MSM Did Not Expose Clinton's Actions, So Don jr. Felt He Had To

I think it's wrong that the MSM forced them to take this meeting. That's the real issue. lol
Your sarcasm not with standing, the media has shown it's hand fairly plainly the last 8 years, ignoring Obama and Hillarys illegal activities while hyping everything that they can make up about Trump and his team.

Hillary accepts hundreds of millions of USD in donations from influential people in foreign governments across the globe while still in office as Sec State, and people like you dont bat an eye, but Donald Jr's meeting with a Russian lawyer is treason?

Dont rupture your cognitive dissonance tendon there, pal.
Why did Dem's and independents in blue states vote for Trump? Exactly how did the Russians convince them to abandon Hillary?

Its that Russian voodoo!

The filth left would have you believe that somehow, Russia cost them the election. In reality Dem's in their own party failed to turn out or voted for Trump. When you spend $1.2 billion dollars running against a guy like Trump who's never ran for office before and you can't even carry your own blue states that's pretty sad. Florida is another example, what happened to the liberal media narrative that Hispanics were going to destroy Trump there?
Will this be the new GOP defense? It's GOOD that Trump colluded with Russia to sabotage the election? :laugh:

It's good to see them accept reality after screaming nothing happened for so long. Now they are saying it's a good thing!

Finally admitting to collusion but saying it'd OK because...yanno, it just is.
Hence the campaign meeting with Russian lawyer. MSM running block for their candidate Hillary and covering for her ass. Trump campaign had no alternative but to follow up on Clinton's scandals. Good campaign work.
OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia

So Don Jr. felt compelled to break the law because the media wouldn't?

Cite the statute of the law broken.

It's been cited enough. Quit trolling.
Cite the statute of the law broken.
I think it's wrong that the MSM forced them to take this meeting. That's the real issue. lol
Your sarcasm not with standing, the media has shown it's hand fairly plainly the last 8 years, ignoring Obama and Hillarys illegal activities while hyping everything that they can make up about Trump and his team.

Hillary accepts hundreds of millions of USD in donations from influential people in foreign governments across the globe while still in office as Sec State, and people like you dont bat an eye, but Donald Jr's meeting with a Russian lawyer is treason?

Dont rupture your cognitive dissonance tendon there, pal.

Why hasn't Session filed any charges or appointed a special prosecutor for all these illegal activities of Hillary and Obama? I mean, it's all so obvious and well known, right?
Hillary accepts hundreds of millions of USD in donations from influential people in foreign governments across the globe while still in office as Sec State, and people like you dont bat an eye, but Donald Jr's meeting with a Russian lawyer is treason?

People like me!? Too funny. I hate the Clinton's which is why I wrote in Rand Paul for President. That's a common problem around, though. If you don't suck off Trump you must be a Hillary supporter or a Democrat. lol
Hillary accepts hundreds of millions of USD in donations from influential people in foreign governments across the globe while still in office as Sec State, and people like you dont bat an eye, but Donald Jr's meeting with a Russian lawyer is treason?
People like me!? Too funny. I hate the Clinton's which is why I wrote in Rand Paul for President. That's a common problem around, though. If you don't suck off Trump you must be a Hillary supporter or a Democrat. lol

So you did bat an eye?

Hillary accepts hundreds of millions of USD in donations from influential people in foreign governments across the globe while still in office as Sec State, and people like you dont bat an eye, but Donald Jr's meeting with a Russian lawyer is treason?
People like me!? Too funny. I hate the Clinton's which is why I wrote in Rand Paul for President. That's a common problem around, though. If you don't suck off Trump you must be a Hillary supporter or a Democrat. lol

So you did bat an eye?


Sorry. I don't have video of my eyes batting.
For months the WAPO/NYTs has been receiving stolen information from people somewhere in the administration who illegally passed information about President Trump's daily activities, many classified. These news outlets have then published this information in an attempt to bring down the Presidency.
That is called sedition and treason.
These traitors WILL be found and the AG is going to make sure they stand before a REP judge for sentencing.
No one is asking how the Trump Jr. email chain got into the hands of the NYTs. Bet your house Sessions is on their tracks.

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