Msnbc lib calls va lt HIV candidate a black puppet

If liberals felt like they could get away with it, they would institute a pogrom against black conservatives and put their heads on pikes across the nation.

they certainly don't care about how they are we see in this thread

You don't care how blacks are treated you only care what BLACK CONSERVATIVES are CALLED

well since you don't know me I don't give a shit what you say..and you can go to hell
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Why do you blame racism for the breakdown of many black families? You don't think a nanny government has more to do with that than anything? Poverty isn't something another person does to somebody, it's a predicament people find themselves in when they don't have the desire or the ability to pull themselves up. I know the typical liberal notion is that there are people deliberately holding others down, yet they can't explain why minorities who resist the liberal views tend to become quite successful. Sad that the left either can't see the correlation or they know damn well that nanny government is to blame and they know they can't be honest about that. When people believe they are victims, they give up and wait for government to right the wrongs before they will even try. The left has purposely sought to convince people they are victims. Without those victims, who quickly become government dependents once convinced of their victimhood, the liberal politicians would lose all power.

The left does show clear racism and it's more than words. Their words simply reveal their agenda. While the right uses the same terminology to describe liberal politicians, the left uses different terms to describe the right. The words for whites are greedy and racist. The words for minorities is puppet, Uncle Tom, brainwashed or, my favorite- traitor.

The left believes that minorities who succeed in life rather than settling into the liberal plantation should be impugned lest other minorities get big ideas in their heads and think that they, too, can leave the plantation and enjoy a better life.

The fact that the left treats black and white conservatives differently and uses special terms depending on skin color, proves that they don't hold blacks in the same regard as whites. And that bias won't stop at words. It's clear in their policies that target minorities with their social programs that are designed to keep people under the government's wing for their entire lives.

Words matter. For a liberal to claim that they know best and that their policies would improve life for all is pretty funny considering that liberals have controlled the school system in Chicago and yet the parents referred to Chicago schools as "Apartied-style.' When you claim that the education system is unfair to minorities, look at the predominently minority schools and look who runs them. Without an education, minorities will have a hard time competing in the job market. But it starts with the schools, which unions and liberals have pretty much had control of for decades. Government dependence is encouraged and expanded constantly.

The left gets more credit than they are willing to accept.

Nice attempt to change the

I was responding to your post regarding poverty, education and employment and the fact that you seem to think racism is the reason why minorities are behind. I simply explained why I didn't agree with you. It's called debating and sharing ideas- something that obviously went over your head because I strayed from your talking points and chose to discuss it.

Sorry Clem but your whole outlook is (for the lack of a better word) bullshit. You blame the nanny state, the don't wanna do better-ness, etc etc.

See you hate people that blame someone or something else for their failure. Racism...Nahhhh. Disparity....bullocks.

Except you love blaming others you just don't call it "blame" and your blaming is completely legit.
Govt dependence...A-ok. Democrats holding blacks down...Give me seconds

So save that bullshit unless you are really willing to discuss ALL of it and not jsust the fairy tales conservatives tell you.
they certainly don't care about how they are we see in this thread

You don't care how blacks are treated you only care what BLACK CONSERVATIVES are CALLED

well since you don't know me I don't give a shit what you say..and you can go to hell

Put Obama in this picture and this person on NATIONAL T.V called him a black puppet..
The problem is FAQ is that no matter how "well reasoned" you think your argument is, your argument is on a topic no one but you is bringing up and using as a deflection. I can type a well reasoned argument about the Majestic Salmon and it would have as much to do with this discussion as your bullshit

The problem is your partisan hackery has removed your ability to rationally and intelligently communicate anything whatsoever. Oh well, no big loss really but for you to think that your one liners to the many arguments here placed before you somehow constitute a response is simply asinine.

Not surprising, mind you, but asinine all the same.
If liberals felt like they could get away with it, they would institute a pogrom against black conservatives and put their heads on pikes across the nation.

they certainly don't care about how they are we see in this thread

You don't care how blacks are treated you only care what BLACK CONSERVATIVES are CALLED

Again with the daily talking points, which are incorrect.

It is telling that liberals attack minority conservatives and use different terms to describe them. I have the same thing to say about liberal policies, regardless of who is pushing them. Liberals have two completely different sets of standards when dealing with whites and minorities. That proves that they do not see them as equals and they make assumptions on how people think based on the color of their skin.

Sans the bias, liberals would say the same exact thing about minority conservatives that they do about white conservatives. Such is not the case and, therefore, it matters that they have a specific plan of attack reserved for black conservatives. It shows the mindset of the left when they imply that black conservatives are defective because they don't think the way the left thinks they should. And considering that the left does not treat them as equals, as demonstrated by the treatment that only minorities who disagree with them receive, I ask how they can possibly make policies that treats them as equals. I believe, and history proves, that liberals have largely contributed to the breakdown of minority families by treating them all like victims and encouraging government dependency on everything from education to putting food on the table. There is a clear assumption on the left that minorities are unable to compete and provide better lives for themselves and their families without the aid of government. It's sad that so many have been dependent for generations and buy into the liberal bullshit. Millions of minorities have proven that the liberal theory is wrong and they are treated harshly by the left as a result of that.
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^^ The only racism the right sees is racism against black Republicans. No other racism exists or they don't care about it.

why don't you care about racism against black Republicans? Seems to me you tolerate that form of racism very well. Why the fuck is that?


ClosedCaption cares very much about racism against black Republicans! He promotes it at every opportunity. He's working to become a Klansman like T_Polecat
they certainly don't care about how they are we see in this thread

You don't care how blacks are treated you only care what BLACK CONSERVATIVES are CALLED

Again with the daily talking points, which are incorrect.

It is telling that liberals attack minority conservatives and use different terms to describe them. I have the same thing to say about liberal policies, regardless of who is pushing them. Liberals have two completely different sets of standards when dealing with whites and minorities. That proves that they do not see them as equals and they make assumptions on how people think based on the color of their skin.

Sans the bias, liberals would say the same exact thing about minority conservatives that they do about white conservatives. Such is not the case and, therefore, it matters that they have a specific plan of attack reserved for black conservatives. It shows the mindset of the left when they imply that black conservatives are defective because they don't think the way the left thinks they should. And considering that the left does not treat them as equals, as demonstrated by the treatment that only minorities who disagree with them receive, I ask how they can possibly make policies that treats them as equals. I believe, and history proves, that liberals have largely contributed to the breakdown of minority families by treating them all like victims and encouraging government dependency on everything from education to putting food on the table. There is a clear assumption on the left that minorities are unable to compete and provide better lives for themselves and their families without the aid of government. It's sad that so many have been dependent for generations and buy into the liberal bullshit. Millions of minorities have proven that the liberal theory is wrong and they are treated harshly by the left as a result of that.

Yes I picked your one line again....Yes you think it's unfair but that's what happens when you make a statement of fact

And your answer will be NO. The question is
"If conservatives only gripe isn't with what Black Conservatives are called can you show me anywhere on this board any conservatives concern with any racism that doesn't involve a conservative, just black people in general?"
You don't care how blacks are treated you only care what BLACK CONSERVATIVES are CALLED

Again with the daily talking points, which are incorrect.

It is telling that liberals attack minority conservatives and use different terms to describe them. I have the same thing to say about liberal policies, regardless of who is pushing them. Liberals have two completely different sets of standards when dealing with whites and minorities. That proves that they do not see them as equals and they make assumptions on how people think based on the color of their skin.

Sans the bias, liberals would say the same exact thing about minority conservatives that they do about white conservatives. Such is not the case and, therefore, it matters that they have a specific plan of attack reserved for black conservatives. It shows the mindset of the left when they imply that black conservatives are defective because they don't think the way the left thinks they should. And considering that the left does not treat them as equals, as demonstrated by the treatment that only minorities who disagree with them receive, I ask how they can possibly make policies that treats them as equals. I believe, and history proves, that liberals have largely contributed to the breakdown of minority families by treating them all like victims and encouraging government dependency on everything from education to putting food on the table. There is a clear assumption on the left that minorities are unable to compete and provide better lives for themselves and their families without the aid of government. It's sad that so many have been dependent for generations and buy into the liberal bullshit. Millions of minorities have proven that the liberal theory is wrong and they are treated harshly by the left as a result of that.

Yes I picked your one line again....Yes you think it's unfair but that's what happens when you make a statement of fact

And your answer will be NO. The question is
"If conservatives only gripe isn't with what Black Conservatives are called can you show me anywhere on this board any conservatives concern with any racism that doesn't involve a conservative, just black people in general?"

It's not true that the right approves of racism in any way. You keep missing the point here and that is the demonstration of the liberals singling out minority conservatives with the name calling. If they singled out liberal minorities with name calling, I would use those examples as well. With liberal minorities, the left doesn't call names and instead creates policies that infer that the minorities are not as smart as the rest of the population. Racist actions are even worse than racist words.

It's not that we only have a problem with insults to conservative blacks. It's that when the left attacks them, it's always in a racist manner with specially chosen names for them. I don't approve of any racial slurs and I resent the left trying to pretend that words like 'liberal' or 'nanny state' are racist. That is a cheap trick used to try and claim the right is racist, just because we use terms that we've used when talking about every other liberal president in history.

I was furious when Biden called Obama the first black candidate who was "clean and articulate." To my shock, the left laughed it off. It was as racist of a remark as it gets and the left dismissed it simply because it came from a liberal. Then they turn around and call a Republican racist for calling Obama a liberal.

When you are basing your accusation of the right only defending minority conservatives on a false premise, don't expect me to take you seriously. Repeat it as much as you like, but it won't ever be the truth.

I discuss the actions of people and will call it as I see it regardless of the color of their skin. The left cannot say the same.
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Again with the daily talking points, which are incorrect.

It is telling that liberals attack minority conservatives and use different terms to describe them. I have the same thing to say about liberal policies, regardless of who is pushing them. Liberals have two completely different sets of standards when dealing with whites and minorities. That proves that they do not see them as equals and they make assumptions on how people think based on the color of their skin.

Sans the bias, liberals would say the same exact thing about minority conservatives that they do about white conservatives. Such is not the case and, therefore, it matters that they have a specific plan of attack reserved for black conservatives. It shows the mindset of the left when they imply that black conservatives are defective because they don't think the way the left thinks they should. And considering that the left does not treat them as equals, as demonstrated by the treatment that only minorities who disagree with them receive, I ask how they can possibly make policies that treats them as equals. I believe, and history proves, that liberals have largely contributed to the breakdown of minority families by treating them all like victims and encouraging government dependency on everything from education to putting food on the table. There is a clear assumption on the left that minorities are unable to compete and provide better lives for themselves and their families without the aid of government. It's sad that so many have been dependent for generations and buy into the liberal bullshit. Millions of minorities have proven that the liberal theory is wrong and they are treated harshly by the left as a result of that.

Yes I picked your one line again....Yes you think it's unfair but that's what happens when you make a statement of fact

And your answer will be NO. The question is
"If conservatives only gripe isn't with what Black Conservatives are called can you show me anywhere on this board any conservatives concern with any racism that doesn't involve a conservative, just black people in general?"

It's not true that the right approves of racism in any way. You keep missing the point here and that is the demonstration of the liberals singling out minority conservatives with the name calling. If they singled out liberal minorities with name calling, I would use those examples as well. With liberal minorities, the left doesn't call names and instead creates policies that infer that the minorities are not as smart as the rest of the population. Racist actions are even worse than racist words.

It's not that we only have a problem with insults to conservative blacks. It's that when the left attacks them, it's always in a racist manner with specially chosen names for them. I don't approve of any racial slurs and I resent the left trying to pretend that words like 'liberal' or 'nanny state' are racist. That is a cheap trick used to try and claim the right is racist, just because we use terms that we've used when talking about every other liberal president in history.

I was furious when Biden called Obama the first black candidate who was "clean and articulate." To my shock, the left laughed it off. It was as racist of a remark as it gets and the left dismissed it simply because it came from a liberal. Then they turn around and call a Republican racist for calling Obama a liberal.

When you are basing your accusation of the right only defending minority conservatives on a false premise, don't expect me to take you seriously. Repeat it as much as you like, but it won't ever be the truth.

I discuss the actions of people and will call it as I see it regardless of the color of their skin. The left cannot say the same.

Soooooo...can you or cant you show where any conservative took up an issue that involves racism against blacks?

4 paragraphs sounds like a no.

Also, please with that "giving assistance Is making them weaker" argument. Giving a man with a broken leg a crutch doesn't deter that person from ever wanting to walk again. You try to hide your callousness behind "tough love". When actually your whole idea of assistance is just saying "tough".

Pretty easy to do when you don't live it, haven't experienced it, and no nothing about it. It's like me asking you for solutions how to get the moon. You know shit about being an astronaut and pretending you have the answers reeks of elitism.
^^ The only racism the right sees is racism against black Republicans. No other racism exists or they don't care about it.

why don't you care about racism against black Republicans? Seems to me you tolerate that form of racism very well. Why the fuck is that?

You mean important life altering Racism like name calling? Why is that more important than racism that affects peoples lives? And only important when it black conservatives and not blacks in general?

The day any of you "I'm against racism....for black conservatives only" bandwagoneers stand against anything for any blacks that doesn't involve politics I'll believe you. Right now tho, you're just fakers pretending to give a dam about blacks. Or you believe that name calling is one of the most pressing issues when it comes to racism.

Either way, you're stupid

so, you admit racism in some forms is fine with you especially if it's used against your enemies. know what that makes you don't you? stupid and racist.
why don't you care about racism against black Republicans? Seems to me you tolerate that form of racism very well. Why the fuck is that?

You mean important life altering Racism like name calling? Why is that more important than racism that affects peoples lives? And only important when it black conservatives and not blacks in general?

The day any of you "I'm against racism....for black conservatives only" bandwagoneers stand against anything for any blacks that doesn't involve politics I'll believe you. Right now tho, you're just fakers pretending to give a dam about blacks. Or you believe that name calling is one of the most pressing issues when it comes to racism.

Either way, you're stupid

so, you admit racism in some forms is fine with you especially if it's used against your enemies. know what that makes you don't you? stupid and racist.

Check my record on racism and race relations. Look at me, now look at you, now back to me.

The only racism you see or care about is NAME CALLING. NOTHING ELSE. You see no other racism besides name calling and ONLY when it comes to conservatives.

Drop the act. You, from the history of your posts care NOTHING about blacks unless you can use it to beat your opponents. That's the only, ONLY time you ever take the "side" of black peo...a black conservative

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