MSNBC: It’s Time For Anti-Gun Activists To Start Going After NRA Members

I'm guessing there's a point here. I'm not too interested in trying to figure it out. Sorry.
Just applying your argument to others who exhibit the same behavior.
Your argument is valid, or it isn't - your call.
Your 'argument' is vacuous political bullshit. So, I win. Again.
I didn't make an argument, spud - you did.
And now you don't want to apply it wholesale.
Because you know it is unsound.
You lose.
"Do whatever the fuck you want" isn't really an argument. Is English your first language?
No, spud - your argument was:
"...Don't pretend your actions trying to 'trigger' da libz are because you want to make some profound political statement, because I think we both know that's not the case. This is a cry for help."
That is, trying to trigger people is a cry for help, because of a self esteem issue, boredom or something else affecting your psyche.
Now, why wont you apply that to the example I provided?

Your photo? I honestly don't know if that's a cry for help. Dude seems to be pretty pleased with himself. Neither here nor there to me.
Vote the stupid fucks out of office.

The NRA is a terrorist organization that promotes & defends mass shootings.

Please describe the terrorist acts performed by the NRA as an organization.

Is your own belief structure so insipid that you have to daemonize anyone who opposes you politically?

They shot up that CBP office awhile back. And they went to a protest with an AR and tried to set up another CBP facility on fire that was full of women and children.
Vote the stupid fucks out of office.

The NRA is a terrorist organization that promotes & defends mass shootings.

Actually, you have it half ass backwards.

The NRA is opposed to mass shootings and always has been.

The NRA actually advocates for GUN SAFETY, and nothing is less safe than a mass shooting.

The reality is the the NRA is America's oldest civil rights group, protecting our basic rights for many, many years.
This winter in Floor E Da I will be wearing my MAGA hat and NRA jacket. If that doesnt trigger some liberal I dont know what will.

If you're living life based on triggering someone else, perhaps it's time to seriously reevaluate your priorities.
Oh, I see, if I want to exercise my free speech, it should be limited, right?


Nope. You can be the biggest asshole on your block for all I care. You have to live with the consequences, so live your dreams, I suppose. Personally, I find such juvenile behavior pathetic and stupid, but that's just me.
Why is it wrong to wear a Make America Great Again hat or NRA jacket? As for consequences, I walk down the street minding my own business, if some liberal dick wants to start some shit with me(ex military) all the power to the dimwit. As for juvenile, take a good look in the mirror. Only boys stand down and do nothing to stop bad behavior.


Again, do whatever the hell you want, I have no fucks to give you. Don't pretend your actions trying to 'trigger' da libz are because you want to make some profound political statement, because I think we both know that's not the case. This is a cry for help. Whether it is a self esteem issue, boredom or something else affecting your psyche, you sure do seem to love supporting superficial bullshit literally no one cares about. Good luck with all that, winger-boy.
Of course you dont like my actions because it shows how fucked your side is. I am trying to trigger those dumbass liberals like you to react to my wearing of the NRA and MAGA clothes, then when I show it on YouTube how fucked you are, it wont go over well. But there is also one other thing that my triggering will show, it is "Stand Your Ground Law". I look forward to putting a few of you retard down with Lucifer.
28 Aug Never Surrender Your Guns By Jim Davidson


Publisher’s Note: Civil wars are always a suicide pact between the usually unwitting proponents before the war gets hot. All civil wars, as all wars in history, are conflicts over self-determination. Most wars are fought between rival plantation combines. That may be the hard truth but it doesn’t mean it ain’t coming.

Communism is a human software virus based on greed, envy and a conviction that Darwinian violence is the sole arbiter of how human societies are regulated. Like all such economically illiterate and morally depraved creeds, they fail.

They always fail; hence, it must spread to the next victim-host to be devoured, driven into the stone-age and stack piles of corpses.

Rinse and repeat.

Have you discovered that a political opponent is ALWAYS someone who wishes to employ cajoling, fining, threatening, bullying, kidnapping, caging, maiming and killing to render your obedience to their most heart-felt desires? Politics is dead simple.

It calls to mind the words of William Pitt the Younger in a November 1783 speech to the House of Commons: Necessity is “the plea for every infringement of human freedom,” he said. “It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”

There is nothing commies will do that praises free markets. Seen and unseen: Every Amazon van may take 25 vehicles off the road – saving lives, saving time, saving energy, saving money. If you ignore gains and count only losses, the universe is truly tragic. Grownups can see the whole story, not just the grisly and boring parts.

I am a Lovecraft fan since my youth and thought this examination of the collectivist singularity is quite compelling.
Never Surrender Your Guns by Jim Davidson
Vote the stupid fucks out of office.

The NRA is a terrorist organization that promotes & defends mass shootings.

Please describe the terrorist acts performed by the NRA as an organization.

Is your own belief structure so insipid that you have to daemonize anyone who opposes you politically?

They shot up that CBP office awhile back. And they went to a protest with an AR and tried to set up another CBP facility on fire that was full of women and children.

Just playing, that was ANTIFA.
If you're living life based on triggering someone else, perhaps it's time to seriously reevaluate your priorities.
Oh, I see, if I want to exercise my free speech, it should be limited, right?


Nope. You can be the biggest asshole on your block for all I care. You have to live with the consequences, so live your dreams, I suppose. Personally, I find such juvenile behavior pathetic and stupid, but that's just me.
Why is it wrong to wear a Make America Great Again hat or NRA jacket? As for consequences, I walk down the street minding my own business, if some liberal dick wants to start some shit with me(ex military) all the power to the dimwit. As for juvenile, take a good look in the mirror. Only boys stand down and do nothing to stop bad behavior.


Again, do whatever the hell you want, I have no fucks to give you. Don't pretend your actions trying to 'trigger' da libz are because you want to make some profound political statement, because I think we both know that's not the case. This is a cry for help. Whether it is a self esteem issue, boredom or something else affecting your psyche, you sure do seem to love supporting superficial bullshit literally no one cares about. Good luck with all that, winger-boy.
Of course you dont like my actions because it shows how fucked your side is. I am trying to trigger those dumbass liberals like you to react to my wearing of the NRA and MAGA clothes, then when I show it on YouTube how fucked you are, it wont go over well. But there is also one other thing that my triggering will show, it is "Stand Your Ground Law". I look forward to putting a few of you retard down with Lucifer.

:spinner: Okay, thanks.
Vote the stupid fucks out of office.

The NRA is a terrorist organization that promotes & defends mass shootings.

It’s coming. The NRA is broke and bleeding out. Pun intended. The country is now turning against them. The world is turning against conservatives every where, especially religious zealots, right wing extremists, white supremicists, and wealthy tax dodgers. This has been coming for a long time. Once you start losing the Walmart’s of the world, you’re done. People are tired of these miscreants burning down the planet for their leisure.
So says the supporter of what they just claim to oppose.
Vote the stupid fucks out of office.

The NRA is a terrorist organization that promotes & defends mass shootings.

It’s coming. The NRA is broke and bleeding out. Pun intended. The country is now turning against them. The world is turning against conservatives every where, especially religious zealots, right wing extremists, white supremicists, and wealthy tax dodgers. This has been coming for a long time. Once you start losing the Walmart’s of the world, you’re done. People are tired of these miscreants burning down the planet for their leisure.

Actually us right wingers have been leaving the National Rinos association in droves for awhile now .
A much better civil rights organization
Gun Owners of America | The only no compromise gun lobby in Washington
As law abiding gun owners if you're not already supporting that great civil rights organization ya should be ... I love GOA's no compromise stance on our civil rights

The spoon fed idiots of the left only know about the NRA anyway so its not really skews fault that he/she/it is an ignorant moron and useful idiot
sheep focus on what they are told to focus on and the NRA is the trigger word of the year.
Thing is you should never compromise with these pussies by allowing a cheap win for them by allowing the NRA to go under. I walked away from the NRA but will continue to support them just for that fact not giving the pussies anything.
He is a wise azz left wing secular jewish guy that is sitting at the top of the world with power. He will even spew anti semitism to anyone who disagrees with his influence on the way we live. He won't get stupid until the system collapses upon its self and people blame more then Christians and white guys. He starts out doing good things then the ego takes over as there is no cause/reason for him to fear anything. People can warn but it is difficult to listen when you believe your shit does not stink. So cultures spiral downward and massive poverty, death and carnage ensue with despot leaders in power.

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