MSM/white supremacists story-COMEDY--


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
20,016 know the MSM puts out a lot of crap--but this one is really bad---it made me laugh!!!!!
as another member said, WS stories are popping up like daisies now
..I know this post is a little long with 5 points, but bear with me--it covers a lot of issues

1. they interview a BLACK who THINKS there are WS on the police force
as usual---NO PROOF/stats/etc !! like a lot of USMB members
....[ this is typical of racism stories--if you ever read the DETAILS of the Ferguson Report, it's blacks that have violated laws/etc, then fined or arrested and THINK it was because of RACISM--no proof/etc ..they PERCEIVE racism because they WANT it to be's part of the comedy--the interviewer says this when the BLACK says she THINKS there are WS on the police force:
"You didn't even pause," Pegues said.
hahahahahahahhahahahah is their [ hahahhahah ] proof
One of the posts from a St. Louis officer compared Black Lives Matter to the KKK.
hahahhahahahahaha--THIS IS EVIDENCE NUMBER 1 --and must be in capitals!!!!
it's TRUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
BLM is WORSE than the KKK
BLM wants to KILL white people/''F the White House''/''F the Whites''
She also says, “White people, give your fucking money, your fucking house, your fucking property, we need it fucking all,” as another protester responds “reparations!”
their [ hahahah ] proof PROVES the cops are NOT racist--they are telling the truth!
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

etc links/proof

4.blacks murder over 8 blacks everyday--over 3000 per year
WS murder around 10 per year on average
cops kill less than 300 mostly ARMED CRIMINALS per year--and they are afraid of COPS--not blacks??????
St. Louis sergeant: There are white supremacists on the police force

5. St Louis is one of the most dangerous cities in the US--voted number ONE at times--because blacks are murdering blacks !!!!!!!!!
.....and they bring up and concentrate on BULLSHIT [hahahahhaha] = DUMBSHIT
instead of doing a story on REAL problems/ the MAJOR problem, they do a non-story--one they CREATED
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