MSNBC host: ‘Who’s More Dangerous, the Supreme Leader in Tehran or Netanyahu?’


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Well, let's see...

Iran hasn't attacked a country in over 200 years.

Israel started the last 6 conflicts its been in.

No question about it, Big Ben is a pariah.

only in the mind of a muslim ass kisser
Well, let's see...

Iran hasn't attacked a country in over 200 years.

Israel started the last 6 conflicts its been in.

No question about it, Big Ben is a pariah.

The brilliance of MSNBC:cuckoo:

“Morning Joe” host Mike Barnicle asked Joe Klein if Ayatollah Ali Khamenei or Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is more dangerous Wednesday morning.

MIKE BARNICLE: Who is the more dangerous player on the world stage right now, the supreme leader in Tehran or Bibi netanyahu?

I wonder if they took a poll. They probably only have 3 viewers.
Well, we're going to determine that right now, by taking a closer look at your argument.

1948 War of Independence
This war started as a result of years of jewish colonial expansion in Palestine in areas they were not given in the Mandate. Over 750,000 people, who were the indigenous population in that area for over a 1000 years, were driven from their land by jewish terrorist groups like Irgun. Since the British government threw up their hands and said they weren't going to enforce the law in that area, which was to ensure the Palestinian's right to self-determination, the arab states stepped in to do just that. But they didn't have a very good military and the zionists did.

So the war was not un-provoked and started by arabs.

Score: your 0-1.

•1956 Sinai War
[URL=""]Israel attacked Egypt, to start that war.

In 1956, the British, the French, and the Israelis jointly attacked Egypt when President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal.
So you're wrong there.

Score: your 0-2.

•1967 Six Day War
Sorry, Israel launched a bombing raid and officially initiated hostilities.

After a period of high tension between Israel and its neighbors, the war began on June 5 with Israel launching surprise bombing raids against Egyptian air-fields.
You struck out on that one, too.

Score: your 0-3.

•1973 Yom Kippur War
At first glance, you may have scored on this one, since it was a surprise attack against Israel.

The war began when the coalition launched a joint surprise attack on Israel on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism, which happened to occur that year during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Egyptian and Syrian forces crossed ceasefire lines to enter the Israeli-held Sinai Peninsula and Golan Heights respectively, which had been captured and occupied since the 1967 Six-Day War.
However, the attack was a result of Israel not giving up their occupation of land they seized in the '67 war. Which was illegal. So, one can conclude, if Israel obeyed international law and ended their occupation of land that wasn't their's, there wouldn't have been a war.

So I'm gonna call this, victim precipitated violence.

Score: your 0-4.

Israel defended itself each time and won. After each war Israeli army withdrew from most of the areas it captured (see maps). (see Camp-David Accords). This is unprecedented in World history and shows Israel's willingness to reach peace even at the risk of fighting for its very existence each time anew.
An occupational force cannot claim self-defense.

Score: your 0-5.

Anonymous quote:

If the Arabs (Moslems) put down their weapons today there would be no more violence. If the Israelis put down their weapons today there would be no more Israel.
Think about it...[/URL]
Anonymous quotes have no validity.

Score: your 0-6.

Now let's review...

You got F'ed in the A!
The brilliance of MSNBC:cuckoo:

“Morning Joe” host Mike Barnicle asked Joe Klein if Ayatollah Ali Khamenei or Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is more dangerous Wednesday morning.

MIKE BARNICLE: Who is the more dangerous player on the world stage right now, the supreme leader in Tehran or Bibi netanyahu?

I wonder if they took a poll. They probably only have 3 viewers.

More then that...This is the anti-white news channel we're talking about.:eusa_boohoo:
Well, we're going to determine that right now, by taking a closer look at your argument.

1948 War of Independence
This war started as a result of years of jewish colonial expansion in Palestine in areas they were not given in the Mandate. Over 750,000 people, who were the indigenous population in that area for over a 1000 years, were driven from their land by jewish terrorist groups like Irgun. Since the British government threw up their hands and said they weren't going to enforce the law in that area, which was to ensure the Palestinian's right to self-determination, the arab states stepped in to do just that. But they didn't have a very good military and the zionists did.

So the war was not un-provoked and started by arabs.

Score: your 0-1.

[URL=""]Israel attacked Egypt, to start that war.

So you're wrong there.

Score: your 0-2.

Sorry, Israel launched a bombing raid and officially initiated hostilities.

You struck out on that one, too.

Score: your 0-3.

At first glance, you may have scored on this one, since it was a surprise attack against Israel.

However, the attack was a result of Israel not giving up their occupation of land they seized in the '67 war. Which was illegal. So, one can conclude, if Israel obeyed international law and ended their occupation of land that wasn't their's, there wouldn't have been a war.

So I'm gonna call this, victim precipitated violence.

Score: your 0-4.

Israel defended itself each time and won. After each war Israeli army withdrew from most of the areas it captured (see maps). (see Camp-David Accords). This is unprecedented in World history and shows Israel's willingness to reach peace even at the risk of fighting for its very existence each time anew.
An occupational force cannot claim self-defense.

Score: your 0-5.

Anonymous quote:

If the Arabs (Moslems) put down their weapons today there would be no more violence. If the Israelis put down their weapons today there would be no more Israel.
Think about it...[/URL]
Anonymous quotes have no validity.

Score: your 0-6.

Now let's review...

You got F'ed in the A!

Another anti-semitic piece of trash to stink the board up. You're a revisionist MORON.
Well, let's see...

Iran hasn't attacked a country in over 200 years.

Israel started the last 6 conflicts its been in.

No question about it, Big Ben is a pariah.

Iran is and has been one of the biggest funders and supporters of Terrorism in the world. They have been killing our troops since the bombing of the marine barracks in Lebanon, and they continue to do so idiot

Iran's supreme leader orders fresh terror attacks on West
Iran's Supreme Leader has ordered the country's Revolutionary Guards to intensify its campaign of terror attacks against the West and its allies in retaliation for supporting the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria.


Iran's supreme leader orders fresh terror attacks on West - Telegraph
Well, we're going to determine that right now, by taking a closer look at your argument.

1948 War of Independence
This war started as a result of years of jewish colonial expansion in Palestine in areas they were not given in the Mandate. Over 750,000 people, who were the indigenous population in that area for over a 1000 years, were driven from their land by jewish terrorist groups like Irgun. Since the British government threw up their hands and said they weren't going to enforce the law in that area, which was to ensure the Palestinian's right to self-determination, the arab states stepped in to do just that. But they didn't have a very good military and the zionists did.

So the war was not un-provoked and started by arabs.

Score: your 0-1.

[URL=""]Israel attacked Egypt, to start that war.

So you're wrong there.

Score: your 0-2.

Sorry, Israel launched a bombing raid and officially initiated hostilities.

You struck out on that one, too.

Score: your 0-3.

At first glance, you may have scored on this one, since it was a surprise attack against Israel.

However, the attack was a result of Israel not giving up their occupation of land they seized in the '67 war. Which was illegal. So, one can conclude, if Israel obeyed international law and ended their occupation of land that wasn't their's, there wouldn't have been a war.

So I'm gonna call this, victim precipitated violence.

Score: your 0-4.

Israel defended itself each time and won. After each war Israeli army withdrew from most of the areas it captured (see maps). (see Camp-David Accords). This is unprecedented in World history and shows Israel's willingness to reach peace even at the risk of fighting for its very existence each time anew.
An occupational force cannot claim self-defense.

Score: your 0-5.

Anonymous quote:

If the Arabs (Moslems) put down their weapons today there would be no more violence. If the Israelis put down their weapons today there would be no more Israel.
Think about it...[/URL]
Anonymous quotes have no validity.

Score: your 0-6.

Now let's review...

You got F'ed in the A!

Looks like you been working hard loincloth, hope you didn't spend to much time on it...

Israel became a nation about 1300 BCE, two thousand years before the rise of Islam. The people of modern day Israel share the same language and culture shaped by the Jewish heritage and religion passed through generations starting with the founding father Abraham. Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 BCE, the Jews have had dominion over the land for one thousand years with a continuous presence in the land for the past 3,300 years.

There goes your occupation theory, took me 12 sec...:D

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