MSNBC Guest Compares Betsy Ross Flag to Swastika, Burning Cross

Leftards have totally lost it. The sound you heard was their last synapse snapping.

MSNBC Guest Compares Betsy Ross Flag to Swastika, Burning Cross

FYI: Obama 2017

View attachment 267610
Sucks when assholes like white supremacists co-opt symbols that used to mean something good doesn't it?
Nike is white supremacists?

Have you had a CAT scan recently? Because there is something terribly wrong in your head.
No son, Nike removed the shoes because the Betsy Ross flag has been co-opted by white supremacists.

Try to keep up here, I can't do it all for you.
You can't do it for you, even.

Nike removed the shoes because the left SAYS the BR flag has been co-opted by white supremacists.

The left also says a cartoon frog is racist.

The left are idiots. If you take that personally...too bad.
Lmao! You guys want Nike to be the bad guy so bad it hurts doesn't it?

Why do you hate them so?

Why do they hate America so? Why do they hate the U.S. flag? Why do they hate sports and entertainment without politics? Why must they force their Far Left radical views on would be customers?
Sucks when assholes like white supremacists co-opt symbols that used to mean something good doesn't it?
Nike is white supremacists?

Have you had a CAT scan recently? Because there is something terribly wrong in your head.
No son, Nike removed the shoes because the Betsy Ross flag has been co-opted by white supremacists.

Try to keep up here, I can't do it all for you.
You can't do it for you, even.

Nike removed the shoes because the left SAYS the BR flag has been co-opted by white supremacists.

The left also says a cartoon frog is racist.

The left are idiots. If you take that personally...too bad.
Lmao! You guys want Nike to be the bad guy so bad it hurts doesn't it?

Why do you hate them so?

Why do they hate America so?

Why do they hate the U.S. flag?

Why do they hate sports and entertainment without politics?

Why must they force their Far Left radical views on would be customers?
They don't.

They don't.

They don't.

Why didn't that Baker just bake a cake?
Leftards have totally lost it. The sound you heard was their last synapse snapping.

MSNBC Guest Compares Betsy Ross Flag to Swastika, Burning Cross

FYI: Obama 2017

View attachment 267610
Sucks when assholes like white supremacists co-opt symbols that used to mean something good doesn't it?
Nike is white supremacists?

Have you had a CAT scan recently? Because there is something terribly wrong in your head.
No son, Nike removed the shoes because the Betsy Ross flag has been co-opted by white supremacists.

Try to keep up here, I can't do it all for you.
You can't do it for you, even.

Nike removed the shoes because the left SAYS the BR flag has been co-opted by white supremacists.

The left also says a cartoon frog is racist.

The left are idiots. If you take that personally...too bad.
Lmao! You guys want Nike to be the bad guy so bad it hurts doesn't it?

Why do you hate them so?
I don't hate them. I think their products are overhyped and overpriced. I think they're idiots for hiring a failed football player as an endorser.

Not everyone operates solely on emotion like leftists do.
There are no white supremacists. But there are many who are white who will watch your cities burn and laugh about it.
Lol, you trying to tell a bigger Whopper than tRump?
Who are the White Supremacists? There may be some Klan guys and a few Nazis, but where are the tens of millions of supremacists? I know. The propagandists told you. The cities I have little concern about. When listening to Trump's platforms when he was running, I believed that the children of all Americans were better off or had a better chance in the future. Otherwise I want you to win. You represent anarchy. And vendetta for anyone screwed over by others. For they will not escape the wrath either. Bringing the system down with all of its fiefdoms would even things out but with a massive cost.
United States
List courtesy of Wikipedia, so it's probably mostly reliable but not 100%
Tiny fraction of the American citizenry. There are more Communists in America than these few nutcases.
Yeah? Find me a list of communist organizations.

List of Communist Organizations Operating in US:

All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP)

Alliance Marxist-Leninist (North America)

American Indian Movement – Grand Governing Council (AIM-GGC)

American Indian Movement – International Federation of Autonomous Chapters (AIM-IFAC)

Barrio Union (Unión del Barrio)

Black Radical Congress (BRC)

Committee for a Unified Independent Party (CUIP)

Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS)

Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA)

Communist Voice Organization

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

For a Better World

Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Fight Back] (FRSO)

Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Freedom Road] (FRSO)

Freedom Socialist Party (FSP)

Green Party of the United States, mirror page, other page

Heatwave Communist-Anarchist Federation (Heatwave CAF)

Independent Progressive Politics Network (IPPN)

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

International Socialist Organization (ISO)

Internationalist Group

Internationalist Notes, other page, Los Angeles Workers Voice

Labor Party (LP)

Labor Standard, mirror page

Labor’s Militant Voice, mirror page

League for the Revolutionary Party (LRP)

League of Revolutionaries for a New America (LRNA)

Left Green Network

Left Party

Left Turn

Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)

National Black United Front (NBUF)

New Democracy

New Liberty Party

New Party

New Union Party

News & Letters Committees

Organizing Committee for the Program of Permanent Revolution

Peace and Freedom Party (PFP), periodical Partisan Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (PFOC)

Progressive Labor Party (PLP), other page

Progressive ProAction Party

Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) periodical Revolutionary Worker

Revolutionary Workers League (RWL)

Social Democrats USA (SDUSA)

Socialist Action

Socialist Alternative

Socialist Equality Party (SEP)

Socialist Labor Party (SLP)

Socialist Organizer

Socialist Party USA (SPUSA)

Socialist Workers Organization (SWO) periodical Socialist Viewpoint

Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP) periodical Militant Solidarity, mirror page

The Greens/Green Party USA, mirror page

United People’s Party (La Raza Unida Party)

United States Pacifist Party (USPP)

Unity Organizing Committee (UOC) unofficial page

US Marxist-Leninist Organization (USMLO) periodical Voice of Revolution

Vermont Progressive Party

Workers Democracy Network

Workers International League (WIL), youth organization

Workers Party U.S.A.

Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA)

Workers World Party (WWP)

Working Families Party (WFP)

World Socialist Party of the United States (WSPUS)

And don't forget all the colleges and universities who push Communist propaganda.
Lol, you trying to tell a bigger Whopper than tRump?
Who are the White Supremacists? There may be some Klan guys and a few Nazis, but where are the tens of millions of supremacists? I know. The propagandists told you. The cities I have little concern about. When listening to Trump's platforms when he was running, I believed that the children of all Americans were better off or had a better chance in the future. Otherwise I want you to win. You represent anarchy. And vendetta for anyone screwed over by others. For they will not escape the wrath either. Bringing the system down with all of its fiefdoms would even things out but with a massive cost.
United States
List courtesy of Wikipedia, so it's probably mostly reliable but not 100%
Tiny fraction of the American citizenry. There are more Communists in America than these few nutcases.
Yeah? Find me a list of communist organizations.

List of Communist Organizations Operating in US:

All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP)

Alliance Marxist-Leninist (North America)

American Indian Movement – Grand Governing Council (AIM-GGC)

American Indian Movement – International Federation of Autonomous Chapters (AIM-IFAC)

Barrio Union (Unión del Barrio)

Black Radical Congress (BRC)

Committee for a Unified Independent Party (CUIP)

Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS)

Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA)

Communist Voice Organization

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

For a Better World

Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Fight Back] (FRSO)

Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Freedom Road] (FRSO)

Freedom Socialist Party (FSP)

Green Party of the United States, mirror page, other page

Heatwave Communist-Anarchist Federation (Heatwave CAF)

Independent Progressive Politics Network (IPPN)

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

International Socialist Organization (ISO)

Internationalist Group

Internationalist Notes, other page, Los Angeles Workers Voice

Labor Party (LP)

Labor Standard, mirror page

Labor’s Militant Voice, mirror page

League for the Revolutionary Party (LRP)

League of Revolutionaries for a New America (LRNA)

Left Green Network

Left Party

Left Turn

Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)

National Black United Front (NBUF)

New Democracy

New Liberty Party

New Party

New Union Party

News & Letters Committees

Organizing Committee for the Program of Permanent Revolution

Peace and Freedom Party (PFP), periodical Partisan Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (PFOC)

Progressive Labor Party (PLP), other page

Progressive ProAction Party

Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) periodical Revolutionary Worker

Revolutionary Workers League (RWL)

Social Democrats USA (SDUSA)

Socialist Action

Socialist Alternative

Socialist Equality Party (SEP)

Socialist Labor Party (SLP)

Socialist Organizer

Socialist Party USA (SPUSA)

Socialist Workers Organization (SWO) periodical Socialist Viewpoint

Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP) periodical Militant Solidarity, mirror page

The Greens/Green Party USA, mirror page

United People’s Party (La Raza Unida Party)

United States Pacifist Party (USPP)

Unity Organizing Committee (UOC) unofficial page

US Marxist-Leninist Organization (USMLO) periodical Voice of Revolution

Vermont Progressive Party

Workers Democracy Network

Workers International League (WIL), youth organization

Workers Party U.S.A.

Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA)

Workers World Party (WWP)

Working Families Party (WFP)

World Socialist Party of the United States (WSPUS)

And don't forget all the colleges and universities who push Communist propaganda.
The vast majority of of those are not communists. You've either lied or been lied too.
Who are the White Supremacists? There may be some Klan guys and a few Nazis, but where are the tens of millions of supremacists? I know. The propagandists told you. The cities I have little concern about. When listening to Trump's platforms when he was running, I believed that the children of all Americans were better off or had a better chance in the future. Otherwise I want you to win. You represent anarchy. And vendetta for anyone screwed over by others. For they will not escape the wrath either. Bringing the system down with all of its fiefdoms would even things out but with a massive cost.
United States
List courtesy of Wikipedia, so it's probably mostly reliable but not 100%
Tiny fraction of the American citizenry. There are more Communists in America than these few nutcases.
Yeah? Find me a list of communist organizations.

List of Communist Organizations Operating in US:

All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP)

Alliance Marxist-Leninist (North America)

American Indian Movement – Grand Governing Council (AIM-GGC)

American Indian Movement – International Federation of Autonomous Chapters (AIM-IFAC)

Barrio Union (Unión del Barrio)

Black Radical Congress (BRC)

Committee for a Unified Independent Party (CUIP)

Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS)

Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA)

Communist Voice Organization

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

For a Better World

Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Fight Back] (FRSO)

Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Freedom Road] (FRSO)

Freedom Socialist Party (FSP)

Green Party of the United States, mirror page, other page

Heatwave Communist-Anarchist Federation (Heatwave CAF)

Independent Progressive Politics Network (IPPN)

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

International Socialist Organization (ISO)

Internationalist Group

Internationalist Notes, other page, Los Angeles Workers Voice

Labor Party (LP)

Labor Standard, mirror page

Labor’s Militant Voice, mirror page

League for the Revolutionary Party (LRP)

League of Revolutionaries for a New America (LRNA)

Left Green Network

Left Party

Left Turn

Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)

National Black United Front (NBUF)

New Democracy

New Liberty Party

New Party

New Union Party

News & Letters Committees

Organizing Committee for the Program of Permanent Revolution

Peace and Freedom Party (PFP), periodical Partisan Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (PFOC)

Progressive Labor Party (PLP), other page

Progressive ProAction Party

Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) periodical Revolutionary Worker

Revolutionary Workers League (RWL)

Social Democrats USA (SDUSA)

Socialist Action

Socialist Alternative

Socialist Equality Party (SEP)

Socialist Labor Party (SLP)

Socialist Organizer

Socialist Party USA (SPUSA)

Socialist Workers Organization (SWO) periodical Socialist Viewpoint

Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP) periodical Militant Solidarity, mirror page

The Greens/Green Party USA, mirror page

United People’s Party (La Raza Unida Party)

United States Pacifist Party (USPP)

Unity Organizing Committee (UOC) unofficial page

US Marxist-Leninist Organization (USMLO) periodical Voice of Revolution

Vermont Progressive Party

Workers Democracy Network

Workers International League (WIL), youth organization

Workers Party U.S.A.

Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA)

Workers World Party (WWP)

Working Families Party (WFP)

World Socialist Party of the United States (WSPUS)

And don't forget all the colleges and universities who push Communist propaganda.
The vast majority of of those are not communists. You've either lied or been lied too.
Name two differences between the Democratic Party and Communist Party.
United States
List courtesy of Wikipedia, so it's probably mostly reliable but not 100%
Tiny fraction of the American citizenry. There are more Communists in America than these few nutcases.
Yeah? Find me a list of communist organizations.

List of Communist Organizations Operating in US:

All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP)

Alliance Marxist-Leninist (North America)

American Indian Movement – Grand Governing Council (AIM-GGC)

American Indian Movement – International Federation of Autonomous Chapters (AIM-IFAC)

Barrio Union (Unión del Barrio)

Black Radical Congress (BRC)

Committee for a Unified Independent Party (CUIP)

Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS)

Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA)

Communist Voice Organization

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

For a Better World

Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Fight Back] (FRSO)

Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Freedom Road] (FRSO)

Freedom Socialist Party (FSP)

Green Party of the United States, mirror page, other page

Heatwave Communist-Anarchist Federation (Heatwave CAF)

Independent Progressive Politics Network (IPPN)

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

International Socialist Organization (ISO)

Internationalist Group

Internationalist Notes, other page, Los Angeles Workers Voice

Labor Party (LP)

Labor Standard, mirror page

Labor’s Militant Voice, mirror page

League for the Revolutionary Party (LRP)

League of Revolutionaries for a New America (LRNA)

Left Green Network

Left Party

Left Turn

Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)

National Black United Front (NBUF)

New Democracy

New Liberty Party

New Party

New Union Party

News & Letters Committees

Organizing Committee for the Program of Permanent Revolution

Peace and Freedom Party (PFP), periodical Partisan Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (PFOC)

Progressive Labor Party (PLP), other page

Progressive ProAction Party

Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) periodical Revolutionary Worker

Revolutionary Workers League (RWL)

Social Democrats USA (SDUSA)

Socialist Action

Socialist Alternative

Socialist Equality Party (SEP)

Socialist Labor Party (SLP)

Socialist Organizer

Socialist Party USA (SPUSA)

Socialist Workers Organization (SWO) periodical Socialist Viewpoint

Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP) periodical Militant Solidarity, mirror page

The Greens/Green Party USA, mirror page

United People’s Party (La Raza Unida Party)

United States Pacifist Party (USPP)

Unity Organizing Committee (UOC) unofficial page

US Marxist-Leninist Organization (USMLO) periodical Voice of Revolution

Vermont Progressive Party

Workers Democracy Network

Workers International League (WIL), youth organization

Workers Party U.S.A.

Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA)

Workers World Party (WWP)

Working Families Party (WFP)

World Socialist Party of the United States (WSPUS)

And don't forget all the colleges and universities who push Communist propaganda.
The vast majority of of those are not communists. You've either lied or been lied too.
Name two differences between the Democratic Party and Communist Party.
Lol, you've gotta be fuckin kidding me.
Leftards have totally lost it. The sound you heard was their last synapse snapping.

MSNBC Guest Compares Betsy Ross Flag to Swastika, Burning Cross

FYI: Obama 2017

View attachment 267610
Sucks when assholes like white supremacists co-opt symbols that used to mean something good doesn't it?
Nike is white supremacists?

Have you had a CAT scan recently? Because there is something terribly wrong in your head.
No son, Nike removed the shoes because the Betsy Ross flag has been co-opted by white supremacists.

Try to keep up here, I can't do it all for you.

Nike never said that. Stop lying
Yeah, they did.
Leftards have totally lost it. The sound you heard was their last synapse snapping.

MSNBC Guest Compares Betsy Ross Flag to Swastika, Burning Cross

FYI: Obama 2017

View attachment 267610
Sucks when assholes like white supremacists co-opt symbols that used to mean something good doesn't it?
Nike is white supremacists?

Have you had a CAT scan recently? Because there is something terribly wrong in your head.
No son, Nike removed the shoes because the Betsy Ross flag has been co-opted by white supremacists.

Try to keep up here, I can't do it all for you.
I'd like to see things from your point of view
but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.
Its not a "point of view", it's the facts in this matter.


No, you would be lying again. Nike caved when the crybaby loser Kaepernick whined that the Betsy Ross flag reminded him of slavery. Try to keep up.
Sucks when assholes like white supremacists co-opt symbols that used to mean something good doesn't it?
Nike is white supremacists?

Have you had a CAT scan recently? Because there is something terribly wrong in your head.
No son, Nike removed the shoes because the Betsy Ross flag has been co-opted by white supremacists.

Try to keep up here, I can't do it all for you.

Nike never said that. Stop lying
Yeah, they did.
Sucks when assholes like white supremacists co-opt symbols that used to mean something good doesn't it?
Nike is white supremacists?

Have you had a CAT scan recently? Because there is something terribly wrong in your head.
No son, Nike removed the shoes because the Betsy Ross flag has been co-opted by white supremacists.

Try to keep up here, I can't do it all for you.
I'd like to see things from your point of view
but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.
Its not a "point of view", it's the facts in this matter.


No, you would be lying again. Nike caved when the crybaby loser Kaepernick whined that the Betsy Ross flag reminded him of slavery. Try to keep up.
Look kid, you can have your own opinion, we all do. But you aren't entitled to your own set of facts if you don't like the real ones.
Nike is white supremacists?

Have you had a CAT scan recently? Because there is something terribly wrong in your head.
No son, Nike removed the shoes because the Betsy Ross flag has been co-opted by white supremacists.

Try to keep up here, I can't do it all for you.

Nike never said that. Stop lying
Yeah, they did.
Nike is white supremacists?

Have you had a CAT scan recently? Because there is something terribly wrong in your head.
No son, Nike removed the shoes because the Betsy Ross flag has been co-opted by white supremacists.

Try to keep up here, I can't do it all for you.
I'd like to see things from your point of view
but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.
Its not a "point of view", it's the facts in this matter.


No, you would be lying again. Nike caved when the crybaby loser Kaepernick whined that the Betsy Ross flag reminded him of slavery. Try to keep up.
Look kid, you can have your own opinion, we all do. But you aren't entitled to your own set of facts if you don't like the real ones.

That was THEIR statement you moron. Try removing your head from your ass. That is a FACT. Now cry some more.
No son, Nike removed the shoes because the Betsy Ross flag has been co-opted by white supremacists.

Try to keep up here, I can't do it all for you.

Nike never said that. Stop lying
Yeah, they did.
No son, Nike removed the shoes because the Betsy Ross flag has been co-opted by white supremacists.

Try to keep up here, I can't do it all for you.
I'd like to see things from your point of view
but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.
Its not a "point of view", it's the facts in this matter.


No, you would be lying again. Nike caved when the crybaby loser Kaepernick whined that the Betsy Ross flag reminded him of slavery. Try to keep up.
Look kid, you can have your own opinion, we all do. But you aren't entitled to your own set of facts if you don't like the real ones.

That was THEIR statement you moron. Try removing your head from your ass. That is a FACT. Now cry some more.
You really think they said that? Get it from Faux noise did ya?

Tiny fraction of the American citizenry. There are more Communists in America than these few nutcases.
Yeah? Find me a list of communist organizations.

List of Communist Organizations Operating in US:

All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP)

Alliance Marxist-Leninist (North America)

American Indian Movement – Grand Governing Council (AIM-GGC)

American Indian Movement – International Federation of Autonomous Chapters (AIM-IFAC)

Barrio Union (Unión del Barrio)

Black Radical Congress (BRC)

Committee for a Unified Independent Party (CUIP)

Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS)

Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA)

Communist Voice Organization

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

For a Better World

Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Fight Back] (FRSO)

Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Freedom Road] (FRSO)

Freedom Socialist Party (FSP)

Green Party of the United States, mirror page, other page

Heatwave Communist-Anarchist Federation (Heatwave CAF)

Independent Progressive Politics Network (IPPN)

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

International Socialist Organization (ISO)

Internationalist Group

Internationalist Notes, other page, Los Angeles Workers Voice

Labor Party (LP)

Labor Standard, mirror page

Labor’s Militant Voice, mirror page

League for the Revolutionary Party (LRP)

League of Revolutionaries for a New America (LRNA)

Left Green Network

Left Party

Left Turn

Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)

National Black United Front (NBUF)

New Democracy

New Liberty Party

New Party

New Union Party

News & Letters Committees

Organizing Committee for the Program of Permanent Revolution

Peace and Freedom Party (PFP), periodical Partisan Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (PFOC)

Progressive Labor Party (PLP), other page

Progressive ProAction Party

Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) periodical Revolutionary Worker

Revolutionary Workers League (RWL)

Social Democrats USA (SDUSA)

Socialist Action

Socialist Alternative

Socialist Equality Party (SEP)

Socialist Labor Party (SLP)

Socialist Organizer

Socialist Party USA (SPUSA)

Socialist Workers Organization (SWO) periodical Socialist Viewpoint

Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP) periodical Militant Solidarity, mirror page

The Greens/Green Party USA, mirror page

United People’s Party (La Raza Unida Party)

United States Pacifist Party (USPP)

Unity Organizing Committee (UOC) unofficial page

US Marxist-Leninist Organization (USMLO) periodical Voice of Revolution

Vermont Progressive Party

Workers Democracy Network

Workers International League (WIL), youth organization

Workers Party U.S.A.

Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA)

Workers World Party (WWP)

Working Families Party (WFP)

World Socialist Party of the United States (WSPUS)

And don't forget all the colleges and universities who push Communist propaganda.
The vast majority of of those are not communists. You've either lied or been lied too.
Name two differences between the Democratic Party and Communist Party.
Lol, you've gotta be fuckin kidding me.
Yeah, I can’t two differences between the Democratic Party and Communist Party either.
Nike never said that. Stop lying
Yeah, they did.
I'd like to see things from your point of view
but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.
Its not a "point of view", it's the facts in this matter.


No, you would be lying again. Nike caved when the crybaby loser Kaepernick whined that the Betsy Ross flag reminded him of slavery. Try to keep up.
Look kid, you can have your own opinion, we all do. But you aren't entitled to your own set of facts if you don't like the real ones.

That was THEIR statement you moron. Try removing your head from your ass. That is a FACT. Now cry some more.
You really think they said that? Get it from Faux noise did ya?

View attachment 267747

Nike Drops ‘Betsy Ross Flag’ Sneaker After Kaepernick Criticizes It

This a liberal enough rag for you? Boy don't you look stupid? Here, wipe that egg off your face.
Yeah, they did.
Its not a "point of view", it's the facts in this matter.


No, you would be lying again. Nike caved when the crybaby loser Kaepernick whined that the Betsy Ross flag reminded him of slavery. Try to keep up.
Look kid, you can have your own opinion, we all do. But you aren't entitled to your own set of facts if you don't like the real ones.

That was THEIR statement you moron. Try removing your head from your ass. That is a FACT. Now cry some more.
You really think they said that? Get it from Faux noise did ya?

View attachment 267747

Nike Drops ‘Betsy Ross Flag’ Sneaker After Kaepernick Criticizes It

This a liberal enough rag for you? Boy don't you look stupid? Here, wipe that egg off your face.
The Left will deny water is wet if they think they will politically gain from it.
Yeah, they did.
Its not a "point of view", it's the facts in this matter.


No, you would be lying again. Nike caved when the crybaby loser Kaepernick whined that the Betsy Ross flag reminded him of slavery. Try to keep up.
Look kid, you can have your own opinion, we all do. But you aren't entitled to your own set of facts if you don't like the real ones.

That was THEIR statement you moron. Try removing your head from your ass. That is a FACT. Now cry some more.
You really think they said that? Get it from Faux noise did ya?

View attachment 267747

Nike Drops ‘Betsy Ross Flag’ Sneaker After Kaepernick Criticizes It

This a liberal enough rag for you? Boy don't you look stupid? Here, wipe that egg off your face.

New York Times, Liberal Rag? No! LOL!
Who are the White Supremacists? There may be some Klan guys and a few Nazis, but where are the tens of millions of supremacists? I know. The propagandists told you. The cities I have little concern about. When listening to Trump's platforms when he was running, I believed that the children of all Americans were better off or had a better chance in the future. Otherwise I want you to win. You represent anarchy. And vendetta for anyone screwed over by others. For they will not escape the wrath either. Bringing the system down with all of its fiefdoms would even things out but with a massive cost.
United States
List courtesy of Wikipedia, so it's probably mostly reliable but not 100%
Tiny fraction of the American citizenry. There are more Communists in America than these few nutcases.
Yeah? Find me a list of communist organizations.

List of Communist Organizations Operating in US:

All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP)

Alliance Marxist-Leninist (North America)

American Indian Movement – Grand Governing Council (AIM-GGC)

American Indian Movement – International Federation of Autonomous Chapters (AIM-IFAC)

Barrio Union (Unión del Barrio)

Black Radical Congress (BRC)

Committee for a Unified Independent Party (CUIP)

Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS)

Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA)

Communist Voice Organization

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

For a Better World

Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Fight Back] (FRSO)

Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Freedom Road] (FRSO)

Freedom Socialist Party (FSP)

Green Party of the United States, mirror page, other page

Heatwave Communist-Anarchist Federation (Heatwave CAF)

Independent Progressive Politics Network (IPPN)

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

International Socialist Organization (ISO)

Internationalist Group

Internationalist Notes, other page, Los Angeles Workers Voice

Labor Party (LP)

Labor Standard, mirror page

Labor’s Militant Voice, mirror page

League for the Revolutionary Party (LRP)

League of Revolutionaries for a New America (LRNA)

Left Green Network

Left Party

Left Turn

Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)

National Black United Front (NBUF)

New Democracy

New Liberty Party

New Party

New Union Party

News & Letters Committees

Organizing Committee for the Program of Permanent Revolution

Peace and Freedom Party (PFP), periodical Partisan Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (PFOC)

Progressive Labor Party (PLP), other page

Progressive ProAction Party

Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) periodical Revolutionary Worker

Revolutionary Workers League (RWL)

Social Democrats USA (SDUSA)

Socialist Action

Socialist Alternative

Socialist Equality Party (SEP)

Socialist Labor Party (SLP)

Socialist Organizer

Socialist Party USA (SPUSA)

Socialist Workers Organization (SWO) periodical Socialist Viewpoint

Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP) periodical Militant Solidarity, mirror page

The Greens/Green Party USA, mirror page

United People’s Party (La Raza Unida Party)

United States Pacifist Party (USPP)

Unity Organizing Committee (UOC) unofficial page

US Marxist-Leninist Organization (USMLO) periodical Voice of Revolution

Vermont Progressive Party

Workers Democracy Network

Workers International League (WIL), youth organization

Workers Party U.S.A.

Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA)

Workers World Party (WWP)

Working Families Party (WFP)

World Socialist Party of the United States (WSPUS)

And don't forget all the colleges and universities who push Communist propaganda.
The vast majority of of those are not communists. You've either lied or been lied too.
My list is from Wiki. It's just as credible as yours. And that's far more credible than your butthurt.

Forum List
