MSM starting to report on Benghazi. ...what's this mean?

I wish there'd be more coverage on who's behind the push for hearings and impeachment. I'll bet you'd find political opportunists more interested in bashing Obama than in the dead. Others have died in the past without leading to impeachment talk. What's the bottom line, they had the wrong explanation and stuck to it too long? Hardly an impeachable offense and not much different from Bush's WMD story that's still being defended by the same people accusing Obama. It's all about the politics with crocodile tears for the dead, IMO.

^^^ Talking Clusterfuck ^^^ - LMFAO!! I'll bet if we looked real hard we would see the heads of all of these librul zombies exploding in unison! Time to ante up you fuckin slimeballs and NOTHING or no one can stop the truth from coming out finally.

It's a beautiful day! :)

You're the zombie, talking about lies and ignoring the dead. Hypocrite!!!
I wish there'd be more coverage on who's behind the push for hearings and impeachment. I'll bet you'd find political opportunists more interested in bashing Obama than in the dead. Others have died in the past without leading to impeachment talk. What's the bottom line, they had the wrong explanation and stuck to it too long? Hardly an impeachable offense and not much different from Bush's WMD story that's still being defended by the same people accusing Obama. It's all about the politics with crocodile tears for the dead, IMO.

^^^ Talking Clusterfuck ^^^ - LMFAO!! I'll bet if we looked real hard we would see the heads of all of these librul zombies exploding in unison! Time to ante up you fuckin slimeballs and NOTHING or no one can stop the truth from coming out finally.

It's a beautiful day! :)

You're the zombie, talking about lies and ignoring the dead. Hypocrite!!!

LMFAO!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Someone go and get the Zombie a diaper!! OMG.. I am so loving this.. Careful, you may sprain your brain cell!
I wish there'd be more coverage on who's behind the push for hearings and impeachment. I'll bet you'd find political opportunists more interested in bashing Obama than in the dead. Others have died in the past without leading to impeachment talk. What's the bottom line, they had the wrong explanation and stuck to it too long? Hardly an impeachable offense and not much different from Bush's WMD story that's still being defended by the same people accusing Obama. It's all about the politics with crocodile tears for the dead, IMO.

We are not surprised this is your opinion.

I'm sorry you're too blind to see the light. This has more to do with people who can't come to terms with Obama being re-elected than anything else.
The Benghazi story is a H U G E story that the left want to pretend is a witch hunt. Afterall - what do the guilty always say about those that are trying to uncover them?
It is a huge story because an American diplomat complex was attacked on foreign soil and successfully killed the highest officer there and others. And dragged them in the street.
You don't think that is a big story? Well...F*ck you. You are a freaking sheep.
And then, and getting harder and harder to deny, it is getting more apparent that this administration tried to hide both the intent of the attack - as well as marginalize any mistakes by military brass and this administration.
You don't think that is a big story? Same as above.
If Bush was President and this happened - 24 hour coverage wouldn't be enough.
What's wrong CC? Your heroes get caught in their own urine soaked feces? ;-) Whine just a bit louder.. I'm recording it for a circus sideshow submission! Thanks!

Your reverse psychology is lacking. Whadda ya chicken?

Let me take another stab at means the MSM can no longer hide the truth and they were FORCED to report on this because they wouldn't report on it because they love Obama and reported on it..

What reverse Psychology Gomer? I'll bet you see dead people, hmm?

Is this a sentence scramble?
What on earth are you guys talking about??? It's been all over every news source I've seen this week. They talked about it on PBS World News, NPR, the BBC, CNN, even the Guardian UK and stupid sites like Yahoo.

And yes, it is a witch hunt. Sounds to me like when this was happening, there was so much chaos and confusion in the region - and that the attack was such a surprise - that no one really knew what was going on. It's sad that these people died, but that's the danger of being an ambassador in the Middle East. They obviously knew this. I think the right is just grasping for anything to tar Obama with, even though there is not one damn thing he could do to save those people from his office in Washington. Maybe if the Republicans had not used security funding as a political football, it wouldn't have happened. Maybe it would. Who knows.
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I wish there'd be more coverage on who's behind the push for hearings and impeachment. I'll bet you'd find political opportunists more interested in bashing Obama than in the dead. Others have died in the past without leading to impeachment talk. What's the bottom line, they had the wrong explanation and stuck to it too long? Hardly an impeachable offense and not much different from Bush's WMD story that's still being defended by the same people accusing Obama. It's all about the politics with crocodile tears for the dead, IMO.

We are not surprised this is your opinion.

I'm sorry you're too blind to see the light. This has more to do with people who can't come to terms with Obama being re-elected than anything else.

[ame=]Obama and his Press Secretary Blaming the Video for the Benghazi Attack - YouTube[/ame]

<paints her nails>.. In response to a video? REALLY?? REAlllllllllllllly? Well we know that the video never existed.. ROFLMAO....
Even on David Letterman Obozo?? No class~

[ame=]Obama Campaign Blames Romney Campaign For Benghazi Libya Attack Becoming A Big Story - YouTube[/ame]

IT'S ABOUT THE VIDEO!@!!!!! lmao
Its too big to coverup and the dam is starting to blow.


The Socialists democrats have a method of demonizing the GOP while escaping punishment from Benghazi incident.

I am sorry

I am too much of a cynic to think our government will severly punish our policymakers.
Susan Rice? Jay Carney?? I'm sorry.. What did you goobers say?? lol

[ame=]9/16/12 Obama Administration Blaming YouTube Video for 9/11/12 Embassy Attacks - YouTube[/ame]
^^^ Talking Clusterfuck ^^^ - LMFAO!! I'll bet if we looked real hard we would see the heads of all of these librul zombies exploding in unison! Time to ante up you fuckin slimeballs and NOTHING or no one can stop the truth from coming out finally.

It's a beautiful day! :)

You're the zombie, talking about lies and ignoring the dead. Hypocrite!!!

LMFAO!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Someone go and get the Zombie a diaper!! OMG.. I am so loving this.. Careful, you may sprain your brain cell!

If I'm the zombie, why wasn't there similar outrage about attacks during the Bush administration? It's quite a list. Care to comment?

22 January 2002 Calcutta, India Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami gunmen attack Consulate

14 June 2002 Karachi, Pakistan al-Qaeda truck bomb detonates outside Consulate

12 October 2002 Denpasar, Indonesia Consular Office bombed by Jemaah Islamiyah as part of the Bali bombings

28 February 2003 Islamabad, Pakistan Unknown gunmen attack Embassy

30 June 2004 Tashkent, Uzbekistan Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan suicide bomber attacks Embassy

6 December 2004 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia al-Qaeda gunmen raid diplomatic compound

2 March 2006 Karachi, Pakistan Car bomb explodes outside Consulate

12 September 2006 Damascus, Syria Gunmen raid US Embassy

12 January 2007 Athens, Greece RPG Fired at Embassy by Revolutionary Struggle

18 March 2008 Sana'a, Yemen Mortar attack against US Embassy

9 July 2008 Istanbul, Turkey Armed attack against Consulate

17 September 2008 Sana'a, Yemen Two car bombs outside US embassy in Yemeni capital

Terrorist attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lies, lies.. and DAMN LIES!!

Now wait.. Candy Crawley took up for our Dingbat President.. ?? Stephanie Cutter what say you??

[ame=]Candy Crowley Interjects: Obama 'Did In Fact' Say Libya Attack Was Terrorism - YouTube[/ame]

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh really???????????? MEDIA LIBRUL WHORES busted too?? No way?!!
What is the MSM saying? That is the key.

What it sounds like to me is this:
Nutball fishing expedition eating chum.
What does MSM sound like to others?

Since you appear to be a low information voter type who goes with what you are told, I'll kindly provide you a sample.

Exclusive: Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions, Scrubbed of Terror Reference - ABC News

ABC like all the other MSM ignored the story that Fox News wouldn't let die. I know that the sheeple like to think that Fox is some biased rightwing propaganda machine, but the truth is that they do old school journalism, ask the tough questions and don't take no for an answer. They do investigative journalism like the rest of the media used to do.

Funny that the other media outlets are finally beginning to take notice of this story instead of accepting Obama telling them there is nothing to see and move along.

Wooohooo ROCK N ROLL!! Let the chips fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OBAMA GOIN DOWN and so are his far leftist Zombie herdnerfers lol
Let's all join and sing, shall we?

[ame=]Video Killed the Radio Star Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Wooohooo ROCK N ROLL!! Let the chips fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OBAMA GOIN DOWN and so are his far leftist Zombie herdnerfers lol

I'd think you would have learned you lesson after crowing about a big Romney win! :lol:
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