coup to keep the Communists from getting another foothold in the Americas during the Cold war. Realpolitik is a bitch sometimes. At least we didn't simply invade nations that wanted change like the Soviets did.

Look pal , I agree that Communism is shit.

But let Chileans find that on their own. There is no valid reason for the US to install puppet Pinochet into power .and then have him arbitrarily murder the opposition.



The movie , based upon a true story ,

Set in 1973, a young couple become entangled in a Chilean military coup at a time when there is much protest on the streets against General Augusto Pinochet. When Daniel is abducted by Pinochet's secret police DINA, Lena tries to find and save her husband.[4] She tracks him to a sealed-off village called "Colonia Dignidad", which presents itself as a charitable mission run by a lay preacher, Paul Schäfer, but is in fact a place from which no one has ever escaped. Lena decides to join the cult to attempt to rescue her husband.[4]

Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to America
by Jacob G. Hornberger January 12, 2005

While some people might believe that those on the Left wing of the political spectrum pose the bigger threat to the freedom and well-being of the American people, nothing could be further from the truth. Today, the much bigger threat (Readhere and here) comes instead from the Right wing or conservative side of the political spectrum, for it is the conservatives who are either indifferent to — or squarely in favor of — military rule, torture, and suspension of habeas corpus and civil liberties for suspected terrorists. And those things constitute a much more ominous threat to our freedom and well-being than anything leftists endorse. (Of course, in fairness to the truth, there are leftists who endorse violations of civil liberties — or simply look the other way — when such violations are committed by leftist officials, two notable examples being Janet Reno and Fidel Castro.)

Yeah, and the proof of that is how Chile devolved into a totalitarian hell hole . . . . . . . er, no, that's not it. Chile is the wealthiest country in Latin American with a thriving democracy.

It really is sad how low left wingers have to reach to paint capitalism as a threat to freedom and democracy. On the other hand, the farthest we have to look to find examples of socialism devolving into totalitarian dictatorship is 90 miles south of Florida.

Chile was NEVER Capitalist.

When the government is involved you have fascism, corporatism, mercantilism, take your pick they all mean the same thing.

And when the government executes, disappears and tortures its citizens as shown in the movie "Colonia" then Capitalism is definitely not involved.


It was far more capitalist than it was before Allende ascended to the throne and invited the Cubans to run the country. The people executed were communists working to overthrow the government. That's what happens in civil wars: people get killed. Only communists think it's a crime against humanity to kill the people fighting making war on the people.


Consider Chile. The Chilean people elect a communist, Salvador Allende, in a democratic election at the height of the Cold War. U.S. officials say that this cannot stand. So, President Nixon orders the CIA to foment a massive economic crisis within the country, much like the economic crisis leading up to the military coup in Egypt. “Make the economy scream” are Nixon’s exact words. The CIA faithfully obeys his orders notwithstanding the fact that the Constitution does not authorize any such action. The Chilean military, with the support of the U.S. national-security state, ousts Allende in a coup and imposes brutal military rule under Army General Augusto Pinochet.

Pinochet’s military-intelligence goons immediately went about arresting Allende’s supporters and suspected communists, jailed them, tortured and raped them, and executed them. To this day, supporters of the coup say that all this was justified to save the country from the mistake that the Chilean electorate had made in electing Allende president."

That's utter horseshit. The CIA did nothing to the economy. Allende himself caused all the chaos.
We were simply more concerned with having Cuba 2.0. The Soviets rolled tanks into Hungary and Czechoslovakia for the same reason.

The Cold War sucked for a lot of people not in the US or in the USSR.
Wingnuts are true champions of democratic values except when they aren't.

Both sides of the political coin are that way. Both the Soviets and Americans were more concerned with the Cold War than worrying about what the locals might want. It's just how being a Superpower goes.

Odd first off that you think both sides of the political coin are the US and the Soviets.

That being said, you won't find too many liberals applauding our relationship with Pinochet. But on this thread the guy is a fucking right wing superstar.
Would it be acceptable to say that Hitler was a martyr to the cause of stopping Stalinism?
Wingnuts are true champions of democratic values except when they aren't.

Both sides of the political coin are that way. Both the Soviets and Americans were more concerned with the Cold War than worrying about what the locals might want. It's just how being a Superpower goes.

Odd first off that you think both sides of the political coin are the US and the Soviets.

That being said, you won't find too many liberals applauding our relationship with Pinochet. But on this thread the guy is a fucking right wing superstar.

It was a lesser of two evils. Pincohet vs. Allende. Batista vs. Castro.

Both sides excuse show trials, mass executions and disappearing people so long as their guys win. Liberals think it's fine that Che killed political enemies, Conservatives think it's fine that Pinochet did the same.

It's sad that everyone seems to have a "ends fit the means" attitude so long as their ideology is on top.
Wingnuts are true champions of democratic values except when they aren't.

Both sides of the political coin are that way. Both the Soviets and Americans were more concerned with the Cold War than worrying about what the locals might want. It's just how being a Superpower goes.

Odd first off that you think both sides of the political coin are the US and the Soviets.

That being said, you won't find too many liberals applauding our relationship with Pinochet. But on this thread the guy is a fucking right wing superstar.

It was a lesser of two evils. Pincohet vs. Allende. Batista vs. Castro.

Both sides excuse show trials, mass executions and disappearing people so long as their guys win. Liberals think it's fine that Che killed political enemies, Conservatives think it's fine that Pinochet did the same.

It's sad that everyone seems to have a "ends fit the means" attitude so long as their ideology is on top.

Allende, though he had many issues, was the elected leader of Chile. We should have stayed out of it. How many elections did Castro win?
That isn't the point. Chile was just another proxy battlefield in the Cold War. We were the Superpower, they were in our sphere of influence, we weren't willing to accept another Cuba.

They chose poorly and had to be brought into line so far as we were concerned.
You really gotta wonder about left wingers. Both 20th century World Wars started during democrat administrations and we were criminally unprepared for both. Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea under an executive order and the conflict was so mismanaged that we ended up where we started after a three year quagmire and the loss of 50,000 American lives. The quirky Kennedy brothers criminally misused the CIA to raise, train and equip an illegal Cuban invasion army and then abandoned them at the Bay of Pigs. LBJ got us into Vietnam on a fake crisis and just when the U.S. needed leadership he quit and gave the VC renewed energy. FDR imprisoned American citizens on an executive order on the basis of their ethnicity and the left thinks Reagan was the freaking problem?



The movie , based upon a true story ,

Set in 1973, a young couple become entangled in a Chilean military coup at a time when there is much protest on the streets against General Augusto Pinochet. When Daniel is abducted by Pinochet's secret police DINA, Lena tries to find and save her husband.[4] She tracks him to a sealed-off village called "Colonia Dignidad", which presents itself as a charitable mission run by a lay preacher, Paul Schäfer, but is in fact a place from which no one has ever escaped. Lena decides to join the cult to attempt to rescue her husband.[4]

Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to America
by Jacob G. Hornberger January 12, 2005

While some people might believe that those on the Left wing of the political spectrum pose the bigger threat to the freedom and well-being of the American people, nothing could be further from the truth. Today, the much bigger threat (Readhere and here) comes instead from the Right wing or conservative side of the political spectrum, for it is the conservatives who are either indifferent to — or squarely in favor of — military rule, torture, and suspension of habeas corpus and civil liberties for suspected terrorists. And those things constitute a much more ominous threat to our freedom and well-being than anything leftists endorse. (Of course, in fairness to the truth, there are leftists who endorse violations of civil liberties — or simply look the other way — when such violations are committed by leftist officials, two notable examples being Janet Reno and Fidel Castro.)

Yeah, and the proof of that is how Chile devolved into a totalitarian hell hole . . . . . . . er, no, that's not it. Chile is the wealthiest country in Latin American with a thriving democracy.

It really is sad how low left wingers have to reach to paint capitalism as a threat to freedom and democracy. On the other hand, the farthest we have to look to find examples of socialism devolving into totalitarian dictatorship is 90 miles south of Florida.

Chile was NEVER Capitalist.

When the government is involved you have fascism, corporatism, mercantilism, take your pick they all mean the same thing.

And when the government executes, disappears and tortures its citizens as shown in the movie "Colonia" then Capitalism is definitely not involved.


It was far more capitalist than it was before Allende ascended to the throne and invited the Cubans to run the country. The people executed were communists working to overthrow the government. That's what happens in civil wars: people get killed. Only communists think it's a crime against humanity to kill the people fighting making war on the people.


Consider Chile. The Chilean people elect a communist, Salvador Allende, in a democratic election at the height of the Cold War. U.S. officials say that this cannot stand. So, President Nixon orders the CIA to foment a massive economic crisis within the country, much like the economic crisis leading up to the military coup in Egypt. “Make the economy scream” are Nixon’s exact words. The CIA faithfully obeys his orders notwithstanding the fact that the Constitution does not authorize any such action. The Chilean military, with the support of the U.S. national-security state, ousts Allende in a coup and imposes brutal military rule under Army General Augusto Pinochet.

Pinochet’s military-intelligence goons immediately went about arresting Allende’s supporters and suspected communists, jailed them, tortured and raped them, and executed them. To this day, supporters of the coup say that all this was justified to save the country from the mistake that the Chilean electorate had made in electing Allende president."

Thank goodness.



The movie , based upon a true story ,

Set in 1973, a young couple become entangled in a Chilean military coup at a time when there is much protest on the streets against General Augusto Pinochet. When Daniel is abducted by Pinochet's secret police DINA, Lena tries to find and save her husband.[4] She tracks him to a sealed-off village called "Colonia Dignidad", which presents itself as a charitable mission run by a lay preacher, Paul Schäfer, but is in fact a place from which no one has ever escaped. Lena decides to join the cult to attempt to rescue her husband.[4]

Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to America
by Jacob G. Hornberger January 12, 2005

While some people might believe that those on the Left wing of the political spectrum pose the bigger threat to the freedom and well-being of the American people, nothing could be further from the truth. Today, the much bigger threat (Readhere and here) comes instead from the Right wing or conservative side of the political spectrum, for it is the conservatives who are either indifferent to — or squarely in favor of — military rule, torture, and suspension of habeas corpus and civil liberties for suspected terrorists. And those things constitute a much more ominous threat to our freedom and well-being than anything leftists endorse. (Of course, in fairness to the truth, there are leftists who endorse violations of civil liberties — or simply look the other way — when such violations are committed by leftist officials, two notable examples being Janet Reno and Fidel Castro.)

Yeah, and the proof of that is how Chile devolved into a totalitarian hell hole . . . . . . . er, no, that's not it. Chile is the wealthiest country in Latin American with a thriving democracy.

It really is sad how low left wingers have to reach to paint capitalism as a threat to freedom and democracy. On the other hand, the farthest we have to look to find examples of socialism devolving into totalitarian dictatorship is 90 miles south of Florida.

Chile was NEVER Capitalist.

When the government is involved you have fascism, corporatism, mercantilism, take your pick they all mean the same thing.

And when the government executes, disappears and tortures its citizens as shown in the movie "Colonia" then Capitalism is definitely not involved.


It was far more capitalist than it was before Allende ascended to the throne and invited the Cubans to run the country. The people executed were communists working to overthrow the government. That's what happens in civil wars: people get killed. Only communists think it's a crime against humanity to kill the people fighting making war on the people.

A relentless war was waged against Pinochet and the Chilean people during the years, 1973-1990. Bill Jasper points out that in 1984 alone, there were 735 terrorist bombings with responsibility clamed by the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (MRPF) the Communist cadre supported by Cuba, Nicaragua, Libya, East Germany, and the Soviet Union. On Sept. 7, 1986, Pinochet and his 10-year-old grandson narrowly escaped an ambush by Communists armed with automatic rifles, rocket launchers, bazookas, and grenades. Many terrorists and their supporters were killed in this war of attrition both by Pinochet’s forces and by civilians seeking vengeance and. given the situation, many of their bodies went unidentified. Jasper states that “we have seen no evidence to sustain the charges that Pinochet ordered, knew of, or approved of, any plan for the use of murder or torture against his political opponents”.

Once Nixon was involved and determined to make the system fail one can not determine if those were false flag operations.


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