MSM Wont Let Go Of The Russians,Yet Has Not Named One Russian Who Meddled With The Election.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:2up: And how long has it been since Donald Trump won in a clear/massive "Red Landslide"??...Four and 1/2 months?,,,and till this day all of the leftist networks are still claiming that "The Russians" meddled with the election. OK, well..they have had all of this time to dig up proof that the Russians were involved with the election. Where Are The Photo's?,,,Where Are The Videos?,,,"Where Are The Taped Phone Calls"??,,,and Finally,,What are the names of "The Russians" that were involved with the meddling of the 2016 Presidential Election?:dunno: :eusa_doh: :eusa_snooty: :lalala: :smoke: :oops:
Get My Point? :up:
You want a name? I am very happy to help you with that, tard.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

You're welcome.
i want to see the ads that the Russians put on MSNBC advertising for Trump.
This clearly is a strategy that Putin is using In France and the Netherlands, Putin is backing alt-right candidates. In France, Le Pen's chief rival is targeted by numerous hack attack. The Russians clearly meddled in our elections. Their hackers hacked DNC servers and gave the information to WikiLeaks. They also put out false information mixed with the true information.

We see how Putin and WikiLeaks works together. According to WikiLeaks the CIA is able to copy signatures of malware. The Russian bots and Russia Today which has ties to Putin and Assange say the CIA hacked DNC servers and blamed the Russians. If the CIA wanted anyone to win it would have been Clinton not Trump.
What exactly did Putin do? Just curious. Did he hack state election systems like the Obama administration?
This clearly is a strategy that Putin is using In France and the Netherlands, Putin is backing alt-right candidates. In France, Le Pen's chief rival is targeted by numerous hack attack. The Russians clearly meddled in our elections. Their hackers hacked DNC servers and gave the information to WikiLeaks. They also put out false information mixed with the true information.

We see how Putin and WikiLeaks works together. According to WikiLeaks the CIA is able to copy signatures of malware. The Russian bots and Russia Today which has ties to Putin and Assange say the CIA hacked DNC servers and blamed the Russians. If the CIA wanted anyone to win it would have been Clinton not Trump.
Do you believe the rigging of the dem primaries had any effect on the General Election? Did Dems care enough about it to switch to Trump?
You want a name? I am very happy to help you with that, tard.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

You're welcome.

As if a name i's the only thing the OP is waiting for to connect the connected dots.

/thread ender
:2up: And how long has it been since Donald Trump won in a clear/massive "Red Landslide"??...Four and 1/2 months?,,,and till this day all of the leftist networks are still claiming that "The Russians" meddled with the election. OK, well..they have had all of this time to dig up proof that the Russians were involved with the election. Where Are The Photo's?,,,Where Are The Videos?,,,"Where Are The Taped Phone Calls"??,,,and Finally,,What are the names of "The Russians" that were involved with the meddling of the 2016 Presidential Election?:dunno: :eusa_doh: :eusa_snooty: :lalala: :smoke: :oops:
Get My Point? :up:

lol, you and your RW pals here are the guys who keep starting threads about it.
i want to see the ads that the Russians put on MSNBC advertising for Trump.

It's funny that BEFORE the election, you were ecstatic that the Russian hackers had illegally obtained all that info about the DNC,

because you were certain it would swing the election to Trump,

NOW you're denying that even happened.
:2up: And how long has it been since Donald Trump won in a clear/massive "Red Landslide"??...Four and 1/2 months?,,,and till this day all of the leftist networks are still claiming that "The Russians" meddled with the election. OK, well..they have had all of this time to dig up proof that the Russians were involved with the election. Where Are The Photo's?,,,Where Are The Videos?,,,"Where Are The Taped Phone Calls"??,,,and Finally,,What are the names of "The Russians" that were involved with the meddling of the 2016 Presidential Election?:dunno: :eusa_doh: :eusa_snooty: :lalala: :smoke: :oops:
Get My Point? :up:

lol, you and your RW pals here are the guys who keep starting threads about it.

You mean after all those far left religious claims not connected to reality?

So far zero evidence proves Russia interfered with the elections!
ive mentioned this a few times already,,now wouldnt u think that if the russians messed with our election, we would be hearing reports of voters finding bottles of Russian Vodkas in thousands of precincts?
ive mentioned this a few times already,,now wouldnt u think that if the russians messed with our election, we would be hearing reports of voters finding bottles of Russian Vodkas in thousands of precincts?

No, only you would think that is the ultimate payoff. Bottles of Vodka. Smh
The facts are there IS no evidence of Russia doing anything to change the election, There is never going to be any evidence, The information released to the public about clintons server, and the DNC stealing the election from burnone was something that they themselves did to themselves. NO other person had to do anything, they were so stupid they left their information out in the wide open on a server that a 10th grade science hacker could get into. You liberals worship the stupidest group of arrogant pseudointellectual egotist on earth, and we have a GOD given right to laugh at every stupid move you make as you blunder through your life with your head up THEIR ass. HAHAHAAHAAAAHHAHAHA. We defend these things, HONOR, REAL JUSTICE, VALOR, PATRIOTISIM, REAL BENEVOLENCE, and REAL PROGRESSIVE ACCOMPLISHMENT as opposed to the liberal regress to servitude. WE herald TRUTH, REAL EDUCATION, REAL FREEDOM (choice), and REAL SECURITY IN ONSELF.
This clearly is a strategy that Putin is using In France and the Netherlands, Putin is backing alt-right candidates. In France, Le Pen's chief rival is targeted by numerous hack attack. The Russians clearly meddled in our elections. Their hackers hacked DNC servers and gave the information to WikiLeaks. They also put out false information mixed with the true information.

We see how Putin and WikiLeaks works together. According to WikiLeaks the CIA is able to copy signatures of malware. The Russian bots and Russia Today which has ties to Putin and Assange say the CIA hacked DNC servers and blamed the Russians. If the CIA wanted anyone to win it would have been Clinton not Trump.
Do you believe the rigging of the dem primaries had any effect on the General Election? Did Dems care enough about it to switch to Trump?

The primaries were not rigged. Obama defeated Clinton using the same rules. Even without the super delegates, Clinton still would have won. Sanders had no appeal in the south. Clinton lost because she articulated no real policy. She didn't even try to demagogue on the minimum wage. She had a ton of money but many states like Wisconsin, she did no advertising until the last few days. Women made up only 52% of the electorate. They apparently were not enthused about voting. Blacks the same way.
You want a name? I am very happy to help you with that, tard.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

You're welcome.
How many people do you know who changed their vote?
If Trump was already about 10 points ahead of Hillary in late October,,,,why would the Russians need to come to Trumps Rescue?

The Russians were hoping that Trump would win. If Clinton won, they hoped to damage her. That is why they released false information with a fake memo from a Democrat senator saying they would be able to steal the election. Polls did not show Trump 10 points ahead in late October.

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