Mr. Spock: a new Ice Age about to appear

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Remember these warnings? I remember th '78 winter. More snow for my region than I'd ever seen. Then, 2014, the worst cold id ever seen.

Damn sun spots! Not enough spots. Its about to get cold..... not enough spots.
Remember these warnings? I remember th '78 winter. More snow for my region than I'd ever seen. Then, 2014, the worst cold id ever seen.

Shit's on its way.

Am I or am I not gonna get those Palm Trees in Duluth?

I want warming dammit, its cold outside.
Am I or am I not gonna get those Palm Trees in Duluth?

I want warming dammit, its cold outside.
A cold planet is a dead planet.

Burn more carbon dammit!
I have a V8, boat, snowmobiles. I burn as much as I can, but can never keep up with a carbon burning whore like Al Gore. That fat ass burns at least 50 times more than me. I am an amateur in comparison.
If it is all that cold, where is the ice?

Daily Image Update
Read scientific analysis on Arctic sea ice conditions. We provide an update during the first week of each month, or more frequently as conditions warrant.


Click for high-resolution image. —Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center

Antarctic daily images
Now that doesn't look very cold;


You've posted up that phony map 1,000 times now. Hasnt moved the needle a smidge in 10 years....still nobody is caring.

I'd say time to consider some new material???:113::113:
Now you lying fuck, that map has changed every day of the year it has been posted. And it is the work of scientists, not weird conspiracy theorists that believe in hollow moons and chem trails.

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