MSNBC: It’s Time For Anti-Gun Activists To Start Going After NRA Members

I'm talking about the MSNBC idiot calling for violence against NRA members.

Not my problem.
It is, in fact.

If violence against people with different ideas is normalized, what makes you think you'll always be on the "right" side?

Because I can exercise my 2nd amendment right.
So you can exercise your 2nd amendment right, but I cant exercise my 1st? Talk about a dumbshit of the Nth degree.

Dickhead, I never said that you can't exercise your first amendment right, you dunce.
I'm talking about the MSNBC idiot calling for violence against NRA members.

Not my problem.
It is, in fact.

If violence against people with different ideas is normalized, what makes you think you'll always be on the "right" side?

Because I can exercise my 2nd amendment right.
Everyone can, unless they live in a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people.

Wonderful. I don't live in a liberal shit hole that disarms law-abiding people. Anything else?
So why do you want to make all America a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people?
I'm talking about the MSNBC idiot calling for violence against NRA members.

Not my problem.
It is, in fact.

If violence against people with different ideas is normalized, what makes you think you'll always be on the "right" side?

Because I can exercise my 2nd amendment right.
So you can exercise your 2nd amendment right, but I cant exercise my 1st? Talk about a dumbshit of the Nth degree.

Dickhead, I never said that you can't exercise your first amendment right, you dunce.
No you just want to restrict what I wear, because it might trigger someone. At one time a long time ago, people used to say "Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me". Butthurt liberals have totally taken to the worse of insults and safe spaces for precious snowflakes. They need to man up, or move to Cuba.
Come and get it, the last time I had what turned out to be a detective pounding at my door at 2 in the morning I had my 45 trained on the door should it have come down. When my wife told me it was the cops I opened the door and told him how lucky he was to have not come in, then he turned and ran away. So come and get it...………………….It might arrive sooner than you think

True story, do not and I repeat do not try at home

Unless the situation calls for it
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The NRA should be sued.

For What?
Don't you think Wayne Lapierre is fucking really creepy? Even forgetting what he does, he creeps me out as a person. A total slimeball.
Another shallow moron.

Do you really think we care about LaPierre??
I was just wondering if even NRA people thought he was creepy. That's all.


Never thought about how creepy he may seem to be.
Not my problem.
It is, in fact.

If violence against people with different ideas is normalized, what makes you think you'll always be on the "right" side?

Because I can exercise my 2nd amendment right.
Everyone can, unless they live in a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people.

Wonderful. I don't live in a liberal shit hole that disarms law-abiding people. Anything else?
So why do you want to make all America a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people?

Look, assfuck, we ate not talking about taking away all your precious guns.

What really proves whart a fucking asshole you people are is lying like this.

The talk is about better background checks, taking guns from mentally ill, and banning assault type rifles.
and what do you morons do, run screaming " OMG OMG they are taking our guns".
You're talking nonsense. Please don't project your personal failures upon me.
It's only nonsense to you because it hits so close to home you can't focus on it. You can tell because I don't call for violence against people who disagree with me.

Whatever. Neither do I. You're fuckin' delusional, kid.
I must have missed your condemnation of the MSNBC idiot, then. Would you mind pointing it out?

I don't make a habit of condemning photos of people.
Ummm...that's not what I'm talking about, genius. I'm talking about the MSNBC idiot calling for violence against NRA members.

Wait, did you think the photo of the drag queen was an MSNBC employee? Might be, at that.
If you're living life based on triggering someone else, perhaps it's time to seriously reevaluate your priorities.
If you've living life believing other people are obligated to control your emotions for you because you're unable to do so for yourself, it's time to seriously grow up.

You're talking nonsense. Please don't project your personal failures upon me.
It's only nonsense to you because it hits so close to home you can't focus on it. You can tell because I don't call for violence against people who disagree with me.

Whatever. Neither do I. You're fuckin' delusional, kid.
I must have missed your condemnation of the MSNBC idiot, then. Would you mind pointing it out?
In your demented little mind, "going after" someone is doing violent acts on them.

To be, you can go after NRA members of congress by voting them out of office.

This is what that fat assed Trump has done to you assfucks. Everything is violence to you.
It's only nonsense to you because it hits so close to home you can't focus on it. You can tell because I don't call for violence against people who disagree with me.

Whatever. Neither do I. You're fuckin' delusional, kid.
I must have missed your condemnation of the MSNBC idiot, then. Would you mind pointing it out?

I don't make a habit of condemning photos of people.
Ummm...that's not what I'm talking about, genius. I'm talking about the MSNBC idiot calling for violence against NRA members.

Wait, did you think the photo of the drag queen was an MSNBC employee? Might be, at that.
If you've living life believing other people are obligated to control your emotions for you because you're unable to do so for yourself, it's time to seriously grow up.

You're talking nonsense. Please don't project your personal failures upon me.
It's only nonsense to you because it hits so close to home you can't focus on it. You can tell because I don't call for violence against people who disagree with me.

Whatever. Neither do I. You're fuckin' delusional, kid.
I must have missed your condemnation of the MSNBC idiot, then. Would you mind pointing it out?
In your demented little mind, "going after" someone is doing violent acts on them.

To be, you can go after NRA members of congress by voting them out of office.

This is what that fat assed Trump has done to you assfucks. Everything is violence to you.

Your to stupid to respond to. Both your statements show how ignorant you liberals really are.

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The second civil war is just around the corner. No bookie will take bets on who wins.
MSNBC/CNN/NYT/WAPO are going to be judged in history for starting it.
The stench of LIBs will be smelt in Paris France.

Nope, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh. Infowars & that fat assed orange piece of shit will be the cause for their hate spewing rhetoric that duped all you asssfucks.
It is, in fact.

If violence against people with different ideas is normalized, what makes you think you'll always be on the "right" side?

Because I can exercise my 2nd amendment right.
Everyone can, unless they live in a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people.

Wonderful. I don't live in a liberal shit hole that disarms law-abiding people. Anything else?
So why do you want to make all America a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people?

Look, assfuck, we ate not talking about taking away all your precious guns.

What really proves whart a fucking asshole you people are is lying like this.

The talk is about better background checks, taking guns from mentally ill, and banning assault type rifles.
and what do you morons do, run screaming " OMG OMG they are taking our guns".

And you are either naive or really stupid.....we have shown you over and over again that universal background checks don't do anything for crime or mass shooters....we have gone on to show you they are the Trojan Horse for gun registration, which left wingers like you need for the future when you have the power to ban guns....

Banning "Assault Rifles" over less than 100 deaths a year is why we don't trust are irrational and insane..... knives kill more people every year, lawn mowers kill more people every year...and yet you want to ban the lawfully owned 18 million or more rifles over less than 100 deaths a year, and tell us that's all you want, when other guns killed 10,982 don't piss on our leg and tell us you don't want to ban guns...we know what you want and how you plan to get there...
Look, assfuck, we ate not talking about taking away all your precious guns.
Not yet - but you're working on it.
Like all those guns that were taken between 1994 & 2004?

It took Britain about 100 years of incremental gun regulation to finally ban guns....Germany less than 20.....

How long did it take you asshats to ban smoking in public buildings...? That is the model you asshats always use...inches and yards at time.....but always moving against your enemies.
It is, in fact.

If violence against people with different ideas is normalized, what makes you think you'll always be on the "right" side?

Because I can exercise my 2nd amendment right.
Everyone can, unless they live in a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people.

Wonderful. I don't live in a liberal shit hole that disarms law-abiding people. Anything else?
So why do you want to make all America a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people?

Look, assfuck, we ate not talking about taking away all your precious guns.

What really proves whart a fucking asshole you people are is lying like this.

The talk is about better background checks, taking guns from mentally ill, and banning assault type rifles.
and what do you morons do, run screaming " OMG OMG they are taking our guns".
oh my, are you "afraid" of a little ole Armalite Rifle? God you fuckers even ban 32 ounce sodas. All you dweebs do is ban....So much for being liberal.
Because I can exercise my 2nd amendment right.
Everyone can, unless they live in a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people.

Wonderful. I don't live in a liberal shit hole that disarms law-abiding people. Anything else?
So why do you want to make all America a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people?

Look, assfuck, we ate not talking about taking away all your precious guns.

What really proves whart a fucking asshole you people are is lying like this.

The talk is about better background checks, taking guns from mentally ill, and banning assault type rifles.
and what do you morons do, run screaming " OMG OMG they are taking our guns".
oh my, are you "afraid" of a little ole Armalite Rifle? God you fuckers even ban 32 ounce sodas. All you dweebs do is ban....So much for being liberal.
Things need banned because you assfucks are too stupid not to do it.
Everyone can, unless they live in a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people.

Wonderful. I don't live in a liberal shit hole that disarms law-abiding people. Anything else?
So why do you want to make all America a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people?

Look, assfuck, we ate not talking about taking away all your precious guns.

What really proves whart a fucking asshole you people are is lying like this.

The talk is about better background checks, taking guns from mentally ill, and banning assault type rifles.
and what do you morons do, run screaming " OMG OMG they are taking our guns".
oh my, are you "afraid" of a little ole Armalite Rifle? God you fuckers even ban 32 ounce sodas. All you dweebs do is ban....So much for being liberal.
Things need banned because you assfucks are too stupid not to do it.
How about we ban dumbass liberal from this country. Give all you fucks 2 weeks to get to Cuba then we start the trials of treason against you? Sound like a good thing?
Wonderful. I don't live in a liberal shit hole that disarms law-abiding people. Anything else?
So why do you want to make all America a liberal shithole that disarms law-abiding people?

Look, assfuck, we ate not talking about taking away all your precious guns.

What really proves whart a fucking asshole you people are is lying like this.

The talk is about better background checks, taking guns from mentally ill, and banning assault type rifles.
and what do you morons do, run screaming " OMG OMG they are taking our guns".
oh my, are you "afraid" of a little ole Armalite Rifle? God you fuckers even ban 32 ounce sodas. All you dweebs do is ban....So much for being liberal.
Things need banned because you assfucks are too stupid not to do it.
How about we ban dumbass liberal from this country. Give all you fucks 2 weeks to get to Cuba then we start the trials of treason against you? Sound like a good thing?
America the land of the free, unless it is banned.

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