Mozilla examined 25 different vehicle brands, and every single one of them “failed to meet the nonprofit organization’s minimum privacy standard''

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
No Privacy and Security section here, so I guess the General will have to do.

This is just disturbing. Seems like they're getting closer and closer to full spectrum dominance. I have no use for this stuff. If you really take time to click through a lot of the lnks within the articles you uncover some really questionable, shady practices.

But I I doubt average consumers will even pay attention, honestly.

''All 25 of the car brands that were researched for the report — including Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen, BMW, and Tesla — failed to meet the nonprofit organization’s minimum privacy standards and were found to collect more personal data from customers than necessary. The kind of information collected varies from personal information like medical data to how drivers are using the vehicle itself — such as how fast they drive, where they drive, and even the music they listen to. Both Nissan and Kia are noted to allow the collection of information regarding a user’s sex life. By contrast, Mozilla claims that 37 percent of mental health apps (which also have a poor reputation for data privacy) had better practices for collecting and using personal data.

Eighty-four percent of the reviewed car brands share personal user data with service providers, data brokers, and potentially sketchy businesses, according to the report, with 76 percent claiming the right to sell that personal data. Fifty-six percent are willing to share user information with the government and / or law enforcement if requested.''


Volkswagen says it’s putting ChatGPT in its cars for ‘enriching conversations’

Nissan’s policy says “sexual activity” is an example of the type of sensitive information it can collect. Kia’s mentions “sex life or sexual orientation.”

Subaru’s privacy policy says that even passengers of a car that uses connected services have “consented” to allow them to use -- and maybe even sell -- their personal information just by being inside.
Maybe I've misunderstood here but big business is doing this but it's somehow the government fault?

Well you clearly didn't read through the pieces. But there's a lot of links within links in that piece, so I get it.

Unfortunately, that's how consumers treat the TOS with this stuff. They just sign and agree without reading.

A lot of the questionable collection is being justified by the companies because such language is included in state and Federal Law.

For instance, that's how Kia justified it's collection of data regarding religious and sexual preference/practices.

It's a rabbit hole, pknopp.
Well you clearly didn't read through the pieces. But there's a lot of links within links in that piece, so I get it.

Unfortunately, that's how consumers treat the TOS with this stuff. They just sign and agree without reading.

Again then that's the fault of the government not the businesses doing this?

A lot of the questionable collection is being justified by the companies because such language is included in state and Federal Law.

That's not stated in the story. Again, you seem to want to blame the government for the bad actions of big business.
Again then that's the fault of the government not the businesses doing this?

That's not stated in the story. Again, you seem to want to blame the government for the bad actions of big business.

You didn't read enough. I posted that shit 12 minutes ago.

There's a lot of links to read through once you get to the piece.

You didn't. Clearly.

And use your head. What's the matter with you?
You didn't read enough. I posted that shit 12 minutes ago.

There's a lot of links to read through once you get to the piece.

You didn't. Clearly.

And use your head. What's the matter with you?

I'm asking what your argument is. I read the story you posted. Big business is doing everything they can to gather our personal info and sell it.

What do you expect the government to do or what is it they have done that you disagree with?
What do you expect the government to do or what is it they have done that you disagree with?
Not advocate big biz violating the 4th

Which big biz has been doing for them for quite some time

Not advocate big biz violating the 4th

Which big biz has been doing for them for quite some time


If one signs off on something no one is violating anything so I'm still not sure what is being discussed here.
If one signs off on something no one is violating anything so I'm still not sure what is being discussed here.
True, they were sold and bought the product

Weather they're aware they're being monitored or not isn't the issue PK

It's who is doing the eavesdropping......


Anecdotally , my commercial insurance required i place their GPS on my dashboard, and carry a cell phone where ever i drove

they cataloged all my routes, speed, braking time, etc, all available to them, me, along with anyone they chose to share it with

FF from that to buying parts for one's vehicle, and all one needs do is give them one's plate # , they'll access it all

True, they were sold and bought the product

Weather they're aware they're being monitored or not isn't the issue PK

It's who is doing the eavesdropping......

View attachment 886467

Anecdotally , my commercial insurance required i place their GPS on my dashboard, and carry a cell phone where ever i drove

You could have went with another company.

You opted into that for a lower rate.

they cataloged all my routes, speed, braking time, etc, all available to them, me, along with anyone they chose to share it with

FF from that to buying parts for one's vehicle, and all one needs do is give them one's plate # , they'll access it all


And the government had what to do with that? That was my original question based upon the OP.
You could have went with another company.

You opted into that for a lower rate.
I called around to quite a few, same deal PK
And the government had what to do with that? That was my original question based upon the OP.
Our government can't openly violate the 4th, so they have big biz do their dirty work for them , because they CAN violate our rights

I called around to quite a few, same deal PK

Our government can't openly violate the 4th, so they have big biz do their dirty work for them , because they CAN violate our rights


It wasn't shown that these businesses are using this info for anything other than their benefit.
This thread makes me glad I drive a sixteen year old Toyota Tundra.


Unfortunatley, government is starting to mandate that only the electric ipads on wheels can be sold new in many states.

And that's where all of this infrastructure being implemented and normalized will get rolling in an Orwellian way.

That's kind of what I meant by saying that folks need to use their heads and think things through a little better with regard to how this is all being rolled out.

But whatever. I'm slightly over 50. So I won't be buying any of them.

I prefer good old fashioned American muscle anyway. I can get by just fine without all of that Orwellian screwery.
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I'm actually waiting for the day that they're so bold with their arbitrary emergency delclarations that they start disabling cars on the premise of, screw you, you aren't going anywhere, you're not, in our view, ''essential.''

They've pretty much normalized that whole ''essential'' citizen thing already. And they've normalized arbitrary emergency declarations and lockdowns.

Legislation is already submitted to mandate that they install remote disable. I've posted that around here some place.

And these cars are basically being built with the infrastructure in place to monitor, record and report every little thing that you or your passengers do.

I think these are the initial steps in what will most likely become valuable utilies for authoritarians.

Next thing you know they'll be snooping on drivers of other vehicles on the roadways.

Reason #73 why I'm a fan of privatizing muh roads.

And donlt even get me started o nthat whole ''smart home'' stuff. Hooo leee sht. Now there's quite a tangled web...
It wasn't shown that these businesses are using this info for anything other than their benefit.
anything that goes over the 'net is open game PK

having worked with local PD for quite a while saw on board computers in their cruisers

#1 bust for them is social media



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