Mr. Rossi Goes to Market, Dr. Miley and Others Hope to Follow


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Mr. Rossi Goes to Market, Dr. Miley and Others Hope to Follow

Italian inventor Andrea Rossi continues with commercialization of his e-Cat (energy catalyzer). In addition to the 1MW plant he tested and reportedly sold to an unnamed customer, he also reports already having sold two or more additional units. He reports that these were to customers in the USA and Europe. While he states that the new customers are not requesting the same level of secrecy, a certain amount of discretion will still be exercised, adding that eventually the identity of his customers will inevitably become apparent. Mr. Rossi reports having production facilities in Bedford, NH and Miami, FL, and plans for the next year are to sell from 30 to 100 1MW cold fusion plants, at a cost of 2 million Euros or 2.8 million U.S. Dollars. This information can be found on Mr. Rossi’s blog, Journal of Nuclear Physics .

While the Associated Press was present at the October 28th test of Mr., Rossi’s 1 MW cold fusion plant, they have yet to run a story covering the event. Whether they are exercising prudence or something less noble remains to be seen. AP reporter Peter Svensson, who was present at the test, has tweeted several times on the subject in response to inquiries about the event. On Monday, October 31, Mr. Svensson tweeted “Sorry, I can’t tell you anything at this point.” Later that day he tweeted again, stating “Sorry, we don’t comment on coverage plans.” These rather cryptic tweets were followed yesterday by “All I can say is “stay tuned.” For whatever reason the AP continues to keep this story under wraps, in the end it may be inconsequential. Other news outlets have begun to report on the story, from Fox News, CNN, Forbes and Discovery News, to popular publications in such places as Sweden, Russia and Italy. Perhaps the most balanced story I have seen on the subject so
Commercial customers interested in the e-Cat can contact Mr. Rossi and his associates at [email protected] .

While Rossi’s cold fusion e-Cat is starting to gain some much deserved attention, it needs to be pointed out that there are others seeking to commercialize this technology. One of these entities is Dr. George Miley, whose work was discussed in a previous article. That article has created a lot of interest and this site continues to get hundreds of hits a day in regards to it. Much of that interest has been based on the fact that a mainstream and well-respected scientist was successfully replicating cold fusion experiments and had made mention of Andrea Rossi and his work. However, since the posting of that article video has become available from the World Green Symposium in Philadelphia, in which Dr. Miley indicates that his work is much farther along than previously reported. According to him, his cell is highly reliable and now produces a couple hundred watts of heat in excess of input power. He reports that he has been in talks with NASA to place his cell in space probes, as NASA’s current power supply for the probes, plutonium-239, is no longer being produced. The video is available for viewing here but below I have taken the liberty of transcribing some of the pertinent comments covering this in more detail. If you chose to watch the video, Dr. Miley’s presentation begins at the 5:15 mark .
far was posted on the site of a U.S. Daily newspaper Falls Church News Press of Falls Church, Virginia, which is about 10 miles outside of Washington, D.C. I would strongly urge all readers to take a look at this article .

Mr. Rossi Goes to Market, Dr. Miley and Others Hope to Follow | e-Cat Site

Now this is WHAT I CALL GREEN RENEWABLE ENERGY. This is a energy we all can get behind.
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2.8 million dollars a piece for these cold fusion machines, so I seriously doubt it is a fraud this time. Time to start pushing it hard, so we can have a real clean, workable, economic energy to replace fossil fuels. Since we're anyways going to be forced in that direction. To hell with solar and wind.

You lose bicycle leftist. Haha, we get to have clean and economic energy if this is true!!!
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Well, I hope that this is for real, but until someone like the Underwriters Laboratories test it, I find the claims a bit on the fantastic side.
I don't know, call me skeptical but it sounds too good to be true.. I mean no major breakthroughs led to this machine. It seems like it was just "oops look I created a cold fusion machine".. Seems too much to me...
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We can all be skeptical until the first one is running and making electricy, but this is some charts of energy input and output. This if true would pretty much end Solar, wind, coal, natural gas, ect.

It takes energy to get going, but then it keeps making energy with NO input.:eek: I understand the elements hold a crap load of energy, so this doesn't break wirebenders law either. What is so weird is that it's so cool and No deadly radiation. The difference between HOT fusion and Cold fusion is not as hot as the in side of a star and has far lower output. Cold fusion is one heavy element and one light element.


This was for the OCT 6 test.

Heres a video
[ame=]See the E-cat run in self-sustained mode - YouTube[/ame]
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Again, Mathew, until an independent credible lab runs the thing, I will remain very skeptical. Saw too many fancy graphs and such in the last seven decades to be impressed with them.
there ARE weird things that happen in physics eg superconduction at less than absolute zero but I would be a lot more comfortable if this project was being headed by someone who didnt have a history of fraud in his background.
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I'm more or less on the fence with this. A wait and see. Once the Customer comes forward and give his/her opinion on rather it works then that's what matters. The question is "if" it works than why? If we don't know why...In this could be a nuclear reaction then is it really safe to be saling??? Someone could screw up and blow their city off the face of the planet.
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