Mr. President, Marines Still Use Bayonets

He just sounded like a condescending prick when he made the comments he did, turned a lot of people off, it didn't help his cause to those who are yet undecided. That's all that matters at this point.

i watched Cnn for all three and they had that ticker at the bottom measuring reactions from undecided voters. In all three debates whenever EITHER of them went negative it turned them off.

That being said the sarcastic joke was great. I love sarcastic comebacks.

I suggest you change your tampon.
Anyone want to bet on how may M-7s the US Army has issued in the last 10 years?
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Our Military still uses horses to charge into battle? I must have missed that part of my basic training.

Here is a picture of US Army forces in 2001.


awesome picture, it really proves nothing at all. You want a picture of some guys in a tank?
He just sounded like a condescending prick when he made the comments he did, turned a lot of people off, it didn't help his cause to those who are yet undecided. That's all that matters at this point.

i watched Cnn for all three and they had that ticker at the bottom measuring reactions from undecided voters. In all three debates whenever EITHER of them went negative it turned them off.

That being said the sarcastic joke was great. I love sarcastic comebacks.

I suggest you change your tampon.

poor babies... all het up that mittens got trounced. they were running around smug, obnoxious and happy after the first debate.

they'll get over it.

or not.
EVERY Marine still trains and uses a BAYONET.. no amount of spin from the Zombie NUTS can change that MORON's words..


Take a look at this.....

the logo for the mairne corps martial arts program..... oh...look at that...a bayonet.
Also... take a look at the training pics.... oh my...what is that.... bayonet training.....

FEWER: To mean less.

NONE: Absent, nothing.

Are you able to see the difference?

This one is going too far. I no longer think the right wing is just wrong. Now, they've proven that their fucking MORONIC.

How is the hog where you live.... just wondering.?

but back to topic.

Do i say anything about fewer or nothing? Do you see that difference?
He just sounded like a condescending prick when he made the comments he did, turned a lot of people off, it didn't help his cause to those who are yet undecided. That's all that matters at this point.

i watched Cnn for all three and they had that ticker at the bottom measuring reactions from undecided voters. In all three debates whenever EITHER of them went negative it turned them off.

That being said the sarcastic joke was great. I love sarcastic comebacks.

I suggest you change your tampon.

poor babies... all het up that mittens got trounced. they were running around smug, obnoxious and happy after the first debate.

they'll get over it.

or not.

i didn't see it....i feel asleep. :eusa_shhh:
He just sounded like a condescending prick when he made the comments he did, turned a lot of people off, it didn't help his cause to those who are yet undecided. That's all that matters at this point.

i watched Cnn for all three and they had that ticker at the bottom measuring reactions from undecided voters. In all three debates whenever EITHER of them went negative it turned them off.

That being said the sarcastic joke was great. I love sarcastic comebacks.

I suggest you change your tampon.

poor babies... all het up that mittens got trounced. they were running around smug, obnoxious and happy after the first debate.

they'll get over it.

or not.

Yeah, he's so "trounced" that he's still in the lead. Real "trouncing"! Obieshithead can't even do that right.
He just sounded like a condescending prick when he made the comments he did, turned a lot of people off, it didn't help his cause to those who are yet undecided. That's all that matters at this point.

it's only condescension in the eyes of those who think mitt would make a good president. was classic. I was LOLing over that one.
Not to worry, if Romney is elected we will see a lot more horses in the military, and more massed infantry charges against machine guns, but our boys will have bayonets. Romney may also reintroduce the old British-Regular tactics of standing upright in red coated ranks when firing at the enemy. The red coats made it easier to see them. The Democrats and military have dropped a lot of old good tried and true military tactics including the cavalry sabre charge, I can see a new poem emerging Romney's Light Brigade.

Wait till Mitt brings out his 1916 Navy

Cast iron riveted hulls, coal fired engines, Civil War era Monitors, cannons

Hey they might not be worth much in a fight....but there will be alot of them

He must miss Teddy Roosevelt's White Fleet. Which sailed around the world.....being obsolete by the time it got home.
I see the Romney crowd is returning the the "hissyfits and butthurt" strategy that dug them into this hole in the first place.

Good. After all, there's nothing America loves more than a bunch of sore losers.
He was trying to paint Romney as old fashioned by saying he doesn't understand how the military works now by pointing out two things the military doesn't use any more. He failed.

So the president's actual words show hold less weight than what the anti-Obama people on the internet would like to believe he said?

Let me ask you. How many ships do you think we should have, based on your opinion that we don't need any government at all?


His exact words?

Bob, I just need to comment on this. First of all, the sequester is not something that I proposed. It’s something that Congress has proposed. It will not happen. The budget that we’re talking about is not reducing our military spending. It’s maintaining it. But I think Governor Romney maybe hasn’t spent enough time looking at how our military works. You — you mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets — (laughter) — because the nature of our military’s changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines.
And so the question is not a game of Battleship where we’re counting ships. It’s — it’s what are our capabilities.
And so when I sit down with the secretary of the Navy and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, we determine how are we going to be best able to meet all of our defense needs in a way that also keeps faith with our troops, that also makes sure that our veterans have the kind of support that they need when they come home. And that is not reflected in the kind of budget that you’re putting forward, because it just don’t work.
Gee, look at that, I was right, he was trying to portray Romney as not understanding how the military works today. In the process he lied about the fact that sequestration was proposed by the White House, not Congress, he lied about the year Romney is using as a baseline, and he lied about the fact that the Navy specifically thinks it needs more ships than we have.

Want to try and tell me about Obama's exact words and how I am misrepresenting his intention again?

Please try to make your desperate attempts at obfuscation shorter, if you don't mind. If you're going to be stupid, the least you could do is be brief.

You claimed the president said we never use bayonets any more. He didn't. You lied. He didn't.

Now go back and answer my question.
Our Military still uses horses to charge into battle? I must have missed that part of my basic training.

Looks like you absolutely did..

Let's Not Forget The Reasons Why The Military Still Has Horses (And Bayonets) - Business Insider


Most notably horses saw use in the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, when Special Operations soldiers rode them into combat with the Northern Alliance, against the Taliban

Ok I didn't know about that.
Looks like you absolutely did..

Let's Not Forget The Reasons Why The Military Still Has Horses (And Bayonets) - Business Insider


Most notably horses saw use in the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, when Special Operations soldiers rode them into combat with the Northern Alliance, against the Taliban


That is why we have as many horses today as we did in 1916

What's it like to be the 21% of the populace who has to make constant excuses, lies, and carry the stank bathwater of a man who isn't fit to tie a Marine's shoe much less be his Commander? Being down on your knee's for that long must be leavin marks by now.. LOL Carry on..

It's always more fun to imagine granny gunslinger making these rants with her teeth out.
The best part is, the Right WOULD bring back the Cavalry, on horses, if they thought it was a way they could waste a few hundred more billions of tax dollars on anything military.
So the president's actual words show hold less weight than what the anti-Obama people on the internet would like to believe he said?

Let me ask you. How many ships do you think we should have, based on your opinion that we don't need any government at all?


His exact words?

Bob, I just need to comment on this. First of all, the sequester is not something that I proposed. It’s something that Congress has proposed. It will not happen. The budget that we’re talking about is not reducing our military spending. It’s maintaining it. But I think Governor Romney maybe hasn’t spent enough time looking at how our military works. You — you mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets — (laughter) — because the nature of our military’s changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines.
And so the question is not a game of Battleship where we’re counting ships. It’s — it’s what are our capabilities.
And so when I sit down with the secretary of the Navy and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, we determine how are we going to be best able to meet all of our defense needs in a way that also keeps faith with our troops, that also makes sure that our veterans have the kind of support that they need when they come home. And that is not reflected in the kind of budget that you’re putting forward, because it just don’t work.
Gee, look at that, I was right, he was trying to portray Romney as not understanding how the military works today. In the process he lied about the fact that sequestration was proposed by the White House, not Congress, he lied about the year Romney is using as a baseline, and he lied about the fact that the Navy specifically thinks it needs more ships than we have.

Want to try and tell me about Obama's exact words and how I am misrepresenting his intention again?

Please try to make your desperate attempts at obfuscation shorter, if you don't mind. If you're going to be stupid, the least you could do is be brief.

You claimed the president said we never use bayonets any more. He didn't. You lied. He didn't.

Now go back and answer my question.

No, I said he tried to paint Romney as out of touch with how the military works. In the process, he mentioned three things we thought we no longer use, battleships, horses, and bayonets. He was wrong about two of them.

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