MSDNC fact checks about their lies during Republican Convention


Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2018
I had MSDNC on for comedic value, Rachel Maddow and her buddies were fact checking an African American speaker. The speaker was saying that the portrayal of Trump by the media was not true, and he brought up the Charlottesville fiasco. He said that Trump never praised white supremacists. Maddow and friends immediately fact checked themselves and said they were correct. lol They went into an eerie and animated discussion of how saying some people who protested the removal of statues were good people was totally wrong. They implied that everyone protesting was a Nazi. They then called the antifa thugs who went to beat up the protestors the good guys. Trump was being kind when he said some of the antifa goons were good people. Why can the left not comprehend that a very small portion of the protestors were skinheads? It was obvious, and the media acts like everyone is a nazi to promote racial tension. They also condone the violence of their antifa mobs, even today. Maybe they should have focused on the part of the speaker's speech that said the country needed strong families and fathers in the home.

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