Mr. President ***TERMINATE*** MUELLER & ROSENSTEIN , with prejudice


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Rosenstein and Mueller Running for Cover Leaving Brennan Exposed

By Paul Craig Roberts

Now the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein confirms what I told you in my previous post. Mueller found no evidence that Russia had any impact on the outcome of the 2016 election.

So what was Russiagate all about?

It was exactly, precisely what I told you it was about from the very begining. It was a conspiracy orchestrated by the military/security complex, CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committed against Donald Trump.


Fuck Lindsey Graham (R-ISIS Caliphate), the NEVER-TRUMPER doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.


Perhaps there was a Russiangate but they're concentrating their efforts in the wrong direction and a independent committee should investigate the opponent..... and themselves.


Rosenstein and Mueller Running for Cover Leaving Brennan Exposed

By Paul Craig Roberts

Now the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein confirms what I told you in my previous post. Mueller found no evidence that Russia had any impact on the outcome of the 2016 election.

So what was Russiagate all about?

It was exactly, precisely what I told you it was about from the very begining. It was a conspiracy orchestrated by the military/security complex, CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committed against Donald Trump.


Fuck Lindsey Graham (R-ISIS Caliphate), the NEVER-TRUMPER doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Lol what a hoot


Perhaps there was a Russiangate but they're concentrating their efforts in the wrong direction and should investigate the opponent..... and themselves.



No there wasn't.

The stupid demo_rats, the deep statists and swamp dwellers believed the fake polls and actually thought that HRC was going to win by a landslide so now the stupid fucks want to re-do the 2016 election.

Rosenstein and Mueller Running for Cover Leaving Brennan Exposed

By Paul Craig Roberts

Now the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein confirms what I told you in my previous post. Mueller found no evidence that Russia had any impact on the outcome of the 2016 election.

So what was Russiagate all about?

It was exactly, precisely what I told you it was about from the very begining. It was a conspiracy orchestrated by the military/security complex, CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committed against Donald Trump.


Fuck Lindsey Graham (R-ISIS Caliphate), the NEVER-TRUMPER doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Lol what a hoot

Funny as shit
Rosenstein and Mueller Running for Cover Leaving Brennan Exposed

By Paul Craig Roberts

Now the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein confirms what I told you in my previous post. Mueller found no evidence that Russia had any impact on the outcome of the 2016 election.

So what was Russiagate all about?

It was exactly, precisely what I told you it was about from the very begining. It was a conspiracy orchestrated by the military/security complex, CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committed against Donald Trump.


Fuck Lindsey Graham (R-ISIS Caliphate), the NEVER-TRUMPER doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Lol what a hoot

Funny as shit

Trump’s emphasis during his presidential campaign on normalizing relations with Russia, which the neocon Obama regime had turned into “America’s most dangerous enemy,” was a threat to the power and budgets of the military/security complex. Without a demonized enemy, what is the justification for a 1,000 billion annual budget and the laws passed in the 21st century that completely destroy the protections provided by the US Constitution?

Perhaps there was a Russiangate but they're concentrating their efforts in the wrong direction and should investigate the opponent..... and themselves.



No there wasn't.

The stupid demo_rats, the deep statists and swamp dwellers believed the fake polls and actually thought that HRC was going to win by a landslide so now the stupid fucks want to re-do the 2016 election.



I believe I've read somewhere a few times that the fake dossiers were created with Russian collaboration, but not necessarily Putin's, and that the opponent (DNC) was the one that helped finance the dossiers..... Sounds like collaboration to me.



Perhaps there was a Russiangate but they're concentrating their efforts in the wrong direction and should investigate the opponent..... and themselves.



No there wasn't.

The stupid demo_rats, the deep statists and swamp dwellers believed the fake polls and actually thought that HRC was going to win by a landslide so now the stupid fucks want to re-do the 2016 election.


View attachment 183571

I believe I've read somewhere a few times that the fake dossiers were created with Russian collaboration, but not necessarily Putin's, and that the opponent (DNC) was the one that helped finance the dossiers..... Sounds like collaboration to me.



Putin was not going to allow Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence (MI6) officer assigned to Russia, back into the Country. So Steele hired some Russians to concoct the story for several rubles.

Rosenstein and Mueller Running for Cover Leaving Brennan Exposed

By Paul Craig Roberts

Now the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein confirms what I told you in my previous post. Mueller found no evidence that Russia had any impact on the outcome of the 2016 election.

So what was Russiagate all about?

It was exactly, precisely what I told you it was about from the very begining. It was a conspiracy orchestrated by the military/security complex, CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committed against Donald Trump.


Fuck Lindsey Graham (R-ISIS Caliphate), the NEVER-TRUMPER doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.


Nope, let it play out. All the regressives are hanging their hat on Mueller will find some financial crime to get Trump with. I just smile when I see that kind of crap, because in the demented memory of regressives, they don't realize that the IRS has been firmly planted in Trumps ass for the last decade.

Rosenstein and Mueller Running for Cover Leaving Brennan Exposed

By Paul Craig Roberts

Now the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein confirms what I told you in my previous post. Mueller found no evidence that Russia had any impact on the outcome of the 2016 election.

So what was Russiagate all about?

It was exactly, precisely what I told you it was about from the very begining. It was a conspiracy orchestrated by the military/security complex, CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committed against Donald Trump.


Fuck Lindsey Graham (R-ISIS Caliphate), the NEVER-TRUMPER doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.


Nope, let it play out. All the regressives are hanging their hat that Mueller will find some financial crime to get Trump with. I just smile when I see that kind of crap, because in the demented memory of regressives, they don't realize that the IRS has been firmly planted in Trumps ass for the last decade.


There are THREE BRANCHES OF government , not four.

The President is the CONSTITUTIONAL HEAD of the executive branch.

Neither Congress nor SCOTUS can tell him how to run the presidency.

An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed.

Norton v. Shelby County,
118 U.S. 425 (1886)

Rosenstein and Mueller Running for Cover Leaving Brennan Exposed

By Paul Craig Roberts

Now the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein confirms what I told you in my previous post. Mueller found no evidence that Russia had any impact on the outcome of the 2016 election.

So what was Russiagate all about?

It was exactly, precisely what I told you it was about from the very begining. It was a conspiracy orchestrated by the military/security complex, CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committed against Donald Trump.


Fuck Lindsey Graham (R-ISIS Caliphate), the NEVER-TRUMPER doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.


Nope, let it play out. All the regressives are hanging their hat that Mueller will find some financial crime to get Trump with. I just smile when I see that kind of crap, because in the demented memory of regressives, they don't realize that the IRS has been firmly planted in Trumps ass for the last decade.


There are THREE BRANCHES OF government , not four.

The President is the CONSTITUTIONAL HEAD of the executive branch.

Neither Congress nor SCOTUS can tell him how to run the presidency.

An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed.

Norton v. Shelby County,
118 U.S. 425 (1886)


And that has what to do with what I said?

Rosenstein and Mueller Running for Cover Leaving Brennan Exposed

By Paul Craig Roberts

Now the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein confirms what I told you in my previous post. Mueller found no evidence that Russia had any impact on the outcome of the 2016 election.

So what was Russiagate all about?

It was exactly, precisely what I told you it was about from the very begining. It was a conspiracy orchestrated by the military/security complex, CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committed against Donald Trump.


Fuck Lindsey Graham (R-ISIS Caliphate), the NEVER-TRUMPER doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

As a con troll, you are entertaining. You make accusations without proof, and with no link to sources. Because you are not smart enough to know you need impartial sources to prove anything. And, since you are a con troll, you do not know what impartial means. And besides, you think someone believes you without all that effort.
Shat is really amusing is that you believe you have the chops to be believed. Truth is, you have no chops, just stupidity. Which you have in spades.
Thanks for wasting my time again, dipshit.


Perhaps there was a Russiangate but they're concentrating their efforts in the wrong direction and should investigate the opponent..... and themselves.



No there wasn't.

The stupid demo_rats, the deep statists and swamp dwellers believed the fake polls and actually thought that HRC was going to win by a landslide so now the stupid fucks want to re-do the 2016 election.

View attachment 183571

I believe I've read somewhere a few times that the fake dossiers were created with Russian collaboration, but not necessarily Putin's, and that the opponent (DNC) was the one that helped finance the dossiers..... Sounds like collaboration to me.



Putin was not going to allow Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence (MI6) officer assigned to Russia, back into the Country. So Steele hired some Russians to concoct the story for several rubles.

I would ask you for proof, but I know better. You are just a con troll pushing drivel, and con talking points. Poor ignorant con trolls. It is congenital idiocy that you are afflicted with. Not your fault. Congenital. Just plain bad luck.
Rosenstein and Mueller Running for Cover Leaving Brennan Exposed

By Paul Craig Roberts

Now the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein confirms what I told you in my previous post. Mueller found no evidence that Russia had any impact on the outcome of the 2016 election.

So what was Russiagate all about?

It was exactly, precisely what I told you it was about from the very begining. It was a conspiracy orchestrated by the military/security complex, CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committed against Donald Trump.


Fuck Lindsey Graham (R-ISIS Caliphate), the NEVER-TRUMPER doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

That is not the question. Whether they had a effect on the election is something we will never know. We do know Russia wanted Trump to win.

There was no conspiracy except among you crazy kooks. You should know Trump's ass because you have your tongue stuck up it so much.

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