MSNBC scumbags call Clarence Thomas a Nazi Loving Jew

Please explain the racism you claim. I don't see it.

because no matter what liberals say, they never say anything racist, with that kind of mentality, you'll never see a racist from the left.....lets just be honest, shall we?

Sure they say racist things. But that wasn't racist.

Did you read his post? He stated that they attacked Thomas on MSNBC because he said the Voting Law needs to be changed. When does MSNBC attack a liberal black? I'll give you a hint, it starts with N and ends with an r.
How else would you describe the judicial positions of Clarence Thomas?

Well reasoned, scholarly, constitutional - all those things you of the left hate.

Maybe a Judas Goat?

Unka TOM!!!!!!!!

You leftists are really some racist fucks, ya know?

Let's look at the facts:

Dems fought a Civil War to keep their slaves
Dems started the KKK
Dems used blacks in the Tuskegee experiments, inspiring Mengele and the Nazis
Dems support Planned Parenthood, whose goal was the elimination of the black race
Dems support public housing, public school and the government as male head of the black household
Dems suppressed Ike's Civil Right Bill for 7 years, but then had "I'll have them ****** voting Democrat for the next 200 years" LBJ pass the same bill as his own
Ah, Thomas just wants to give his party the power to keep itself relevant as the demographics of the country shift. Hampering the minorities rights to vote and redistricting are their only hope at this point.

If that is the worst thing we've ever heard from Dyson or any other "Guests" on any so-called news programs from the partisan networks here in America, we'd all be lucky.
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Paula Deen could have saved herself a lot of headaches:


Plaintiff: Ms. Deen, have you ever, in your entire life, called someone a "******?"

Deen: Yes, but I was talking about Clarence Thomas!


Slate, MSNBC, Rightwinger, and Rati would all be praising her courage and wisdom, right now....

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