MSNBC Co-Host Rails on Harry Reid’s ‘Koch Addiction’, Calls Reid a Liar More Than 12


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
It is sad to see the effects of Alzheimer's on a person, it is worse to see the effects of extreme liberalism.

Tim Scott Calls On Reid To Apologize For Remarks About GOP And Race

“I am sincerely disappointed by continued attempts to divide the American people by playing to the lowest common denominator. Instead of engaging in serious debate about the failed policies of this administration – from the ever-increasing burdens created by the national health care reform plan to the tax and spend approach to economic recovery, along with countless others – Democrats are once again trying to hide behind a smokescreen.

"Our country deserves more from those in Washington. I hope Senator Reid will realize the offensive nature of his remarks and apologize to those who disagree with the President’s policies because of one thing – they are hurting hardworking American families.”

Tim Scott Calls On Reid To Apologize For Remarks About GOP And Race
LOL, "Koch Addicted". Hits the nail on the head about deranged liberals.
I think Dingy Harry Reid and the Democrats really are sweating this midterm do notice the rhetoric from them and the left ratcheting up? It's predictable. They KNOW they're going to lose, and BIG.
Koch can also be pronounced /käk/

Which makes more sense considering the addiction.
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I'm starting to wonder if Harry Reid and the now deceased Westboro church founder Fred Phelps are related Reid is not up to his level of hate and intolerance but he's getting there.
I'm starting to wonder if Harry Reid and the now deceased Westboro church founder Fred Phelps are related Reid is not up to his level of hate and intolerance but he's getting there.

Are you kidding? Liberals like Reid are full of hatred and intolerance. It's what they are to the core.
the Democrat party is filled with slimy people like Reid

He's the UnAmerican corrupted pos in my book

how people can belong to a party that has him as a leader is beyond me...He's now taking to attacking YOU THE AMERCIAN CITIZENS not just politicians

people need to wake up to this party

and I think I'm going to faint PMSnbc actually criticized a Democrat
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I'm starting to wonder if Harry Reid and the now deceased Westboro church founder Fred Phelps are related Reid is not up to his level of hate and intolerance but he's getting there.

the Democrat party is filled with slimy people like Reid

He's the UnAmerican corrupted pos in my book

how people can belong to a party that has him as a leader is beyond me...He's now taking to attacking YOU THE AMERCIAN CITIZENS not just politicians

people need to wake up to this party

and I think I'm going to faint PMSnbc actually criticized a Democrat

Harry I just one thing democrats have to hold their noses over to be Democrats. First they have o forget about being the party of slavery which NEVER apologized for their parties behavior, before, during and after the civil war.
this would be good...he need's to be shut off and shut the hell off from the media letting him rant his stupidity on us...disgusting little man

The media should stop reporting what Harry Reid says

posted at 4:01 pm on April 5, 2014 by Dustin Siggins

One of the most important jobs of the media is to be the so-called “fourth estate” — an unofficial fourth branch of government that holds the three official branches accountable. Ideally, this would take place when reporters provide a look at reality when politicians lie, despite pressure from the same politicians to not report the truth.

However, there is another way to hold a politician accountable: Stop taking the politician seriously by not reporting what he or she said. I propose that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has long passed the point of “unseriousness” to “harmful to society,” and this should be reflected in reporters and editors refusing to publish what he says.

Consider just a handful of truly harmful things Reid has done or said in the last few weeks, and one example from 2012:

In 2012, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) received some level of infamy for claiming that Mitt Romney didn’t pay taxes for a decade. Naturally, the charges were not backed by any evidence, yet the mainstream media treated Reid’s comments as though they had legitimacy. At the time, I asked if Reid had violated Senate Ethics rules by essentially campaigning on the Senate floor.

More recently, Townhall’s Guy Benson hammered Reid for using his Koch brothers obsession as an excuse to block amendments to the unemployment insurance that is set to pass the Senate on Monday. As Guy put it in his headline: “Old Man Still Muttering Incoherently About Koch Brothers”

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough attached Reid’s tactic as “the stupidest strategy” he has seen, but most mainstream and liberal media outlets have taken Reid seriously. They’ve done this despite the probable abuse of power Reid’s statements are, and Ed’s point that at least one of Reid’s anti-Koch efforts likely violates Senate Ethics rules.

Of course, it’s not just the Kochs Reid has gone after recently. He’s also gone after the people sharing how the Affordable Care Act is hurting them – and then denied doing so. If you want to read about how arrogant and abusive of power this is, check out Guy’s excellent takedown of Reid here. Justifiably and rightly, Guy is and was furious, and so should the rest of us be.

Reid’s Koch habit — yes, yes, I used the cliched term; I couldn’t help it — includes accusing the Koch brothers of associating with companies that circumvent sanctions on Iran. Lachlan Markay of the Washington Free Beacon showed that Reid has taken campaign donations from companies doing the exact same thing.

And, finally, Reid recently said the minimum wage Democrats want — $10.10 per hour — was not picked arbitrarily, but to bring people out of poverty:

ALL of it here
The media should stop reporting what Harry Reid says « Hot Air
this would be good...he need's to be shut off and shut the hell off from the media letting him rant his stupidity on us...disgusting little man

ALL of it here
The media should stop reporting what Harry Reid says « Hot Air

I disagree, the lying, filthy, embarrassment to the Senate needs exposed. Scum dies in the light of truth. Shine the light on Dirty Harry and he will wither away. But the truth is that it goes deeper then scum bag Harry. Behind the scenes all the liberals are clapping their hands saying "go Harry go." What he is doing is in reality the democrats only hope. They have no success to run on so they have to generate fear. Fear is their best friend, maybe their only friend.
I think Dingy Harry Reid and the Democrats really are sweating this midterm do notice the rhetoric from them and the left ratcheting up? It's predictable. They KNOW they're going to lose, and BIG.

Can you imagine the verbal projectile vomitting that Hairy will do if the Dums lose their majority status in the Senate? He'll probably go so bugshit that he'll need to be tranqed and put in a strait jacket.
I think Dingy Harry Reid and the Democrats really are sweating this midterm do notice the rhetoric from them and the left ratcheting up? It's predictable. They KNOW they're going to lose, and BIG.

Can you imagine the verbal projectile vomitting that Hairy will do if the Dums lose their majority status in the Senate? He'll probably go so bugshit that he'll need to be tranqed and put in a strait jacket.

I'm hoping just for that...and they have to lock him up...a padded JAIL cell would be good this slimy career politician corrupted CROOK

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