MSNBC Goes Full KKK on Senator Tim Scott (R-SC)

For the first time in the history of the United States, the FBI and the Justice Department have been used to keep a particular political party in power. That is exactly what the Gestapo did for Germany’s Nazi Party and what the KGB did for the Soviet Union’s Communist Party. If anyone is looking for a comparison to Nazism, there it is.

'Hail Trump!': Richard Spencer Speech Excerpts​

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Nov 21, 2016 — Video of an alt-right conference in Washington, D.C., where Trump's victory was met with cheers and Nazi salutes.Read the full article: ...
Again, the left values your group-identity, not your value as an individual. Moreover, unless you adhere to your role in their narrative, then you have zero value to them. They will gleefully denigrate every black man or woman who is conservative ....SOLEY BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK. Whitey is expected to be conservative. But not the negro. When a negro does it, he or she has traversed the line of acceptance. See, in the feeble mind of a leftist, they worked so hard and did sooooooo much for the helpless and historically maligned negro that they feel they are OWED something from them in exchange. What, exactly, the left has done for (or TO) black Americans is an open question. But if a black guy crosses the line and becomes a conservative, then he is said to have benefitted from the left's representation of them, but did not give back. The labor unions pull the same mob-like bullshit (wanting all employees to pay union dues on the theory that everyone has benefitted from the union's actions on behalf of "the worker").

I have said it over and over and over. Democrats are horrible people. With a warm nod to the late Bob Barker, please have your Democrat spayed or neutered.

MSNBC lynched Tim Scott?
Again, the left values your group-identity, not your value as an individual. Moreover, unless you adhere to your role in their narrative, then you have zero value to them. They will gleefully denigrate every black man or woman who is conservative ....SOLEY BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK. Whitey is expected to be conservative. But not the negro. When a negro does it, he or she has traversed the line of acceptance. See, in the feeble mind of a leftist, they worked so hard and did sooooooo much for the helpless and historically maligned negro that they feel they are OWED something from them in exchange. What, exactly, the left has done for (or TO) black Americans is an open question. But if a black guy crosses the line and becomes a conservative, then he is said to have benefitted from the left's representation of them, but did not give back. The labor unions pull the same mob-like bullshit (wanting all employees to pay union dues on the theory that everyone has benefitted from the union's actions on behalf of "the worker").

I have said it over and over and over. Democrats are horrible people. With a warm nod to the late Bob Barker, please have your Democrat spayed or neutered.

The Democrat Party believes Black Americans DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF THOUGHT....
Being a stupid black NaziCon is about as low as one can go!

What really gets your goat is that he is a black man from the South who just happens to have the sense to step away from the mind-meld that many black voters have fallen for. If they wake up, the Democrats never win another election. Soros and his boys surely can’t have that.
In the GOP a black woman running for President has a far higher chance of being publicly lynched by primary voters to cheers than getting 1% of their vote.

Here’s your problem. My post is fact. Yours is fantasy.
Again, the left values your group-identity, not your value as an individual. Moreover, unless you adhere to your role in their narrative, then you have zero value to them. They will gleefully denigrate every black man or woman who is conservative ....SOLEY BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK. Whitey is expected to be conservative. But not the negro. When a negro does it, he or she has traversed the line of acceptance. See, in the feeble mind of a leftist, they worked so hard and did sooooooo much for the helpless and historically maligned negro that they feel they are OWED something from them in exchange. What, exactly, the left has done for (or TO) black Americans is an open question. But if a black guy crosses the line and becomes a conservative, then he is said to have benefitted from the left's representation of them, but did not give back. The labor unions pull the same mob-like bullshit (wanting all employees to pay union dues on the theory that everyone has benefitted from the union's actions on behalf of "the worker").

I have said it over and over and over. Democrats are horrible people. With a warm nod to the late Bob Barker, please have your Democrat spayed or neutered.

I like Tim Scott for a number of reasons and the left would have absolutely no clue how to run against him in 2024. Calling him an Uncle Tom isn't going to work.

'Hail Trump!': Richard Spencer Speech Excerpts

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Nov 21, 2016 — Video of an alt-right conference in Washington, D.C., where Trump's victory was met with cheers and Nazi salutes.Read the full article: ...
Interesting since Richard Spencer endorsed and voted for Joe Biden.

Interesting since Richard Spencer endorsed and voted for Joe Biden.

Joe Biden rejected his endorsement, and evidently Spencer knows a dumbass when he sees one.

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