MSNBC reporter is the only one on the beach wearing a mask.

"Leave the mask on for effect ?"
"That's the word from upstairs. Roll it."

Well, whuff wama whhhh ffff wa whifffff wha mfffr wheeffha whee?

If you stay fairly apart from others and don't feel sick at all, there is absolutely NO POINT in wearing a mask. Just use common sense.

Let the sun bake those damn germs to death.
What's the wind like at the ocean? Is there a nice ocean breeze? What happens to airborne anything in the wind?
"Leave the mask on for effect ?"
"That's the word from upstairs. Roll it."

"people are maintaining a 10 to 20 foot distance..."

Am I crazy, because I looked at that video twice, and they most certainly did not seem to be 10 to 20 feet apart. It looked to me, to be no different than I've seen any popular beach anywhere.
She's obviously wearing the mask for opportunistic reasons, but who can blame her? I wear the mask until the sex is over.
That right there is fake news, hype and hoax. Media 101
I’m in Ocean City and people are trying to keep distances and a few masks on boardwalk and zero on the beach.
How many libbies wish death or illness or punishment for simple decent American folks simply enjoying their life while libbies quake and hide in a frightened rage?
Now, these people are just doing for some of the comments here...she will just take it off as soon as she is off the air.
"Leave the mask on for effect ?"
"That's the word from upstairs. Roll it."

Come back to me in a few weeks and see if people are still pointing...or if they're even still at the beaches. :)
It only takes a couple of people to have it and then the spread become exponential.
People are tired of this entire shut down that has been already proven to be totally unnecessary even in Communist New Jersey.
People are tired of this entire shut down that has been already proven to be totally unnecessary even in Communist New Jersey.
I didn't believe it so much at first, but having seen it across the media spectrum every day - local and national - 90% of every newscast is all about the virus. It's clearly a PSYOP going on.
The media is sheeple.

total clowns.... on the beach ..... the White House ....everywhere.... pathetic and totally predictable.


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