Mr. President, Marines Still Use Bayonets

The larger point here is lost:

The Navy says they need a specific number of vessels to perform their job.

Obama says they need fewer.

Who do you think knows more about it -- the Navy, or Obama?

For the record, Raving negged me for this post.

She really does think the President knows more about what the Navy needs to perform its mission than does the Navy.

The larger point here is lost:

The Navy says they need a specific number of vessels to perform their job.

Obama says they need fewer.

Who do you think knows more about it -- the Navy, or Obama?

And where is the Navy going to come up with the money for toys they don't need?

We operate more Aircraft carriers than the rest of the world combined, and most of those countries are out allies.

It's kind of silly for us to spend 6% of GDP on defense when Japan and Germany are spending less than 1% and investing the monies saved into infrastructure and education that make them more competitive.

One F-22 Raptor costs more than the entire PBS Subsidy. And yet we have never deployed the Raptor to a combat zone.

Boys and their toys.
Whiny little bitches don't get to decide what assets we need to defend this nation and her interests.

And just so's you know, moron, Japan and Germany don't have to spend much on defense due to our presence in their nations.
The larger point here is lost:

The Navy says they need a specific number of vessels to perform their job.

Obama says they need fewer.

Who do you think knows more about it -- the Navy, or Obama?

And you have a link to where the Navy says it needs more than the President is willing to provide?

Of course. : False Claims in Final Debate

Smallest Navy Since 1917?

Romney repeated the claim that our “Navy is smaller now than any time since 1917,” which isn’t technically true. There were 342 total active ships as of April 6, 1917, when the U.S. entered World War I. There were 282 active duty ships as of April 2012, according to a Congressional Research Service report in August. That’s down from the Naval History and Heritage Command’s count of 285 as of September 2011. However, 282 ships is the same number in service during George W. Bush’s last year in office, and a slight increase over the number in 2007, when the size of the fleet was actually at its lowest.

More important, ships today can do more than they used to, so having fewer doesn’t necessarily translate to a weaker Navy. In April, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said that comparing today’s ships to those of years past is “like comparing the telegraph to the smartphone.” Navy officials presented a plan to Congress back in March projecting that the size of the Naval fleet could increase to 300 ships by 2019. That’s the amount that Mabus said the Navy needs to meet its defense needs.
Historically, the 'big wigs' in the military have often gotten it wrong about weapons and systems.
The larger point here is lost:

The Navy says they need a specific number of vessels to perform their job.

Obama says they need fewer.

Who do you think knows more about it -- the Navy, or Obama?

And where is the Navy going to come up with the money for toys they don't need?

We operate more Aircraft carriers than the rest of the world combined, and most of those countries are out allies.

It's kind of silly for us to spend 6% of GDP on defense when Japan and Germany are spending less than 1% and investing the monies saved into infrastructure and education that make them more competitive.

One F-22 Raptor costs more than the entire PBS Subsidy. And yet we have never deployed the Raptor to a combat zone.

Boys and their toys.
Whiny little bitches don't get to decide what assets we need to defend this nation and her interests.

And just so's you know, moron, Japan and Germany don't have to spend much on defense due to our presence in their nations.

Great...let's subsidize Germany and Japan's military budget with our tax dollars....wonderful point.
The larger point here is lost:

The Navy says they need a specific number of vessels to perform their job.

Obama says they need fewer.

Who do you think knows more about it -- the Navy, or Obama?

MARINETTE, Wis. (AP) -- Congress has approved the Navy's plan to buy 20 advanced combat ships, a move expected to create thousands of jobs in Wisconsin, Michigan and Alabama.

The plan was included in the budget bill that President Barack Obama signed into law Wednesday. It authorizes the Navy to buy 10 warships each from Marinette Marine Corp. in Marinette, Wis., and Austal USA in Mobile, Ala.

Congress Approves Navy Ships Built in Wisconsin - TODAY'S TMJ4

The answer to your question is Obama.

And, negged for lying.
From your link:
(Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)​

From THIS year:
New defense cuts threaten bases, shipyards - NBC Politics
The Obama budget also threatens to shut manufacturing and repair facilities, such as the 212-year old Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, which sits on an island between Maine and New Hampshire.
Obama’s budget blueprint calls for defense outlays to drop by 5 percent over the next two years, and fall from 19 percent of federal spending this year to 13 percent by 2022.


Sen. John McCain, R- Ariz., told Panetta that “perhaps most disturbing of all” was the fact that at a time when U.S. strategy is increasingly focusing on East Asia and the Pacific, “this budget would reduce shipbuilding by 28 percent.”​

Looks like Romney was right, after all, doesn't it?
Dem's are notorious for getting our forces into conflicts unprepared. Shit happens. There is nothing wrong with being prepared and ready. You are lost in your own spin.

Army Spc. Thomas Wilson: Why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills for pieces of scrap metal and compromised ballistic glass to up-armor our vehicles? And why don;t we have those resources readily available to us?

Donald Rumsfeld: It isn't a matter of money. It isn't a matter on the part of the army of desire. It's a matter of production and capability of doing it. As you know, ah, you go to war with the army you have---not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.---You can have all the armor in the world on a tank and it can (still) be blown up...

Rumsfeld made an accurate statement.
And where is the Navy going to come up with the money for toys they don't need?

We operate more Aircraft carriers than the rest of the world combined, and most of those countries are out allies.

It's kind of silly for us to spend 6% of GDP on defense when Japan and Germany are spending less than 1% and investing the monies saved into infrastructure and education that make them more competitive.

One F-22 Raptor costs more than the entire PBS Subsidy. And yet we have never deployed the Raptor to a combat zone.

Boys and their toys.
Whiny little bitches don't get to decide what assets we need to defend this nation and her interests.

And just so's you know, moron, Japan and Germany don't have to spend much on defense due to our presence in their nations.

Great...let's subsidize Germany and Japan's military budget with our tax dollars....wonderful point.
Are you willing to make the case that we don't need a presence in Japan and Germany?

I'm watching the replay right now...he said fewer horses and bayonets.
Anyone that says otherwise is simply wrong.

He was trying to paint Romney as old fashioned by saying he doesn't understand how the military works now by pointing out two things the military doesn't use any more. He failed.
Whiny little bitches don't get to decide what assets we need to defend this nation and her interests.

And just so's you know, moron, Japan and Germany don't have to spend much on defense due to our presence in their nations.

Great...let's subsidize Germany and Japan's military budget with our tax dollars....wonderful point.
Are you willing to make the case that we don't need a presence in Japan and Germany?

That's not what I said....Are you willing to make the case that we need to fund their military?
Poor liberals having to walk it back now.. ROFL!!!!!!!! The IDIOT Barry wouldn't know a weapon if it hit him in his blue lips!
.....As if he'd have needed one, to kick "Mitten's" ass......


The so-called Chicken Hawk will get more votes from the Military than the incumbent.

I'm watching the replay right now...he said fewer horses and bayonets.
Anyone that says otherwise is simply wrong.

He was trying to paint Romney as old fashioned by saying he doesn't understand how the military works now by pointing out two things the military doesn't use any more. He failed.

You failed. Unless you can provide the exact quote when and where the President said that the military doesn't use bayonets or horses. The Army's basic training no long includes bayonets.

Face it Mr. Sketch tried to smack the Preisdent, and just got stomped.

I'm watching the replay right now...he said fewer horses and bayonets.
Anyone that says otherwise is simply wrong.

He was trying to paint Romney as old fashioned by saying he doesn't understand how the military works now by pointing out two things the military doesn't use any more. He failed.

So the president's actual words show hold less weight than what the anti-Obama people on the internet would like to believe he said?

Let me ask you. How many ships do you think we should have, based on your opinion that we don't need any government at all?

The larger point here is lost:

The Navy says they need a specific number of vessels to perform their job.

Obama says they need fewer.

Who do you think knows more about it -- the Navy, or Obama?

And where is the Navy going to come up with the money for toys they don't need?

We operate more Aircraft carriers than the rest of the world combined, and most of those countries are out allies.

It's kind of silly for us to spend 6% of GDP on defense when Japan and Germany are spending less than 1% and investing the monies saved into infrastructure and education that make them more competitive.

One F-22 Raptor costs more than the entire PBS Subsidy. And yet we have never deployed the Raptor to a combat zone.

Boys and their toys.
Whiny little bitches don't get to decide what assets we need to defend this nation and her interests.

And just so's you know, moron, Japan and Germany don't have to spend much on defense due to our presence in their nations.

So why is it in our interests to spend money we can't afford to spend to defend Japan and Germany?

Why isnt it their interests to spend money to defend us, or, at least, defend themselves?

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