MSNBC: NRA "in the Business of Helping Bombers Get Away With Their Crimes"

Does anyone wonder WHY the NRA has so much power in Washington?

Because, whether YOU like it or not, I AM THE NRA. I joined several years ago, paid my life-time membership and I REGULARLY send them money to STOP this crap that left wing politicians continuously come up with to punish law-abiding citizens who do not rely on the government.

I have news for you. I will CONTINUE to send my political donations and I will continue to provide support for the NRA AND the Gun Owners of America.

Hate 'em all you want. But they are effective and they are right.
Then why didn't the NRA instruct one of their bought and paid for Senators to introduce a bill that only had UB Checks?

Because such a law would not only be completely and utterly ineffectual at preventing criminals from obtaining firearms, it would require universal registration to actually work, which ain't going to happen. We're not going to let government require background checks or registration to buy books either.

You know the NRA propaganda by heart

Doesn't make it any less true. And way to move the goalposts. But please, tell us again how everything O'Donnell said was true...:eusa_shhh:

Yet, they were for UBC a few years ago. What changed between then and now?

What changed? 15 years of multiple states requiring background checks with ZERO effect on criminals obtaining firearms. The experiment failed. Connecticut requires background checks. How'd that work out? California requires background checks. No guns in the hands of criminals there...:doubt:

The NRA "evolved" on the subject.
Boston Bombs Likely Built From Fireworks

A New Hampshire fireworks store has told the FBI that it sold four-hundred dollars worth of fireworks in February to accused Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

The gunpowder in fireworks is often used in bombs.

"He just wanted the biggest, loudest stuff we had in the store," said Megan Kearns, the assistant manager of Phantom Fireworks, in an interview with ABC News affiliate WMUR.

Boston Bombs Likely Built From Fireworks - Yahoo!
Then why didn't the NRA instruct one of their bought and paid for Senators to introduce a bill that only had UB Checks?

Because such a law would not only be completely and utterly ineffectual at preventing criminals from obtaining firearms, it would require universal registration to actually work, which ain't going to happen. We're not going to let government require background checks or registration to buy books either.
You know the NRA propaganda by heart! :lol:
Yet, they were for UBC a few years ago.
Show this to be true.
Just as I thought more liberal BS. I am so sick of the lying idiots. First the taggents can be used in black power or smokeless Neither of which was used in this bombing as far as they are telling us.

Feds Dissect Boston Marathon Bombs - ABC News

From the above site:

The bulletin says the exact type of explosives used are not known. But earlier Tuesday, ABC News affiliate WMUR reported that Tamerlan Tsarnaev bought two large pyrotechnic devices in February from a New Hampshire branch of a national fireworks chain. A similar report in The New York Times said executives at the chain's parent company discovered the purchase in their records and reported it to authorities.

Once again the liberal MSM has proved to be nothing but political hacks. Just look how fast the liberals lacked onto BS in this thread. Truly liberalism is a mental disorder.
O'Donnell, that scrappy little journalist who challenged Tagg Romney to duke it out, has made a complete fool of himself again.

I don't think it bothers him.
There is nothing that O'Donnell said that is false.

Well, let's see about that.

"There are new developments tonight in the bombing investigation here in Boston," said O'Donnell. "But that investigation could be moving faster were it not for the successful lobbying efforts of the National Rifle Association. The NRA's efforts to guarantee that American mass murderers are the best-equipped mass murders in the world is not limited to murderers who use assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. The NRA is also in the business of helping bombers get away with their crimes.

False. The NRA is on record in support of finding a way to mark powder with identifiers.

False. The National Academy of Sciences studied the idea of adding taggants to powder and found that found "no taggant system to be technically feasible for use in black and smokeless powders". They recommended against pursuing markers in gun powders.

But thanks to the National Rifle Association, identification taggants are required by law only in plastic explosives.

False. The NRA supported a proposal to amend the law in such a way to require taggants in powder, assuming it was technically feasible, which the NAS found was not the case. The NRA remains on record in support of "examining all technologies that allow explosives to be detected before a terrorist or criminal explodes his bomb in addition to those that will identify the explosive after a blast"

The NRA has successfully blocked any requirements for such taggants in gunpowder. So such supremely helpful evidence as taggants are not available to the FBI in this investigation.

False. The NRA blocked nothing. They supported the idea. The reality of what is scientifically possible blocked the requirement.

Now, you were saying something about sucking...:eusa_whistle:

The liberal left is so desperate to place blame on the right it is getting ridicules. They are dishonest beyond belief. Thanks for setting the lying left straight.

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