Msnbc lib calls va lt HIV candidate a black puppet

Yes I picked your one line again....Yes you think it's unfair but that's what happens when you make a statement of fact

And your answer will be NO. The question is
"If conservatives only gripe isn't with what Black Conservatives are called can you show me anywhere on this board any conservatives concern with any racism that doesn't involve a conservative, just black people in general?"

It's not true that the right approves of racism in any way. You keep missing the point here and that is the demonstration of the liberals singling out minority conservatives with the name calling. If they singled out liberal minorities with name calling, I would use those examples as well. With liberal minorities, the left doesn't call names and instead creates policies that infer that the minorities are not as smart as the rest of the population. Racist actions are even worse than racist words.

It's not that we only have a problem with insults to conservative blacks. It's that when the left attacks them, it's always in a racist manner with specially chosen names for them. I don't approve of any racial slurs and I resent the left trying to pretend that words like 'liberal' or 'nanny state' are racist. That is a cheap trick used to try and claim the right is racist, just because we use terms that we've used when talking about every other liberal president in history.

I was furious when Biden called Obama the first black candidate who was "clean and articulate." To my shock, the left laughed it off. It was as racist of a remark as it gets and the left dismissed it simply because it came from a liberal. Then they turn around and call a Republican racist for calling Obama a liberal.

When you are basing your accusation of the right only defending minority conservatives on a false premise, don't expect me to take you seriously. Repeat it as much as you like, but it won't ever be the truth.

I discuss the actions of people and will call it as I see it regardless of the color of their skin. The left cannot say the same.

Soooooo...can you or cant you show where any conservative took up an issue that involves racism against blacks?

4 paragraphs sounds like a no.

Also, please with that "giving assistance Is making them weaker" argument. Giving a man with a broken leg a crutch doesn't deter that person from ever wanting to walk again. You try to hide your callousness behind "tough love". When actually your whole idea of assistance is just saying "tough".

Pretty easy to do when you don't live it, haven't experienced it, and no nothing about it. It's like me asking you for solutions how to get the moon. You know shit about being an astronaut and pretending you have the answers reeks of elitism.

I was thinking more of affirmative action.
It's not true that the right approves of racism in any way. You keep missing the point here and that is the demonstration of the liberals singling out minority conservatives with the name calling. If they singled out liberal minorities with name calling, I would use those examples as well. With liberal minorities, the left doesn't call names and instead creates policies that infer that the minorities are not as smart as the rest of the population. Racist actions are even worse than racist words.

It's not that we only have a problem with insults to conservative blacks. It's that when the left attacks them, it's always in a racist manner with specially chosen names for them. I don't approve of any racial slurs and I resent the left trying to pretend that words like 'liberal' or 'nanny state' are racist. That is a cheap trick used to try and claim the right is racist, just because we use terms that we've used when talking about every other liberal president in history.

I was furious when Biden called Obama the first black candidate who was "clean and articulate." To my shock, the left laughed it off. It was as racist of a remark as it gets and the left dismissed it simply because it came from a liberal. Then they turn around and call a Republican racist for calling Obama a liberal.

When you are basing your accusation of the right only defending minority conservatives on a false premise, don't expect me to take you seriously. Repeat it as much as you like, but it won't ever be the truth.

I discuss the actions of people and will call it as I see it regardless of the color of their skin. The left cannot say the same.

Soooooo...can you or cant you show where any conservative took up an issue that involves racism against blacks?

4 paragraphs sounds like a no.

Also, please with that "giving assistance Is making them weaker" argument. Giving a man with a broken leg a crutch doesn't deter that person from ever wanting to walk again. You try to hide your callousness behind "tough love". When actually your whole idea of assistance is just saying "tough".

Pretty easy to do when you don't live it, haven't experienced it, and no nothing about it. It's like me asking you for solutions how to get the moon. You know shit about being an astronaut and pretending you have the answers reeks of elitism.

I was thinking more of affirmative action.

You mean the affirmative action that is applied to all minorities and that benefit mostly other races and women for positions?

Oh I bet you thought that Affirmative action was only for black people right?
Affirmative Action (AA) is an effort to combat institutional racism. Most local governments have adopted a concent agreement wherein they extend recuitment efforts to the protected classes, defined within the agreement as a population which exists in the community an is not equally represented in the local work force.

Racists believe AA gives jobs to people based solely on their status as a member of the protected class. They do so for many reasons but the most obvious are they believe all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior to their own; they also believe that they are unfairly treated because of past wrongs which no longer exist, and simply by being a member of a superior race they are better qualified for the jobs wherein protected class persons are employed.
Affirmative Action (AA) is an effort to combat institutional racism.

Affirmative Action IS institutional racism - it is the very definition of institutional racism, the codification of privilege accrued to those of preferential color, creed, gender, or religion.

If you are black, a woman, or a Muslim - you will be provided preferential treatment by our government. In direct violation of the 15th Amendment.

{Article XV.

Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. }

But then, you leftists never were much in favor of the Constitution.

Most local governments have adopted a concent agreement wherein they extend recuitment efforts to the protected classes, defined within the agreement as a population which exists in the community an is not equally represented in the local work force.

So, they engage in institutional racism.

Racists believe AA gives jobs to people based solely on their status as a member of the protected class. They do so for many reasons but the most obvious are they believe all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior to their own; they also believe that they are unfairly treated because of past wrongs which no longer exist, and simply by being a member of a superior race they are better qualified for the jobs wherein protected class persons are employed.

Racists created and promote AA - which is institutional racism. The codification of law based on race.

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