MSNBC: It’s Time For Anti-Gun Activists To Start Going After NRA Members

oh my, are you "afraid" of a little ole Armalite Rifle? God you fuckers even ban 32 ounce sodas. All you dweebs do is ban....So much for being liberal.
Things need banned because you assfucks are too stupid not to do it.

Have many times have bans actually solved anything? I could never get behind voluntarily giving up a constitutional right.

The assault weapon ban reduced mass shootings.

No, it didn't..... you have been shown study after study that shows it had no effect..... rifles of any kind are the not the primary choice for shooters, mass shooters or regular criminals, of any kind......

You showed a study on crime like the dishonest fuck that you are,.

Look at deaths from mass shootings. Fell during the ban & skyrocketed afterwards.,
No they didn't
WAPO gave Clinton two Two Pinocchios for his claim the assault weapon ban lowered mass shootings
oh my, are you "afraid" of a little ole Armalite Rifle? God you fuckers even ban 32 ounce sodas. All you dweebs do is ban....So much for being liberal.
Things need banned because you assfucks are too stupid not to do it.

Have many times have bans actually solved anything? I could never get behind voluntarily giving up a constitutional right.

The assault weapon ban reduced mass shootings.
17mass shootings?

12 in 2018...

Here is the number since 1982.... notice how few there actually are in a country of over 320 million people..... and the later list is with the new used to require 4 dead...but that wasn't getting the number high enough so obama lowered it to 3 dead.

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

2018... 12

2017: 11 ( 5 according to the old standard)


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0


So, you can't see how the number has increased since the ban expired or look at the body counts.
Things need banned because you assfucks are too stupid not to do it.

Have many times have bans actually solved anything? I could never get behind voluntarily giving up a constitutional right.

The assault weapon ban reduced mass shootings.
17mass shootings?

12 in 2018...

Here is the number since 1982.... notice how few there actually are in a country of over 320 million people..... and the later list is with the new used to require 4 dead...but that wasn't getting the number high enough so obama lowered it to 3 dead.

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

2018... 12

2017: 11 ( 5 according to the old standard)


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0


So, you can't see how the number has increased since the ban expired or look at the body counts.

Dumb ass.....

It isn't the weapon you doofus is the time the shooter has in the gun free zone before someone uses a gun and makes him stop killing people......

Virginia Tech...32 killed with 2 pistols

Luby's Cafe, 24 killed with 2 pistols....

Navy Yard, 12 killed with pump action shotgun...

Number killed in mass public shootings over 10 year period.....17 a year....

12 mass public shootings in 93 killed....

Bees and Wasps...

Afraid of Snakes? Wasps and Dogs Are Deadlier

Of the 1,610 people killed in encounters with animals between 2008 and 2015,

478 were killed by hornets, wasps and bees,

and 272 by dogs, according to a study published in Wilderness & Environmental Medicine. Snakes, spiders and scorpions were responsible for 99 deaths over the eight years.
I don't rape. When I walk down the street, no one will steal my penis & fuck someone who does not want to be fucked, I won't drop my penis & have it go off & kill someone, I won't leave my penis somewhere where children will get it. If I mishandle my penis, no one dies.

Mishandle your little wee-wee and get some poor woman pregnant and you won't immediately choose to abort (murder) the little turd?

Really? you killing isn't murder and abortion isn't killing? What is it then? Food gathering?
Things need banned because you assfucks are too stupid not to do it.

Have many times have bans actually solved anything? I could never get behind voluntarily giving up a constitutional right.

The assault weapon ban reduced mass shootings.
17mass shootings?

12 in 2018...

Here is the number since 1982.... notice how few there actually are in a country of over 320 million people..... and the later list is with the new used to require 4 dead...but that wasn't getting the number high enough so obama lowered it to 3 dead.

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

2018... 12

2017: 11 ( 5 according to the old standard)


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0


So, you can't see how the number has increased since the ban expired or look at the body counts.

Moron, the number has increased because of 24/7 news coverage that makes the shooting seem like the crimial's Oscar coverage.....and because new mass shooters are studying what the previous mass shooters did....the response times of police, where the gun free zones are...

You dumb ass...
Things need banned because you assfucks are too stupid not to do it.

Have many times have bans actually solved anything? I could never get behind voluntarily giving up a constitutional right.

The assault weapon ban reduced mass shootings.
17mass shootings?

12 in 2018...

Here is the number since 1982.... notice how few there actually are in a country of over 320 million people..... and the later list is with the new used to require 4 dead...but that wasn't getting the number high enough so obama lowered it to 3 dead.

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

2018... 12

2017: 11 ( 5 according to the old standard)


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0


So, you can't see how the number has increased since the ban expired or look at the body counts.

Just to show you how dumb you are....

Since 2015, residents of the state of Maine have been allowed to carry a concealed firearm without any special permit, and now the results are in: crime has fallen to the point where the state is now rated the safest in the nation from the threat of crime. The Maine Examiner reports:

When Maine passed a “Constitutional Carry” law allowing Maine residents to carry a concealed firearm without any special permit in 2015, opponents of the law forecast a dangerous future for the state. They said the new law would hurt public safety and put Maine kids at risk.

One state representative who opposed the bill went so far as to say it would give Mainers a reason to be afraid every time they went out in public or to work.

Another state representative suggested the law would lead to violent criminals with recent arrests and convictions legally carrying handguns.
Things need banned because you assfucks are too stupid not to do it.

Have many times have bans actually solved anything? I could never get behind voluntarily giving up a constitutional right.

The assault weapon ban reduced mass shootings.

No, it didn't..... you have been shown study after study that shows it had no effect..... rifles of any kind are the not the primary choice for shooters, mass shooters or regular criminals, of any kind......

You showed a study on crime like the dishonest fuck that you are,.

Look at deaths from mass shootings. Fell during the ban & skyrocketed afterwards.,
No they didn't
WAPO gave Clinton two Two Pinocchios for his claim the assault weapon ban lowered mass shootings

It is a fact that deaths from mass shooting fell during the ban & rose significantly afterwards.

The Post had a problem with tying the ban to the reduction but that does not change the facts.

Dropped during, skyrocketed afterwards.
It is, in fact.

If violence against people with different ideas is normalized, what makes you think you'll always be on the "right" side?

Because I can exercise my 2nd amendment right.
Everyone can, unless they live in a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people.

Wonderful. I don't live in a liberal shit hole that disarms law-abiding people. Anything else?
So why do you want to make all America a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people?

Look, assfuck, we ate not talking about taking away all your precious guns.

What really proves whart a fucking asshole you people are is lying like this.

The talk is about better background checks, taking guns from mentally ill, and banning assault type rifles.
and what do you morons do, run screaming " OMG OMG they are taking our guns".
History says you're full of shit.
It's only nonsense to you because it hits so close to home you can't focus on it. You can tell because I don't call for violence against people who disagree with me.

Whatever. Neither do I. You're fuckin' delusional, kid.
I must have missed your condemnation of the MSNBC idiot, then. Would you mind pointing it out?

I don't make a habit of condemning photos of people.
Ummm...that's not what I'm talking about, genius. I'm talking about the MSNBC idiot calling for violence against NRA members.

Wait, did you think the photo of the drag queen was an MSNBC employee? Might be, at that.
If you've living life believing other people are obligated to control your emotions for you because you're unable to do so for yourself, it's time to seriously grow up.

You're talking nonsense. Please don't project your personal failures upon me.
It's only nonsense to you because it hits so close to home you can't focus on it. You can tell because I don't call for violence against people who disagree with me.

Whatever. Neither do I. You're fuckin' delusional, kid.
I must have missed your condemnation of the MSNBC idiot, then. Would you mind pointing it out?
In your demented little mind, "going after" someone is doing violent acts on them.

To be, you can go after NRA members of congress by voting them out of office.

This is what that fat assed Trump has done to you assfucks. Everything is violence to you.
Yes, leftists like to blame Trump for their violent tendencies. Y'all beat up someone for wearing a red hat, and you blame Trump.

Man bashed in the face in NYC for wearing Trump ‘MAGA’ hat: cops
Everyone can, unless they live in a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people.

Wonderful. I don't live in a liberal shit hole that disarms law-abiding people. Anything else?
So why do you want to make all America a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people?

Look, assfuck, we ate not talking about taking away all your precious guns.

What really proves whart a fucking asshole you people are is lying like this.

The talk is about better background checks, taking guns from mentally ill, and banning assault type rifles.
and what do you morons do, run screaming " OMG OMG they are taking our guns".
oh my, are you "afraid" of a little ole Armalite Rifle? God you fuckers even ban 32 ounce sodas. All you dweebs do is ban....So much for being liberal.
Things need banned because you assfucks are too stupid not to do it.
Liberals are so afraid of liberty.

You all need to realize that being a pussy is not a superior personality trait.
oh my, are you "afraid" of a little ole Armalite Rifle? God you fuckers even ban 32 ounce sodas. All you dweebs do is ban....So much for being liberal.
Things need banned because you assfucks are too stupid not to do it.

Have many times have bans actually solved anything? I could never get behind voluntarily giving up a constitutional right.

The assault weapon ban reduced mass shootings.
17mass shootings?

What happened when the ban

'But hey, What 's a a bunch of derd children next to the enjoyment of getting all beered up & shooting bottles with your AR-15.
Hey, how does taking things away from law-abiding people stop people who don't obey the law?

Have many times have bans actually solved anything? I could never get behind voluntarily giving up a constitutional right.

The assault weapon ban reduced mass shootings.

No, it didn't..... you have been shown study after study that shows it had no effect..... rifles of any kind are the not the primary choice for shooters, mass shooters or regular criminals, of any kind......

You showed a study on crime like the dishonest fuck that you are,.

Look at deaths from mass shootings. Fell during the ban & skyrocketed afterwards.,
No they didn't
WAPO gave Clinton two Two Pinocchios for his claim the assault weapon ban lowered mass shootings

It is a fact that deaths from mass shooting fell during the ban & rose significantly afterwards.

The Post had a problem with tying the ban to the reduction but that does not change the facts.

Dropped during, skyrocketed afterwards.
You are mistakenly wrong
I don't rape. When I walk down the street, no one will steal my penis & fuck someone who does not want to be fucked, I won't drop my penis & have it go off & kill someone, I won't leave my penis somewhere where children will get it. If I mishandle my penis, no one dies.

Mishandle your little wee-wee and get some poor woman pregnant and you won't immediately choose to abort (murder) the little turd?

Really? you killing isn't murder and abortion isn't killing? What is it then? Food gathering?

So now after losing your debate on guns, you sink into an abortion debate.
The assault weapon ban reduced mass shootings.

No, it didn't..... you have been shown study after study that shows it had no effect..... rifles of any kind are the not the primary choice for shooters, mass shooters or regular criminals, of any kind......

You showed a study on crime like the dishonest fuck that you are,.

Look at deaths from mass shootings. Fell during the ban & skyrocketed afterwards.,
No they didn't
WAPO gave Clinton two Two Pinocchios for his claim the assault weapon ban lowered mass shootings

It is a fact that deaths from mass shooting fell during the ban & rose significantly afterwards.

The Post had a problem with tying the ban to the reduction but that does not change the facts.

Dropped during, skyrocketed afterwards.
You are mistakenly wrong

deaths from mass shootings:

85-94 148 Preban
95-04 101 Ban
05-14 290 fter Ban expires

But Noooooooooooooo. The ban did nothing.

You assfucks are dumber than shit.
deaths from mass shootings:
85-94 148 Preban
95-04 101 Ban
05-14 290 fter Ban expires
I laugh at your ignorance and inability to reason.
Demonstrate the necessary relationship between the enactment/expiration of the AWB and the decrease/increase in mass shooting deaths.
Be sure to account for the fact the AWB, as demonstrated below, did nothing to reduce access to 'assault weapons'.

M1A AWB.jpg
We can ban certain guns or not ban them but in my personal opinion, and I know this isn't a popular thing to say, but the issue is not the types of guns available for purchase in stores but it's the lack of faith in and lack of following of Jesus's teachings that more and more people seem to be moving away from that is the real cause of the increase in violence. You partner that loss of Jesus along with a growing population, an increase in mental health concerns, and the accessibility to weapons it's a recipe for potential violence in my opinion.
Everyone can, unless they live in a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people.

Wonderful. I don't live in a liberal shit hole that disarms law-abiding people. Anything else?
So why do you want to make all America a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people?

Look, assfuck, we ate not talking about taking away all your precious guns.

What really proves whart a fucking asshole you people are is lying like this.

The talk is about better background checks, taking guns from mentally ill, and banning assault type rifles.
and what do you morons do, run screaming " OMG OMG they are taking our guns".
oh my, are you "afraid" of a little ole Armalite Rifle? God you fuckers even ban 32 ounce sodas. All you dweebs do is ban....So much for being liberal.
Things need banned because you assfucks are too stupid not to do it.

The only stupid person I see here is you. Your to stupid to know facts. You listen to AOC and the retards Keep showing how hateful and stupid you are.

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