MrG has passed.

I got 1 hour sleep. But it was enough to get me out of my funk. Until next time, anyway.

I truly appreciate being able to talk about it here when I get that down low. I don't really have anyone in real life I CAN talk to about it.They are either too busy, or just flat don't want to hear it. It makes them uncomfortable I guess. I have always been a strong person, so seeing me at my lowest low makes them fidget. I understand. But I need to speak about it now and then.

He was not perfect, and neither was I. But he said as his final words "NO GUILT honeybunner. NO GUILT". Easy to say, hard to follow. I have much guilt. MUCH. It weighs on me.

Anyway....I'm better now. Just really sleepy but too much to do today. When I am done with running around doing chores...I'm taking a long LONG nap.

Thanks, guys. Just that. Thank you.
I lost my mother to breast cancer when I was 14 years old. My dad had to work and my sister went away to college so that left me to take care of her I had to basically watch her slowly die. Before she left she taught me some basic skills such as how to cook and things like that. That void in my life will never go away at the same time her warm memory lives with me. Rest assured there are folks here who wish you well.
I am dying. I want to die, so I can go be with him.
I lost my brother on September 25.

He was my world. I owe EVERYTHING to him.

What makes it especially hard is that possibly a paid and incompetent caregiver gave him an overdose of medicine that instantly killed him. I blame myself.

I keep waiting for a sign from him, but it hasn't come. Deep down, I realize it will never come, but I cannot surrender to that doubt.

Just hired an elder lawyer to make sure I am buried next to him when I die.
I lost my brother on September 25.

He was my world. I owe EVERYTHING to him.

What makes it especially hard is that possibly a paid and incompetent caregiver gave him an overdose of medicine that instantly killed him. I blame myself.

I keep waiting for a sign from him, but it hasn't come. Deep down, I realize it will never come, but I cannot surrender to that doubt.

Just hired an elder lawyer to make sure I am buried next to him when I die.

A sign will come when you least expect it.
Mr G? Sometimes I feel like I am in the middle of a weird family that I have no relationship to. USMB posters have to be more independent.
Mr G? Sometimes I feel like I am in the middle of a weird family that I have no relationship to. USMB posters have to be more independent.
People/posters can choose to care about other posters they get to know, especially with so many regulars being on here for so many years. Caring is not dependence, you’re referencing codependency, not at all the same thing.
Caring for a poster you never met is strange. Get a freaking life that includes real family and friends. Independence on a opinion forum is the basis of the 1st Amendment
The 1st amendment protects individuals from government limits on freedom of expression. Are you trying to limit the freedoms of expression? Posters can care or not care and it matters little whether you understand the concept of caring that extends beyond one’s family and friends. I’d say you are a bit of an authoritarian, just a guess.
fwiw, i'd share a cold one with any of you

I remember reading a thread from who knows when but it mentioned when a few USMB people got together. It’s not unheard of to build friendships after years of online conversations. I’d say some people on here know a few others better than they do their adjacent neighbors depending on the neighbors.

Thinking of Ms. G and know how many members care about her.
I remember reading a thread from who knows when but it mentioned when a few USMB people got together. It’s not unheard of to build friendships after years of online conversations. I’d say some people on here know a few others better than they do their adjacent neighbors depending on the neighbors.

Thinking of Ms. G and know how many members care about her.
Take your online friendships to the dating forum and post independent opinions n USMB. It's good for the forum and good for your sad media experiences.
Take your online friendships to the dating forum and post independent opinions n USMB. It's good for the forum and good for your sad media experiences.
As far as I know, there is no rule here that we cannot send condolences to those hurting even though we haven't met them face to face. You don't have to post to this thread either.
Take your online friendships to the dating forum and post independent opinions n USMB. It's good for the forum and good for your sad media experiences.

Why? Why limit our friendships to those we see in "real life"? I have friends from various message boards that I have talked to for years. They have provided comfort in way people cannot in "real life". It is not sad. It is a joyous way to have more friends, more love and a better life.

About 10 years ago I had an unexpected change in my life. It knocked me down. Some of my online friends helped as much as the people I know face-to-face. I had long talks in the middle of the night with these friends. Not being face to face made it easier to express what I felt. None of them gave me any earth-shaking advice to "cure" me of my problem. But they listened. That made all the difference in the world.

No one is saying you need to make friends on here. But try not to ridicule those who do.
I've made life-long friends on activist platforms. I've seen people who share a common goal from all over the country travel to meet for a weekend of partying and planning legitimate political and activist shenanigans. And I'm not talking a dozen or so. I'm talking hundreds of people. Doers. This has resulted in people (some of which attended those) getting elected locally as well as to the Senate/Congress. Raising millions of dollars for whatever the whim. Developing media platforms. Gathering skillsets and relevant ideas. Event planning. That kind of thing. I've seen a small group of misfits change the course of politcal history from a chatroom on a forum, setting political records for that time. I've seen people find their partners in life even.

It's important to find your tribe. Be smart about it, of course. Guard your wigwam. There be wolves out there. And coyotes.

A place like this, you're likely never gonna see anything like that evolve. It's more of a social platform. There's simply no common goal. There's no vision. It's not really an activist platform in the traditional sense. And that's fine. Whatever.

Anyway. All of that is just to say that, yes, it's healthy to develop personal relationships in platforms such as these, whether personal or activist or even both, and it happens quite a bit.

There's a lot I could say about that topic, really. But it's not really what the topic is about, so not useful or practical here. Just happened to be browsing through here and saw some of the recent posts in the thread. I really only look at new posts tab, honestly.
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Hello Gracie, I often think about you and I do not forget your suffering after the loss of your husband and I find disgusting that a member comes to insult you because the suffering has no borders even virtually we can help you so ignore the wickedness and in this way you Understand that you are not alone.

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