MSNBC host mocks Romney's adopted black grandchild

Also a racist and a segregationalist.

No wonder he can't keep a job. What a huge liability to any employer.

Yawn, you forgot to whine about porn again... because you can't stop thinking about the porn.

Anyway, back in the real world, studies have shown that children raised in "transracial" environments often have problems.

Black Kids in White Houses by Jen Graves - Seattle Features - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

And those are kids not raised by batshit crazy cultists

Transracial and also extreme religious environments. That kid is definately going to rebel.

Is that because he is black, or is it because you are an idiot?
This is a great thread. It highlights the leftist prejudice against Christians, mormons, and blacks.

love it.
Yawn, you forgot to whine about porn again... because you can't stop thinking about the porn.

Anyway, back in the real world, studies have shown that children raised in "transracial" environments often have problems.

Black Kids in White Houses by Jen Graves - Seattle Features - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

And those are kids not raised by batshit crazy cultists

Transracial and also extreme religious environments. That kid is definately going to rebel.

Is that because he is black, or is it because you are an idiot?

Como, you can figure this out if you follow along. I just know you can.
I would love to know how much interaction you've had with the 'extremist" mormons, sarhag. I've had a lot of interaction with grandparents were mormon, and I have many relatives and friends, as well as coworkers, who are mormons.

They all adhere to traditional values..unlike the mother (you) who refers to her son as an asshole and seems to be proud of the fact that she can't stand him, and who apparently thinks that white families shouldn't adopt black children (though I'm sure you would insist that it's racist for OTHER people to distinguish between the races when it comes to adoption). I think I prefer their brand of extremism to yours any day of the week.
I would love to know how much interaction you've had with the 'extremist" mormons, sarhag. I've had a lot of interaction with grandparents were mormon, and I have many relatives and friends, as well as coworkers, who are mormons.

They all adhere to traditional values..unlike the mother (you) who refers to her son as an asshole and seems to be proud of the fact that she can't stand him, and who apparently thinks that white families shouldn't adopt black children (though I'm sure you would insist that it's racist for OTHER people to distinguish between the races when it comes to adoption). I think I prefer their brand of extremism to yours any day of the week.

Are you drunk? I don't even have a son, asshole.

Oh I must have confused you with some other extremist asshole. Boop, perhaps.

Anyway, how many Mormons have you interacted with? Is the entire state of Utah *extremist*?
And btw, I couldn't care less about your personal life. Not many here do.
So it's okey to make fun of little children for sick politics no matter what they color they are

got it,

But only if you are CON$ervoFascist!

“So, Chelsea decided to adopt a child from Africa because of her father’s bad heart and Hillary, her mother, fell down. Nothing to do with the fact that this is the latest fashion accessory for elite liberals – particularly of the Hollywood variety. Nothing to do with that at all”
-Rush Limbaugh

I bet Rush was defended by the very same people here who are screaming "racist" for pointing out that a Mormon adopted a baby carrying the original sin, the Mark of Cain. Oh wait, Mormons stopped believing that when their tax exemption was threatened. Now blacks are OK.

All bullshit aside, if the basic facts of the case are accurate (i.e., Chelsea Clinton adopting a black African baby), Limbaugh's point is quite valid.

Chelsea Clinton has chosen to do a trendy, self-aggrandizing, cheap, politically motivated, stupid stunt. And it is national "news." If adopting a child in need was her true motivation, there is a real possibility that such a child could be found among the 300+ million residents of the U.S. fucking A. Especially if you are the politically connected daughter of an ex-President.

Limbaugh's contempt is well-warranted.

How many Mormons do you know, sarhag? You refer to them as *extremists* must have a point of reference. Share it. What makes them *extremist*...and you...not?
Or maybe she shouldn't apologize for something someone else said.

It was a panelist who made the crack about the Romney family.

Of course, that poor black kid is going to grow up in a family of cultists who think dark skin is a curse from God... being made fun of on a TV show is probably the least of her problems...

You know, you're such a dick.

Also a racist and a segregationalist.

No wonder he can't keep a job. What a huge liability to any employer.

Joe's a segregationist ? Interesting.
I would love to know how much interaction you've had with the 'extremist" mormons, sarhag. I've had a lot of interaction with grandparents were mormon, and I have many relatives and friends, as well as coworkers, who are mormons.

They all adhere to traditional values..unlike the mother (you) who refers to her son as an asshole and seems to be proud of the fact that she can't stand him, and who apparently thinks that white families shouldn't adopt black children (though I'm sure you would insist that it's racist for OTHER people to distinguish between the races when it comes to adoption). I think I prefer their brand of extremism to yours any day of the week.

No you havent. Stop lying.
Okay sarah and joe, since a white couple shouldn't adopt a black child by your reasearch. So your against a gay or lesbian couple doing the same?
Racists are Racists. And unfortunately, most African American Democrats are racist. That's just the way it is these days. Here's a good man who adopts an African American child, yet hateful bigots like this NBC nutter still go on hating. And this also shows NBC's sad desperation. I mean come on, still banging on Romney? Seriously? My God, the Election's been over for awhile. Still trying to make him their 'Evil Boogeyman.' Pretty sad stuff. GE/NBC is a joke at this point.

Racism has been a game the Dimbocraps have played since the founding of our country; historical FACT.
And it's hateful to call homos...homos...but it's okay to call Phil Robertson a stupid redneck, and to attack Mormons as *extremists*...and to discourage the adoption of non-white babies.

This is the's racist to adopt a black baby, and it's extremist to admit your adherence to any form of Christianity. Robertson is *hateful* for spouting biblical verse, and the Romney's are *extremists* because they're Mormon.

Got it?
Oh, and it's perfectly acceptable to make fun of black children who have been adopted into well-to-do Christian families...and to perpetuate the myth that a black child can't possibly be happy in a white family.
And Christians. She's got some serious antipathy there.

It has to give her ulcers.
This is a great thread. It highlights the leftist prejudice against Christians, mormons, and blacks.

love it.

Yup, because if think a black kid won't do well in a whacky cult that thinks his dark skin is a curse from God, it must be because we are prejudiced.

An untold story. In Utah, the Mormons have a very bad habit of swooping in on poor people and stealing their kids to increase the size of the cult.

The Mormon Curtain - LDS SOCIAL SERVICES

Keep in mind, Mitt Romney was the guy who attempted to talk a single mother into giving up her kid for adoption.

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