MSM Immediatedly Stopped Coverage of Nashville Church When It Was Revealed Perp Was an Afro American

Apparently it doesn't bother you that 3 out of 4 black babies are born bastards.

The wage gap between blacks and whites is getting wider. That has nothing to do with privilege but that whites are willing to earn their way while blacks expect some sort of affirmative action. When blacks, like MLK said they wanted, can't be judged by the content of their character because they have none, they quickly go to demanding the very thing they said was wrong to use in making decisions, race.
All this to deflect that whites even with their dwindling privilege still can't handle the new
Now plagued with crime, drug abuse and other social pathologies whites of the low bred variety are simply displaying what they are.
Deflecting will not change that fact.

What new America? N*ggers like you have always been freeloaders and leeches. Nothing new about that.
More low bred whites on all forms of government programs, more low bred whites on drugs, in gangs, committing crimes and you are trying to convince people that these trends aren't accelerating
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I've been wondering about Daniell Rider, the woman complaining about the Hobby Lobby cotton display. Does she and those that support the nonsense she's claiming refuse to wear clothes made of or with cotton? If not, it's no different than the tree huggers clamoring about global warming still driving around in cars using internal combustion engines.
Leftists never think anything thru. If you asked about her cotton blouse it would fly right over her head.
All this to deflect that whites even with their dwindling privilege still can't handle the new
Now plagued with crime, drug abuse and other social pathologies whites of the low bred variety are simply displaying what they are.
Deflecting will not change that fact.

What new America? N*ggers like you have always been freeloaders and leeches. Nothing new about that.
More low bred whites on all forms of government programs, more low bred whites on drugs, in gangs, committing crimes and you are trying to convince people that these trends aren't accelerating
View attachment 151228

I've been wondering about Daniell Rider, the woman complaining about the Hobby Lobby cotton display. Does she and those that support the nonsense she's claiming refuse to wear clothes made of or with cotton? If not, it's no different than the tree huggers clamoring about global warming still driving around in cars using internal combustion engines.
Leftists never think anything thru. If you asked about her cotton blouse it would fly right over her head.

Or you might get "my ancestors didn't pick blouses".
The public only generally hears of horrendous black crimes when the mainstream media thinks the purp is white (male, christian). And, when the media finds out the purp is black (or a Jew, or a fag), they instantly walk way.
Worshipping the nfl and nba has dominated jews coverage for the day. Silly posters , Caucasian lives only matter when somalis can be trained to bag em. If the current week's negrofication is an illustration of America's war on dysgenics ; we certainly are in deep shit. Look for China , Eastern Europe , and other ethnically pure states to kick US butt in the war on dysgenics.

The story will evaporate. A negro shoots a White Lady in the back. Roll over and repeat. What's news here?

Training chimps to kneel on command ; now that's a news scoop !!!
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Apparently Afro Americans from Kenyan have IQs of about 71. An IQ of 70 is recognized as clinically retarded. So sad. They have no business in The West since they cannot handle the complications of Western civilization.

No doubt. The only mistake the hero who euthanized that beast made was leaving his firearm in the car instead of carrying it on his person.

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