MSNBC slammed as ‘freak show’ after host Chris Hayes melts down defending gender surgery for children

At least MSNBC doesn't have to wonder why their ratings are in the toilet.

Who watches this crap? Well, according to the ratings, not many people. How can any rational human being support gender surgery for children? Did I miss something? When did crap like this become remotely acceptable?

I don't watch MSNBC, CNN or Fox News. Three propaganda news sources.
We know it is a mental illness based on a lie. There is no such thing as “transgender”. You cannot change genders. That is scientific fact.

You people are biology deniers.

No, you’re proving the point that you know absolutely nothing. Gender isn’t science based you fool. Gender is a social construct.

Gender and biology are two entirely different things.

I know you have difficulty splitting these concepts, but science certainly does not.
Hayes wasn't having a meltdown.
He was just pissed off, that the government, teabaggers oppose, were interfering with a parent, patient and a doctor's decision.
SOUND familiar?
I don't agree with any of the trans crap.
If my children wanted a trans surgery when they were below the age of 18/consent, I would have said "fine".
That's not a backhanded way of saying YOU want me or my insurance coverage to pay for it, is it?

Too bad, you are stuck with the gender you were born with, until YOU can pay for it.
No, you’re proving the point that you know absolutely nothing. Gender isn’t science based you fool. Gender is a social construct.

Gender and biology are two entirely different things.

I know you have difficulty splitting these concepts, but science certainly does not.
Lies once again. “Gender” is simply a linguistic expression based on biological sex.

It is not a “social construct”.

They're beating Fox.
Sweet!! But that's not because of MSNBC's freak show. It's because of Tucker's exit.
Lies once again. “Gender” is simply a linguistic expression based on biological sex.

It is not a “social construct”.


No it isn’t. What represents “gender” is different in every culture. And throughout history, there are shining examples of individuals who did not conform to “gender”.

The first one that comes to my mind, is “Joan of Arc”, A woman who donned armour and went to war. Not surprisingly, she was burned at the stake.
The first one that comes to my mind, is “Joan of Arc”, A woman who donned armour and went to war. Not surprisingly, she was burned at the stake.
Joan of Arc was a woman, and “she” was burned at the stake.
The “she” you used is a gender pronoun based on her biology.

Are you claiming she wasn’t a woman?
No it isn’t. What represents “gender” is different in every culture. And throughout history, there are shining examples of individuals who did not conform to “gender”.

The first one that comes to my mind, is “Joan of Arc”, A woman who donned armour and went to war. Not surprisingly, she was burned at the stake.
Did she claim to be a man?
NO...........kinda..............why do you ask?
Do they have a porn class in grade school?
you claim banning book is bad. If it is, than it’s wrong to ban pornographic books in grade school. That is your argument.
NO...........kinda..............why do you ask?
Do they have a porn class in grade school?
Yes they are putting in disgusting books that depict gay sex in children classrooms. You should probably pay attention if you are going to weigh in on the matter. Otherwise you come off as looking like a defender of groomers.
You support porn in grade school? Yes or No

This is why these arguments are so affected with the simple minded. How can any right thinking person object to porn in grade school? Think of the children!!!

But they’re not banning porn. They’re banning history books that talk about the Holocaust, slavery or lynchings. They’re banning books that celebrate, Black culture, Hispanic culture, Asian culture, or Native American culture. Anything that doesn’t support the view that white American people are exceptional.

The “whitewashed” version of the Rosa Parks story is that Rosa Parks was asked to give up her seat to another passenger on the bus, and she refused to move. She was arrested for refusing to give up her seat. She’s a hero.

When you take out all of the references to race, and segregation, the story makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. This is why you have race riots, every 40 years, because you failed to teach your children, the true history of your nation.

Those who are not allowed to learn, from the mistakes of the past, are condemned to repeat them. You are now relitigating segregations, civil rights for minorities - for the third time since Lincoln freed the slaves.

Until white people learn how you got to this point, it’s just gonna keep happening.
NO, he wasn't.
Teabaggers were having more of a meltdown over book banning.
The "book banning" slogan has everything to do with the left melting down because parents had legitimate concerns about leftists putting pornography in school libraries. The overt images of homosexual acts, tranny story time and the various means employed to groom children should be an obvious concern to everyone. None of the porn material pushed by leftists deals with obvious health risks such as transmission of STD's. As the groomers would have it, it's all just fun and games when little Johnny and Joey are having oral and anal sex, until they get AIDS.
This is why these arguments are so affected with the simple minded. How can any right thinking person object to porn in grade school? Think of the children!!!

But they’re not banning porn. They’re banning history books that talk about the Holocaust, slavery or lynchings. They’re banning books that celebrate, Black culture, Hispanic culture, Asian culture, or Native American culture. Anything that doesn’t support the view that white American people are exceptional.

The “whitewashed” version of the Rosa Parks story is that Rosa Parks was asked to give up her seat to another passenger on the bus, and she refused to move. She was arrested for refusing to give up her seat. She’s a hero.

When you take out all of the references to race, and segregation, the story makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. This is why you have race riots, every 40 years, because you failed to teach your children, the true history of your nation.

Those who are not allowed to learn, from the mistakes of the past, are condemned to repeat them. You are now relitigating segregations, civil rights for minorities - for the third time since Lincoln freed the slaves.

Until white people learn how you got to this point, it’s just gonna keep happening.
That was one messy, saliva-slinging tirade.

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