Mr. Trump please be careful, once you release the hate, its hard getting it back

Now you just lost all
REALLY? And you say Trump supporters are dumb.
I loathe non-Ricardian Free Trade and Trump has been criticizing it for 20 years.

If that is the case, than why to this day, his family and himself still do business with China in making his products? Oh, miss me on this shit he's a fuckin business man. If he believes in America's workers and hold dear his loathing of policy deals, than why use those same deals and AND AND GET A TAX INCENTIVE FOR boost profits for his manufactureing lines? You can't have your cake and eat it to
Ricardian Free Trade does NOT mean NO Trade or off-shoring.
I don't give a shit what it means, now answer the question or move on
You sound like a neo-Con.
Take 10 minutes to read up on Ricardian Free Trade before you post anything stupid again.

For the last and final time, answer the question or poof begone
And just for the record, I was trying to give Trump some historical knowledge. White people are dangerous creatures, always have been and will continue to be so. You can not incite these people to a dangerous pitch and expect it to just go away once you either win or lose the white house. This hostile environment that he's creating will only grow angrier and more dangerous as the election ensues and I'm sorry, your race is crazy. You people are not normal, that's just fact

You're a racist POS. That's just a fact.
"Mr. Trump please be careful, once you release the hate, its hard getting it back"

Too late.
Put it this way, those on the losing end, won't be blacks, latino's or any other race...but yours. The biggest mistake you white motherfuckers are gonna make is thinking that Jew History will be a me, it ain't going down that way. In a mob, you mf's are keep it that way.
---------------------------------------- so now you are teamed up with latinos ehh ?? I don't think that they would agree TRed !!
I'm not teamed up with anyone...I'm simply pointing out the rhetoric Trump is kickin up about minorities. and pointing out that we ain't jews. And you white people best get that message. Now whether or not we team up, that's a whole new topic, but I can assure you, when whitey starts popin, they better be specific on their targets....BROWN AND BLACK TOGETHER, YOU PEOPLE DON'T HAVE A CHANCE

You obviously are picking up your made-up angry rhetoric in some anti-White Church.
What exactly has Trump said about American minorities?
REALLY? And you say Trump supporters are dumb.
I loathe non-Ricardian Free Trade and Trump has been criticizing it for 20 years.

If that is the case, than why to this day, his family and himself still do business with China in making his products? Oh, miss me on this shit he's a fuckin business man. If he believes in America's workers and hold dear his loathing of policy deals, than why use those same deals and AND AND GET A TAX INCENTIVE FOR boost profits for his manufactureing lines? You can't have your cake and eat it to
Ricardian Free Trade does NOT mean NO Trade or off-shoring.
I don't give a shit what it means, now answer the question or move on
You sound like a neo-Con.
Take 10 minutes to read up on Ricardian Free Trade before you post anything stupid again.

For the last and final time, answer the question or poof begone
I did, retard...RFT must be beneficial to the citizens of all nations involved.
That includes Black Americans.
King, Nov. 19, 1991: Did the David Duke thing bother you? Fifty-five percent of the whites in Louisiana voted for him.

Trump: I hate —

King: Four hundred New Yorkers contributed.

Trump: I hate seeing what it represents, but I guess it just shows there’s a lot of hostility in this country. There’s a tremendous amount of hostility in the United States.

King: Anger?

Trump: It’s anger. I mean, that’s an anger vote. People are angry about what’s happened. People are angry about the jobs. If you look at Louisiana, they’re really in deep trouble. When you talk about the East Coast — it’s not the East Coast. It’s the East Coast, the middle coast, the West Coast — ----Rump's David-Duke Amnesia

Louisiana, Michigan, etc...all republican ran states, with Ky. soon to follow....what voters will realize someday, unless your swamped in money like Texas from oil, Florida from old for a republican in a state where poverty like writing your own obituary of financial ruin.
"Mr. Trump please be careful, once you release the hate, its hard getting it back"

Too late.
Put it this way, those on the losing end, won't be blacks, latino's or any other race...but yours. The biggest mistake you white motherfuckers are gonna make is thinking that Jew History will be a me, it ain't going down that way. In a mob, you mf's are keep it that way.
---------------------------------------- so now you are teamed up with latinos ehh ?? I don't think that they would agree TRed !!
I'm not teamed up with anyone...I'm simply pointing out the rhetoric Trump is kickin up about minorities. and pointing out that we ain't jews. And you white people best get that message. Now whether or not we team up, that's a whole new topic, but I can assure you, when whitey starts popin, they better be specific on their targets....BROWN AND BLACK TOGETHER, YOU PEOPLE DON'T HAVE A CHANCE

You obviously are picking up your made-up angry rhetoric in some anti-White Church.
What exactly has Trump said about American minorities?
Dude if you think for one second I'm gonna rehash all the shit that racist rug wearing simp has spewed, than your very much mistaken. If you are wise, you will move on off this topic and stop with the pandering deflective bs, your trying to maneuver here...I'm not buying it.
They named a street in Washington D.C. after Malcolm X. What does the phrase "release the hatred" mean to the left anyway? If they could really "harness crazy MF's by the busload" half the Obama administration would be on it.

Unlike most conservative rednecks, who never seem to get it. Both Senator Bird and Malcolm, changed their ideology as they matured and grew up. If your interested and I'm sure your not, google it someday.
And miss me on this bullshit about Obama...the most intelligent president this nation has ever ever had.
You used Malcolm X, I didn't. Did you get your metaphors confused? What does "release the hatred" mean. Is it a throwaway phrase invented by the video game generation?
And just for the record, I was trying to give Trump some historical knowledge. White people are dangerous creatures, always have been and will continue to be so. You can not incite these people to a dangerous pitch and expect it to just go away once you either win or lose the white house. This hostile environment that he's creating will only grow angrier and more dangerous as the election ensues and I'm sorry, your race is crazy. You people are not normal, that's just fact

As if I give a rats fuck about your non ending attacks, really

You're a racist POS. That's just a fact.
They named a street in Washington D.C. after Malcolm X. What does the phrase "release the hatred" mean to the left anyway? If they could really "harness crazy MF's by the busload" half the Obama administration would be on it.

Unlike most conservative rednecks, who never seem to get it. Both Senator Bird and Malcolm, changed their ideology as they matured and grew up. If your interested and I'm sure your not, google it someday.
And miss me on this bullshit about Obama...the most intelligent president this nation has ever ever had.
You used Malcolm X, I didn't. Did you get your metaphors confused? What does "release the hatred" mean. Is it a throwaway phrase invented by the video game generation?

I mentioned both Malcom and Wallace because both, although as the years progressed, changed their ways in hating on people. BUT IT WAS TOOO LATE. AND BOTH DIED AS A RESULT OF THAT. Once you get white people crazy, you can't get these people back to normal. Its in your Satanic DNA.
Mr. Trump please be careful, once you release the hate, its hard getting it back

Yes and the liberal left media would know because they've created an artificial race war in anticipation of the 2016 election to try to win back some black votes because these votes were lost when gay marriage was forced on otherwise Christian black voters last Summer. It was a calculation they made long ago. Plus, if you can ramp up racial tensions and revive the 1960s style "bigotry" you can sew your non-racial deviant sex cult's movement on the coattails of racial unrest and catapult that Agenda into anywhere you want using the false premise and manufactured blind outrage of the masses to 'stomp out discrimination!!'
"Mr. Trump please be careful, once you release the hate, its hard getting it back"

Too late.
Put it this way, those on the losing end, won't be blacks, latino's or any other race...but yours. The biggest mistake you white motherfuckers are gonna make is thinking that Jew History will be a me, it ain't going down that way. In a mob, you mf's are keep it that way.
---------------------------------------- so now you are teamed up with latinos ehh ?? I don't think that they would agree TRed !!
I'm not teamed up with anyone...I'm simply pointing out the rhetoric Trump is kickin up about minorities. and pointing out that we ain't jews. And you white people best get that message. Now whether or not we team up, that's a whole new topic, but I can assure you, when whitey starts popin, they better be specific on their targets....BROWN AND BLACK TOGETHER, YOU PEOPLE DON'T HAVE A CHANCE

You obviously are picking up your made-up angry rhetoric in some anti-White Church.
What exactly has Trump said about American minorities?
Dude if you think for one second I'm gonna rehash all the shit that racist rug wearing simp has spewed, than your very much mistaken. If you are wise, you will move on off this topic and stop with the pandering deflective bs, your trying to maneuver here...I'm not buying it.
Since I watched most of the debates so far and have watched at least 3 of Trump's one hour interviews I can only assume you're a racist piece of shit who believes everything you hear from your racist friends.
Mr. Trump please be careful, once you release the hate, its hard getting it back

Yes and the liberal left media would know because they've created an artificial race war in anticipation of the 2016 election to try to win back some black votes because these votes were lost when gay marriage was forced on otherwise Christian black voters last Summer. It was a calculation they made long ago. Plus, if you can ramp up racial tensions and revive the 1960s style "bigotry" you can sew your non-racial deviant sex cult's movement on the coattails of racial unrest and catapult that Agenda into anywhere you want using the false premise and manufactured blind outrage of the masses to 'stomp out discrimination!!'
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz, wake me up when you have something of substance to say, otherwise, goodnight!!
Put it this way, those on the losing end, won't be blacks, latino's or any other race...but yours. The biggest mistake you white motherfuckers are gonna make is thinking that Jew History will be a me, it ain't going down that way. In a mob, you mf's are keep it that way.
---------------------------------------- so now you are teamed up with latinos ehh ?? I don't think that they would agree TRed !!
I'm not teamed up with anyone...I'm simply pointing out the rhetoric Trump is kickin up about minorities. and pointing out that we ain't jews. And you white people best get that message. Now whether or not we team up, that's a whole new topic, but I can assure you, when whitey starts popin, they better be specific on their targets....BROWN AND BLACK TOGETHER, YOU PEOPLE DON'T HAVE A CHANCE

You obviously are picking up your made-up angry rhetoric in some anti-White Church.
What exactly has Trump said about American minorities?
Dude if you think for one second I'm gonna rehash all the shit that racist rug wearing simp has spewed, than your very much mistaken. If you are wise, you will move on off this topic and stop with the pandering deflective bs, your trying to maneuver here...I'm not buying it.
Since I watched most of the debates so far and have watched at least 3 of Trump's one hour interviews I can only assume you're a racist piece of shit who believes everything you hear from your racist friends.

By George, I think you've finally got begone!!
They named a street in Washington D.C. after Malcolm X. What does the phrase "release the hatred" mean to the left anyway? If they could really "harness crazy MF's by the busload" half the Obama administration would be on it.

Unlike most conservative rednecks, who never seem to get it. Both Senator Bird and Malcolm, changed their ideology as they matured and grew up. If your interested and I'm sure your not, google it someday.
And miss me on this bullshit about Obama...the most intelligent president this nation has ever ever had.
You used Malcolm X, I didn't. Did you get your metaphors confused? What does "release the hatred" mean. Is it a throwaway phrase invented by the video game generation?

I mentioned both Malcom and Wallace because both, although as the years progressed, changed their ways in hating on people. BUT IT WAS TOOO LATE. AND BOTH DIED AS A RESULT OF THAT. Once you get white people crazy, you can't get these people back to normal. Its in your Satanic DNA.

What a racist buffoon. Clown show.
JUST ASK THE LATE GEORGE WALLACE AND MALCOM X.......for the remainder of your life, with or without a presidential title, you are gonna have to watch your thing is certain in this country...we harness crazy motherfuckers by the bus loads.

Silly thread.
It is the hate of the perpetrator; not the attitude of the victim that kills and wounds. Just ask JFK, MLK, John Lennon, etc.
Frankly I think that hatred for murderers, rapists, pedophiles, etc. is an entirely sane and healthy attitude and I'm pretty sure that those who don't are probably part of that group of crazy motherfuckers mentioned above.
Meh I'm pretty sure whites have just as many "crazy motherfuckers" to "unleash" as blacks do.
JUST ASK THE LATE GEORGE WALLACE AND MALCOM X.......for the remainder of your life, with or without a presidential title, you are gonna have to watch your thing is certain in this country...we harness crazy motherfuckers by the bus loads.

Silly thread.
It is the hate of the perpetrator; not the attitude of the victim that kills and wounds. Just ask JFK, MLK, John Lennon, etc.
Frankly I think that hatred for murderers, rapists, pedophiles, etc. is an entirely sane and healthy attitude and I'm pretty sure that those who don't are probably part of that group of crazy motherfuckers mentioned above.

Okay, if thats your opinion, your more than welcome to it. But history dictates otherwise.....its the ideology and the mental illness combined that triggers these types of can play stupid and pollyanna all day, facts are facts.
JUST ASK THE LATE GEORGE WALLACE AND MALCOM X.......for the remainder of your life, with or without a presidential title, you are gonna have to watch your thing is certain in this country...we harness crazy motherfuckers by the bus loads.

Or ask BARACK OBAMA. He is the king of haters

The OP is correct. Our allies around the world are scared to death that Phrump will have a chance of getting into the WH. The man is a bad dream.

Yes their worst nightmares.
If Trump gets elected both sides know he will spill the beans on the worldwide good old boys corrupt club.
Their money making deals behind closed doors might just cease under a President Trump.
I say it's a good thing that professional politicians around the world would be cut off from making money while in office.

Trump IS a deal maker. He will be "flexible." He is more Democrat than Republican. Your head will explode when he turn 180 degrees to the left.

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