MSNBC on the Rand Filibuster


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Total amount of time they covered the Filibuster on all their programs combined was under 10 minutes. THEy ignored that it even was happening for the most part, or called it a "stunt." Also, even if it was a stunt, it was a well intended stunt, so it doesn't even matter if it is a stunt.

However, Ed Schultz did take eight minutes discussing Bill O' Reilly's body language after this 18 second segment on Rand Paul's stunt.

Chris Matthews didn't even mention it once, even when he "coincidentally" had a long segment about Rand Paul and Ted Cruz being Hate Group Organizers. Funny he had this segment the same day those exact two people were the main leaders of the Filibuster, and didn't even mention their Filibuster.

Rachel Maddow did the best job, and generally agreed with Rand Paul (although there was a kick in his face as well for using historical references, God forbid we refer to history as an example).

Now Rachel Maddows viewers are sending her hate mail and mailing/phoning MSNBC to remove her.

Lawerence O Donnel is a well known and admitted Democrat Spin Artist, so he gets a pass, its his job to spin against Republicans, period.

I enjoyed the morning with Joe Scarborough though, watching all the lefties duke it out over the issue "left on left on left violence."

Anyway, I'm disgusted that I watched this station for 6-7 years and believed they were reporting the news with little to no bias.
Hmmm, I turned off Morning Joe because they were shouting over each other. Actually, there was a local news story I wanted to see, so I was tivoing, and there was the weather to check out. Quite nice here in the deep south. Few yankees to report. (-:
Fox news paid the big bucks in court for the right to lie to their viewers
Lefties bitch when the GOP uses a filibuster and they phone it in...
Lefties bitch when the GOP actually use the filibuster the way it was meant to be used.

Go figure.
MSNBC has had tons of coverage on it, even right now.

Much of the discussion is of McCain calling out Paul for being a delusional nutcase, which is 100% correct.
Total amount of time they covered the Filibuster on all their programs combined was under 10 minutes. THEy ignored that it even was happening for the most part, or called it a "stunt." Also, even if it was a stunt, it was a well intended stunt, so it doesn't even matter if it is a stunt....


exactly so normal people don't want to watch political stunts by loser fringe politicians

Fox news paid the big bucks in court for the right to lie to their viewers

Yep. Fox news is equally as bad. In fact, since my views align with the left more than the right, I assumed that Fox News was the only heavily biased station, and became blind to the bias on MSNBC.

Fox compares to no other US news station for its purposeful lies.

pretending they are all like Fox is jsut delusional
Rand Paul had a filibuster?

Who won?

Rand Paul won. The AG finally released an answer to his question, explicitly.

No he didn't, the democrats won. This is another perfect example of how the teabaggers want to play games and throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way.

I just watched him read the Ag's letter on CSPAN 2 dipshit.

Rand Paul Gets His Answer on Drones: 'No' - Elspeth Reeve - The Atlantic Wire

Here's a copy of the damn letter.


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