MSNBC guest: Trump's wall is a monument to white nationalism

Wait a minute, I didn't read the entire post as something caught my eye early, did you just say that Al Sharpton works for MSNBC?

Please tell me that is a joke or you were mistaken. I'm serious, you cannot tell me that Al Sharpton works for a news network.
He has a show on there called politics nation. He even has (gasp) Republicans on his show because he wants both sides of the story.

The wall is a gimmick that came from Roger Stone. It was used to help Trump remember to talk immigration. No one thought any thinking person would take it seriously.

Deantard = Traitor
I'm not on the side of Russia. You guys are.

I think we deserve an explanation why Republicans have become the party of Vladimir Putin.

You’re not on the side of America dismissing 65mil people as racist and calling Israel our only true ally in the ME an apartheid state. You are an embarrassment.
I never called Israel anything. Now you are just flat out lying. Something that comes naturally to your kind.
The truth is, Republicans are racist. How do we know? They tell us.

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

Wear 'racist' like a badge of honour, Bannon tells French far-right summit

Here’s a joke: What’s the difference between a Klan rally and a Republican Convention?

Answer: The dress code.

Broad brushing again. Dems flew the Palestinian flag proudly at the DNC and banned the MS flag. You’re a Democrat that make you anti Israel. Pretty simple. Deantard.
My first reaction was WTF then I saw Sharpton's name and was like oh right the greatest race hustler of all times attempts speech again.
No more than the Great Wall of China, was a sign of Chinese Nationalism to keep out the Mongols.
And look how well that worked.
It wasn't the wall, it was the guards.

Today, we have surveillance and communication equipment and so on.

Instead of spending billions on a wall, let's give our border patrols the best equipment and body armor and good training. We don't need to waste billions on nonsense.

I actually favor throwing a sizable amount of Business owners behind Bars & also a sizable amount of Illegals pretending to not be Illegal to work behind bars.

None the less, the Wall couldn't hurt.

Republican elites secretly want Illegals here for cheap labor, a cornerstone of Crapitalism.
Yea it would hurt. Instead of spending billions on a cement wall that's not even possible, spend the money on barriers where needed, more border patrol and give them the equipment they need to do their job in a safe and practical way.

The wall was a gimmick the GOP fell for hook line and sinker.
MSNBC Guest: Trump’s Wall is a ‘Monument to White Nationalism’

Speaking to MSNBC’s Al Sharpton on Saturday, political editor at Jason Johnson said that President Donald Trump‘s wall is a “monument to white nationalism.”

Because when you are uninformed, uneducated a. hole of course you think this. It, why you were chosen to be their rallying morons you all are easy peazy to manipulate. Trump haters are suckers and they don't even know it no matter how much you point out their lies.


Wait a minute, I didn't read the entire post as something caught my eye early, did you just say that Al Sharpton works for MSNBC?

Please tell me that is a joke or you were mistaken. I'm serious, you cannot tell me that Al Sharpton works for a news network.
He has a show on there called politics nation. He even has (gasp) Republicans on his show because he wants both sides of the story.

The wall is a gimmick that came from Roger Stone. It was used to help Trump remember to talk immigration. No one thought any thinking person would take it seriously.

He even has (gasp) Republicans on his show because he wants both sides of the story.
Just like Fox has Democrats on their shows.

(they want both sides of the story.


No more than the Great Wall of China, was a sign of Chinese Nationalism to keep out the Mongols.
And look how well that worked.
It wasn't the wall, it was the guards.

Today, we have surveillance and communication equipment and so on.

Instead of spending billions on a wall, let's give our border patrols the best equipment and body armor and good training. We don't need to waste billions on nonsense.

I actually favor throwing a sizable amount of Business owners behind Bars & also a sizable amount of Illegals pretending to not be Illegal to work behind bars.

None the less, the Wall couldn't hurt.

Republican elites secretly want Illegals here for cheap labor, a cornerstone of Crapitalism.
Yea it would hurt. Instead of spending billions on a cement wall that's not even possible, spend the money on barriers where needed, more border patrol and give them the equipment they need to do their job in a safe and practical way.

The wall was a gimmick the GOP fell for hook line and sinker.

You mean until the next president cuts border patrol in half and tells them, "if they are in, they are in, it's not right to keep people out of America?"

A wall is permanent and it doesn't care about party. 2000, a DAY! You have a bloody National emegency. Just the structure itself will deter people from trying. Who wants to travel hundreds of miles only to come up against a wall and they can't get in?

Build it. You're economy, sovereignty, health and national security depend on it.

If Trump really believed in the wall, he wouldn't lie about it.

This is the tweet he sent out. Looks grave, until you break it down.

In 2018, 1.7 million pounds of Narcotics seized. Only they came here hidden in products, from all over, through legal entry. The wall would have no effect on this.

17,000 adults arrested with criminal records. This adults charged with misdemeanors for sneaking into the US. They would still sneak in even with a wall, by, uh, using a ladder or a tunnel.

6000 gang members apprehended. Yea, from all over the US. Again, the wall would have zero impact.

Human trafficking problem. Numbers please?

Trump’s Wall Reportedly a Gimmick Campaign Aides Came Up With So He’d Remember to Talk Immigration

Don't you get it? You've fallen for a "gimmick". You were tricked by a "gimmick".

Gimmicks are the oldest cons in the world that come from a confidence man. Time to put the gimmick away and join reality. Become a part of this world.

If your side would enforce the laws and not give sanctuary to criminals like California, New York and Cities like Houston and Chicago then maybe idiots on the right would not want the wall!

The Wall is a waste of money but those like you go further in not wanting any form of border security or Immigration policies.

I for one believe the wasted money on the wall could be used for better enforcement of laws we have and if a law need to be passed it should focus on business owners and severe punishments for hiring undocumented workers.

Of course you will also be against that, so that is why you have Trump and the Wall debate...
The term racist didn’t work, so now they go for white nationalist to if it will stick. If that doesn’t work, watch them turn to white supremists.
They do know by using those terms it does effect polls in their favor, as no one wants to be labeled any of those terms, even though they want the wall for legitimate reasons; keeping out drugs, and criminal illegals.
Diseased illegal aliens in no way improve this country
MSNBC Guest: Trump’s Wall is a ‘Monument to White Nationalism’

Speaking to MSNBC’s Al Sharpton on Saturday, political editor at Jason Johnson said that President Donald Trump‘s wall is a “monument to white nationalism.”

Because when you are uninformed, uneducated a. hole of course you think this. It, why you were chosen to be their rallying morons you all are easy peazy to manipulate. Trump haters are suckers and they don't even know it no matter how much you point out their lies.

Is the "WALL" a new Confederate Monument towards Racism?

Nice hearing my words echoed by others.

I've tweeted many times to Al Sharpton saying this exact same thing starting a couple of months ago.

Did you know that "The Wall" was a campaign device that came from Roger Stone? It was never a "real thing". I saw Joy Reid compare the wall to Bill Clinton building a literal wall to the 21st century or Obama ordering up Yes we "CANS". 5 Billion dollars worth.
We build walls or fences in our yards to say, this is my land and anyone who is allowed inside the wall must follow my rules or be expelled. Obviously, our rules are not being followed with the current set up. THAT is why we need a wall!
You are so silly. Before it was a wall, now it is a cement wall. Well guess what, it isn’t just a cement wall. It is a wall made of various materials. Here is a description of a portion recently finished-

“The wall replaced an older, shorter barrier that was installed in the 1990s and was comprised of recycled scraps of metal and old landing mats that could easily be climbed over without a ladder. The new wall is made of bollard fencing that consists of vertical steel posts that have been planted in the ground.”

DHS unveils Trump's first completed border wall project: 'Walls work'

And by the way, a virtual fence was tried and scrapped, due to it not working-
Homeland Security Cancels ‘Virtual Fence’ After $1 Billion Is Spent

No more than the Great Wall of China, was a sign of Chinese Nationalism to keep out the Mongols.
And look how well that worked.
It wasn't the wall, it was the guards.

Today, we have surveillance and communication equipment and so on.

Instead of spending billions on a wall, let's give our border patrols the best equipment and body armor and good training. We don't need to waste billions on nonsense.

I actually favor throwing a sizable amount of Business owners behind Bars & also a sizable amount of Illegals pretending to not be Illegal to work behind bars.

None the less, the Wall couldn't hurt.

Republican elites secretly want Illegals here for cheap labor, a cornerstone of Crapitalism.
Yea it would hurt. Instead of spending billions on a cement wall that's not even possible, spend the money on barriers where needed, more border patrol and give them the equipment they need to do their job in a safe and practical way.

The wall was a gimmick the GOP fell for hook line and sinker.
No more than the Great Wall of China, was a sign of Chinese Nationalism to keep out the Mongols.
And look how well that worked.
It wasn't the wall, it was the guards.

Today, we have surveillance and communication equipment and so on.

Instead of spending billions on a wall, let's give our border patrols the best equipment and body armor and good training. We don't need to waste billions on nonsense.

I actually favor throwing a sizable amount of Business owners behind Bars & also a sizable amount of Illegals pretending to not be Illegal to work behind bars.

Scare the Crapitalists into hiring & likewise the Illegals from getting jobs.

None the less, the Wall couldn't hurt.

Republican elites secretly want Illegals here for cheap labor, a cornerstone of Crapitalism.
Just throwing people behind bars.

Talk about wildly spending money for no good reason.
Wait a minute, I didn't read the entire post as something caught my eye early, did you just say that Al Sharpton works for MSNBC?

Please tell me that is a joke or you were mistaken. I'm serious, you cannot tell me that Al Sharpton works for a news network.
He has a show on there called politics nation. He even has (gasp) Republicans on his show because he wants both sides of the story.

The wall is a gimmick that came from Roger Stone. It was used to help Trump remember to talk immigration. No one thought any thinking person would take it seriously.

Deantard = Traitor
I'm not on the side of Russia. You guys are.

I think we deserve an explanation why Republicans have become the party of Vladimir Putin.

You’re not on the side of America dismissing 65mil people as racist and calling Israel our only true ally in the ME an apartheid state. You are an embarrassment.

Derp just repeats what MNBCPMS and other loon sites instructs him too.
I quote Republicans dum dum.
Only Republicans will call you traitor for, get this, repeating what other Republicans are saying.
He has a show on there called politics nation. He even has (gasp) Republicans on his show because he wants both sides of the story.

The wall is a gimmick that came from Roger Stone. It was used to help Trump remember to talk immigration. No one thought any thinking person would take it seriously.

Deantard = Traitor
I'm not on the side of Russia. You guys are.

I think we deserve an explanation why Republicans have become the party of Vladimir Putin.

You’re not on the side of America dismissing 65mil people as racist and calling Israel our only true ally in the ME an apartheid state. You are an embarrassment.

Derp just repeats what MNBCPMS and other loon sites instructs him too.
I quote Republicans dum dum.

You calling someone else dumb is laughable. Do you deny that a Palestinian flag was proudly flown at the DNC

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